1. #Achillesgate2020 Update
I’m out of the boot!
Well, kinda.
In the past week I’ve spent a little more time out of the boot walking around the apartment and occasionally living live dangerously and walking around the neighborhood.
It seemingly took me a week to walk to the bank and back the other day, but it was a nice “win” for me nonetheless. I still have a ways to go before I am doing anything remotely athletic – running seems as unlikely as time travel at this stage – but it feels great to be making progress.
2. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay.
During quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.
In all I curated 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.
Whether you want to spend $1 or $100, the workouts are ready and available to start.
For more information go HERE.
Them: “But that exercise ‘strains’ the body. You gotta be careful.”
Me: “Um, that’s what working out is supposed to do…
…strain the body.”
Pretty hard to make any appreciable progress in the weight room without some semblance of “strain.”
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) August 13, 2020
Is It Safe to Exercise With a Mask? Is It Safe to Go to Gyms? – Michael Stare
There are few more controversial topics given all the disarray with current events.
I appreciated this well written and thought out article.
The Post I’d Never Thought I’d Hit Publish On – Chris Cooper
Social media, if nothing else, has amplified the notion that everyone’s life is hunky dory, that nothing ever goes wrong, and that everyone is on cloud nine 24/7/365.
This is especially the vibe in the health/fitness industry.
Everyone hits PRs every workout and looks like a model in their Lulus.
Mental health is not something to scoff at or be cynical about; yet the prevalent thought process – still – is that it’s a taboo subject and that one should just suck it up and deal. I LOVED this post by Chris and how honest, open, and REAL it was.
Give it a read.
Oh, and also check out his Landmine Everything resource he just released. (<– not an affiliate link). It’s pretty baller if you ask me.
The Forgotten Art of Squatting Is a Revelation for Bodies Ruined by Sitting – Rosie Spinks
Stolen from Dan John’s weekly recap – Wandering Weights – this was a delightful article to read.