
100 Calorie Snack Packs vs. Me

We’ve all seen the commercials and we’ve all read the magazine ads:

“Sweet, salty, crunchy, chewy, creamy- what kind of snack are you craving? 100 calorie snack packs come in all your favorites from Oreo to Wheat Thins. Now you can indulge and still know that you’re making a smart choice.”

Hey Jabba the Hut! You’re better off eating the socks that have been in my gym bag for the past month than you are in “indulging” in those 100 calorie snack packs.

Lets take a closer look at one of these so-called smart choices: Oreo Thin Crisps

Nutrition Facts:

Serving Size- 23 grams (1 bag)

Servings Per Container- 6

Calories- 100

Total Fat- 2 grams

Total Carbohydrate: 19 grams

Dietary Fiber- 1 gram

Sugars- 8 grams

Protein- 1 gram


Wow, that sounds scrumptious. Call me crazy, but I prefer to eat real food.

I can understand the rationale on why people would think this would be a healthy option. I mean what’s 100 calories in the grand scheme of things, right? Well here are my issues with these snack packs.

#1. When we’re discussing burning off body fat, there are essentially three steps to do so: mobilization, transport, and oxidation. I’m not going to go into too much detail here, but lets just stick to the mobilization aspect. In order to burn body fat, you must first mobilize it (ie: bodyfat doesn’t just melt away on its own). Bodyfat is essentially stored triglyceride. Mobilizing bodyfat requires that we first break down the triglyceride into free fatty acids. The limiting step in this process is an enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL).

There are a number of hormones that effect HSL, but one of the major ones that effect HSL activity is……insulin. In a nutshell, insulin is the main inactivator of HSL. If you’re eating carbohydrates all day, you spike insulin levels to a greater degree, which in turn, inactivates HSL from releasing stored body fat to be burned off as free fatty acids.

I know it’s a bit “sciency,” but the main point to take home here is that insulin ALWAYS wins the battle over fat cell metabolism. If you’re eating carbohydrates all day (in the form of those 100 calorie snack packs), you’re really limiting yourself in the fat loss department.

(For more information on the topic and in case you’re a science geek, check out Alwyn Cosgrove’s Manual or Lyle McDonald’s manual).

#2. Who are we kidding? I don’t know many people who can limit themselves to just one bag per day. That’s like asking Britney Spears to only drink two cans of crazy per day. Not gonna happen. Besides 100 calories is not a lot of volume of food. More often than not, said person will probably be even hungrier later on in the day and OVER-eat once he or she gets home.

Do yourself a favor and stop eating for convenience. No matter how you put it, eating cookies is not a healthy choice and won’t help you get leaner.


Exercises You Should be Doing (Suitcase Deadlift)

I feel that everyone (read: this includes you) needs to learn how to deadlift. Thing is, many trainees are just not ready (lack proper flexibility and/or mobility) or just aren’t strong enough yet to perform a traditional barbell deadlift from the floor; otherwise known as a conventional deadlift. I’m often dumbfounded when I hear other trainers tell me that they don’t teach their clients to deadlift because it’s too dangerous. Lets be clear, getting in a car with Britney Spears is dangerous. Teaching someone a movement pattern that’s a part of everyday life is not.

As I have stated in past writings, the deadlift is a great exercise because it’s one of the rare movements that can be conformed to the lifter and not vice versa. Whether I’m working with a high school athlete or a 40 year old “soccer mom” you can bet that I’m going to teach them both how to deadlift; I just may take a different approach to both.

One movement that I like to use for “newbies” is the Suitcase Deadlift:

1. Grab a dumbbell and hold on one side of the body.

2. Chest high, neutral spine, elbows locked.

3. Breaking first with the hips (not the knees), continue pushing your butt back while maintaining your arch.

4. Stop at mid-shin level and return to the starting position.

5. You should end the movement by squeezing your glutes (hip extension).

Not only is this a great way to introduce the deadlift to beginners, but it also serves as a superb way to train anti-rotation because you have to brace the opposite side of the body so as not to tip over.


Real Men of Genius

You know those Bud Light beer commercials titled “Real Men of Genius?” Probably some of the funniest (yet true) commercials of all time. Examples include:

Mr. Push Up Bra Inventor

Mr. Over Zealous Foul Ball Catcher Guy

Mr. King of the Karaoke Mic

Well, I’m going to put my nomination in to Jorge Cruise (aka: Mr. Cater to Lazy Americans Guy).

I came across this fitness segment from the Today show on a forum that I frequent: I totally missed my calling

I’m not going to lie, Jorge Cruise, author of “The 12 Second Sequence” is a genius. Essentially it took him and his staff two years to come up with a protocol that takes a nine minute “workout” (I use that term lightly) and condenses it to 90 seconds using four repetitions. According to him, all you need to do is follow his program for twenty minutes, twice per week and you’ll totally be hot.

(In case you didn’t pick up on the sarcasm, I have a pet unicorn who knows more about exercise physiology than Jorge Cruise).

I have to give the guy some credit though. He’s great at motivating people to move, and his overall message does have some merit. Mainly stating that while “cardio” is good for the heart and does help to burn some fat, it’s only when one engages in strength training and builds lean body mass that they will experience the “after burn” and burn MORE calories (and hence fat) while at rest. This I agree with.

I just don’t agree with his notion that all it will take is 20 minutes, two times per week using a silly tempo of twelve second repetitions. That’s why he’s a genius. Americans want easy and they want simple. It’s marketing at it’s finest. But who am I to judge? Until I write a book titled “How to Get Ripped Abs Bowling,” I’ll just sit here while Jorge Cruise makes millions. (runs away crying.)


Rules to Dining Out

My girlfriend and I like to go out to eat on the weekends. Since being with her I have grown to appreciate the art of “fine dining.” I’m from a rather rural area in upstate New York where fine dining entails “all you can eat breadstick night” at The Olive Garden. Needless to say there has been a slight learning curve for me; I still don’t quite understand the rationale of having three different forks for one meal.

Anyways, we went to a rather fancy restaurant this past weekend and while waiting for our food to arrive we couldn’t help but notice some of the desserts that other tables were getting. One person ordered a piece of chocolate cake and when it came I couldn’t tell if it was a piece of cake or an anchor of a cruise ship. I’ve never seen a piece that ginormous.

Which brings me to my general rules for eating out. I deal with a lot of clients who due to their work schedule and social life, tend to eat out a lot (upwards of 3-5 times per week). I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. If you’re trying to lose body fat, eating out is going to be one of your worst enemies. Limiting these days will bode in your favor.

However, I do realize that many people can’t help it and get stuck in unplanned client lunches or company events where there are no other options. If that is the case, here are some rules to follow that may help you in the long run.

1. No bread. Just tell the waiter/waitress not to bring the bread basket.

2. No alcohol (deal with it).

3. When in doubt order a lean protein (yes you can have the filet mignon) and substitute extra veggies for the mashed potatoes.

4. Pass on dessert

5. For crying out loud, no one is impressed that you can make an airplane out of your napkin. I can’t take you anywhere!


Archaic Nonsense

With the new year upon us, it’s inevitable that we’re going to be inundated with hundreds of commercials, talk shows, books, and articles dealing with weight loss. I just so happened to be perusing Yahoo the other day and came across a featured article by one of their health experts. In it, she explained that in order “to lose about one pound per week, you’ll need to eat about 500 fewer calories per day from your current daily intake. Weight loss of one to two pounds each week is considered healthy weight loss, meaning that you are losing more fat than muscle.”

(Picture me banging my head against the wall).

Out of curiosity I viewed the comments from various readers and the vast majority of them included:

“Thank you Captain Obvious, tell me something I didn’t know.”

“Why doesn’t anyone ever write something that we never heard before?”

I couldn’t agree more. Here’s my take on the whole “500 calorie deficit per day” nonsense, originally published at in an article titled “The Angry Trainer.”

The premise is simple. One pound of fat equates to approximately a 3500 calorie surplus. If someone were to subtract 500 kcals from their diet per day for a week (500 kcals x 7 days per week), they would elicit a 3500 calorie deficit for the week and shed a pound of fat.

Does this approach work? Yes. Does it work in the long-term? No. The main problem with this approach is that people take it too far. They subtract 500 kcals from their diet and will make decent progress, and then all of a sudden nothing happens. They go into panic mode and restrict calories even further, lose a tiny bit more, and then hit another plateau. And the vicious cycle continues. Before you know it, you have people taking in sub-1000 calories daily in the hopes of burning more body fat.

Your body is smarter than you. It doesn’t realize that when you restrict calories you’re doing so to look good nekid. It views the caloric deficit as going into “starvation mode” and it’ll take precautions to preserve energy by reducing many of the hormones involved with metabolic rate (T3, T4, leptin, gherlin, etc.).

As a result, the bulk of calories coming in will be stored and used for life sustaining functions such as heart rate, breathing, and CNS activity. The last thing on the “to do” checklist for the body is burning fat. On the contrary, it’ll try to keep as much body fat as possible to preserve energy.

Instead of using the cookie cutter approach of subtracting 500 kcals per day that most tend to advocate, people should just try to subtract 10-20% from their maintenance caloric intake. This way, larger individuals take a bigger “hit” than smaller individuals as far as cutting calories is concerned. For instance, take a 200 pound male and compare that to a 110 pound female:

Maintenance caloric intake for 200 pound male = 3000 kcals per day

Maintenance caloric intake for 110 pound female = 1650 kcals per day

* For simplicity sake, I used total body weight x 15 to come up with maintenance calories.

Subtract 500 calories from each and you get the following:

200 Pound Male = 2500 kcals. Still quite a bit a food and definitely “doable.” Take it a step further and subtract another 500 calories (which most people will inevitably do anyway), and you have 2000 kcals per day.

He’ll probably be hungry, but certainly not causing too much damage. And as long as he’s getting sufficient protein and still training with some intensity, he shouldn’t have to worry about losing much, if any, lean muscle mass.

110 Pound Female = 1150 kcals. This is a 30% drop compared to only 17% for the male above. Not a lot of food by any means. Subtract 500 more and she’ll be taking in 650 to 800 kcals per day, which is breakfast for most people.

I see this a lot when I analyze the diets of female clients. It never ceases to amaze me how they’re able to survive on such low caloric intakes for such long periods of time. Metabolic rate is going to plummet, lean muscle mass will be broken down/lost, she’ll probably feel like crap all the time (like we men need another reason to dodge a woman’s wrath), and she’ll be frustrated when she still can’t drop body fat.

So you can see why this approach just isn’t conducive for most people and how it places “smaller” individuals at a disadvantage. Now let’s look at my preferred approach:

200 Pound Male: Subtract 20% from maintenance of 3000 kcals = 2400 (deficit of 600 kcals)

110 Pound Female: Subtract 20% from maintenance of 1650 kcals = 1350 (deficit of 300 kcals)


As you can see, the male takes a much larger chunk (double actually) out of his caloric intake than the female, which makes sense because he’s basically double her size. With this approach, smaller individuals aren’t “punished” and take less of a hit as far as subtracting total calories is concerned.

Factor in caloric expenditure through training and/or NEPA (Non-Exercise Physical Activity) and you’ll soon realize that you don’t necessarily need to provide a huge deficit through restriction of food alone. Subtracting 10-20% off of maintenance is usually more than enough to get the process started.


Have a Clue….

A word of advice to any personal trainers who happen to read this blog: KNOW YOUR CLIENTS and what they’re capable of.

I accompanied my girlfriend to a local gym yesterday because she’s looking for something that’s closer to home. Oh, how I miss working in a commercial gym and the plethora of material I would have for blogs and articles from all the absurd stuff I would see on a daily basis.

In the ten minutes that I was there I saw some goofy stuff, but nothing as bad as watching another trainer put her client (also female) through a plyometric workout.

Plyometrics for ANY “newbie” is questionable, but this was just brutal. I literally cringed when I saw this trainer have her client perform alternating lunge jumps. Each time the poor girl jumped up in the air and landed, her hip would internally rotate and her knee would cave in each and every time her foot made contact with the ground. I was half expecting to see an ACL injury right then and there. Needless to say, it did not look pretty. Donald Trump dressed in drag would have looked prettier.

I will never understand why some trainers will use advanced training protocols with de-conditioned clients. It just doesn’t make sense. Actually, I do know why…..they want to look unique and different from other trainers. As a result they resort to more advanced tactics thinking it will make them look good.

We as fitness professionals need to know our clients and what they’re capable of doing. Someone who is fat doesn’t need some advanced fat loss program which includes HIIT and complexes and what not; they just need to freakin move. Advanced programs won’t help them shed fat any quicker. Someone who can’t even land on the ground correctly, doesn’t need to be doing advanced plyometric training; they need to strengthen their posterior chain (rack pulls, pull-thru’s, lunges, squats, etc), and just get stronger in general. Then and only then will they be proficient enough to get into the positions you want them to get into without risking injury. Basics people, basics.


Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess

There are only a handful of things in this world that really irritate me.

1. One is the fact that Paris Hilton is considered a celebrity. She can’t act: three words, “House of Wax.” She can’t sing: a rhinoceros passing a kidney stone would sound better than her. And she has no athletic ability other than making every guys’ pee pee she comes in contact with itch.* (I have my sources)

*Okay, I lied. I don’t have any sources other than common sense.

2. The other is the fact that with the New Year right around the corner, every book store in the country will now be inundated with fitness/diet books such as “5 Minute and 37 Second Abs,” or “The Oreo Cookie Diet.” It never ceases to amaze me the obnoxious books that get published. Walk down the health/fitness isle of your local bookstore and you will undoubtedly find books that are geared towards quick fixes and false promises (lose 24 lbs in seven days).

Despite all the “smoke and mirrors” of most fitness related books, there are a handful that I come across that I’m more than happy to endorse. One such book is “The New Rules of Lifting: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess,” written by Lou Schuler, Alwyn Cosgrove, and Cassandra Forsythe.

Women are often told that in order to get the look they’re after, they need to spend an inordinate amount of time on the treadmill, take every yoga class possible, and to shy away from lifting any appreciable weights. Rubbish. In NROL for Women, every myth concerning women and weight training is dispelled.

1. Learn why the terms “toning, shaping, and sculpting” need to be banned from your vocabulary.

2. The treadmill is probably the last thing you need to be doing. While it is a tool, it’s not a necessity for fat loss.

3. No, you won’t become “big and bulky” just because you’re lifting weights.

4. Prolonged calorie restriction is the wrong approach… come?

5. In all actuality you may need to eat MORE to attain your goals.

And all of these are just the tip of the iceberg.

New Rules of Lifting for Women is geared towards women and helping them realize that what they have been told by all the mainstream magazines is wrong. With Lou Schuler’s practical writing style, programs written by Alwyn Cosgrove, and a nutrition plan by Cassandra Forsythe, this book hits all fronts and will serve as a valuable resource to enhance LIFELONG success.


Mobility vs. Flexibility

Surprisingly, many people mistake mobility and flexibility as being “one in the same.” In other words, they feel that if they’re flexible, they must have ample mobility (and vice versa). This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Mobility: how a joint moves.

Flexibility: length of a muscle.

A perfect example demonstrating the difference between mobility and flexibility would be in the ankles. As Mike Boyle has pointed out on numerous occasions and even more so in his new “Joint-by-Joint Training and Warmup” dvd, if the ankle is restricted due to a mobility issue, then static stretching the calves won’t fix the problem. Unfortunately, many trainees will still want to stretch their calves in the hopes of improving their ankle mobility.

MOTION is needed to fix a mobility issue.

As crazy as it sounds, many dysfunctions up the kinetic chain (particularly anterior knee pain) can be attributed to mobility restrictions in the ankles. It makes sense really. When you consider that many athletes (especially basketball and football players) tape their ankles (providing stability to a joint that normally wants to be mobile) and wear high top cleats and sneakers, it’s no wonder that many suffer from knee pain eventually.

A simple solution is to include more ankle mobility work into your basic warm-up.

Wall Ankle Mobilization:

Key Points to Remember:

1. Basically all you’re doing is pushing the knee forward into the wall. Work your way as far from the wall as possible without the front heel coming off the ground.

2. Use what ROM (Range of Motion) you have. You may only have a few inches to work with, which is fine. The more you do this drill, the better your ankle mobility will get as the weeks pass.


It’s Official….

As of this morning, I will officially be done with all of my Christmas shopping. I think my girlfriend is really going to love what I got for her. I mean what says “I love you” more than a years subscription to the Beef Jerky Flavor of the Month Club? I can’t wait for May (Tangy Teriyaki)! Hey, I wasn’t voted Boston’s most romantic boyfriend for nothing.

Since I won’t be updating this blog until next week, I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Holiday Season. Enjoy your time with family and friends and bask in the glory that is your mother’s homemade peanut butter fudge. I’m totally not sharing.


Form Phobia

If there is one thing that will totally discredit a personal trainer in my eyes, it’s lack of reinforcing proper form. I don’t care how long you have been training people, or how many letters you have next to your name. If you stand there and your client is performing an exercise with atrocious form and you do nothing to fix it, you just lost all credibility, and you enter “you suck” territory.

FYI: the picture below is a perfect example of someone sucking. Well, not so much her (the picture is of Krista of, and she’s purposely showcasing bad form as part of an article on deadlifting properly). For the sake of this blog, imagine a personal trainer standing next to Krista. Now imagine how much that trainer sucks.

Case in point, I was training at another facility not too long ago, and out of habit I observed the trainers there. I saw one of the “master” trainers having his client perform Romanian Deadlifts. In a nutshell, the client looked like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Knee’s shooting forward, no hip extension, and a completely rounded back (just like the picture above). Even worse, the trainer just stood there watching, counting reps as if everything was as it should be. Matter of fact, the client finished his set, and the trainer said, “good…perfect.”

I thought to myself two things:

1. “Wow, if that is what he considers “perfect,” I’d love to see what he considers “bad” form.”

2. “I didn’t realize the Helen Keller School for the Blind was giving out master trainer certifications!” Zing. See what I just did there? I’m like a word play ninja.

It’s frustrating to be in a field where mediocrity is rampant. Worse yet, the consumer often has no clue. Half the time I want to keep my mouth shut. Who am I to judge other trainers? However, the other half feels an obligation to call these trainers out. Our number one job as strength coaches and personal trainers is to keep people healthy. A huge part of that is making sure that clients are performing movements correctly. We must not forget this……EVER. Why do so many miss the boat in this regard?