Sorry I was absent from writing some content this week. It’s a busy two-week window on my end with travel to Chicago this weekend (for the Elite Training & Performance Summit) and next weekend to Toronto to visit friends.

I’ve got a few blog ideas percolating in my brain at the moment, so I should have some fresh content to melt your faces next week. I hope.

Lets get to this week’s list.

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1) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Boston

The Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint is finally coming to Boston. Not “fake” Boston, either, on the outskirts of the North or South shore, and we end up calling it a Boston workshop.

No, this sumbitch is going to be IN Boston, at AMP Fitness located near Government Center in the heart of the city.

This shindig goes down the weekend of November 11th and the early bird rate is currently in effect. Hope to see you there. And by “there” I mean HERE.

2) The One Thing Young Athletes Are Lacking

I wrote this article for STACK a few years ago and they recently re-purposed it on their site. I still stand by everything I say.

Am I allowed to give myself a slow clap?

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work

“Science” and The Barbell Hip Thrust – Doug Kechijian

All I have to say is that it was a breath of fresh air to read an article on the hip thrust that didn’t devolve into a shit-show of platitudes, N=1 summaries, and ad hominem attacks.

Understanding The Shoulder Pain Epidemic in CrossFit Athletes Parts I & II – Dave Tilley

Now if it were me writing this article series all I’d say is:

“Yeah, stop doing kipping pull-ups. Seriously, stop. No. NO! Stop it. Stop.”

But I didn’t write it. Besides Dave goes into much more detail, and it’s excellent.

Peak Perform University – Curated by Joe Dowdell

This weekend is your last chance to get in on the initial launch of Peak Perform University.

It’s a continuing education resource geared towards fitness professionals curated personally by Joe Dowdell, who owned and operated one of the most successful gyms in NYC history, PEAK Performance.

In it you’ll have access to material produced by some of the biggest names in the industry: Pat Davidson, Bill Hartman, Dean Somerset, Perry Nickelston, Joel Jamieson, and yours truly.

You can think of it as an abyss of content: there’s already a hefty database to choose from, and there will be additional, CEU accredited material added month by month.

If you’re a fitness professional looking for an easy and convenient – no travel! – way to expose yourself to some of the top coaches in the industry this is a splendid way to do so.

The best part: you can choose however many courses you’d like to view, there’s no requirement to the number you have to purchase, and you can take however much time you want to view them.

Social Media Shenanigans

