First things first: thank you.
I’ve been laying low on the writing front lately recovering from last week’s launch, and realized I never took the time to say those two words.
Thank you to everyone who purchased the Complete Shoulder and Hip Blueprint last week. It was a surreal experience on my end to have so many people lend their support and say such kind things about the resource.

As first product launches go I’d say it was a splendid success. I’d rank it somewhere between Miracle Mop and iPhone territory. Give or take a few dozen million units sold.
I may write something about my experience with the whole shebang down the road. I’ll discuss things like why I waited so long, why I chose this particular product, how Dean and I went about setting everything up for the launch, things I learned, mistakes I made, and whether or not I drank enough caffeine to kill a T-rex.1
Would that be something people would be interested in checking out and reading?
PS: psst, if you missed the party you can go HERE.
Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff
1) No big deal…A Tribe Called Quest released their first album in 18 years today.
I was a junior in college the last time they released an album. Well, shit.
I grew up listening to 90s rap (and Tribe in particular) and remember the first time I listened to The Low End Theory…which I still feel is the best hip-hop album of all time and is still in heavy rotation for me. I can’t express how excited I am for this. I have a feeling that today’s squat sesh will be a good one.
2) I Am Not Afraid to Lift Retreat
Artemis Scantalides, Julia Ladewski, and my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis just announced this amazing event.
It’s designed by women for women.
If you’re a woman and interested in being surrounded by other like-minded women in learning anything and everything with regards to kettlebell training, the barbell lifts, nutrition, and mindset strategies…this event is going to be right up your alley.
You can go HERE to check out more details.
If it’s any consolation I’ll be there too, but I’ll be on baby-watching duty. By the time this event happens Lisa and I will have a 4-month old, and I figure he and I can hit up the pool area or maybe head out to the Glute Lab and chill with Bret Contreras. My little guy has gotta learn about glutes sooner or later….;O)
3) Advanced Kettlebell Ballistic Workshop at CORE
Also, speaking of Artemis: she’ll also be hosting an Advanced KB Ballistic Workshop at my gym in Boston on Sunday, December 11th.
You can go HERE for more details and to sign-up (under EVENTS).
And now….stuff to read.
The Most Important Lesson From Lifting – T-Nation
A bunch of solid coaches – myself included – provide some of their “life-lessons” learned from years of working with iron.
Give it a read. There are plenty of inspiring insights.
Small Biz Owners: Ask Yourself This Question Everyday – Doug Spurling
This one is short, but so, so sweet.
Want to separate yourself from the masses…do this.
Prescribing a Walk in the Woods – Kevin Carr
Humans are designed to move. So, MOVE will ya.
Kevin Carr breaks down some of the science behind one of the most UNDERrated forms of exercise there is.
Social Media Highlights
I see many of my colleagues doing this and figured I’d jump in on the action. You know, cause I’m important.
Friend to female client of mine: “You deadlift? What’s your goal, 185 lbs?
Female client to her friend: “185 is my warm-up.”
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) November 10, 2016