On a “good” day at Cressey Performance we average around 55+ clients/athletes. During this time of year, however – a time when all three of our major demographics (professional baseball players, collegiate athletes, as well as all the high school athletes we train) seemingly collide – that number bumps up to roughly 110+ per day.

To say that we’re busy would be an understatement.  As such trying to come up with unique content on a daily basis for this blog can be cumbersome, especially when you consider the fact that I walked into my office this morning and saw this:

At first count, that’s 39 programs that need to be written within the next seven days between three coaches.  And that doesn’t even take into account the 10-12 “updates” that Pete will inevitably add by the end of the day.

And yes, if you look carefully, I took the liberty of adding one Kate Beckinsale to my list.  Hey, it could happen.

With that in mind, today I’m taking the easy way out and just posting a video I shot yesterday of CP athlete, Becca R (whom many of you are already familiar with), crushing barbell supine bridges………….again.

I know it may come across as a bit redundant given I posted a video of her doing the same thing yesterday, but that video was taken like two months ago.

Yesterday the gym was packed and the environment was infectious, and Becca being Becca, wanted to try to up the ante.

Performing bridges with 405 lbs for reps would be impressive for ANYONE.  Becca is 16.  And, I’m pretty sure she’s going to hit like 54 home runs this year.

…………..In 12 games.

As an aside: I posted that video last night on my Youtube page, and woke up and had the following email waiting for me from a fellow coach based in NYC:

I saw your video of Becca on my YouTube feed and had to write you an e-mail.  I’ve been working with a number of guys and a few girls at the new place.  Most of the guys are either baseball or football athletes. Well when I program in glute bridges and hip thrusts and they whine about 225 I show them videos of Becca.  I CAN’T WAIT TO SHOW THEM THIS HAHA!!!!  Awesome stuff!!!

Now that’s an excellent way to start my day.

Okay, time to go train.  Enjoy the weekend!