As this post goes live my wife and I are en route (5.5 hours in the car) back to central NY to spend Thanksgiving with my family. Or, depending on what time it is and when you read this, I may be three slices into my mom’s homemade apple pie. Who knows?

Okay, four slices.
It’s my sincerest hope that everyone reading is enjoying the day with family and eating the most un-Paleo friendly meal possible. And if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving: sorry. Happy Thursday then? Or, better yet: Happy “six days until my birthday?”
HINT: my Birthday is six days away. The big 4-0. Like, whaaaaaaaaaaaat.
So without beating around the bush, Dean Somerset and I released our Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint a few weeks ago to rave reviews.
Basically it’s been described as the Hamilton of fitness products. Except, you know, without any dancing or rapping Presidents.
If you were someone who missed out on the sale price during the original release, what the heck? What’s next? Telling me you’ve never watched House of Cards or GoodFellas?
On the off-chance that the former happened, you’re in luck. Dean and I are putting it back on sale at $30 off the original price starting today through this weekend.
Fitness Professionals: If you’re looking for a product that covers anything and everything as it relates to shoulder and hip assessment, addressing common movement dysfunctions, and a resource that helps connect the dots towards improved results and performance with your athletes/clients this will do the trick.
Non-Fitness Professionals: If you’re someone who likes stay in at home on a Friday night and nerd out over this stuff and/or are looking for tips on improving exercise technique with common lifts such as squats, deadlifts, and chin-ups (among others) this will be very helpful to you as well. What’s more there’s TONS of exercise regressions, progressions, and lateralizations to consider based off varying goals, anatomical factors and injury history.
You get 11+ hours of both lecture and hands-on material in addition to some epic LOLcat and Star Wars references (if that’s your thing).1And to top things off CEUs are available.
There you go. Do you need more incentive? Maybe if I included a steak dinner in there? You only have a few days to act.