I don’t mean to rub it in, but I had an awesome weekend this past weekend. While I know a lot of people don’t consider Columbus Day anything to celebrate, Lisa and I took full advantage of the national holiday, left Boston for what’s become our annual Autumnal Adventure, and headed up to Vermont to spend time in the Burlington area.

We were able to spend some time with Lisa’s cousin, but the main impetus behind the trip to Burlington was to head to the town next door – Shelburne – to visit Shelburne Farms and crush some cheese.

OMG the cheese is sooooooo good.

We spent half the day on the farm immersed in the cheese making culture, and it was worth every…..single….. minute. We observed the happy animals, watched as the cheese was being made, and of course we were able to eat tons of free samples.

^^^^^^^ I even took some time out to play the poop guessing game.  I was 3 for 8.

Burlington is also Ben&Jerry’s territory, and as someone who LOVES ice-cream, it’s fair to say that I spent a good portion of our getaway in insulin coma.

Nonetheless, now that we’re back in Boston, it’s back to business as usual (no more cheese for a while), and to kickstart the new week I wanted to share a few things with everyone that I thought you’d find useful.

Why Your Upper Body Training Needs to Change

In anticipation of his new product – The High Performance Handbook – being released NEXT week, my good friend and business partner, Eric Cressey, is taking all of this week to release a bunch of FREE videos to help build the anticipation.

Many are familiar with his flagship resource, Show and Go, and this promises to up the ante in every way possible.  I know Eric has spent close to a year fine-tuning his latest endeavour and I’ve seen first hand the results that it’s elicited (many of the CP staff, a year’s worth of interns, as well as clients have already done the program in its entirety).

In any case, in today’s video (starring yours truly!!!) Eric discusses different ways of looking at upper body training and why bench pressing isn’t the end-all-be-all-holy-grail of everything.

Click Me (<—– Bench Pressing Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be)

Support Bos Creek Meats!

A few weeks ago I linked to a video (see below) that was sent my way by the guys over at Bos Creek who, unlike a lot of companies who are downright shady and just say the right things in order to move product, actually go out of their way to supply high-quality, humanly raised, GMO-free meats.

Based in Montana, the guys at Bos Creek just get really excited about meat – and who can blame them!? Whether it’s beef, bacon, roast chicken, or pork, they’re dedicated to providing top-notch meat that not only tastes fantastic, but is raised the right way.

They’ve recently started a Kickstarter Campaign to help spread the word and garner a larger audience for their grass-fed beef jerky, salmon candy, and smoked pork loin.

Did you hear what I just said?

GRASS-FED JERKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giving full-disclosure:  I receive absolutely nothing for saying anything about this.  It’s not like I’m getting any kick-backs, or say, a year’s supply of bacon (cough cough: hint, hint).

On the contrary, I just feel it’s a solid company going out of their way to provide a high-quality service.  And considering many of you reading are carnivores (glorious, glorious carnivores), I figured any chance I could take to point you in the right direction regarding where to buy some meat would win me a few gold stickers for the day.

Or a scratch-n-sniff sticker.  I’m not picky.