
Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 5/17/2011

Okay, I’ll admit I’m being lame to start the week.  Not much going on in the way of new content so far, but I’m hoping to up my game in the next day or so.  As it stands today, I’m swamped with the ladies group, and Eric and I are filming some exercise demonstrations this morning for our soon-to-be epic online database. which will serve as a great resource for our current CP and distance coaching clients.

Don’t know what a Reverse Lunge with Posterolateral Reach is?


Go to the site, click on the link and you’ll know.

That said, since I’m short on time, I’m going to leave you with some stuff to read.  Holla!

9 Questions for Jay Bonn – Ryan Andrews

For those people wondering what it’s like to be an intern at Cressey Performance, this is your chance to get an inside look.  Here, Jay Bonn discusses everything from coaching cues to my pecs.  Okay, kidding.  But in all seriousness, it’s a great read, and it’s awesome knowing that our interns are walking away with a great experience.  One minor detail left out, however, is the fact that we never put the last intern class through a death circuit.

Note to Self:  that won’t happen again

On the Eigth Day, God Created the Schwinn Airdyne – Patrick Striet

After posting my knee-friendly blog last week where I discussed my afinity for the airdyne bike, my friend PJ Striet contacted me to note that he, too, wrote a similar post not long ago.  For those looking for a little more ass-kickery in their lives, look no further!

More Claptrap from the American Dietetic Association – Jonny Bowden

If there was ever an article that deserved it’s own slow-clap button, this is it!  Definitely opens your eyes to some of the shenanigans and politicing that goes down behind closed doors with regards to the food policies we’re told to follow.


Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Pissing Excellence Edition

Apparently I lied.  I don’t piss excellence.  I just spent the past 45 minutes writng today’s post, only to see nothing appear when I clicked “post.”

Excuse me while I go punch a hole in the wall.  With my face.

UPDATE (10 minutes, and one concussion later):  Okay, so rather than be a jerk and leave you hanging, I’ll just write a Cliff Notes version of what I originally wrote.

1.  Last week was a big week at Cressey Performance.  Our athletes were pissing excellence all over the place, and while I know Eric highlighted many of these over on his blog already, I figured I’d show some love, too.

  • Tim Collins absolutely shoved at Yankee Stadium last week.  You can watch the highlights HERE.  In addition, Tim stopped by MLB Network to talk some shop with Mitch Williams on his mechanics.  Pretty cool stuff to say the least!  Click HERE to watch.  
  • Both Trystan Magnuson (Oakland A’s organization) and Steve Cishek (Florida Marlins organization) had Big League call ups last week.  Congrats fellas!
  • Stanford University sophomore, Sahil Bloom, earned his first victory of the season holding off Pacific with five scoreless innings pitched.
  • Softball star, Lauren Tuiskula, struck out 13 batters while tossing a no-hitter, leading Leicester to a 2-1 victory over David Prouty.  The win helped Leicester qualify for the Central Massachusetts State Tournament

All in all, it was a pretty surreal week for us at the facility, and something we likely won’t see repeated any time soon.  But, nevertheless, it’s always awesome to see our athletes kicking ass and taking names.

2.  Keeping with the baseball theme, I wanted to give a shout out to my alma mater, Mercyhurst College, for winning the PSAC (Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference) title this past weekend.

They head to Eastern PA this weekend to compete in the Division II Atlantic Region Championship Tournament.  Coach Spano, who was the assistant coach when I played there (1997-1999) and took over as head coach the year after I left, has done a fantastic job at building a nationally ranked program.  Congrats coach, and good luck!

3.  I just submitted an article this weekend to both and, so keep your eyes peeled for those.  As well, I should have my first FEATURE article in this month’s issue of Men’s Health magazine (what, what!), so I’ll definitely keep you posted on that, too.

4.  For those interested, someone sent THIS link on my Twitter feed listing every exercise I’ve ever featured in my “Exercises You Should Be Doing” series.  Pretty cool stuff!

And, after that I wrote about how I overheard some girl at Whole Foods over the weekend mention how she had just started running barefoot (presumably after reading Born to Run) and wanted to know if there was any supplement she could take to reduce the swelling. 

I went on to say how that would be akin to someone reading how lifting weights can make you all big and swole and stuff, and then heading over to Westside Barbell tomorrow to go toe to toe with AJ Roberts.

Probably not a smart idea. 

As much as the shoe industry has fooled us into thinking that we NEED footware, we also need to realize that we’re not meant to run on pavement!  I just find it comical how people think they can skip steps 1-117, and then can’t figure out why they hurt themselves, or why they never stick with anything all the way through.  It’s kind of like the person who decides that they’re going to start a diet, but rather than reduce their calories by a few hundred kcals, they decide to do something more advanced, like intermittent fasting. 

Then, after two days, they feel like crap, and attack the stack of Oreos stashed underneath their bed.  If people took the time to make the proper progressions, and not feel like they had to be a hero all the time, they may actually find they’ll get better, long-term, results. 

Honestly, what I originally wrote was way more cool than that – but I hope you get the general idea. I’m just really pissed right now and need to go lift something heavy. 

On that note, see ya!


How to Get Better at Writing Programs

Q:  What are the best resources for getting awesome at writing programs? Besides CPT textbooks?

I remember watching a movie a few years ago (okay, a lot of years ago) – I think it was either Finding Forrester or Dead Poets Society (or something that was equally as likely to lower my sperm count) – where one of the main characters, a writer no less, asked his mentor a simple question:  “How do I get better at writing?”

“Simple,” the man replied, “you write.”

In much the same way, the best way to get better at writing programs is to……wait for it……….wait for it………………..WRITE PROGRAMS!

Sorry if you were waiting for something profound, but really, it’s as simple as that.

Lets be real for a quick minute.  There are plenty of internet gurus out there, living in their mother’s basement, with over 10,000 posts on 17 different forums who can quote the likes of Mel Siff, Yuri Verkoshansky, Vladmir Zatisiorsky, Tudor Bompa – or anyone else who’s a lot smarter than any of us will ever be – like it’s their job.  Guess how many people these gurus train?  I’m willing to bet, zip, zero, nada.

Taking it a step further, and maybe throwing a little tough love your way, you can have all the book smarts in the world, and could very well be a walking encyclopedia of knowledge bombs, but if you’re unable to actually apply that knowledge to an actual real-live person, then what’s the point?

Reading about program design is a helluva lot different than actually siting down and writing a well-thought out, and structured program.  You know, much like reading about driving a car is much different than actually sitting behind the steering wheel for the first time; or how reading about asking a girl out is a walk in the park compared to the real thing.

*enters time machine, and travels back to 1997*

Me:  Hey

Girl:  Hi

Me:  Okay, good talking to you.

In all three scenarios, until you actually do it……a lot, it won’t get any easier.   And, if you ask me (and you did), that’s the quintessence of program design – just doing it.

Which isn’t to say, that there aren’t any valuable resources out there that can help.   There are plenty.  Some that quickly come to mind would be things like Mike Boyle’s Functional Strength Coach series vol I, II, and more recently III, Mark Rippetoe’s Practical Programming, Charlie Weingroff’s Training=Rehab, Rehab=Training dvd set, or even Assess and Correct will undoubtedly lay down a solid foundation – a blueprint if you will – for designing programs.

Even still, none of the above, alone, are going to end up being the panacea of program writing ninja awesomeness – because writing (good) programs doesn’t come down to ONE book you read, or ONE dvd you watched.  It comes down to experience.

If you had access to my laptop right now, you’d easily find 500+ programs I’ve written over the years – some good, some bad, but mostly good (at least I think so).

I look at programs I wrote when I first started in this industry, and I can’t help but wonder: what the hell was I thinking?????  I feel like I should go to an AA meeting for bad program writing.

Hello, my name is Tony Gentilcore, and yes, there was a time where I used to write leg extensions into my programs.

At the time, I’m sure I thought I was the mack daddy, but in reality, I just didn’t have much experience.  Since then, I’ve worked with everyone from professional athletes to 85 year-old grandmothers (and everything in between, including teenage girls, soccer moms, and weekend warriors).

I’ve worked with fat-loss clients, powerlifters, people with chronic back pain, obese clients, and have even trained several women through their pregnancies.  All of which had different goals, needs, injuries, weaknesses, strengths, imbalances, you name it.  Either way you slice it, that’s a lot of programming, and I feel fairly confident that I could write a program for a one-armed Centaur coming off an ACL injury if I had to.

So, in closing, here’s what I’d do if I were you.  Sure, you could buy any one of the resources I mentioned above, you could read blogs, articles, books, whatever.  All of those will definitely help.  Please, read to your hearts content.

But the real dealski is this:  just practice writing programs.  Ideally, you’d be writing programs for actual clients, but you could just make up crazy scenarios and see how you would program for each one.  We do this all the time with our interns, and they love it.

Case in point:  Twenty-four year old male, former college football player, just diagnosed with a disc bulge at L4, AND has a sports hernia.  What would you do?

Time to get started.


My Top Three Metabolic Protocols For People With Knee Pain

Before I get into my three favorite metabolic protocols for people with bum knees, I have a very important announcement to make.  No, it has nothing to do with a cannonball (ALA:  Will Ferrell, in the movie Anchorman).

No, it has nothing to do with hitting a 600 lb deadlift (trust me, when that happens, you’ll know).  And no, it has nothing to do with me divulging any plans to release a product anytime soon (although, that will definitely be in the cards at some point this decade year.  I promise).

Actually, the truth is, my girlfriend and I signed a lease earlier this week, which makes it official:  we’re moving in together.  Yay for co-habitation!!!

Note to Lisa:  Just a heads up babe – I pee in the shower.

Anyways, it’s a big step for sure, but it’s something that we’ve been discussing for a while now.  We found a ginormous apartment in an area that we love in the city, and we’re really excited to make it ours.

The move in date is in less than a month, which means, among other things, I need to go through my t-shirt drawer and decide which ones I want to take with me.  You could say that collecting vintage t-shirts is a hobby of mine, and while some (Cobra Commander) I’m going to keep forever, others are so old and crusty that I could probably walk over to the local nursing home and donate them as penicillin.  HA!  Get it?

So, that said, if any of you have any words of wisdom (or encouragement), please, feel free to chime in below.  I mean, now that we’re moving in together, Lisa is pretty much obligated to make me ham sandwiches everyday, right?  Right?

Okay, enough with beating around the bush – lets get down to business.  Now, if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, it’s no secret that even though I’m 34 years old, I have knees that are seemingly older than Gandalf.  Zing!  Count it!  Man, I’m on fire today!

As such, while I’m still able to hit my lower body pretty hard, I still have to be careful when it comes to things like squatting (consistently), sprinting, and any other modality that puts a lot of stress on the knees.

Now, before I go on, let me be perfectly clear: despite what a lot of people say – you can ALWAYS train around an injury.  I won’t belabor the point – especially since I wrote on the topic already, HERE – but suffice it to say, while I definitely have to tweak my programming accordingly (not to mention stay on point with things like foam rolling and other soft tissue modalities), I still feel I’m able to get a great training effect and maintain (if not improve) my overall strength and conditioning levels following a few basic tweaks – seen below.

As the title above suggested, today, I want to focus more on the metabolic or conditioning side of things – because, lets me honest, when you have cranky knees, doing anything more than a light jog (or even walking) can oftentimes be problematic.

Here are my top three metabolic protocols in no particular order.  And, as it so happens – there’s no smoke and mirrors involved.

1.  Airdyne Bike Intervals

I’d argue that no one piece of equipment (other than the Prowler) is despised more in our facility than the airdyne bike.

When it comes to interval or metabolic training, not many pieces of equipment can trump the full body effect that the airdyne bike has on the body; which is why I like to follow what’s called the 180 Rule.  Which is this:  whatever you see the vast majority of people using in the gym (elliptical trainers, for example), do the exact opposite.  In layman’s terms, the equipment that no one ever uses tends to be the ones that are the most useful.

See that airdyne that’s tucked over there in the corner of the gym that you thought was part of an antique exhibit?  Yeah, you should use it.

People don’t use them because they’re hard, and they’re not fun (and coincidentally, they don’t have a flat screen television attached to them either).

While you can certainly keep things easy and just follow a simple 1:2 or 1:3 (work: rest) ratio – something like 15s of work, followed by 45s rest for a certain amount of time (say 10 minutes) – I like to kick things up a notch and follow a protocol popularized by Christian Thibaudeau:

1a: 30s, easy
1b: 20s, hard (and by “hard,” what I really mean is pretend that a lion is chasing you while you have a steak tied to your back.  GET MOVING!!!!!)

2a: 60s, easy
2b: 30s, hard

3a: 90s, easy
3b: 40s, hard

4a: 120s, easy
4b: 50s, hard

5a: 150s, easy
5b: 60s, hard

6a. 180s, easy
6b: 70s, hard

Cool down for 5 minutes, and allot some time to catch your breath.

And yes, if you don’t have access to an airdyne bike, you can still use a regular bike here.  The only thing you need to be cognizant of is that you must make sure to increase the resistance on the sprints, and lower the resistance during rest intervals.  And clean up your pool of sweat, you jerk!

2.  Slideboard

I’ll be honest here and say that there was a time where I felt the slideboard was a foo-foo piece of equipment that I would NEVER use.  Then, I actually took my head out of my ass, started listening to people like Mike Boyle (who expounds on their efficacy religiously), and finally started seeing just how valuable and versatile they can be.

The slideboard may be the best, most cost effective conditioning mode available for athletes exclusive of actually running (which for those with bum knees, ain’t gonna happen).

Taking a page from Boyle, the slideboard offers the following:

  • Places the athlete n a sport-specific position, almost regardless of sport.
  • Positively stresses the abductors AND adductors muscles.
  • Allows athletes to work in groups of three to four on one piece of equipment
  • Provides work capacity training in an interval format with no adjustments, all for under $600.

What’s more, it’s a VERY joint friendly modality to use when someone suffers from knee pain.  Moreover, think about how we generally train as a society:  we tend to be VERY linear with our movements, doing things in a straight line all……….the………freakin………time.  With the slideboard, however, we can now train lateral (side-to-side) movement, which undoubtedly is an important component of any well-rounded program.

Keeping things simple, I prefer to use standard work: rest ratios here.  Meaning, one would basically slide for 20-30 seconds, rest of 60-90 (or longer) seconds, and repeat for a required amount of time.

3.  Stadium or Hill Sprints

My friend Nia Shanks is going to love this, since she’s ALWAYS telling people how running hill sprints is the bees knees.

I have to say, I kinda agree.

Now that the weather is nicer here in Boston, every Sunday my girlfriend and I head over to Harvard University and run sprints up the football stadium.  Here’s me doing my last sprint last weekend:

 It’s fairly standard:

Sprint Up (or walk briskly, depending on current fitness level)
Walk Down
Hate Life

Because there’s very little (or less) stress on the knees running up stairs (or a hill), this is a fantastic modality for those with knee issues.  But, in reality, it’s a phenomenal workout regardless, and I defy anyone to argue otherwise.

So, there you have it – my top three metabolic protocols for people with knee pain.  While it’s definitely not an exhaustive list by any stretch of the imagination, I feel that these are the three that can most easily be implemented by most people given equipment availability.  Have one to share?  Let er rip below!



Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 5/10/2011

Rubber Hitting the Road:  When “Talking” About Opening Your Own Facility Is Not Enough – John Izzo

This was a fantastic article by John Izzo which hits the nail on the head on so many fronts, I don’t even know where to begin.  Not a week goes by where either Eric or myself don’t recieve an email (or phone call) from someone asking business advice.

Full Disclosure:  while Eric is a machine and a brilliant coach and business partner; and while he’s the Cressey behind Cressey Performance; and it’s his name/brand that people undoubtedly recognize; it’s our business guy, Pete Dupuis, who’s the mastermind behind much of our success as a business.  He’s the one who’s taking phone calls from parents (trust me, at times, not fun) and coaches, scheduling clients, tracking sessions, keeping track of expenses, paying the bills, ordering equipment, negotiating with the landlord, and most important of all, writing my paychecks!

I say this because while John hits on many. many valuable points in his article, one point that I feel is crucial – especially if you’re considering entrepreneurship in this industry – is hiring a business guy.  It will make all the difference in the world, and will allow you to focus on what your strengths are.  Which, for most, is assessing, writing programs, having big biceps, and coaching.

5 Most Overrated Exercises – Nick Tumminello

Did I or did I not tell you that was stepping up their game and getting more quality trainers/coaches  to write for their site?  Here, my buddy Nick Tumminello, gives the low-down on a handful of popular exercises that aren’t quite as badass as they may first appear.

Why Kids Need Recess And Exercise – Denene Millner

The fact that this is even debatable blows my mind.  Back when I was in elementary school, some of my fondest memories are thinking back to recess – playing kickball, burnball, and triple-dog daring my best friend, Joe, to try to kiss (on the lips!) Susie behind the swings.

Needless to say, the highlight of the day was heading outside for those 30-40 minutes and doing whatever it is we felt like doing – whether it was throwing rocks at squirrels or using our lunch trays to slide down the hill in the middle of winter.

Today, however, kida are lucky to get 15 minutes – and that’s stretching it.  Instead, schools are under pressure to increase tests scores, and as a result, recess is often an afterthought – despite research showing otherwise that giving kids a break IMPROVES their capacity to learn.  And, lest we forget the ever growing obesity and diabetes epidemic amongst our youth.

Listen, I’m not blaming schools, and I understand that their first priority is to educate our kids.  But to deprive them of a simple need – the need to freakin MOVE – is a travesty in my opinion and something that’s a HUGE mistake.







From One Trainer to Another

Q:  Here’s a personal question for you:

Why did you decided to get out of the commercial gym setting and focus more on athletes?  I assume you still train everyday folks at your place but do you still focus on the same kind of movements?

I ask this b/c I am currently at Golds and I to say I hate it would be an understatement.  People sign up for training and they want a quick fix and most of the time it’s people who have never lifted a weight in their life or have crappy body mechanics.

Now, I know I have a TON to learn but I like to think that I am (ummm…how do I put this without sounding like a pompass ass?) “more educated” than most of the other trainers at the gym…..just an observation.  Anyway, I’d like to hear your thoughts on your experience and how you arrived at the fact that you were tired of beating your head against the wall with corporate owned facilities?

A:  Why did I decide to get out of the commercial gym setting?  Easy – common sense.  HA!  Okay, in all seriousness, this one’s a doozy, and something I definitely can’t do justice in one simple blog post.  That being the case, I’m going to take more of a serious tone with this one – so for those looking for the usual LOLs, you’re going to be disappointed.

As well, I’m going to jump around a bit – so hopefully my message doesn’t get lost in translation.

With that out of the way:

Believe me, as someone who’s “been there, done that” with regards to working in a commercial gym setting, I can definitely commiserate.  I worked in various commercial gyms early in my career (some good, mostly bad), and to be quite frank, I wouldn’t take any of it back because I honestly feel that those experiences made me a better trainer – and coach – in the long run.

Thing is, though, there was a little bit of luck in my case.  Don’t get me wrong, I feel I’ve worked my butt off to get where I’m at now – and, despite the contrary (and my joking around about it) I’ll be the first to admit that I have a loooooooooong ways to go before I achieve ninja status in this industry.

Yeah, yeah, I write for various sites like and, have appeared in Men’s Health several times, have a fairly successive blog, and can stop bullets with my pecs, but at the same time, I recognize that I have a shit-ton (read: a lot) more to learn and know that I have plenty of room for improvement.   Anyone who states otherwise – and I’ve heard people say it – is an asshat.

I remember walking into a room a few years ago where Gray Cook, Mike Boyle, Alwyn Cosgrove, Lee Taft, Pat Rigsby, Papa Smurf (kidding), and Stuart McGill were all talking shop.  Talk about a surreal moment where I literally felt like the dumbest person on Earth!   That put things into perspective for me.

I’m VERY lucky in that I was able to surround myself with very smart people early on in my career.  Not coincidentally, I owe A LOT to Eric (Cressey), as he’s been a huge mentor for me throughout the years – and, it just so happens that he’s one of my best friends, too.

I’m sure I’ve told this story in the past, but it was back in the fall of 2005 when Eric contacted me asking me if I’d be interested in moving out to CT.  He had just finished his Masters at UCONN and had started working at a local gym in Ridgefield.  He mentioned to me in passing that they were looking for another trainer and suggested that I look into it.

Long story short, I went out, interviewed, badda-bing, badda-boom, I nailed it, got the job, and a few weeks later, I left central NY.

Now, having already worked in corporate fitness for three years, as well as a local gym in Syracuse (Bally Total Fitness), I had my fair share of commercial gym nightmares.

Ridgefield Fitness Club (where I worked in CT), however, was completely different.  There, the owners (a husband and wife) “got it” and never placed any undue pressure on us to meet quotas or to hit specific numbers as far as selling training was concerned.  Instead, they took it upon themselves to hire quality trainers, which in turn, got their members results, which then led to members buying more training.  Weird how that works!

Moreover, I grew a lot as a trainer there.  I was surrounded by like-minded people who were eager to learn, shot ideas off one another, pushed me to get better, and were just amazing people through and through.  Like I said, it was a completely different scenario for me, and it was refreshing to work in an environment where teaching someone how to squat properly was emphasized more than BOSU ball bootcamps.

Alas, after a year, both Eric and myself decided to head to Boston.   I ended up getting a job at a swanky, high-end commercial gym in the heart of the city, and it was back to douchyville.  Much like you mentioned above, I had to deal with many of the same things you’re dealing with now – trainers who were more concerned with checking their text messages or looking at themselves in the mirror than actually paying attention to their client.

Note:  as luck would have it, I came across the above picture on Facebook this morning!

Granted, I’m not saying that that was the case with all the trainers there, but it was certainly more common than not.

In not so many terms, I wanted nothing more than to throw my face into an ax, but I made the best of it.  No matter where you go or where you work, you’re going to deal with un-motivated clients who are going to bitch and whine and feel that so long as they show up (if they show up at all) for their two sessions per week, they’re going to look beach ready in no time.

Of course, while some are quick to point the finger at you as to why they’re not getting results, you can point the finger at the other 166 hours during the week that they’re not under your supervision and crushing M & Ms at the office.  You’re not a babysitter – and so long as you can look yourself in the mirror and know you’ve done all you can to prepare said client for success than you’ve done your job.

If they’re not willing to listen, then that’s on them – not you.  You can’t beat yourself up about it.  On the flip side, though, if you can motivate the un-motivated, they’re like putty in your hands.

Thankfully, now, I don’t really have to worry about motivation most of the time.  Sure, I may have to kick some skulls in occasionally, but for the most part, people who walk through our doors at CP know what they’re getting themselves into – motivating people isn’t generally a problem.

Conversely, in many commercial settings (with few exceptions) you may have to take it upon yourself what type of clientele you “hire.”  When I was working as a personal trainer, I eventually got to a point where I basically interviewed any potential clients sent my way.

At first, I used to go out of my way to try to impress prospective clients with big words and glow sticks.  I’d bust out things like lower-cross syndrome, anterior pelvic tilt, reciprocal inhibition, glute medius this, quadratus lumborum that, crunches suck, yada yada yada, you know the drill.


At the end of the day, and this is something Mike Boyle has stressed repeatedly time and time again:

No one cares how much you know, until they know you care.

All I can say is that if you’re consistently getting your clients results, and you actually give a shit, they’ll reward you with their loyalty.  If not, fire them!

Granted, if you have bills to pay, and you need clients, that throws a monkey wrench into things.  But, once you’re at the point where you can fill your schedule with A and B clients (that is, those clients that show up religiously, do what you say, refer their friends, and are walking billboards for YOU); and you can dump your C and D clients (those that cancel all the time, always complain, never refer clients, and are otherwise walking balls of fail), your life will be infinitely more enjoyable.

It will take time, obviously.  But so long as you’re consistently trying to get better, networking, attending seminars, reading blogs, etc – it will happen.

Trying to wrap things up (this is longer than I expected), I’d highly suggest that you look into reading anything and everything by Thomas Plummer and Pat Rigsby.  Both do a fantastic job at discussing the business side of things, which sadly, is something I waited far too long to take advantage of.  Nonetheless, both are undoubtedly a wealth of knowledge in that regard.  Far more than myself to say the least!  I guess in the end, all I can say is that there is no definitive answer.   It takes time to establish and learn the ropes – but something tells me you’re far a head in the curve compared to most of your peers.

That said, I wouldn’t poo-poo on the fact that you train “regular folk” exclusively.  Trust me, athletes can be just as much of a pain in the ass as non-athletes – sometimes moreso when you consider the entitlement factor.

In the end, I don’t know if I even answered your question (I told you I as going to babble).  I knew I was going to get long-winded, but hopefully I was able to shed some light on the topic.  Heck, maybe I at least sparked some conversation amongst other fitness professionals that might chime in below in the comments section.  Anyone?




Pretty Much the Best Protein Shake Ever Invented

Not a day goes by where I don’t have at least one protein shake as a meal.  Now, don’t get me wrong, all things being equal, I much prefer eating whole, REAL food (think: chicken breast, various fruits/vegetables, oatmeal, quinoa, etc) over the liquid variety.  But, due to my schedule, oftentimes, pounding down a quick protein shake tends to be much more convenient, yet still allows me to get the necessary calories I need during the day.

To that end, I still like to use REAL ingredients when I make my shakes

Much (if not all) of the brands you can buy at your local GNC or supplement store are nothing more than a chemistry experiment filled with a conglomerate of ingredients I can’t even begin to pronounce.

Case in point, here’s the ingredient list of a popular protein shake that I often see a lot of people drinking:

Water, Calcium Caseinate [From Milk], Sodium Caseinate (Milk), Milk Protein Isolate, Cocoa Powder, Vegetable Oil Blend (sunflower and canola), Maltodextrin, Natural And Artificial Flavor, Potassium Citrate, Whey, Vitamin Mineral Blend, Digestive Resistant Maltodextrin (soluble dietary fiber), Cellulose Gum, Soy Lecithin, Monosodium Phosphate, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Potassium Chloride, Acesulfame Potassium, Salt, Carrageenan (Red Seaweed), Medium Chain Triglycerides, Sucralose

Does anyone know what the heck Sodium Hexametaphospate is?  Will it give me a third nipple?  Okay, probably not.  But it doesn’t necessarily sound like I something I want to put into my body on a daily basis.  I don’t know about you, but I want to know EXACTLY what it is I’m putting down my pie hole.

Which brings me to today’s post.  Last week, my good friend, Adam Bornstein (current fitness editor of asked a bunch of us jocks (and jockettes) to give our favorite protein shake recipe, and here’s what I threw his way.

Tonycolada <===== HA!  That’s me!


  • Anywhere from 3-6 ice cubes (depending on how thick you like your shakes).  I like to eat my shakes with a spoon, so the more ice cubes you use, the thicker it will be.
  • 1-2 cup milk.  Or, for those with a lactose intolerance (or you just want to cut calories a bit), almond or hemp milk would suffice as well.
  • 1 Scoop Vanilla protein powder
  • Frozen pineapple and mango.  I buy all of my frozen fruit from Trader Joe’s, and both the pineapple and mango come already cut up in small pieces. I’m pretty judicious with my servings, but I usually throw anywhere from ½ cup of pineapple and 4-5 pieces of mango into the mix.
  • Baby Spinach.  Yep, you read that correctly – I put spinach into my shakes.  Trust me when I say this:  you won’t even notice it’s in there because the fruit and protein powder offset the taste.  For those who aren’t convinced, however, you can just add one scoop of a green’s product instead.
  • 1-2 tbsp unsweetened, shaved coconut
  • 1-2 tbsp Chia seeds or ground flax seeds

As you can see, it’s a pretty hefty shake to say the least.  I like to follow a general rule of thumb when I make my protein shakes, which are really meal-replacement shakes more than anything else.

1.  It has to include ONE protein source (in this case, protein powder makes the most sense; but if you want to take it to the next level, Velociraptor could work, too).

2.  It has to include ONE fruit.  For the Tonycolada, tropical fruits make more sense, but really, ANY fruit can work for a shake.

3. It has to include ONE veggie.  Seriously, you won’t even taste the spinach!  But, like I said, using a powdered green’s product like Superfood would be ideal as well.

4. It has to include ONE healthy fat source – peanut butter, olive oil, flax seeds, whatever.

Anyways, give it a try today and let me know what you think!


What’s Your Goal?

I was talking shop with one of my clients last week, checking in with her progress, asking her how things have been going, when she looked up at me with a visible “look” on her face and said, “I don’t think I’m making as much progress as I think I could be.  I think I need a goal.”

This one seems kind of obvious, but it’s often surprising just how many people look back at you with a blank stare when asked one simple question:

What are your goals?

Can you answer that question?  If someone were to look you dead in the eyes and ask “why are you going to the gym today, what are your goals?” would you be able to answer them with a definitive answer?

Exacerbating the issue – almost infinitely so – is the fact that people just kinda show up and go through the motions.  Quite literally, there’s no sense of purpose in their training – no gusto or razzle dazzle, if you will.  I’m not saying this is the case with my client, but for many, going to the gym is more of a chore (or nuisance) than anything else, and they just walk around like a chicken with their head cut off – walking from machine to machine with no game plan.  In short, they’re just there.

We’ve all seen it:  The guy reading his newspaper while in the leg press; or the two women laughing hysterically as they curl their pink dumbbells ad nauseum.   Is it any wonder that these are the same people who will complain that despite paying their gym membership on a monthly basis, NEVER look different?

Just showing up ain’t gonna cut it – you NEED a goal.

Taking it a step further, you need a SPECIFIC goal.

Using myself as an example, it wasn’t long ago when I was just a skinny, cardio-obsessed, bicep curl junkie who, regardless of what I did, could never put on any weight.  Or so it seemed.

Of course, if I could go back in time and drop kick myself in the face for thinking that running 15-20 miles per week and doing 500 crunches per day was the best road to Jackedville, I would do it.  Hindsight is 20/20, right?

Anyways, it was 2003, and my girlfriend at the time just broke up with me. Balls.  Adding insult to injury, she moved in with her “new” boyfriend, less than two miles from where I lived.   Yeah, that sucked.

Needless to say, it wasn’t my finest hour, and somewhere between watching endless episodes of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (hey, it was 2003 and those guys were everywhere.  Don’t judge me!) and punching holes in the wall, I decided that it was high time that I make a concerted effort to put on some weight.

It was during that time that I first started reading and devouring anything and everything written by John Berardi.  I ditched the body-part splits (no more calves and rear delt day), started being honest with myself and learned to squat to depth, implemented a “new to me” exercise called the deadlift, nixed the distance running and instead started doing more sprints at the local high school track, and most important of all, stopped eating like an anorexic hummingbird.

I had a goal:  to get my swole on and there was nothing, NOTHING, that was going to stop me.    Actually, to be more specific, it was to put on 25 lbs – but “gettin my swolification on” sounds cooler.

Fast forward ten months, I went from 180 lbs to 210 lbs, and looked like a new person.   Now, I know people want photographic evidence, and while I’m normally pretty reluctant to post shirtless pictures of myself up on the internet, I think this discussion warrants a little visual perspective.

Here’s me back when all I did was run a lot, throw 82 MPH fastballs, and do bicep curls the day after a start.  This picture was taken around 1998 during one of the many summers I lifeguarded while home during summer break (I’m on the left).

That’s pretty much what I looked like all through college leading up to about 2002 – and, if you can believe it, I was even skinnier and less likely to have girls want to hang out with me when I was in high school.

Conversely, here are a few pictures I found on my laptop from around 2003-2004, which coincide when I actually stopped training like a raging pussy.

Aside from the fact that I was as white as a Coldplay concert, I was easily 30-40 lbs heavier in these pictures as compared to the ones above.  And, fast forward a decade later I’ve been able to keep the weight on and stay equally as lean year round.  One of the benefits of working in a gym.

Now, I’m not showing these to brag or show-off (okay, maybe a little), but rather, to showcase that having a goal, a mission, a purpose, can make all the difference in the world.  Looking back at my training career (which started when my parents got me my first weight set when I was 13), I can’t help but notice how much time and effort I wasted just going through the motions.

Bringing things around to you, I don’t care if your goal is to lose “x” number of pounds by the end of summer, lose the love handles, bench a certain amount of weight, or train for a show or meet – WRITE IT DOWN on a piece of paper, put it on a post-It note and plaster it on your fridge, I don’t care.  Make it concrete.  Make it real.   I’m telling you right now, it will hold you more accountable and light a fire under your ass.

As Dan John would say, your goal is to keep the goal, the goal.  If you don’t have a goal in the first place, however, what’s the point?

This is the exact same mentality that I’m using now in my efforts to deadlift 600 lbs.  My training is centered around a purpose in the hopes that I’ll eventually attain it.  If I didn’t have some sense of “why the hell am I doing this?”, I’d only be spinning my wheels – much like I did in the years described above.

So, again I ask:

What’s your goal?


Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: 5/2/2011

1.  To start, all I can say is holy to the shit.  I opened up my laptop this morning to see the words Osama Bin Laden is dead splattered all over my Yahoo homepage.  Wow.  I don’t even know what to say now other than thank you to all of the men and women who continue to risk their lives overseas on a daily basis.

Yet, can you even imagine what it’s like to be the Navy Seal who’s bullet killed Bin Laden?  I’m calling Pulitzer, Nobel, Grammy, Emmy, Best Actor, or any other prize you can think of – he wins them all!

And, while I know there are some people out there who are going to be a Debbie Downer about this, and try to remind people that Bin Laden was supported by the US Government back in the 80s and 90s (like some guy I saw do on Facebook this morning) – please, don’t be an a-hole.  Seriously.

To that end, I think this song is fitting given the situation (FYI:  turn your speakers down if you’re at work.)

2.  I’ve been making some cameo appearances in and around the interwebz recently – apparently, some people feel I have important things to say!

First up, we have my first article on – The Best Exercises You’re Not Doing.  As I mentoned a few weeks ago, I’m going to be doing more writing for Livestrong, so this one should be the first of plenty more to come.  Nonetheless, check it out, and be sure to leave a comment if you found it useful!

Secondly, Steve Shaw and the crew over at asked if they could re-print some of my old(er) posts from my blog, which I think is cool given that it will expose more people outside of my target audience to my stuff – which is never a bad thing.

While this may be a refresher for some of you reading, for those who haven’t, How Chin-Ups/Pull-Ups Can Help Your Bench Press might be right up your alley.

3.  I saw this last week over at and thought it was one of the more badass videos I have watched in a long time.

Prove the Impossible

I don’t know about you, but watching that fires me up.  I think I’m going to go deadlift a car now.

4.  A few weeks ago, Mike Robertson sent us a copy of his Bulletproof Knees and Back Seminar that he did in Vancouver late last year.  The dvd set has been making its rounds amongst the CP staff, and I was finally able to get my hands on it this past weekend.  While I still have a ways to go in terms of actually finishing it, all I have to say is that Mike has yet again hit another home-run.

I’m always impressed at how awesome Mike is as a public speaker, and how effortlessly he’s able to take complex material and “dumb” it down for the lay population to understand.  And, given that 80% of the population at some point or another will suffer from low back pain (not to mention the knees are right up there, too!), this dvd set would be a welcome addition for any fitness professional – or casual fitness enthusiast for that matter.

Really, though, I don’t have to say much.  Mike’s reputation as a standup guy, and as someone who consistently puts out quality products, speaks for itself.  I’d argue that this one is his best yet!

5.  Speaking of other people I know who are extremely smart:  my good friend, Cassandra Forsythe, recently wrote a fantastic article on the artificial sweetner Stevia.  Given the recent hooplah (and rightfully so) over the efficacy of artificial sweetners, and whether or not the health concerns are warranted (they are), I thought this was a nice piece that helped weed through the science and the fiction.

6.  NERD ALERT:  it was brought to my attention that director Peter Jackson will be updating a video blog as he films parts I and II of The Hobbit, which are slated for 2012 and 2013 releases.  The first installment can be seen here.

You’re welcome.