
This Week’s List of Stuff to Read While You’re At Work, And Not on Facebook

Defending the Bench Press– by Mike Robertson

I didn’t even know the bench press needed to be defended. I mean, it’s not like guys don’t already bench press every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (and every other Thursday) as it is. This is tantamount to Tiger Woods writing an article called Defending Chlamydia: GET SOME.

*swish, count it*

All kidding aside, here, the ass-master himself discusses the ins and outs surrounding why so many people often get jacked up bench pressing (and not in a good way). Furthermore, he also discusses what can be done to alleviate the problem(s).

Some key points that I liked:

  • Dissing the bench press in lieu of overhead pressing isn’t necessarily the answer. In fact, it’s “probably” worse.
  • Technique, technique, technique. In other words, stop benching like a bodybuilder for the love of god.
  • You need to do more dedicated work for the scapular stabilizers. It’s not what you want to hear, but then again, I don’t care. Do it anyways.
  • There isn’t such a thing as a bad exercise*, just bad exercise performance.

Meat Grown in Laboratory is World’s First– by Dumbest Idea, Ever.

Researchers in the Netherlands created what was described as soggy pork and are now investigating ways to improve the muscle tissue in the hope that people will one day want to eat it

I’m gonna say it right now, I’d rather eat cancer garnished with ebola.

Can Exercise Help Ward off Swine Flu– by Jacqueline Stenson

Can exercise prevent someone from getting the Swine Flu? Doubtful. However it certainly won’t hurt, and may in fact slow down the degree at which it affects you. Yes, even if you do feel that yoga and pilates is actually a form of exercise. Just kidding. PS: I’m not.

Thanks to Chuck C. for sending me this article, and for summarizing the above article so succinctly:

“Ask your doctor if getting your ass off the couch is right for you.”

Sodas and Obesity: Here’s the Proof– by Dr. Jonny Bowden

Ditch the soda, fatty.

Protect Insurance Companies PSA

Normally, I go out of my way not to talk about politics here. However, I saw this posted over at Jason Harris’ Evidence Based Rehab blog, and thought everyone else might enjoy it as well.– by Alan Aragon

I’m a big fan of Alan’s work. If you haven’t checked out his monthly Research Review, you’re really missing out on some of the most practical, in depth, not to mention entertaining nutrition and fitness information available on the net. I’d go so far as to say that if you’re a fitness professional (or anyone who’s remotely interested in their own health and well-being), you’re doing yourself a disservice by not subscribing to it. For the same price it would cost you to go see a movie ($10), you could you know, actually get smarter. It’s a no-brainer in my opinion.

To that end, Alan is now officially a blogger. Go show him some love.

* Unless we’re talking about leg curls, leg extensions, upright rows, leg presses, squatting in a Smith Machine, and pretty much anything done on a BOSU ball. Other than that, we’re cool.

More Un-Cut and Uncencored Footage of the 2nd Annual Cressey Performance Thanksgiving Morning Lift

Okay, I gotta be honest and say that I wasn’t really planning on posting anything today. After getting up early to train the ladies this morning, and then putting in a full days worth of coaching athletes, the last thing on my mind when I walked into my apartment tonight was writing a blog. Truth be told, I was just going to take a mulligan and spend the rest of my evening catching up on programs I need to write, possibly boil some eggs, maybe listen to a Mandy Moore cd, and then veg out and read a few more chapters of the book I’m currently reading- Eating Animals.

SPOILER ALERT: While this is quite possibly the most kickass title of any book ever written (sorry Everyone Poops), I’m sad to report that there is nothing remotely ass-kickery about it. Matter of fact, it’s about as un-kickass as it gets once you realize the entire premise of the book is that we shouldn’t eat animals. Hahahahaha. That’s hilarious. Except, you know, it isn’t. Shame on you guy I’m never going to buy a book from again Jonathan Safran Foer. Shame. On. You.*

In any case, while I had every intention of not posting anything tonight, that was put on back burner when I noticed Eric Cressey posted some more footage from the 2nd Annual Cressey Performance Thanksgiving Morning Lift over on his blog not too long ago:

SPOILER ALERT #2: 0:32 second mark= I’m pretty sure my bicep could fight an aircraft carrier and win 9 times out of 10.

* All kidding aside, it’s actually a really interesting read. And while I’d make out with a blender before I give up eating meat, the author definitely sheds some light on just how “unpalatable” animal factory farming is. Pretty eye opening to say the least.

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday (It’s My Birthday So You Better Write Me a Message on Facebook)

1. I hope everyone had a safe and delicious Thanksgiving last week. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to need at least a week to detox my body from all the pie I ate over the weekend. What can I say, whenever I go home, I just can’t resist my mom’s homemade cooking.

Along similar lines, today is my birthday (33), and last night I decided I would finally go to Pizzeria Uno and have their Deep Dish Sundae to celebrate. I’ve been talking about this sumbitch for like a year now, and last night, as we were walking past an Uno on the way to visit friends, I told my girlfriend that it was time.

It was glorious.

However, today I’m back on point with my eating. Brian St. Pierre and I are actually in the process of planning a pseudo get shredded plan this month. I’ll be sure to update everyone once I know what the hell we’re actually going to be doing. Needless to say, you can pretty much guarantee that I’ll hate life for the next few weeks, but it will all be worth it when I flex my pecs and they turn into diamonds. I love magic.

2. I know people have been waiting with abated breath, so without any further ado, here are some videos from the Thanksgiving morning lift at Cressey Performance:

To say that it was complete madness is an understatement. I think we had roughly 25 people show up at 8AM to get their lift on:

Here’s Dan T hitting a personal best of 360 with the bench press:

Here’s my girlfriend, Lisa, pushing the Prowler, and loving every second of it (note sarcasm):

And here’s me deadlifting (big surprise) with my Cobra Commander shirt on. This is 505 for three reps. I then followed that with 15 reps at 405. Not surprisingly, I received the following text message afterwards:

Tony, WTF. Don’t ever do that again

-Your Spine

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a video of KevLar (Kevin Larrabee) doing bicep curls vs. bands while screaming THIS IS SPARTA at the top of his lungs. All in all, it was an awesome time and we’re definitely looking forward to next year!

3. Speaking of Kevin, he’s holding a Black Friday sale on The Fitcast Insider up until Tuesday at Midnight. It’s a pretty sweet deal consisting of 19 interviews featuring the likes of John Berardi, Alwyn Cosgrove, Mike Robertson, Mike Boyle, Bill Hartman, and some guy named Gentilcore (to name a few). Not to mention a high resolution Dan John squat video to boot. Check it out HERE.

4. My birthday actually got me out of a speeding ticket yesterday. I was caught doing 40 in a 25 MPH zone, but when the officer returned to my car all he said was “you’re lucky it’s your birthday tomorrow,” and just gave me a warning. So this pretty much means I can get way with doing anything today. I’m totally turning right on red. What can I say? I like to live life dangerously.

5. Holy Krystal Forscutt, this is the best b-day present I have received so far. Thanks James!!!!!!


UPDATE: Resident fashionista and CP’s longest tenured client, Steph HB took some candid shots from the Thanksgiving lift, and as luck would have it, totally caught KevLar mid rep during his gun-show performance. He’s single……ladies?


Guest Blog: John Brooks

I’m switching gears a little bit today, and doing something completely different. Today I have a guest blog from John Brooks. Hailing from the Pacific Northwest (and undoubtedly a Pearl Jam fan), John’s a fellow colleague/muscle nerd who not only trains rowers and rugby players, but a handful of MMA fighters as well.

John’s always been supportive of my stuff (articles, blog, etc), and I’ve had the pleasure of exchanging numerous e-mails with him over the past two years or so. What’s more, he actually made a cameo appearance at CP last year when his wife competed in the Head of the Charles Regatta here in Boston.

Long story short, John sent me an e-mail a few weeks ago after the release of Functional Strength Coach 3.0, and the subsequent video that followed asking me why so many people were getting their panties all up in a bunch over the fact that Mike Boyle was not only “dissing” the squat, but hinting that he may very well eliminate them from his programming all together.

John made a rather convincing argument in his original e-mail:

“……..those guys seem wrong, but their arguments are damn compelling (regarding Boyle). However, what if they’re right for the general population? Or, more accurately, why is it that we tell every unfit woman with screwed up movement patterns who wants to look like (American triathlete) Lokelani McMichael that she needs to get fit before she can go run 20 miles a week, yet most muscle heads who want to look like Thiago Alves, we have no issues telling them to squat without similar caveats?”

First and foremost, this is Lokelani McMichael:

Lokelani McMichael

Secondly, how in the hell have I gone this long without including a picture of her in my blog?

Third, and most importantly, that was a damn good question raised by John. To that end, I asked John if he’d be interested in writing down some of thoughts on the matter. And this is what he came up with:

Recently there has been a lot of discussion about the squat. Mike Boyle, one of the most respected coaches in the country, caused an uproar with a video (linked above) that says he almost never squats his athletes (note: he did say almost). Testosterone Magazine recently published a few articles proposing hip extension exercises to strengthen the posterior chain, ostensibly to replace the squat.

On the other side of the fence is Mark Rippetoe who so eloquently declared: “you have to squat or you’re a pussy.” Or, a bit less extreme would be Coach Dan John: “Squats can do more for total mass and body strength than probably all other lifts combined.” Can heavy barbell squats turn one into a life-taker and heart-breaker, or are they dumb, dangerous, and unnecessary?

What Coach Boyle says in the video makes a lot of sense; I have a bum SI joint that agrees with him: squatting incorrectly hurts, but never squat? It just feels… wrong. Every hypertrophied fiber in my body says that you have to squat to get strong. So what’s the truth?

The truth is they’re all right, and they’re all wrong. They’re all guilty of the fallacy of accident (ignoring exceptions to a generalization). The problem with the training world is that there are always exceptions. If done correctly the heavy back squat really is the muscle building panacea that Coach John and Rip say it is. However, most people lack the mobility and fundamental body awareness to squat correctly, and thus for them, it is dangerous and should be avoided.

Some guy from the internet once wrote: “most (read: not all) people shouldn’t be running,” and summarized:

“you need to be in shape to run. In doing so, your body will be able to handle the stress MUCH more efficiently and you will be less prone to all of those nagging injuries that come with being a runner.”

If we keep this logic in mind; if every unfit woman with screwed up movement patterns who wants to look like Lokelani McMichael needs to get fit before she can go run 20 miles a week, then don’t most muscleheads who want to look like Ivan Stoitsov need to follow similar caveats before they put a heavy barbell on their back and squat?

Without proper movement patterns and the stability to move under load you will end up squatting for a while, getting hurt, taking time off, healing, squatting some more… over and over…so on and so forth; just like runners who do the same thing. Everyone thinks for some reason, “this time is going to be different. This time I’m going to runsquat and I won’t get hurt.”

To make this more difficult, a good many trainers have never dealt with these issues themselves. They see it as a ‘technique issue.’ Their response to people who can’t safely reach full depth is to say “go lower, keep your arch,” and continually keep trying to jam square pegs into round holes because they dogmatically believe everyone has to squat.

So what do we do? We have to assess and progress athletes from where they are to the point where they can get the muscle building benefits without injury. Depending on injury history some trainees may never be able to free squat at all. Some will always have to squat to a box. Some may never get past unilateral loading and pull-throughs.

The key is to look, find out what is causing their “bad form” and fix it. Get their hips open and glutes active (since you’re reading this blog you probably have a few good ideas about how to do this). What’s more, you should also emphasize core endurance (which is key in preventing back injuries), as well as strengthen the posterior chain, etc.

Get the athlete in shape. Then squat. The key is that no exercise is for everyone, and few exercises are for no one. These fundamental arguments are meaningless until we apply them to individual trainees.

NOTE: to contact John, you can visit his website HERE, or e-mail him at [email protected]