CategoriesExercises You Should Be Doing

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Hip Flexed Landmine RDL to Reach

Sometimes I think my brain sucks.

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t consider myself an innovator in the fitness industry. My talents lie in taking other people’s information1, letting things ruminate for a bit, figuring out how it may apply to my clients, then adding my own spin or take, in addition to a few Star Wars or Jason Bourne references (maybe an f-bomb or two…or three), and then disseminating it to my tribe.

I.e., you.

Much like many of you I peruse Twitter, Instagram, and LOLcats for a little inspiration and to see what other people in the industry are doing to make their clients/athletes better. And, much like many of you, I read an article or watch a video that piques my interest and think to myself…

…”well, FML, why didn’t I ever think of that?

Today’s edition of Exercises You Should Be Doing is a clear example of this.

Copyright: wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo


I’ve always had an infatuation with the landmine.

The piece of exercise equipment, not the nefarious tool of war.2

It’s one of the more versatile tools in the weight room and I’ve used it to perform everything from deadlifts and squats, to hollow presses and rows, to single leg work and a plethora of core exercises.

I thought I had seen it all. Between stalking Ben Bruno, Joel Seedman, and Meghan Callways’s YouTube pages, I thought I had seen every application of the landmine possible.

I then I saw this.

Hip Flexed Landmine RDL to Reach


Who Did I Steal It From? – Virginia Beach based strength & conditioning coach, Vernon Griffith.

What Does It Do? – I know, I know. Some of you may be watching the video and are like “da fuck?”

But hear me out.

Well, hear Vernon out:

“This is a ground based movement that I have found to be successful in challenging hip mobility, strength and stability. Mobility is A LOT more than just stretching.”

The addition of the landmine is brilliant because it provides a base of “irradiation” (body tension) which helps prevent unwanted movement – namely in the lumbo-pelvic area – and locks the trainee in so (s)he can challenge the hip(s) and core.

Key Coaching Cues – Start in a half-kneeling position (inside leg UP) and be sure to use your top hand to push into the barbell for added stability.

– Lift foot off ground, pushing into barbell to maintain TENSION, and begin to hinge on the flexed side.

GO SLOW. The whole point of this exercise is to “own” your position(s). Hinge back until the inside leg is fully extended and then squeeze glute for 2-3s count (again, owning the position).

– Reverse the action and return back to starting position, but this time when you’re back to the half-kneeling position, add a reach by pressing the barbell overhead and then contract the opposite (flexed side) glute. Pause for another 2-3s count.

– Repeat for 3-5 reps/side.

– You don’t need to load this exercise very aggressively. I’m only using a 10 lb plate in the video and that was more than enough. An empty bar will work too.

This drill can be used as part of a general warm-up for the hips prior to squatting or deadlifting. Or, even better, as an additional exercise as part of a mobility or GPP day.

Give it a try. It’s harder than it looks.

And it feels awesome.