I Write Stuff! Sometimes Coherently.

Squat Technique: Maintaining “Tightness” and Why It’s Important

Some of you may recall a video blog I filmed a few weeks ago where I discussed the importance of paying closer attention to the set up with regards to squatting. It’s a component that I feel many people glaze over, and something that deserves a little more love. Unfortunately, many approach squatting – especially […]

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Upcoming Speaking Engagement, Mastery, and #CPfamily

1. I’ve got some pretty cool news to start off the week. I’m heading home! Well, to be more specific: I was invited back to my alma mater – SUNY Cortland (which is ten minutes from my hometown) – to speak to a group of exercise science majors and graduate students. The game plan is […]

Rest-Pause Training: What, Why, Who, and How

In the realm of fitness – and particularly strength and conditioning – there’s no shortage of programs to follow. Moreover, when you factor in all the varying set/rep protocols, rest intervals, tempos, and any other permutations, algorithms, or NASA level geekdom that can come into play when designing a program or general template…..it’s easy to […]

The Fitness Marketing Q&A Show

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Lisa Shaughnessy of The Fitness Marketing Q & A Show about coming onto her show and talking about Star Wars trivia. LOLzzzz. Okay, kidding. As if the name didn’t give it away, the show really revolves around fitness marketing. Outside of beef jerky, Matt Damon, and maybe the […]

Improving Exercise Technique: Pull-Throughs

I know some reading are going to scoff at the title of this post and immediately go off on some diatribe about how pull-throughs are so 2002 and about why we’re even having this conversation in the first place when we can just mosey on over to the corner of the gym, grab a kettlebell, […]