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1. Happy July 4th weekend!

Not that there’s anything fun to do.

  • Look outside?
  • Have a mask painting party?
  • Throw an ax into your face?

But seriously, for those that celebrate it I hope you’re able to find some joy eating some burgers, setting off some fireworks, or, I don’t know, watching Flight of the Navigator (<– I don’t think 4th of July movies exists, but if there are this should be in the Top 3).[footnote]Other candidates: Independence Day, Born on the 4th of July, John Adams mini-series on HBO?[/footnote]

2. I Started PT Today

For those interested (and following along with #achillesgate2020) I was cleared by my surgeon to start PT and I met up with my man-crush friend/colleague, Dan Pope, of Champion Performance & Physical Therapy located in Waltham, MA.

Dan’s been my “go to” guy for numerous years with several niggles I’ve had here and there – strained adductor, neck kinks, a broken heart, you know, stuff – and I could think of no one better to help me get back on track.

Day 1 was exciting – we worked on swaying side to side, a few step throughs, and me learning to put weight back on my Achilles (while in a boot).

Who knows, next week we’ll live life dangerously and I’ll walk without crutches (and be able to do long division).

I keed, I keed.

I was thrilled to test the waters today and I can’t wait to see what Dan has in store for me in the coming weeks.

3. Oh, hey, have you checked out my new CORE @ Home platform yet?

It’s designed so that I can deliver workouts you can perform at home – pants optional – using minimal equipment.

You have two options:

1. Subscribe for FREE and receive one workout per week.

2. Subscribe for $29.00 and receive three workouts per week (in addition to special bonus content).

My hope is that it helps take the thinking out of things and keeps people more accountable to workout more consistently despite not having access to their normal gym.

For more information go HERE.





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This was a lovely start to the coaching week. . My client @stylesbyola (and her husband Shukri) borrowed some equipment from studio when COVID hit and had access to a barbell, plates, a smattering of KBs, and some bands for the past few months in quarantine. . This allowed them to train at a somewhat “normal” capacity and to maintain their general levels of badassery. . I mean, their workouts were nothing crazy, but they were something to satiate their inner meat heads. . (I certainly didn’t have to McGyver their workouts too too much). . Tonight Ola showed up (her second week back of in-person sessions) and hit a new deadlift PR of 200 lbs. . Made it look easy too. . WU-TANG!

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Complete Trainers’ Toolbox – The Avengers


The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox is currently on SALE ($100 off the regular price) now through this Sunday. Myself as well as an all-star list of other fitness professionals delve into common topics that will make you a better trainer and help you to grow your fitness business.

  • 17+ Hours of content
  • Earn CEUs
  • Payment plan available

Check it out HERE.

The World Has Changed and So Have the Rules For New Online Coaches – Andrew Coates

Just to be clear: COVID can eat a bag of dicks.

But complaining and whining isn’t going to pay the bills. COVID has flipped the health/fitness industry on it’s head and if you’re not adapting you’re not going to survive.

Switching (or adding) online coaching to your repertoire is a smart move. Andrew provides some much needed levity and insight in this fantastic article.

Choosing the Weight on the Bar: Percentage, RPE, and RiR – Tony Bonvechio

This may very well be my favorite article so far this year.