Lets get right to it shall we?

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Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1. I Am Not Afraid to Lift: The Retreat

Save over $300 off registration with the Early Bird rate for I Am Not Afraid To Lift® – THE RETREAT with Artemis Scantalides, Julia Ladewski, and (my wife) Dr. Lisa Lewis on May 5-7, 2017 at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix, Arizona.

Designed BY women FOR women this weekend retreat is sure to be a treat (<– HA, get it?) covering anything and everything with regards to lifting things (bodyweight, kettlebells, barbells), nutrition, and mindset training.

I’ll be there too, albeit on Daddy Day Care duty with a then 4-month old. Any dudes wanna hang out? Anyways, it’s going to be an amazing weekend and a lovely opportunity to surround yourself with other positive, powerful, intelligent, and unabashedly strong women.

Go HERE for more details.

2. Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Vancouver

Dean Somerset and I will be in Vancouver, BC, Canada the weekend of April 1-2nd, 2017 putting on your flagship workshop.

It may be the only time we’re on the west coast of North America all year so whether you have to hop on a plane, drive a few hours, or take a hovercraft….get there.

Go HERE for more info and to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD rate.

3. Push, Pull, Legs Podcast

In case you missed it earlier this week I made a cameo appearance on the Push Pull Legs Podcast.

And now this week’s list of stuff to read…

How to Look Like You Lift – Kourtney Thomas

I really dug this article from Kourtney Thomas. One quote stood out:

“Building a muscular physique requires deliberate work.”

It ain’t just gonna happen.

The Best Way to Get Motivated for the Gym – T-Nation

I had the pleasure of being asked to contribute to this article that was featured on T-Nation earlier this week. Having a little trouble motivating yourself to get to the gym? Know someone who feels the same way? Slide this article on their desk or pin it to their door. They’ll get the message.

4 Warm-Up Mistakes You’re Probably Making – Tony Bonvechio

Don’t worry: this won’t be your typical slap on the wrist article reminding you to do your warm-ups. And it won’t cause you to toss your face into a brick wall from sheer boredom (you know, cause most articles on the topic are boring as shit).

Tony’s a legit coach. Listen to him.

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