I’m very fortunate that I have a fair number of coaches and other fitness professionals who see this site as a resource of quality information as well as a resource to help get their information and content in front of more eyes.
I had a bounty of excellent professionals pinch-hitting for me in 2016, and the three articles below were the top ones according to the traffic they received.

NOTE: Once January 27, 2017 arrives I’ll be in dire need for guests posts. That’s the day my little guy is supposed to arrive and my world is going to be turned upside down. In a good way of course…;O) I suspect my writing schedule will be drastically reduced, however I’d still love to continue offering top-notch content on a consistent basis.
If you’re interested please use the Contact function HERE and pitch me some ideas. A few criteria to consider:
1) You should be able to, you know, write well. On a base level you should be able to differentiate between to/too/two, their/there/they’re, your/you’re, then/than, and have read every book Kurt Vonnegut has ever written. Kidding.1
2) Preferably you actually have experience training people in real life. And, I’d prefer minimum two years experience in the field.
3) Have some “feel” for the type of content on this site. If you pitch me an article on fat-loss supplements or “Top Exercises to Tone Your Arms” I will Sparta kick you you in the throat.
4) I can be bribed with homemade carrot cake.
And now the best Guests Posts from 2016…
Intensity = Lift More Weight NOT Lift Weight More – Mike Sheridan
This article actually made the PTDC’s list of Top Articles of 2016 on their site (you can check out their list HERE). People have been programmed to think that exercise intensity is all about performing endless repetitions of whateverthefuck and then dropping in a pool of your own sweat or going until you can’t feel your legs.
Sure, it’s hard, and it has it’s time and place. But it’s not, technically, “intense.”
Why CrossFit Doesn’t Make an Elite Athlete – Travis Hansen
Ohhhhhhhhh snap. Not surprisingly this article received a fair bit of back and forth in the comments section. I get it: I think much of what was argued about was over semantics over the word “elite.” Nevertheless, I felt this was a good article by Travis who brought up some valid points.
Stop Cranking on Your Shoulders for More Mobility – Andrew Millett
Stop it already!