I am honored to be speaking on stage amongst some of the pioneers in the fitness and business space this October at RISE 2018 in San Jose, CA.

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Tony’s Coming to the Bay Area – Whoop, Whoop

I’ve never been to the Bay area and am pumped for this opportunity.

Yeah, yeah, I just Googled Mapped it and San Jose is 55 miles from San Francisco.

Close enough.

Either way I’m totally coming a day early so I can visit the Full House houses.

After that I’ll mozy on down to Palo Alto and try to make a cameo appearance at Stanford University to hang out with my boy Cory Schlesinger (<— Epic beard and an even epic(er) strength coach. You should follow him on Instagram HERE) and attempt to beat him in a game of H.O.R.S.E.

After my victory parade I’ll head to San Jose, either in a Nissan Sentra or a tank (whichever is a cheaper rental), to take part in what will inevitably be an amazing weekend hanging out with like-minded fitness professionals.

I’ll be presenting on the third and final day, first thing in the morning actually.[footnote]I’d like to think this is a strategic move by the organizer of the event, Khaled ELmasri. Either he thinks I’m the bees knees and my uncanny wittiness and intellectual prowess is enough to entice 200+ attendees to get their hung-over assess out of bed on a Sunday morning, or he hates my fucking guts…;o)[/footnote]

My presentation will be: The Shoulder: From Assessment to Badass.

I.e., How to improve overhead mobility and shit. <— a working sub-title.

There are many outstanding presenters lined up for the RISE 2018 weekend including Molly Galbraith, Mark Fisher, Kellie Hart, Craig Ballantyne, and Pat Rigsby (to name a few).

If you’re a gym owner, studio owner, personal trainer, independent trainer, strength coach, or, I don’t know, a one-legged pirate, and you’re serious about taking your fitness business to the next level this is an event that can’t be passed up.

Register ——–> HERE.

Early Bird Rate Is In Effect ——-> HERE. (same link as above, but marketing research suggests you’re 136% more likely to click this link[footnote]Actually, I made that up. But marketing research does suggest you’re a very attractive human being for reading this site.[/footnote]).

I’ve Got 5 TICKETS to Giveaway for FREE

As a presenter I’ve been given five tickets to give away.


[NOTE: One ticket has your name written all over it Matt Damon, Gal Gadot, Nolan Ryan, and/or He-Man.]

To that end, everyone who signs up within the next two weeks will be put into a raffle where I’ll randomly pick five names to win a FREE ticket to the event.

Pretty sweet, right?[footnote]Purchase of ticket also comes with a free hug or Predator handshake. Whichever is less weird for you.[/footnote]

All you have to do is go HERE to register and your name will automatically be put into the drawing.

Easy peasy.

I’ll then notify the winners via email in a few weeks.[footnote]Or I’ll just creepily show up at your house.[/footnote]

Hope to see you there.