Yes, this is an article on warming up (both the pre-lift ritual as well as how to warm-up for your main lift of the day).

Yes, most people are going to read the title and subconsciously yawn.

Yes, these are the same people (athletes included) who tend to get hurt more easily, have more nagging injuries that never seem to resolve, and quite frankly – although not always – are shooting themselves in the foot from a performance standpoint for not taking the ten minutes (tops) it takes to warm-up.

Seriously, we’re talking ten minutes here!

Yes, this is something I feel is important and that most trainees haphazardly gloss over.

And yes, this article includes a Twilight burn. So at least there’s that.

Don’t you roll your eyes at me!  I’ll give you something to roll your eyes about!

Warm-Up Fundamentals (<— Seriously, Don’t Skip It!!!)