CategoriesExercise Technique personal training Program Design

8 Innovative Exercises For Stronger Hip Flexors and Adductors: A Collaboration with Meghan Callaway

Copyright: dogfella / 123RF Stock Photo


Recently the indelible, delightful, and impressive Meghan Callaway and I collaborated on a series where we each shared four innovative exercises for both the hip flexors and adductors.1

As far as duos go, we rank somewhere in between peanut butter & jelly and Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga.

Check em out.

You Won’t Believe Your Eyes

#1 Isometric Copenhagen Side Plank + Band Resisted Psoas Marches ⁣

⁣This exercise strengthens the adductors and hip flexors, improves lumbo-pelvic stability, and shoulder and scapular stability.⁣


Meghan’s Coaching Tips:

  • Place a resistance band around your feet.⁣
  • ⁣Fully extend your upper leg, and place your ankle and foot of this side on an elevated surface. ⁣
  • ⁣IMPORTANT: If this position bothers your knee/any other part of your body, opt for the bent leg variation (your knee should be bent to 90 degrees, and your knee, lower leg and foot should be on the surface). If you do this, the band will need to be placed above your knees. ⁣
  • ⁣Get into a side plank position from your forearm, and set your body so it is in a straight line from your head to foot.⁣⁣ Maintain this position for the duration of the exercise. ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣Your shoulder should be above your elbow.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣Now use your adductors and press your body away from the surface and towards the ceiling. ⁣Do this for the duration of the exercise.
  • ⁣Perform psoas marches on your other side. ⁣
  • ⁣Pay attention to your supporting arm. Push away from the floor and protract your shoulder blade (move it away from the spine and around the ribcage).⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, torso, spine or hips to rotate, or hips to pike or collapse. ⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣Aside from your moving leg, the rest of your body should remain in a fixed position. ⁣
  • ⁣Maintain a 360 degree brace.⁣ In terms of breathing, do what works best for you. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Do 8-12 marches per side

#2 Copenhagen Side Plank Tempos

This exercise strengthens the adductors, improves lumbo-pelvic stability, and shoulder and scapular stability.⁣


Tony’s Coaching Tips:

  • Fully extend your upper leg, and place your ankle and foot of this side on an elevated surface.
  • IMPORTANT: If this position bothers your knee or any other part of your body, opt for the bent leg variation (your knee should be bent to 90 degrees, and your knee, lower leg and foot should be on the surface). If you do this, the band will need to be placed above your knees versus around your feet.
  • Assume a side plank position making sure your elbow is directly below your shoulder. From there push away from the floor so that you’re not “hanging out” on your upper traps (and to better support your shoulder blades).
  • Think about pressing your top foot (the one on the elevated surface) INTO said surface and think about PULLING your lower leg up from the floor via the top leg. Your body should remain in a straight line throughout – no deviating via your lower back or slouching forward with the shoulders and upper back.
  • The key here is the tempo.
  • THREE second count up and THREE second count down with EVERY rep.
  • This is an exercise that can easily be butchered and adding in a strict tempo helps to increase the challenge and to ensure the muscles we want to engage (adductors) actually do the work.

#3 Towel Adductor Slides aka “Thighmaster”⁣ ⁣

This exercise strengthens the adductors and improves hip controlled mobility.


Meghan’s Coaching Tips:

  • Kneel on two towels (you may place a pillow on each towel if this is more comfortable). Your head, torso and hips should be in a stacked position.⁣ ⁣
  • Now slowly slide your knees apart, and to a range where you are able to maintain proper form (and where it feels comfortable). ⁣ ⁣
  • Once you hit your end range, really squeeze your inner thighs (adductors), and return your legs to the starting position.⁣ ⁣
  • Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, torso, spine or hips to rotate, or weight to shift from knee to knee.⁣ ⁣
  • Maintain a 360 degree brace.
  • ⁣⁣In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
  • Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

#4 Lateral Lunges With Plate Slides

This exercise strengthens the adductors – bilaterally (<– Cue emphatic & dramatic music here).


Tony’s Coaching Tips:

  • A quick shout out to friend and colleague @vernongriffith4 for this brilliant idea.
  • Place a light plate on the inside of your LEFT foot, grab a kettlebell or dumbbell in your left hand and step laterally to right making sure to sit BACK into your RIGHT hip. Return to the standing position by “pulling” or gliding the plate with your left foot.
  • Repeat for 5-8 repetitions per direction.

#5 Prone Band Resisted Psoas Marches With Feet Elevated

This exercise strengthens the hip flexors, improves lumbo-pelvic stability, and shoulder and scapular stability.⁣⁣⁣


Meghan’s Coaching Tips:

  • Place a resistance band around your feet.⁣⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣⁣⁣⁣Get into a plank position from your hands and feet, and elevate your feet on a wall or other surface. Your body should be roughly parallel to the floor. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣⁣⁣⁣Place your hands so they are well ahead of your shoulders.
  • ⁣⁣While remaining in the plank position, lift one foot off the wall and bring your knee in towards your torso. Return your leg and foot to the starting position with control, and repeat using the other side. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣⁣⁣⁣For the duration of the exercise, press your body away from the floor and protract your shoulder blades. ⁣⁣⁣⁣Also, press your body backwards against the wall. Otherwise your feet will likely slide down the surface.
  • For the duration, engage your glute on the side(s) that is in contact with the surface.
  • ⁣⁣Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend, round, or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, torso, spine or hips to rotate, or hips to pike or collapse. ⁣⁣
  • ⁣⁣Maintain a 360 degree brace. ⁣⁣In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.
  • Do 3 sets of 6-10 marches per side.

#6 Core Engaged Ludicrous Deadbug

This exercise strengthens many things: your hip flexors, abdominals, glutes, lumbo-pelvic stability, your soul, everything.


Tony’s Coaching Tips:

  • Loop a band around an immoveable object: pole, squat rack, etc. Place a small mini-band around both feet and situate yourself so that your shoulders are on a bench and your heels are on another bench/box/chair a few feet away with the looped band over your head.
  • Next, perform a glute bridge, grab the band above your heads with both hands, and pull taught with arms straight until you have max (or ludicrous tension) in your abdominals.
  • While maintaining the glute bridge (don’t allow your hips to deviate position), press one heel into the bench as you bring one knee towards your chest against the resistance of the band while forcefully exhaling ALL your air.
  • Do not allow the tension from the band in your hands to diminish.
  • Lowering your leg back to the bench and repeat the same process of FIVE reps, making sure to exhale ALL your air every rep.
  • NOTE: You can regress this exercise to be performed on the floor only.

#7) Straight Leg Lifts⁣ (Lateral And Medial)

⁣This exercise strengthens the hip flexors, improves hip controlled mobility, and lumbo-pelvic stability.⁣⁣ You may use any items you have at home. I’m using some Lysol spray.


Meghan’s Coaching Tips:

  • Sit on the floor. Your head, torso and hips should be in a stacked position. Fully extend both of your knees, and plantarflex your feet (point them away from you). ⁣
  • ⁣⁣⁣While keeping your knees fully extended, ankles in a fixed position, and feet plantarflexed, lift your legs over the objects in a lateral direction, and then back to the starting position. ⁣⁣
  • ⁣⁣⁣Do not allow your legs or feet to strike the objects, or for your legs or feet to strike the floor. ⁣⁣⁣
  • ⁣⁣⁣Do not allow your lower back to hyperextend or flex laterally, ribcage to flare, torso, spine or hips to rotate, or weight to shift from hip to hip.⁣ ⁣Some minor spinal flexion is ok. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
  • Maintain a 360 degree brace.
  • ⁣⁣In terms of breathing, do what works and feels best for you.⁣⁣⁣

⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #8 Seated Core Engaged Hip Flexor Lift-Offs

This exercise strengthens the hip flexors and abdominals and basically “locks” you into place so you can’t cheat with your lower back.


Tony’s Coaching Tips:

  • To give credit where it’s due: I stole this exercise from friend and colleague @dougivsc. The hip flexors can be both simultaneously tight and weak and endless stretching is NOT the answer. It actually (may) be feeding the symptoms.
  • Grab a foam roller, a light or average band, and a tennis ball. Wrap the band around a pair of J-hooks in a squat rack so that they match the length of the foam roller from the ground.
  • Sit down underneath the band with your legs in a V-shape and your torso as upright as possible; place a tennis balls to the side of your ankle.
  • With the foam roller upright and just in front of you press it UP into the band. Oh shit, that’s a lot of tension!
  • That’s good – it’ll make it harder for you to cheat.
  • Maintain tension INTO the band with the foam roller, lift your foot off the floor and “lift off” over the tennis ball alternating over and back for 8-10 reps per direction.
CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/21/20

Copyright: neirfy / 123RF Stock Photo


1. #Achillesgate2020 Update

Nothing too too new to brag about this week other than I WAS CLEARED TO DRIVE MOTHERFUCKAS.

Up until this past Tuesday I hadn’t been behind the wheel of a car since May 23rd. My wife has been carting me everywhere.

  • Babe, I need to go to work!
  • Babe, I need to meet my realtor to check out a new potential gym space!
  • Babe, I need eggs.
  • Babe, why are you walking toward me with a knife. Babe, BABE, noooooooooooo.

On top of that I’m pretty sure Lyft is still operating in Boston because of me.

So it was a nice reprieve and welcome change of pace to be able to drive this week.


2. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay.

During quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.

In all I curated 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $100, the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





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This week the delightful @meghancallaway and I are collaborating on a series we think you’ll enjoy. . This is DAY TWO where we’re highlighting four innovative exercises for both the adductors and hip flexors. . 2️⃣ Seated Core Engaged Hip Flexor Lift Offs. . This exercise strengthens the hip flexors and abdominals and more or less “locks” you into place so you can’t cheat with your lower back (ya big jerk). . Coaching Tips (follow @meghancallaway to see tips for her exercise). 👇 To give credit where it’s due: I stole my exercise from friend and colleague @dougivsc . . The hip flexors can simultaneously be both tight and weak, and endless stretching is NOT the answer. . In fact it (may) be feeding one’s symptoms. . If you have back pain and have been stretching your hip flexors relentlessly since 2012 try this doozy instead. . Grab a foam roller, a light or average band, and a tennis ball. Wrap the band around a pair of J-hooks in a squat rack so that they match the length of the foam roller from the ground. . Sit down underneath the band with your legs in a V-shape and your torso as upright as possible; place a tennis balls to the side of your ankle. . With the foam roller upright and just in front of you press it UP into the band. . Oh shit, that’s a lot of tension! . That’s good – it’s the point and will make it harder for you to cheat. The added tension locks you in – abs on, ribs down. . From there you’ll “lift off” moving your foot over the tennis ball and back using ONLY your hip flexors to do so. . Perform 8-10 repetitions per direction. . . ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #hipflexors #hipflexorstrength #hipstrength ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣#corestrengthening #coretraining #coreexercises #coreworkouts #abexercises #abworkouts #resistancebandsworkout

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on


Niched: Demystifying the World of Finance – Pete Dupuis/Sahil Bloom

Full Disclosure: Pete’s a good friend and former business partner of mine. His Niched podcast is excellent either way you slice it.

Sahil is also a good friend (and one of the first athletes I trained at Cressey Sports Performance). He’s now doing some pretty cool things in the world of finance, telling stories, and making it more palatable for us minions.

He’s been CRUSHING Twitter of late with his “Allegory of Finance” series. So much so that Sahil picked up a follow from Tim Cook. He’s now one of 69 people the CEO of Apple follows.

However, I’M only one of 48 people Sahil follows…;o)

A Step by Step Push-Up Progression List – Matthew Ibrahim

I’ve always stated that if one improves his or her’s ability to perform a GOOD push-up, pretty much every other lift will benefit from it as well.

Unfortunately, as much as push-ups are slept on because they’re deemed “too easy” or not worth our time, many, MANY people cannot perform them well.

This article will help.

Best Habit Advice Ever: Never Miss Twice – Mike T. Nelson

Loved this short and to the point blog post from Mike.

CategoriesMotivational personal training Program Design

The Art of Distraction

You ever head to the gym, get there, and then all you want to do is leave?

No matter how hard you try you just can’t muster the mojo to get going and preserver through a training session.

I had one of those days yesterday, actually.

I stayed and swallowed a somewhat decent session down, but I definitely veered off my program and just opted to perform some random exercises that filled my training love tank that day.2

In today’s guest post by regular, Shane McLean, he shares some ideas you can implement when you just need a slight change of pace on any given day.


Copyright: undrey / 123RF Stock Photo

The Art of Distraction

Years ago, my son was getting a cavity filled. Let’s face it, nobody likes going to the dentist and getting those big needles stuck into your mouth.

It sucks.

My son’s first shot didn’t take, and needed a second one to numb the pain.

Then the water works started. Who can blame him? Those needles are scary.

The dental nurse had no bedside manner plus no clue on how to turn the water works off, so I had to think fast.

“Hey, do you realize your bottom lip is so fat the astronauts in space can see it,” I said.

“What are you talking about, Dad? It’s not fat!”

“Feel it. It’s huge,” I said. He smiled, touched his lip and the crying stopped. Problem solved.

You’re thinking, “What the heck has this got to do with exercise?”

Let me explain.

Sometimes you are sore, tired, or uninspired and the last thing you want to do is knock out sets of deadlifts, squats, and overhead presses. The trick (when feeling meh) is to exercise without realizing it.

Hence, the art of distraction training.

I find the best way to achieve distraction is through game play, plus a little friendly competition because you can have fun while exercising, even if you have goals.

Plug the following drills into your warmup or as a substitute for any exercise you have planned. You’ll be sweating and smiling in no time.

NOTE: These ‘games’ work well in a personal training and group exercise setting too.

1. Balloon Tennis (Not Just a Kid’s Game)

This is a great substitute for planks, pushups, or shoulder work, and it’s simple and easy to play.

Set Up – For your “net” you need three step up risers on either side, a body bar, space, plus a blown-up balloon.

Rules – Imagine a straight line down from the edge of your risers. That is your boundary.

Now you and your partner assume a pushup position with feet wider than hip width apart and set up within arms distance from the net.

“Serve” the balloon over the net and bat it back and forth over the net until

  1. The balloon lands out
  2. The balloon touches the ground
  3. You or your opponent lose the plank position

All the above results in a point.

First to 5 points wins.  You’ll be surprised at how much this drives up your heart rate.

2. Reaction Ball Squash

This is a great drill to get you moving in all directions quickly while improving your hand to eye coordination.  Play this on the squash or racquetball court. Think of it as squash without a racquet.

Set Up – The server serves from inside the service box while the receiver stands anywhere within his or her service half.

Rules – Once the ball has been thrown against the far wall and bounces once, it is fair game. If the ball is dropped, missed, or has bounced twice this results in:

  1. If the server wins, he wins the point and the right to serve again.
  2. If the receiver catches the ball, he wins the right to serve.
  3. Only the server wins a point.

The first person to 10 points wins.

3. Core War


This is a fantastic drill that I “stole” from PTA Global. Core war works on the anterior, posterior, and lateral core while challenging balance.  This drill will improve hand-to-eye coordination and quickness.

Set up– Face each other with 1-2-foot distance between each other. Place your hands to shoulder height, elbow bent and palms facing towards your opponent.

Rules– Each person is trying to slap the others hand while avoiding being slapped. You can do this for time for warm up purposes PLUS each partner can keep score. First to 5, 10 or 15 slaps wins.

To make things interesting, the winner can decide a “punishment” for the loser.

4. Stability Ball Wrestle

I know some fitness professionals debate the use of stability balls and Bosu balls in a gym environment. Even some have taken their anger to extreme levels.

Note From TG: It was a dark time in my life.

However, I see them as another tool in the toolbox.

Stability ball wrestle can be used in place of single leg or balance exercises. You’ll be too busy trying to knock each other off balance you’ll never realize (and workout partner) you are training your ankle stability, mobility, and balance.


Set Up – Standing in front of the stability ball put your right foot on top of the ball making sure your right knee is bent 90 degrees. Your partner who is directly across from you on the other side puts their left foot on the same ball, right beside your foot. Your other foot is flat on the ground, This is your stabilizing leg.

Rules – You are both trying to knock your opponent’s foot off the stability ball by rolling the ball aggressively with the foot on the ball. There is no kicking, just pushing the ball any way possible to knock your opponent’s foot off the ball.  Person whose foot stays on the ball wins the point.

This can be done as a timed warmup, for 30 seconds on each foot.  Or turn this into a friendly competition. Every time some loses his balance it results in a point for the opponent.

First to 5 or 10 points wins.

5. The Boxer

Use this in place of any chest or shoulder exercise. This drill will work on power, muscular endurance, and hand-to-eye coordination. Think of it as a fun band chest press.

Set Up – Use a resistance band with handles looped around a solid anchor point and bring hands to shoulder level with the resistance band under and not over your arms.  Your partner puts his or her hands up, open palms facing forward and away from their face.

Rules – You hit the open palm (with a clenched fist), one hand at a time.  Your partner can change his hand position up, down, or left and right to increase the challenge.

You can do this for time and record the amount of hits or use it as an upper body finisher, using a timed interval of your choice.

Wrapping Up

These five games can be integrated into any training session to turn the tedious part of your workout into something fun that can help improve your performance too. Let’s put some fun back into exercise.

About The Author

Shane “Balance Guy” McLean, is an A.C.E Certified Personal Trainer working deep in the heart of Louisiana with the gators.

CategoriesProgram Design Strength Training

60 Second Deadlift Tip: Squeeze the Orange

I often tell people that what “connects” you to the barbell during the deadlift isn’t your hands.

Rather, it’s your lats.

Having the ability to engage them and firing on all cylinders during the set-up and execution has profound ramifications on deadlift technique and performance.

The thing is: For some trainees, asking him or her to “turn on your lats” is akin to understanding Klingon or, I don’t know, being able to perform long division.

What are “lats?”3

How in the heck do you turn them on?4

Copyright: andreypopov / 123RF Stock Photo

Squeeze the Orange

External cuing for the win!

This is one of my all-time favorite cues, and one I use often because it accomplishes a lot when it comes to cleaning up deadlift technique:

  • It promotes more full-body tension.
  • It promotes more posterior tilt of scapulae, providing a smidge more of a biomechanical advantage. Hey, every little bit helps!
  • It helps to engage the lats to higher degree, which aids in upper back tension and less chance of rounding.
  • It evidently does NOT help in preventing me from being awkward AF at the end of this video.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/14/20

Copyright: neirfy / 123RF Stock Photo


1. #Achillesgate2020 Update

I’m out of the boot!

Well, kinda.

In the past week I’ve spent a little more time out of the boot walking around the apartment and occasionally living live dangerously and walking around the neighborhood.

It seemingly took me a week to walk to the bank and back the other day, but it was a nice “win” for me nonetheless. I still have a ways to go before I am doing anything remotely athletic – running seems as unlikely as time travel at this stage – but it feels great to be making progress.


2. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay.

During quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.

In all I curated 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $100, the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





Is It Safe to Exercise With a Mask? Is It Safe to Go to Gyms? – Michael Stare

There are few more controversial topics given all the disarray with current events.

I appreciated this well written and thought out article.

The Post I’d Never Thought I’d Hit Publish On – Chris Cooper

Social media, if nothing else, has amplified the notion that everyone’s life is hunky dory, that nothing ever goes wrong, and that everyone is on cloud nine 24/7/365.

This is especially the vibe in the health/fitness industry.

Everyone hits PRs every workout and looks like a model in their Lulus.

Mental health is not something to scoff at or be cynical about; yet the prevalent thought process – still – is that it’s a taboo subject and that one should just suck it up and deal. I LOVED this post by Chris and how honest, open, and REAL it was.

Give it a read.

Oh, and also check out his Landmine Everything resource he just released. (<– not an affiliate link). It’s pretty baller if you ask me.

The Forgotten Art of Squatting Is a Revelation for Bodies Ruined by Sitting – Rosie Spinks

Stolen from Dan John’s weekly recap – Wandering Weights – this was a delightful article to read.

CategoriesOff Topic

Minutia About Me

A few weeks ago a good friend and colleague of mine, Andrew Coates, took some time on his Facebook page to note that he’s not just this 6’2″ 260 lb behemoth of a human being who likes to lift heavy things.

He’s a lot of other things too.

Canadian, for example…;o)

So, I figured since I’m in a bit of a writing rut of late anyway (and that I too am not just some deadlifting Terminator) there’s really no better topic to help me break the funk than…

scapular upward rotation, extension-based back pain, Top 10 boyfriends of Carrie Bradshaw MEeeeeeee!

Copyright: artursz / 123RF Stock Photo

Me, Me, Me. It’s All About Me

– I grew up in a small village in Central NY (in the Finger Lakes region) that still doesn’t have one traffic light. Or fast food chain. Or electricity.

– Just kidding. My hometown (Groton, NY) has electricity. In fact, it has it’s own electric company. The station is named after my grandfather He-Man Frank McClear.

– I graduated high-school in 1995 and was one of the few athletes from my hometown to have the opportunity to play sports at the collegiate level.

– I played two years at Onondaga Community College (Syracuse, NY) where I was named MVP Pitcher for both the 1996 & 1997 season in addition to being named 1st Team All-Region in 1997.

– I then transferred to Mercyhurst University (Erie, PA) in 1997 where I was named a Division II Player to Watch for the 1998 season. I played there for two years and SPOILER ALERT: There weren’t many MLB teams clamoring for a right-handed pitcher who topped out at 87 MPH.

Yep, that’s me.

– I then transferred back to NY to finish my degree at SUNY Cortland where I earned a degree in Health Education with a concentration in Health/Wellness Promotion (and kicking ass).5

– I was thiiiiiis close to becoming a health teacher. However, a stint student teaching a bunch of 7th graders what nocturnal emissions are all about pretty much put an end to that dream.

– Instead I opted for a career where I could wear sweatpants everyday to work. Doesn’t suck.

– I was never a voracious reader growing up – except for The Source and Sports Illustrated magazines. It wasn’t until my then girlfriend broke up with me in 2002 (and I needed to find something to occupy my time other than crying in the fetal position in the shower & envisioning her hooking up with other dudes) that I began reading more novels and literature. My favorite author is Kurt Vonnegut. My favorite book is The Grapes of Wrath. The final pages of that book still haunt me.

– I’m a 90’s hip-hop head through and through. 1993-1995 is the best two year span of hip-hop ever. Prove me wrong.

– I never thought in a million years I’d ever be a “writer,” let alone paid to do so. I wonder if any of my high-school English teachers – Mrs. Davie, Mrs. LaVack, Mrs. Gambetta – ever refer to me as their crown achievement? I like to think that they used to include units on “the works of Gentilcore” alongside Shakespeare, Langston Hughes, and Proust.

– I also like to think that one day I’ll make out with J-Lo.

– I firmly believe there’s a middle ground to everything – whether we’re referring to politics, bar position on the back squat, or agreeing that all keto recipes taste like sheetrock.

– I will never, ever, ever, never, not in a million-years, ever, ever, ever…start a podcast.

– The only two live concerts I’ve ever attended are Alicia Keys and Norah Jones (twice).6

– I know everyone says this (and it’s entirely not a profound statement to make), but I love watching movies. I was asked recently what profession I’d want to do if I weren’t doing what I am doing now. First would be “professional beat Jason Bourne in a street fight guy.” Second, though, would be a movie reviewer. I can think of no better way to spend my day than to be a jacked Gene Siskel.

– If there’s one piece of advice I like to give everyone it’s simply this: Be nice. Most of the time. Nazis (and/or Megatron, Skeletor, Cobra Commander, pretty much any doctor/charlatan who writes a mainstream nutrition book) should be punched in the face or pancreas whenever possible.

– I think it’s silly (and bordering me not having enough eye rolls to give) when gym owners post videos of themselves vacuuming their facility.


– That said, who am I to toss shade!? I once posted a video of me doing a Turkish Get-Up. You do you.

– I met my wife on We exchanged emails for two days (<– writing skills came in handy there), spoke on the phone for one day, and met for tacos the next. Five years later I proposed on our apartment balcony in sweatpants. Not kidding.

– My cat just took a massive shit in her litter box which is four feet away from me.  Perfect segue to end there.

– This was fun.

– I’m awesome…;o)

CategoriesStrength Training

CORE at Home: Pay What You Want

When COVID unveiled its ugly head this past winter and forced the health/wellness industry to shut down I did what every fitness professional did:

Hyperventilated into a paper bag.

But after that, I did the second most germane thing:

Watched the entirety of Ozark on Netflix.

But after that, I created CORE @ Home: A weekly “stream” of 30-40 minute workouts people could perform in their living rooms (or wherever: bedroom, man-cave, hovercraft) using minimal equipment.

You can now purchase the entire series (3 months worth of programming which includes 36 total workouts) for whatever it is you want to pay.

Copyright: arnonth / 123RF Stock Photo


Yep – that’s right.

Starting today you can purchase the entire enchilada for $1 or $1,000,000.00 or $47 (or anything in between).

Your choice.

What Do You Get?

  • Three workouts per week divided into three sections: Athlete, Build, Condition.
    • Athlete = Simple, anyone-can-do-them-trust-me-you’re-not-LeBron-James plyometric drills to help you conjure your inner athlete.
    • Build = The meat & potatoes or “traditional” iron work centered around exercises that use bodyweight, bands, kettlebells and/or dumbbells.
    • Condition = The part where you’ll hate life. Hahahaha. Just kidding.7[

Each workout includes coaching instruction providing simple cues to follow as well as options to make exercises more challenging or easier.

You also get a cameo from my Achilles rupture.

NOTE: To clarify: I didn’t rupture my Achilles during the actual filming of the workouts – I did it sprinting during a workout I was doing on my own. However, about half way through you’ll notice the model becomes infinitely more attractive because my wife was a trooper and filled in for me for a handful of weeks to demonstrate all the drills and exercises.

Nevertheless, given many of us are still reticent (or in many cases unable) to head back to our regular gyms it’s become  apparent more and more people are seeking out quality programming they can do in the comfort of their own home.

Programming that’s simple, easy to follow, effective, and also fun.

—> Check Out CORE @ Home <—

CategoriesProgram Design Strength Training

60 Second Deadlift Tip: Push, Not Pull

We often think of the deadlift as a pulling exercise, and that’s true.

But it’s also very much a pushing exercise.

Copyright: spotpoint74 / 123RF Stock Photo

Push, Not Pull

In the most rudimentary sense the deadlift can best be described as an action where one bends over at the waist, wraps his or her’s hands around a barbell, and then “pulls” said barbell off the ground until they’re standing fully upright with their knees and hips locked.

Of course, there are a few important nuances with regards to back position to consider.

For brevity’s sake you can think of the setup as shoulders above the chest, and chest above the hips.


Not This

Ya Heard

Anyway, you want to think about putting force into ground and pushing away, rather than just pulling the bar off the floor.

In my experience whenever I see someone’s back rounding or I see their hips come up a bit too early I find they’re not placing any emphasis on the PUSH (and using their quads to help with leg drive).

Another option is to think about “pushing the ground away from you.” This subtle reframing has made a profound difference with many of the lifters I’ve worked with.

Give it a try.


More Than Fitness Podcast

I was recently invited onto the More Than Fitness Podcast hosted by Matt McLeod. As you can likely surmise from the title of the show…

…we chatted about more than fitness.8

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

Staying Calm Through Uncertainty, Becoming a Successful Coach, & Daily Routines

I really enjoyed the conversation Matt and I had centered around COVID and how I’ve handled the pandemic with regards to my business, how I’ve handled throwing an Achilles rupture on top of that, how I got started in the industry, and I’m sure some Star Wars shenanigans are tossed in there as well.

I enjoy more of a freestyle interview approach and that’s exactly what you get in this episode.

You have a few options where you can listen in:

Direct link HERE.

iTunes HERE.

Spotify HERE.

Google HERE.

Don’t Really Know Where This Link Is Taking You HERE.

Categoriescoaching Exercise Technique

60 Second Deadlift Tip: The Wedge

Success with the deadlift will always be tethered to having a masterful setup.

If you start in a poor position, you’re probably going to have a poor deadlift.

And no friends.

It sucks.

Copyright: spotpoint74 / 123RF Stock Photo

The Wedge

When it comes to the setup, however, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

In this instance we’re all special snowflakes with varying limb lengths, torso lengths, and hip orientation… all of which will affect what will feel best and allow us to lift the most amount of weight.

That said, there are two tenets to the deadlift setup that applies to every lifter:

1. Use the Wedge.

Popularized by Dr. Stuart McGill, it’s a foolproof way to set yourself up for success and protect your back. Basically, when you bend over to grab the barbell, you want to use it as a counterbalance to “pull” your chest up and get the hips down, “wedging” yourself between the bar and the floor.

2. Now think, “Armpits over the bar, with maximal hamstring tension.”

Here, I made a video…