It’s Friday.
You know how we do.

1) Coaching Competency – Sterling, VA
Excited to head back to the DC area and present at Beyond Strength Performance NOVA in Sterling, VA.
Assessment, program design, exercise technique, how to make killer LOLCat memes. It’ll all be covered.
More details in the link above.
2) The Fitness Summit
I’m excited to be heading back to KC this year for The Fitness Summit. It’s always been one of my favorite fitness events of the year.
This year is a first, however.
Dean Somerset and I have been invited to do a Pre-Conference to get the festivities started that weekend.
We’ll be taking deep dive into squat and deadlift technique: discussing ankle, foot, hip and upper extremity considerations in conjunction with regressions/progressions, programming, and breaking down technique flaws.
It’ll be a four-hour glimpse into how we coach.
There’s currently a FLASH sale of $10 off for the Pre-Conference ($90), and then you get to listen to the likes of Bret Contreras, Alan Aragon, Mark Fisher, Susan Kleiner, Greg Nuckols, and many others for the next two days after that.
And there’s some sick BBQ.
You won’t want to miss it.
3) Spurling Spring Seminar
I’m excited to announce that both myself and my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, will be presenting at the inaugural Spurling Spring Seminar at Spurling Fitness in Kennebunk, ME in a few months.
If you live in New England and you’re a fitness professional you won’t want to miss it. Early bird special is currently in effect.
Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work
Sleep: Start Taking It Seriously – Jarrod Dyke
Here’s my thought: Almost always, the reason why most people fail to see consistent progress in the gym is because their sleep habits are piss poor.
It’s not because you’re not taking enough creatine laced with Raspberry Ketones dipped in Unicorn tears. Nor is it because you’re not adding chains to your squats.
The reason why you’re “stuck” is because you need to go to freaking bed.
Low Fat vs. Low Carb? Major Study Concludes: It Doesn’t Matter For Weight Loss –
Low-carb zealots may want to sit down wipe their tears with a bread stick.
Strapped For Time? Your Body Is a Barbell – Todd Bumgardner
The picture of Ron Burgandy will make sense. Promise.
I have a lot of clients who travel for work and don’t always have access to a barbell. This article will now be shared with all of them
Excellent stuff from Todd.
Social Media Shenanigans
Nutrition Tip to Nutritionist (from a non-nutritionist): Stop saying cheese and peanut butter are good sources of protein. I LOVE both, and they do *have* protein, but calorically dense per/serving. Mediocre, nay, paltry, sources of protein at best.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) February 28, 2018