
It’s Monday, but It’s Still Random

Kind of short on time today, but wanted to fill everyone in on some updates:

1. You may recall last week when I casually mentioned I’ll be switching over to my own site in the very near future. To review, the new site is going to serve as “homebase” for all of my content, including the blog. As it is, the “near future” is probably going to be this week, assuming my webguy (who will be referred to as Morpheus from here on out) can work his magic and implement the finishing touches.

Chris/Morpheus has been a champ, and has redefined how I look at computer geeks. On an aside, he can deadlift over 400 lbs, so he’s not that geeky. Nevertheless, I’ll be making an official post later on in the week directing everyone to the new site. Stay tuned………

2. Everytime the UPS guy shows up at CP, it’s almost like it’s Christmas morning all over again. Yesterday, he dropped off our brand new deadlift bar, and needless to say, I haven’t been this excited since N*Sync broke up.

With the amount of deadlifting that Eric and I have been doing over the past three weeks, it’s going to be interesting to see how different it will feel to deadlift with this bar as compared to a standard Olympic bar.

As an FYI- a deadlift bar bends a little more and has little more “whip” to it, which makes lifting it off the floor a bit easier and less cumbersome.

3. As evident by the fact that I’m writing this blog post today, I made it back from Brian St. Pierre’s wedding in one piece. The CP crew had an awesome time, and as expected, there are some incriminating pictures already on the interWEBZ. Check out Steph’s blog for a review of the shenanigans.

NOTE: I ate everyone’s cake, and as a result, tore it up on the dance floor. Seriously, I think I already won next season’s So You Think You Can Dance…….by a landslide.

4. And because I like to give bad-ass credit where bad-ass credit is due; here’s Rosemary (who runs the cafeteria in the building where CP is located) attacking a tire with a sledgehammer*. While most 60 year olds are watching re-runs of The Golden Girls, or I don’t know, overdosing on Pepto Bismol; Rosemary is taking matters in her own hands and gettin after it twice a week. Awesome.

* That’s what the tire gets for having the balls to tell Rosemary her meatloaf needed more pepper. Idiot.

Stuff I’m Reading, Have Read, or Going to Read. I’m Smart

With the extended holiday weekend upon us, I’m copping out today and keeping this post short and sweet. But lets be honest, no one is at work today anyways, so the likelihood that anyone other than my mother will read this before Tuesday is slim to none.

Also, before I go, I just wanted to relay a HUGE congratulations to CP’s own Brian St. Pierre who happens to be why why why whyyyyyyyyyyyy getting married this weekend. The entire CP staff is heading up to Maine tomorrow and looking forward to the festivities. Which is to say, I swear to god there will be murders if anyone starts the Macarena.

1. Broscience, Volume 1– Mike Robertson

In the first installment of a really great idea, Mike discusses the difference between “short” (tight) muscles and “stiff” muscles.

2. Program Design For Dummies– Me

Bringing back a blast from the past- this was my first article ever published on t-nation. As it is, to this day, I probably get more e-mails regarding this article than any of my other ones. Granted there are a few things I would change from a programming standpoint, but I think as a whole, the article serves a great starting point for those looking to design their own programs.

3. Nudge– by Richard Thayler and Cass Sunstein

I actually remember seeing this book a while ago when it first came out, but only picked it up recently after having several people recommend it to me. Have you ever wondered why we make the choices we make? Surprisingly, we’re often “nudged” into making certain choices without even knowing it. For instance, a school cafeteria might “nudge” a kid into eating a healthier diet just by placing the healthier foods first.

I’m only about 1/4 of the way through this book, but it’s been absolutely amazing thus far. Highly recommend this one to anyone.

4. A Realistic Look at Goal Setting: Fat Loss– Leigh Peele

Everyone wants to look better naked. Thing is, most people have no clue how to establish realistic, sustainable goals, let alone realize that it isn’t so much about “doing a fat loss stage,” as it is making long-term, concrete lifestyle changes. Great insight from Leigh here.

I’m out.


A Day In the Life of Tony’s Gastrointestinal Tract, Part II

First off, I love this comment left this morning by “Orthorexic” in my original post from the other day:

yeah! No carbZ and tonZ of vegetables. Oh, actually some carbZ but only from an insanely obscure ancient, secrect, lost grain that won’t make teh insulinZ spike and make you fat.

Jonny Bowden is a supplement pushing quack.

But each to his own, if you dig that stuff keep doing it.

1. I find it comical that someone can judge my entire diet and think they have a general grasp of how I eat, when I only posted ONE meal for the day.

2. Too, I also find it comical that people who have nothing better to do than talk shit over the interwebZ never seem to use their real name. Weird how that works.

Nevertheless, moving on, lets see what the rest of my day looks like. As I noted previously, I typically wake up around 7AM and not too long thereafter, am dominating breakfast.

9:30-10 ish

We typically don’t start training clients till 1PM at CP. As such, we generally like to get a lift in around 11. At this point, I’m still fairly full from breakfast, but will eat a small meal an hour or so beforehand. Today it was:

1 Metabolic Drive Bar- Chocolate Chunk.

Again, I usually train like an hour after this, so I don’t want to eat anything too big that will bog me down or upset my stomach. Other options here would be a protein shake with a banana or maybe a small piece of fruit with a handful of almonds.

11:30 to 1- Lift heavy stuff. Today (which was two days ago technically), Eric and I continued this deadlift specialization routine that he devised.

A. Conventional Deadlifts, 10×1 @ 500 lbs

B1. Barbell Reverse Lunge w/Front Squat Grip, 3×8/leg

B2. TRX Fall-Outs, 3×10

C1. Glute Ham Raise, 3×6

C2. Seated Cable Row, 3×10

D. Prowler Sled Push, 3×1

Post-Training Meal (1-1:30 ish):

1 cup cottage cheese

1/2-1 cup canned pumpkin

1/4-1/2 cup rolled oats

1 tbsp ground flax seeds

1 scoop vanilla Metabolic Drive (protein powder)

A dash of nutmeg and cinnamon

1/2-1 cup frozen mixed berries

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Optional: 1 scoop Creatine, 1 scoop Biotest SuperFood

Basically I take all the ingredients listed above and mix them in a bowl. I know it sounds gross (and it looks gross), but it’s delicious. This meal is not only packed with lots of protein, but tons of quality carbs and healthy fats to boot.

2:30 ish

This meal is kind of a “wild card” on certain days. Most days, I’ll have a small Chobani yogurt with some almonds and added blueberries.

However, since we have a cafeteria right down the hall from our facility, I’ll often purchase something from there depending on what Rosemary made that day. Today, I went with the latter option:

Chicken/Taco meat psuedo whole wheat wrap doohickey with guacomole, onions, tomatoes, and salsa.

4-4:30 ish

1 bag (5 oz) baby arugula/baby spinach

Various amounts of mixed veggies (from container in fridge)

1 apple

2 small chicken breasts

Olive oil/balsamic vinegar spray using my Misto Gourmet Sprayer


7PM ish

3 whole Omega-3 eggs

Handful of almonds

10PM ish

16 oz container of Chobani yogurt

1 tbsp Chia Seeds

1 tbsp Cacao Nibs

1 scoop Biotest SuperFood

Just a liiiiiitle bit of chocolate protein powder for a little sweetness

4 capsules Flame Out

3 capsules ZMA

A Few Side Notes:

1. You’re really dumb if you don’t eat breakfast everyday. No seriously, you’re pretty dumb. It’s been well established in the literature that people who consistently eat breakfast are leaner than those who don’t. What’s more, those who eat breakfast tend to eat LESS later on in the day- hence the whole “people who eat breakfast tend to be leaner” part. And while I don’t have any scientific research to back this up, I’m pretty sure there’s a direct correlation between my girlfriend having breakfast and whether or not I’ll be hanging out with Hitler later on in the day.

2. My intestinal flora can kick your intestinal flora’s ass.

3. You’re correct “Orthorexic,” I don’t have a lot of sugar and/or processed carbs in my diet. Then again, I’m certainly not scared to take my shirt off at the beach, and I don’t live in my mom’s basement. That counts for something

4. I’m a firm believer in fluctuating one’s caloric intake based off activity level. Training days are a little different compared to non-training days, obviously, On non-training days, I’ll typically have one less meal during the day, as well as ingest the bulk of my carbohydrates earlier in the day.

5. While I know it seems like I have an exemplary diet, I’m certainly not scared to let loose from time to time. I’ll usually go out for a nice dinner on the weekends, and am not scared to order dessert or a quesadilla (or two) as well.

6. I’m generally drinking nothing but water and/or green tea during the day. Sometimes I forget to drink while I’m coaching athletes, but I usually try to get at least a gallon everyday.

So there you have it. A typical day in the life of my gastrointestinal tract. If people are interested, I could always show what a non-training day looks like, but I don’t know if I want to bore you that much.


A Day In the Life of Tony’s Gastrointestinal Tract

I had no idea what I was going to write today. Honestly, when you’ve been blogging for as long as I have (close to three years now), the fact that I’m able to somehow come up with ideas on a daily basis even amazes me. More remarkable still, is the fact that people want to read what I have to say; albeit I know half my readers only come back because I include pictures of hot chicks being hot.

PS- you’re welcome.

Nevertheless, as much as I’d like to think that I’m creative enough to come up with content on a daily basis, the truth of the matter is, I steal like it’s my J.O.B and I’m not ashamed to admit. No worries, I give credit to the people I steal from. Brian St. Pierre has written several blogs referencing a typical day “in the life” as it relates to his nutrition. As such, I’d figured I’d jump in on the fun and show everyone what an average day looks like for me as well. This is exciting stuff people.

First off, my alarm clock rarely, if ever, wakes me up in the morning. I seem to have some innate superpower that allows me to wake up five minutes before it’s supposed to go off- which sadly, makes that pretty much the lamest superpower ever. Right behind the ability to control plants and accelerate their growth. If you’re a vegetarian, this might be useful. Or, if you’re some sick, twisted individual looking for a reason to make this the worst picture ever taken of Kelly Brook, then you’d also be in luck.

PS- plants suck.

Anyways, back to the alarm clock. I generally wake up between 6:30-7AM every morning, and am legit excited to eat breakfast. I’m far from a morning person, but it’s not uncommon for me to get right out of bed and head straight to the kitchen to make breakfast:


6 Egg Whites

2 Whole Omega-3 Eggs

Pepper, salt, oregano

A shit-ton lot of veggies (2-3 handfuls)

Note: I like to chop up various veggies (mixed colored peppers, onions, carrots, celery, chopped broccoli) beforehand and place everything in a large container for various use throughout the week. It takes me literally ten minutes to chop everything, and saves so much time in the long run.

Salsa, and a dash of light cheddar cheese (hormone free from Trader Joe’s)


Two slices of cinnamon-raisin Ezekiel Bread- lightly toasted

1 tbsp Teddies Natural Crunchy Peanut-Butter. I don’t do smooth peanut butter.

1 banana- placed like a smiley face on my toast. Just because.

1 cup of seedless red grapes or one piece of organic fruit (apple or pear)

12-16 oz water

4 capsules of fish oil (Biotest Flame Out)

1 capsule Country Life Vitamin D

1 capsule Probiotic Pearl

And that, ladies and gentlemen is breakfast. By far my largest meal of the day (although my post-training meal is a close second), and oops, I have to interrupt this blog post, because the guys just showed up and it’s time to lift heavy things. To be continued……………


Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday

1. Some big news on the horizon- I’m going to be leaving the Herald in (tentatively) one week. In a nutshell, I’m going to move to my own website, which will serve as ‘homebase,’ so-to-speak, for all of my content. I’ll make a formal post when the time comes, but just wanted to give everyone a heads up. I know this is going to rock the world of all seventeen people that read this blog, but I’m hoping it’s for the best. Now I feel like this is my Jerry Maguire moment:

“Who’s coming with me, who’s coming with me.”

2. What’s the deal with people getting weirded out whenever you ask to “work in” with them on a particular piece of equipment? I was at a local BSC (Boston Sports Club) yesterday with my GF, and after a few sets of trap bar deadlifts, I figured I’d throw in a few sets of front squats to boot. You know, for shits and giggles.

Thing is, both squat racks were occupied at the time. Correction, squat rack (A) was empty. However, I happened to approach it at the same time as some dude with a two foot long mullet (red flag), and being the nice guy that I am, let him take it. I just figured that if he happened to be squatting, I’d just work in with him. Of course, he took five minutes to put on his weight belt and wrist straps so that he could…………shrug. I should have known better.

Squat rack (B) was being used by some guy doing Romanian deadlifts, respectively. However, he was taking an un-godly amount of time between sets. He’d do a set, check his watch, walk around for five minutes, add ten lbs, and do another set. In my mind I was like, “WTF-I can curl what this guy is deadlifting. Besides, he can do RDL’s ANYWHERE. Why does he need to use a rack?” After waiting patiently for 15-20 minutes (I wasn’t in any hurry per se), I asked if I could jump in with him real quick so that I could start squatting. He looked at me as if I was completely crazy, and seemed dumbfounded that I even asked.

Long story short, he had one more set, and then I proceeded to do five sets of squats in the amount of time it took him to rest during one of his sets. And people wonder why they never make any progress. It’s unreal how much time they waste.

3. Saturday night the GF and I had date night, and went to go see the show Stomp in downtown Boston.

Needless to say, it was a fantastic show and I’m pretty sure she hates life at the moment because I’m taking every opportunity possible to practice my own Stomp routine…………in her kitchen.

Me: CRASH, CRASH, tapidy tap, CRASH, CRASH, tipiddy top.

GF: Why the hell are you throwing my dishes on the floor!?!?!

Me: I’m Stompin!! CRASH, CRASH, kick, kick, arm circle, CRASH

GF: Goddammit, not my good china. Get out!

Me: JAZZ HANDS!!!!!!

4. Kate Beckinsale was recently named Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire Magazine.

“I like the idea of it, too. I do,” she adds. “I’m feeling that I must earn this. I need to go out and become much better at pole dancing or something.”

With that, Kate Beckinsale just made my list for most awesome quote ever. Right behind:

Are those your pecs or diamonds?

-Kate Beckinsale to Tony Gentilcore, circa in my dreams

You know Tony, this back isn’t just going to oil itself

-Kate Beckinsale to Tony Gentilcore, everyday


Exercises You Should Be Doing: 1-Legged Hip Thruster

What Is It: 1-Legged Hip Thruster

Who Did I Steal It From: I noticed Eric had the First Lady of Cressey Performance, Anna, perform this exercise the other day, so I figured what the heck- I have the day off, it’s beautiful outside, I just got off the phone with Tracie* and saved $200 switching to a new car insurance provider (not Geico), and I need a quick blog post because I don’t want to be sitting in front of my computer at the moment. I’ll run with this.

What Does It Do: Awesome exercise for glute activation.

Key Coaching Cues: Maintain a neutral spine throughout the duration of the set- you don’t want to go into lumbar HYPER-extension at the top, nor fall into lumbar flexion at the bottom (although you really have to go out of your way to butcher this exercise enough to do either of the two). Also, be sure to drive through the heel, and finish the movement by squeezing the glute at the top.

Furthermore, while this is probably just stating the obvious, I feel it has to be said nonetheless- whatever you do, DO NOT make grunting noises while doing this exercise. No one wants to hear that. No, seriously- it’s gross. Likewise, if you happen to have a penis and perform this exercise while wearing spandex shorts (or any exercise for that matter), I swear to god I will throw up all over your shoes.

Include this as part of a dynamic warm-up, or ideally, as a “filler” between sets of squats or deadlifts.

* Man-o-man she sounded hot, and it’s readily apparent we had a connection. I mean, she didn’t offer me renters insurance for nothin. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure “would you like to increase your deductible on compulsory personal injury protection,” is insurance speak for “I want to have your baby.”