olegdudko@123rf.comCategoriesAssessment coaching Exercise Technique Rehab/Prehab

The Post Where I Tell You It’s Okay to Move Your Spine

Back pain can be tricky. First off, anyone who’s ever dealt with it (pretty much everyone) knows it’s no fun. Second, there’s no overwhelming agreement as to what actually causes it. One person says weak glutes, another says tight hip flexors or hamstrings, and yet another may point to a bad hair day (NOTE: read this footnote, it’s a doozy —>).1

Third, if the stock photo I chose is any indication, back pain can also put a real damper on what can only be described as an Old Spice or Abercrombie & Fitch ad shoot.

In my career as a personal trainer and strength coach I’ve worked with hundreds of athletes and clients battling low back pain. It comes with a territory as a fitness professional. I’ve tried my best to arm myself with the best skill-sets possible (within my scope of practice) to help my clients work through their low back shenanigans. I can assess – not diagnose – and try to come up with the best game plan possible to address things.

And, to be honest, addressing one’s lower back issues can be mind-numbingly simple.

In short:

“Find what movements hurt or exacerbate symptoms, don’t do those movements, and then find movements that allow for a degree of success or pain free training.”

I’d be remiss not to mention Dr. Stuart McGill’s work here. Not only is he one of the world’s Godfathers of spine research, but he’s also one of the world’s best mustache havers.

He’s co-authored hundreds of studies and written several books on the topic of low-back pain – with Ultimate Back Fitness & Performance (now in it’s 6th Edition) and Low Back Disorders being his flagship pieces of work.

Speaking of Ultimate Back Fitness & Performance, look who makes a cameo appearance on pg. 289 in the latest edition.

HINT: It’s a bald strength coach whose name rhymes with Macaroni Flentilzore

For the Record: TG Life Bucket List

  1. Get to a point in my career where Dr. Stuart McGill not only knows who I am, but emails me out of the blue and asks permission to use a picture of me in his latest book update.
  2. Appear in a Star Wars movie.
  3. Become BFFs with Matt Damon
  4. My bedtime becomes 8 pm.

I’d have to say, however, that his most “user friendly” book is Back Mechanic. In it, he breaks down his entire method for “fixing” low back pain covering everything from spinal hygiene, assessment, corrective exercise, and strength training.

I’m not going to belabor anything, you can purchase the book and peel back the onion on his protocols (seriously, the assessment portion is gold).

I’ve noticed a trend in recent years, though. Dr. McGill has done so much for the industry and his work is so ingrained in our thoughts as fitness professionals that I feel the whole idea of “avoiding spinal flexion (sometimes at all costs)” has bitten us in the ass.

Yes, avoiding spinal flexion is a thing, especially if someone is symptomatic and flexion intolerant.2. It’s that point, though, “avoiding spinal flexion” that has gotten the best of us for the past decade or so.

We’ve done such an immaculate job at coaching people to know what “spinal neutral is” via prone planks, side planks, and birddogs, and then used strength training to engrain that motor pattern, that (some, not all) people transitioned into more extension-based back pain because they lost their ability to move their spine into (pain free) flexion.

Dr. Ryan DeBell discussed this phenomenon recently where he discussed his own back pain history. He started as flexion intolerant, trained himself into “spinal neutral,” (which is what you should do), started to avoid all flexion like an episode of Emily in Paris, and after awhile, extension-based movements & positions started to hurt…because he was locked into extension.

As a corollary, I see this quite often myself: someone comes in to see me and both flexion and extension based movements hurt. It’s so frustrating for the person and I can understand why.

My job, then, as the coach is to garner confidence and self-efficacy with my client/athlete and work with him/her on what I know tends to work….find movements that do not hurt and work from there.

Dr. McGill has his own version of the “Big 3,” or his go to exercises when first starting with a low-back person:

  • The Curl-Up (I.e., not a sit-up)
  • Side Bridge or Plank
  • Birddog

Even when we master those movements, which are often very challenging for people when performed right, I’ll stick with them for a couple of weeks and just up the ante with appropriate progressions.

Lets take the birddog for example.

Birddog w/ RNT


The band adds an additional kinesthetic component where increased stiffness or engagement occurs in the anterior core and glutes. Truthfully, it’s not uncommon for me to START with this variation so the person can feel what their limbs are doing in space.

Birddog – Off Bench


Doing the birddog off the bench takes away a component of stability (feet off the floor) and forces people to slow the eff down and learn to control the movement. If they don’t, they fall of the bench. And I laugh.

Your Spine, Move It!

Going back to the assessment for a quick second, it’s not uncommon for me to assess someone and to find that their spine doesn’t move. Whether it’s because of a faulty pattern or they were coached to avoid flexion at all costs (even when asymptomatic) it’s as if their spine is Han Solo frozen in carbonite.

One screen I like to use is a the toe touch drill. When someone bends over to touch their toes there should be a consistent curvature/roundness of the spine. Often, what I’ll see is more of a “V” pattern where they’ll bend over, but instead of seeing a nice curve I’ll see their lower back stay flat throughout the movement; as in zero movement.

This can be just as detrimental as anything else. It may or may not be a root cause of their low-back pain, but I know it’s a red flag I’d like to address.

Segmental Cat-Cow

Below is a drill I’ve been using more and more with my low-back clients. We’re all familiar with the Cat-Cow exercise, where you round and arch your spine moving through a full-ROM.

Cool, great. The human body is great a compensating, and unless you have a keen eye for detail it’s easy to assume that if someone can round and arch their back they’re good to go. But

But are they? Often, if you SLOW PEOPLE DOWN it’ll become abundantly clear that they may move well in certain areas of their spine (thoracic), but not in others (often lumbar).

Coaching them through the movement – point by point, segmentally – is a fantastic way to hammer this point home and to help nudge them to move their spine in a slow and controlled fashion.


Give this one a try with some of your clients. COACH THEM. This drill doesn’t require more than two passes (up and down) per set, for a total of 3-4 sets. Helping them understand that they are allowed to move their spine – assuming it’s pain free – is a sure fire way to set them up for long-term healthy spine success.

Final Note (Because, #douchebagswillbedouchebags)

To appease the hoity toity internet warriors, couch coaches, and fitness influencers who have never coached an actual person (let alone a ham sandwich) out there. All of this DOES NOT insinuate that I am not ALSO using regular ol’ strength and conditioning to address things. All of the drills showcased above are just entry-level ideas or starting points. 

I’m actually a massive fan of introducing unloaded rotational and/or spinal flexion/extension movements into the mix as well as loaded exercises such as Jefferson Curls to help build more resiliency within the spine and the musculature that supports it. In addition I’ll introduce things like tempo deadlift and squatting variations, various hip/low back dissociation exercises (I.e., other hinging alternatives), as well as a consortium of single leg exercises to help build overall strength.

As I always like to say…

You need to lift shit to fix shit.

It’s usually not a one or the other scenario. Both sides of the spectrum (motor control strategies and lifting heavy shit) need (and should) be considered.


How to Curate A Winning Gym Culture

What separates good gyms or trainers from the mediocre ones?

Some would make the case it’s a certain style of training, access to state-of-the-art equipment and amenities, the results  their clients/athletes are able to achieve, or even their knowledge on topics like anatomy, assessment, program design, or, I don’t know, long division.

Don’t get me wrong: All of the above can help with separating yourself from the masses, but what really drives client loyalty (as well as woos new ones) isn’t the fancy equipment or the fact you’ve read Mel Siff’s Supertraining 47 times and can cite every page.3

No, what gives you the competitive edge is the culture you create.

Copyright: vadymvdrobot

How To Create a Winning Culture (<– Not An Exhaustive List, But You Should Continue Reading Anyways)

1. It Starts With You, Sherlock

Nothing wraps this message in a nice, neat, eloquent bow than something I read from Alwyn Cosgrove not long ago:

“A team that is tanking brings in a new coach and they totally turn things around.

A company like Apple, removes Steve Jobs, starts to take a nosedive, then brings back Steve Jobs as the leader and the company starts crushing it again.

Or alternatively, an assistant coach takes over a program when the head coach leaves, and even though that assistant is running the same system, that team never reaches the level of where they were before.

Why does this happen?

It all starts at the top.

It all starts with you.

It’s more than just the systems that were in place, it was the culture (or lack thereof) that was created.”

I think it’s safe to say everyone, at some point or another, has experienced the dichotomy between a good leader and a godawful one. It might be hard to put a finger on the exact characteristics that divide the two, but it stands to reason you know it when you see it.

Back in 1997 I earned a scholarship to play baseball at Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA. I loved the the coach who recruited me to transfer there. During my recruiting visit he came across as someone who was a straight-shooter and someone who demanded (and received) the respect from his players.

I spent an entire weekend watching practices and hanging out on campus with guys from the team and there wasn’t one instance where they talked smacked behind the coach’s back.

They described him as someone who was strict, albeit fair, and as someone who stayed consistent with his expectations of everyone. He wasn’t someone who said one thing one day and did a complete 180 the next.

He exemplified leadership.

The guys enjoyed playing there and spoke highly of the program as a whole. And, as it happened, at the time, the team was coming off a successful 40-6 season and a Top 10 ranking in the Division II baseball polls.

Without going into too many details, I arrived in the Fall of 1997 and within a few months the coach who recruited me to come to Mercyhurst left to take over another program.


I was bummed and more than a bit agitated. But I was confident I had still made the right decision (Humblebrag: I turned down a full-ride at a Division I school to go there) and that the team would still be competitive moving forward.

I was wrong.

The coach who was subsequently brought in was the antithesis of leadership. A ham sandwich would have been a better leader.

He was nothing but a blowhard and an egregious asshat.

By the end of his first (and only) season at Mercyhurst he had burned a lot of bridges with the players and administration at the school, not least of which because it was discovered he had lied about his previous playing and coaching career.

Keep in mind: This was the pre-internet days so it was the Wild West of making shit up. I mean, I once struck out Ken Griffey Jr three times in one game and also made out with Rosario Dawson once.4

Look it up.5

Anyways, as far as culture was concerned…the proof was in the numbers:

1997 Team: 40-6

1998 Team: 26-18.

Now, 1998 wasn’t a complete horror show of a season from a Win-Loss perspective (most teams would love to finish 8 games above .500)…but it was clear the vibe and culture of the program was tainted.

And, honestly, it was the first time I had personally witnessed how poor leadership bred a toxic environment.

Now, as a trainer or coach, think about how this parallels with gym environments you’ve been in? I’ve worked in places that gave zero thought or value in building great trainers, who gave two shits in providing any continuing education, and reneged on cultivating a winning culture, and it showed:

  • High turnover.
  • More concern over whether trainers hit quotas on packages sold rather or even how to hold a genuine conversation with potential clients.
  • General clusterfuckery.

Taking it a step further (and taking the corporateness out of the equation), what does it say about you as a fitness professional if you constantly show up late, you forget appointments, you aren’t prepared, and/or you show up dressed like a homeless pirate?

Leadership always and concretely starts at the top.

And, whether you work in a commercial gym or you’re your own boss, leadership and the culture you curate starts with you.

2. Stop Being a Cantankerous Curmudgeon

One of my favorite comedies of all-time is Grumpy Old Men.

In a nutshell the movie is based around two friends, John (Jack Lemmon) and Max (Walter Matthau), and their lifelong rivalry.


It’s filled with “old guy” cliches, humor, and amazing Burgess Meredith (of Rocky fame) quotes.

The movie’s theme often reminds me of the fitness industry today and how it’s rife with the same antics and toxic hostility.

We expect a lot from our athletes and clients. We want them to show up and give us their undivided attention and full effort. Moreover, in many ways, we aim for them to be more responsible and to take accountability for their actions…

…to be leaders in their own right.

Yet, we (the so-called integrity police) will hop on Twitter (er, excuse me “X”) the second Dieselchest2277 has the audacity to disagree with us on anything from squat technique to achilles tendinopathy protocols to best keto recipes that taste like sawdust.

It’s kinda hard to develop a civil culture, one that’s respectful of other’s backgrounds and experiences (and opinions), if you have the temperament of a twelve year old. Or, more to the point, a cantankerous old man.

Grow up.

Recognize that not everyone has to agree with you and that maybe, GASP, you may be wrong or out-dated in your line of thinking.

This epitomizes good leaders.

3. Be Human. Not Superhuman

Lastly, I’m a firm believer that people don’t respond well when we demand perfection from them.

It doesn’t bode well for culture and camaraderie when you’re an insufferable douchehole and expect all your athletes and clients to be Captain America 100% of the time.

  • It’s okay if they’re unable to nail that hip hinge on their first try.
  • It’s not the end of the world if they miss a lift. (but it also shouldn’t be happening on a consistent basis)
  • Eating carbs isn’t a punishable offense.

Part of building a winning culture, especially a winning gym culture, is encouraging PROGRESS not perfection.

What’s more, I think relatedness is an underrated component of building a winning culture. Part of the reason why I think some of my clients like training with me is because I’m just as excited to talk about deadlifts and scapular upward rotation as I am There Will Be Blood quotes.

Client: “So, after this set of incline presses what’s next?”


Client: “Huh?”



Talk about movies, gossip about the latest season of The Bachelorette, go crazy and listen to boybands radio.

Show your human side. Be authentic to who YOU are. Demonstrate you’re vulnerable and that sometimes you’re wrong, aren’t perfect, and don’t know all the answers. Your athletes and clients will love you for it.

That’s the key to a winning culture.

Come Listen to Me Talk in Person About This Stuff

I’m heading to Europe this fall to put on two separate in-person workshops:

1. Coaching Competency Workshop – Prishtina, Kosovo: Saturday, October 21st

This will be my first visit to Kosovo and I couldn’t be more excited. Topics covered in this event range from how I assess clients and go about writing (strength) programing for gen pop clients to how to work around common injuries and trouble-shooting common exercises like squats and deadlifts (of course).

For more info and to register please email my host Dr. Rita Parashumti at: [email protected].

2. Building the Complete Fitness Pro – London, UK: Saturday & Sunday, October 28th & 29th

Full details (including itinerary) can be checked out HERE.

(NOTE: Very limited early bird spots are available for this event, so if you’re even remotely interested pounce NOW)


What Most People Want When They Hire a Personal Trainer

I’m not an asshole.

But I had a real asshole moment recently, and I think it can serve as a teachable moment for many coaches and trainers out there who may be reading.

My abject assholiness affected me so much that it prompted me to go stand out on the ledge of a mountain, look out at nature, pontificate on my life, and ask someone to snap a picture of it.

Copyright: rdonar

Hahahaha. Just kidding.

I didn’t do that shit.

That’s just a random picture I was hoping would add a sense of scope and grandeur to this post; some deeper meaning that would make all of you be like “whoa, Tony’s got something important and salient to write about today, I have to keep reading.”

NOTE: I was gonna photoshop an eagle on the shoulder or maybe a massive spaceship out in the horizon, but felt it would have been a bit of overkill.

Anyway, did it work?

You’re still reading so I’ve hooked you somehow…;o)

Fuck This Intro, Tony. How Were You An Asshole? For the Love of God Get to the Point.

I receive emails each week from people asking me random training questions or maybe to inquire about my services.

Here’s an email I opened a few days ago:

“I’m a 37 year old man looking to transform my body. I’ve done CrossFit, Orangetheory, paleo, Atkins, fat burners and had personal trainers throughout the years……….”

There was more to the email, but the rest of isn’t pertinent to what I want to talk about.

I read the first sentence and I have to be honest: I didn’t have enough eyes to roll.


I immediately became judgmental and couldn’t help but have the theme music from Jaws reverberate in my head.

Not because I wanted to eat him or anything. But because I’m always a bit leery and skeptical when the following scenario plays out:

  • Random person reaches out.
  • They ask for my help (which is always welcome and a massive compliment).
  • But not before detailing (s)he’s done everything – every diet, every workout program, every trainer at the local gym6, every supplement – with little to nothing to show for it.

In this particular instance I couldn’t help but wonder “why has this person been through so many trainers and has tried so many different things, yet is still stymied as to why they’re not getting results?”

What are they hoping I’ll do (or say) differently?

Generally when I see a laundry list of workout programs and diets staring me in the face I tend to question one’s ability to commit and stay consistent with something for longer than a week.

“I’ve been working out for a week and still don’t look like Henry Cavill. Pfffft, whatever. I’m out.”


Moreover, and this a comment from one of my followers on Twitter:

“I wonder what these people, deep down, really want. Are they genuinely searching, still hoping that you could provide the approach that will (finally) work, or they just want to add you to the long list of what did not work?”

It’s a legitimate question.

Half of me would like to sit here and say “yeah, I’m the shit. I’m a good coach and feel I can offer a bit more in way of experience and guidance. BICEPS!!!”

The other half of me is a bit more humble.

There are a plethora of other coaches and trainers who are equally as (if not more) qualified, and I doubt I’d say or do anything that drastically different than anyone else this person has worked with prior.

  • Many coaches can break down deadlift technique.
  • Many coaches can discuss simple nutritional strategies.
  • Many coaches are program writing ninjas.
  • Many coaches are equally as obsessed with 80’s cartoons.

It behooves any fitness professional to be competent in any of the above, and I do feel what separates the great ones from the subpar ones are their ability to deliver quality programing and coaching.

Maybe the gentlemen who sent me that email was cursed with a lineage of incompetent and lame trainers?

Maybe he’s the problem and is a serial program hopper and lacks discipline?

As it happens he and I came to the conclusion I wasn’t going to be a good fit anyway due to scheduling conflicts and availability.

But the interaction gave me pause.

I’m sure many of you reading have had a similar experience, a similar inner dialogue, and similar initial (irrational?) snap judgement of a potential client.

Here’s Something to Consider

Most people don’t really care if you’re able to write world class training programs, or if you’ve worked with numerous professional athletes and celebrities, or if you place a premium on continuing education, or that, I don’t know, you can make a killer Creme Brulee.

It’s great if or when they have access to a trainer/coach who can do all of the above and knows their ass from their acetabulum.

But do you want to know, above all else, what people REALLY want when they hire a personal trainer or coach?



No, not that kind of connection you weirdo.

The difference maker for most is the connection that’s cultivated with their coach. Knowing the x’s and o’s of program design and improving scapular upward rotation are grand skills to have. But can you find other ways, other than the nerdy fitness stuff, to tether a more meaningful connection with your clients?

  • Can you have a regular conversation with them?
  • Are you able to talk about things other than fitness? Books? Movies? Who’s gonna win Charity’s heart in the latest season of The Bachelorette?7
  • Do you know the name of their pet(s), or children, or spouse, or favorite He-Man character?
  • Do you take the time to stress simple gestures – greeting them by name when they walk in the door, sending out thank you notes for being awesome clients, sending a text to say “good job” after a killer workout – as a way to demonstrate you appreciate them and their support?
  • Do you have the skills necessary to build autonomy (give them more choice in their programming), competence (avoid making them feel inferior or like a failure when they train), and relatedness (helping them feel as if their part of a community)…all of which help foster increased compliance and motivation with exercise
  • Do you play sick 90’s hip hop beats when they workout?

There are a thousand other examples to consider here.

The point being: Rather than think the worst out of the gate and assume the person standing in front of me or at the end of an email is lazy, the better approach will always be to re-frame things and figure out how I can differentiate myself from the masses.

How can I help them gain traction?

The answer is rarely centered around my ability to write a training program that would be Mel Siff’s wet dream, or my ability to regale them with big words like reciprocal inhibition, gluconeogenesis, or vastus laterialis.


Rather, it comes down to building a connection.

Sometimes I need a swift reminder of that.

Categoriescoaching rant

5 Traits of a Successful Coach

Ask ten different people their opinion on what traits or characteristics make for a great or “successful” coach – in this case strength coach, personal trainer – and you’re bound to get ten different answers and iterations.

Copyright: neydt

5 Traits of a “Successful” Coach

Some people will use adjectives like strong, looks the part, experienced, knowledgable, professional, motivating, or “destroy the back of my pants scary.”

Others will use less germane markers such as bald, has an epic beard, or sleeps with a copy of SuperTraining underneath his or her’s pillow at night.

All are important (some more so than others) and all can be used to describe many strength coaches – or any kind of coach for that matter.

It should go without saying, but this is not an exhaustive list.

Today, though, I’d like to cover some less obvious characteristics I feel constitutes a great strength coach and/or personal trainer. Some are based off of my own personal experiences, while others fall into the camp of “it’s true because it’s my blog, and because I said so.”

1. Coaches Coach

Seems like an obvious point to start with, right? But it amazes me how many “coaches” out there don’t train anybody.

Like, ever.

Such is the paradox of this technological age we live in. The internet has made everyone into an expert or authority all because 1) they say so and/or 2) because # of followers = the pantheon of expertise.

Listen, having thousands of followers on Twitter or Instagram is impressive. Anytime you have that many people interested in what you have to say, you’re obviously doing something right.

But don’t call yourself a coach or “expert” if you’re not actually coaching people.

And this is where things get little murky and where the weeds get a little higher.

This isn’t to disrespect or devalue those who make a living online. I get it.  We live in the 21st century and if nothing else, the pandemic taught us that we should be ready, willing, and able to pivot to the online space when needed.

I have many friends and colleagues who do really well for themselves coaching people in a distance based fashion:

  • They’re able to help more people this way.
  • They get people results.
  • I can’t bemoan that.

I do it too.

However, I also still spend 15-20 hours per week in my studio coaching athletes and clients in person. That’s still very important to me. It keeps me fresh and in touch with my coaching skills. And I can guarantee many coaches online who are crushing it were FIRST doing so with in-person coaching. If you can’t coach a deadlift in person, the likelihood you’ll be able to do so over a WiFI connection with someone hundreds of miles away is pretty slim.

Moreover, if I’m going to sit here and write blog posts and articles about how to train people, I better be practicing what I preach.

But that’s just me, I can’t speak for everyone.

That’s a degree of integrity I am not willing to give up.

2. Embrace Your Coaching Style

I always gain of sense of entertainment when other coaches come to observe me coaching. I think many are surprised to recognize that I’m fairly tame in my approach.

Sure, I’ll get animated, crank up the music, and pump people up when it’s needed and warranted. But for the most part I’m about as laid back as it gets. What can I say…

…it’s my inner-introvert living it’s best life.

To be clear: No one – coaches, pirates, airplane pilots, Orcs – is 100% introverted or extroverted. We’re all a mix-n-match of the two. What I find unfortunate is that it’s the more introverted side of the spectrum that tends to get society’s consternation.


Introversion is often seen as aloofness or worse, a weakness. When all it really means is that some people are mentally drained in more social environments and need a little more kitty cuddles “me time” to re-charge.

As such, those who are more introverted are often forced to be something they’re not…much to the detriment of their comfort level, happiness, and ability to not toss their face into a brick wall.

Extroversion – while having its own set of advantages and disadvantages – is seen as a strength and preferred trait in our society.

We introverts have a ton to offer as coaches – we tend to be better listeners and are more patient as an example. I’d encourage anyone who falls into this camp to embrace their introversion, understand that compromises are going to have to be made of course (read my article linked above), and that preferring to hang out with a book on a Friday night is total boss status.

3. Pull Coaching vs. Push Coaching

It’s been pointed on many occasions in recent years – especially by the likes of Nick Winkelman and Brett Bartholomew – the power of using EXTERNAL (as opposed to using internal) cues when coaching – particularly when working with beginner or intermediate level lifters.

To Summarize:

Internal Cues = Specific bodily actions or what it’s doing in space.

External Cues = Intent, distance, or an action.

Exercise                                          Internal Cue                                        External Cue

1. Deadlift                                          “Chest up.”                                          “Show me the logo on your shirt.”

2. Squat                                             “Knees out.”                                        “Spread the floor.”

3. Bench Press                                  “Arch your back.”                               “Meet the bar halfway.”

4. Sprinting                                       “Extend your hip.”                             “Push the ground away.”

External cuing tends to have more “sticking” power and resonates more with most lifters. Nick Tumminello has a nice way of putting it:

“Speak client, not trainer”

Taking things a step further, I really love the idea of “Pull” coaching vs. “Push” coaching – a concept I stole from my good friend and colleague Tony Bonvechio.

Pull Coaching = Helping someone solve their own problems…listening to understand, asking questions, paraphrasing, suggesting options.

Push Coaching = Solving someone’s problems for them…telling, instructing, giving advice.

Both scenarios have efficacy and have their time and place. However, I’d argue we need more of the former compared to the latter. As a coach I want to EDUCATE my athletes and clients to be their own best asset; to figure shit out if I am not there. I don’t want them to have to rely on me for everything.


  • When to add weight to any given exercise.
  • When to temper their workouts and when to push themselves further.
  • How to make simple exercise substitutions if equipment availability is an issue.
  • To understand why burpees (and kipping pull-ups) are straight up dumb.
  • And, do I really need to remind you to g0 Watch Beef on Netflix? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!

You know, the important stuff.

I think far too many coaches and personal trainers push at the expense of pull. Strive to empower your clients by making them more competent and encourage more autonomy (making their own choices).

4. Insatiable Desire to Get Better

Dan John sits in the front row whenever he attends a workshop or seminar. Mike Boyle still attends numerous events every year and is never afraid to backtrack or admit when he’s wrong. Ali Gilbert is the same. Eric Cressey just bragged the other day he’s listened to 25 books on Audible this year.

On 2x speed (the psychopath).

All of them have decades of coaching experience, and all are still striving to get better.

Who in the holy f**k are you?

You’ve got it all figured out huh? No need to continue to learn from others, right? It’s YOUR way or the highway? Everyone else is a moron?  Got it.


5. Lets Stop With the “Grinding” and “Hustling”

While it’s a bit more toned down now, I’m so sick of seeing stuff like this.

We see them on social media all the time.

The “Grinders.”

The ones who are soooooo busy and soooooo swamped and have sooooooo much more of a work ethic than everyone else.

Listen, I can appreciate people with work ethic. And I’ll be the first one to champion hard work and the notion that nothing happens without some degree of sacrifice, uncomfortableness, and inconvenience. And yes, long-ass hours.

But please, spare us the inspirational quotes and grandstanding because you happened to get up before 5 AM two days in a row or, I don’t know, haven’t eaten a carb since March.

Grinding is four tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Grinding is raising a child as a single parent. Grinding is going through intensive chemotherapy and still putting a smile on your face. Grinding is listening to your co-worker brag about their CrossFit workouts and attempting to keep your eyes from rolling out of their sockets every time (s)he waxes poetic about how you’re going to die tomorrow for drinking a Diet Coke.

It has nothing to do with how superior you are because you avoid seed oils or because you train eight clients per day, six days per week.

Speaking of which:

To the “rise and grinders”…I love the work ethic, but there’s only a finite # of hours per week you’re an affective coach.

You’re not the same coach at the end of the day as you are at the start. You’re not the same coach at the start of a week as you are at the end. Touting the early wake-up times and hustle mentality isn’t the long-term flex you think it is.

It’s not a coincidence most trainers/coaches putter out after two years. They inevitably hate life.

I understand bills need to be paid, and I want to reiterate that I also understand there will be a window of time where long hours are going to happen. But be cognizant that there are only a finite number of hours where you’re an affective coach and where you’ll inevitably burn out.

There’s is a healthy balance and I hope you can find it.

Categoriescoaching Program Design rant

Fitness Industry Hyperbole is Exhausting

We all know hyperbole when we see it.

In general, it’s purposeful use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It’s often used in writing (and communication as a whole) to evoke strong feelings and reaction from the audience. These reactions can range from a chuckle and an “aww shucks” eye roll to someone getting punched in the throat.

Hyperbole is everywhere (politics, dating, sports, Thanksgiving dinner) – for better or for worse.

More innocuous and inane examples of hyperbole – the “aww shucks” variety – would be:

  • I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
  • “So and so” is about as intelligent as a ham sandwich.
  • Attack of the Clones is a cinematic masterpiece.8

As a writer I love hyperbole because it can be a useful tool to add a bit of panache and entertainment value to a blog post or article in order to maintain people’s attention for more than 27 seconds.

Where I hate it is where this particular blog post comes into play.

Copyright: iuphotos

Fitness Industry Hyperbole is Exhausting

A few weeks ago I was perusing Twitter when my feed fed me this piece of gargantuan eye wash (because, of course):

“STOP DOING BARBELL SQUATS!!! It’s a useless exercise that does way more harm than good to your body.”

This, my dear reader, is a choice example of the latter example of hyperbole mentioned above. You know, the kind that makes you want to wash your eyes with broken glass.

Now, I don’t know the person who wrote it (I’m choosing not to directly mention them here), and I have zero insights into why this person is so vehemently against barbell squats. What I do know – from checking out this person’s profile – is that they’re a Chiropractor, they seem to build a lot of their online persona around this idea that most people lack mental toughness, and that “bad posture” is the reason why most people are in pain.

Not for nothing, but…

…I’d make the case that the reason why a lot of people are in pain is because they’re chronically weak (muscularly), not because their TL junction needs adjusting every two weeks.

(Which, not ironically, can be improved, drastically – and long-term – with some properly progressed strength training.9 If you don’t force the body to adapt to load or stress, then how can you really expect meaningful change? If the only intervention is adjusting and cracking someone’s bones to fit some “textbook perfect posture” narrative, and it’s something that needs to be repeated over and over and over again, to me, this is akin to using nothing but a band-aid to address a knife wound).

Male osteopath doing a postural evaluation

But let’s move beyond that.

The thing that rubs me the wrong way with this person’s train of thought is that it’s so egregiously self-aggrandizing. One thing that I despise in this industry – and something that makes me lose a lot of respect for someone when they do it – is thinking that THEIR WAY is the ONLY way to do something.

The easy comparison here is Mike Boyle.

I was in the room when, back in 2005, while recording Functional Strength Coach, he revealed to the strength & conditioning world that he no longer included back squats in his athletes’ programs.

I’m pretty sure this was the collective mood in the room when he said it:


He wasn’t tarred and feathered by the entirety of the profession, but in the years since he’s routinely received flak for his stance.

However, I’ve always respected his take and have never taken issue with it.


Because he’s never said:

“Stop doing barbell squats with YOUR athletes.”

He’s only said:

“I’ve stopped doing a barbell squats with MY athletes.”

Moreover, he’s always followed that up with a sound rationale & explanation of why he came to that decision in the first place. And whether or not you agree with him isn’t the point:

  • They’re HIS athletes.
  • My man is still producing bonafide beasts in the weight-room and on the playing field.
  • Hard to argue with results.

Bringing things back to our friend from above.

Where I take issue is the insinuation that barbell squats – of any kind, in any situation, with any person, at any moment in time, even if they’re YOUR client and not mine – is dangerous or turning everyone into spinal compression walking balls of dysfunction.

To steal a quote from strength coach Gerry DeFilippo on that matter:

“How about this. Do exercises that fit your anatomical parameters and needs. More information, less fear mongering/cancelling of exercises.”

No diggidy, no doubt.


Introducing: Strong Body Strong Mind App

I told you it was coming!

Our app is now available.

Our App: From Strength Coach Tony Gentilcore and Psychologist Dr. Lisa Lewis

Most of you may already know that my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, Psychologist (and household director of talking about feelings), has been my partner in our Strong Body, Strong Mind initiative:

…to mesh together both physical and mental strength training for optimal health and functioning.

After years of presenting together at conferences, seminars, and private workshops, we are THRILLED to release programming in an easy-to-access, affordable application.

—> Say no more, shut up and take my money <—

The inaugural program offered in the Strong Body, Strong Mind app is called “Beginner to Badass” and is specifically designed for those who are stark beginners to barbell training or just looking for some direction.

Whether you (or someone you know) is brand new to lifting weights, returning after a break, or just looking for a nuts and bolts program, Beginner to Badass can meet those needs.

What to Expect From the Program

👉 3 months (3x per week; 36 total sessions) of appropriately progressed strength training. NOTE: You will need access to barbells, dumbbells, etc in order to follow this program.

👉 Videos that demonstrate proper technique alongside voice prompts & coaching cues to help you execute every exercise like a pro.

👉 My biceps looking extra bicepy.

👉 A “Mindset Minute” that coincides with every workout session to help you build resilience and persistent habits.

What Not to Expect

❌ Novelty – Exercise variety has a time and place, but a beginner strength training program isn’t one of them. Using one of my more astute and colloquial quotes:

“The greatest gap is most people’s training isn’t lack of novelty, but rather lack of mastery.”

This is the Beginner to Badass program’s glue.

❌ Guarantees or Promises – I could sit here and regal you with grandiose claims like “I guarantee your bench press will increase 50 lbs in five weeks” or “I promise your pecs will be able to cut diamonds” following this program, but that would be disingenuous.

Because the fact is…I don’t know!

What I do know is that you will learn more about what unabashed consistency can do for progress in addition to gaining more confidence including more barbell training to your repertoire.

❌ Lumberjacks – sorry?

We hope you’re as excited as we are to get started.

Join Now


Coming Soon: The Strong Body Strong Mind App

I’ve been woefully negligent with my writing prowess of late.

But it’s for good reason.

My wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, and I have been busy for the past few months developing a wellness/fitness app!

Strong Body, Strong Mind

The app is called Strong Body, Strong Mind and we firmly feel it’s going to be quite different than the bulk of fitness apps out there.


For starters, the obvious: This app will provide both structured strength training AND mental skills guidance to bolster motivation and confidence.

I’ll be taking the reigns on the training side of the app. The “Beginner to Badass” program is designed to guide those interested in starting a barbell-based strength training program but have otherwise been intimidated to do so on their own.

My goal with this app is to make strength training accessible to the masses and to demonstrate how to properly progress from a beginner to being able to beat Jason Bourne in a hallway battle royale.

Lisa will run the show on the psychological/mindset side. She’s an actual Doctor of Psychology (not an Instagram mindset coach) and has over two decades of experience.

Plus she’s a doctor who actually lifts!

Each workout will have a “Mindset Minute” to coincide with it, and will focus on anything from how to stay motivated when beginning a new exercise routine to ways to overcome speed-bumps with lack of consistency.

In short: Lisa’s there to Jedi mind-trick you into kicking ass and taking names. And maybe, if all goes to plan, get you to summon the force with the strength of your butt cheeks (that’s how it works, right?)

Jedi sword in the desert

More details will be coming in a few days when the app is officially launched. For now, I hope this serves as a bit of an Amuse Bouche of the awesomeness to come.

Keep your eyes peeled…👀

Categoriescoaching psychology

The Story of a Shitty Deadlift Turned State Record

HEADS UP: My newest and latest continuing education resource – Strategic Strength – is now officially available to make out with purchase. It’s on sale all this week at $50 off the regular price.

I hope you’ll check it out. (waves Jedi hand – you WILL check it out).

This is a story about a woman, her deadlifting journey, and how the words we use matter.

Unfortunately there are no dragons involved, but it’s a BALLER tale nonetheless.

It begins in 2019 (remember those carefree days!?!) and takes us all the way to a mere three weeks ago where a Colorado State Record was broken.


Copyright: ammentorp

The Words We Use Matter (again)

To serve as slight prelude, I’d be remiss not to point you in the direction of a blog post I wrote in early 2020 titled The Words We Use Matter.

In it I discuss the often negative connotation the words we use have on the psyche of our athletes/clients.

The best example is the initial assessment/evaluation.

Instead of using it as an opportunity to empower someone and to demonstrate to them what they CAN do, we’ll often use the assessment as an invitation to chop them down a peg or two and hone in on their faults thinking, mistakingly, that by doing so we’ll “woo” them into submission; that the only way they can be “fixed” is by purchasing a 24-pack of sessions.

It’s bullshit.

And we need to do better.

You can read the original post HERE.

It’s relevant because 1) I go into detail on what NOT to do during an assessment in Strategic Strength and 2)  in hindsight the seed(s) of that article were very much planted a year prior, in 2019, at a fitness event I was involved in.

The quick backstory is that I was invited to Colorado Springs to record a webinar at NSCA Headquarters for their 2019 Virtual Personal Trainers Conference.

My presentation was on “Hip Assessment” and how fitness professionals should lean more into the idea of asymmetry (brief take: it won’t kill you) and that it behooves us to take time to better individualize one’s squat and deadlift set-up & execution.

I.e., little tweaks here in there with regards to foot position, stance, or even the variation can go a long ways in helping a lift not only feel better, but feel more stable and powerful too.

Part of my presentation involved taking someone in the audience through a real-time assessment in addition to a technique audit.

Here’s visual proof of the interaction:

That’s me on the left and  Jenny (Stein) on the right – you can check her out on IG HERE), a personal trainer located in Colorado Springs.

If I recall correctly, Jenny volunteered her deadlift because, according to her, “it had never felt great.” So I spent a solid 20-30 minutes taking Jenny through some shenanigans.

She had always performed her deadlifts with a conventional stance (feet closer together, hands just outside the knees) but it had always bothered her back.

So I widened her stance to a modified Sumo stance (pictured above) which allowed her to maintain a more upright torso and placed less shearing on her spine. I then got her to have a better appreciation of what it really feels like to ramp up full-body tension:

  • Finding her hamstrings by experimenting with hip position (up, down, back, forth, BAM, okay, right there).
  • Finding her lats: “squeeze an orange in your armpits.”
  • Having her put more force INTO the ground by PUSHING away from the floor rather than pulling.
  • Connecting the bar to the inner circle of the plates – “taking slack out of the bar.”

All these things helped her stay better engaged and helped her to maintain a neutral spine throughout each rep (no more back rounding).

Was she perfect?


All I was after was “better.”

I kept things positive, focused on the “big rocks,” and tried my best to cement the things that were clicking with her at the moment.

(Another really brief digression: I go into MUCH more detail on ALL OF THE ABOVE in Strategic Strength. Hint, Hint Like, you get to SEE it for yourself).

In all, at the end of the live session, her deadlift felt and looked better, which was a win in my book.

Unbeknownst to me (at the time), during one of the breaks in filming, another male trainer in the audience approached Jenny to make some small talk. He asked her in passing if she had ever deadlifted before?

She said yes, but that she hadn’t a ton of experience.

His response:

“Yeah, those looked pretty shitty.”

What profound feedback!

Fucking asshat.

It was weeks later, when Jenny sent me a message thanking me for the coaching cues I gave her, that she told me about her exchange with the other trainer in attendance.

We had a chuckle about it, and shared a few eye rolls…

…but it made me wonder about this guy’s coaching style. Obviously I have no way of knowing for sure, but if he had such callous and insensitive commentary towards a complete stranger, wasn’t it safe to assume it was more of the same with his own clients as well?

Some people may respond positively to such feedback. In my experience, most would crumble.


The words we use matter.

I mean, what if I had taken the same approach?

Let’s say we had a time machine and went back to my first interaction with Jenny and my initial feedback mirrored his (albeit with a bit more drama):


Sorry Jenny, those looked really shitty. Also, your dog is ugly. Next.”

Chances are I’d have turned Jenny off completely and she never would have pursued training with deadlifts ever again.

Instead, This is What Happened

This is a message I received from Jenny in early 2020:

“Hey Tony!

I’m the girl from the NSCA with the “shitty deadlift.” I wanted to tell you that my ugly deadlift is now 335 pounds and I have entered my first powerlifting competition and may even grab a state record next year.

The time you spent with me that day last year sparked something and it may sound ridiculous, but I don’t know where I would be today without the magical creature called the deadlift. For some reason I felt compelled to share this with you today. What may have seemed ordinary and mundane to you completely changed my life.

Again, probably sounds over-dramatic but I truly mean it. You’re a gem. Keep doing what you do.”



But the story get’s way cooler.

Fast forward through a pandemic.

I received the following message from Jenny in 2021:

“Hi. This real ugly deadlifter now holds a Colorado state record!!!! I of course had to share with you.”

Jenny pulled a whopping 363 lbs and turned her “shitty” deadlift into a state record.

Fast forward another year (three weeks ago):

Jenny pulled 402 lbs in a recent state powerlifting competition, which I believe solidifies her as a bonafide deadlifting badass.

Way to get Jenny! (and fuck you lame trainer guy who probably couldn’t lift this much anyway):


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Jenny Stein (@jennypikefitness)


How to Guarantee Your Clients Will Have a Hard Time Actually Getting Results

If you train people for a living, read this.

Copyright: ruigsantos / 123RF Stock Photo

Don’t Guarantee Results

It’s seems counterintuitive, maybe even borderline asinine, not to guarantee your clients results, right? I mean, what the hell are they hiring you for?

HINT: It’s not to trade baseball cards or tickle fights.

I had a new client start with me recently and within ten minutes of her initial assessment she was relaying a story of her previous coach telling her she’d see results in “x” weeks.


Guess what didn’t happen?


I don’t know about you, but I’d hate to set myself up for that kind of standard or expectation as a coach. Unless their goals are any of the following….

  1. Cut diamonds with their pecs.
  2. Build a deadlift that shakes the ground all the way down in Kentucky.
  3. Become a world class hugger.

…I’m not guaranteeing anything, let alone within a specific window of time.

When a new person shows up to CORE I have zero insight into their work ethic, degree of compliance, or any other outside factors that may or may not come into play (family responsibilities, work schedule, Andor marathon watching schedule).

Don’t get me wrong: There should always be an open dialogue and some form of communication with regards to goal setting. But don’t set yourself (or your client) up for a trap by guaranteeing results.

So, Uh, Since We’re Talking About Goals

It behooves any coach to encourage their client to be more specific with their goal setting. Having realistic and tangible goals in sight helps nudge more intent and purpose.

It keeps people more invested in their training.

Just be careful of someone being too vague (“I want to lose weight”), unrealistic (“I want to add 100 lbs to my deadlift in two weeks”), or downright batshit crazy (“I want to pet a Unicorn”).

Lets us a too vague example.

Too Vague = “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get stronger.”

Camera focusing on measuring tape and woman weighting on scales at bedroom. Concept of dieting

Neither is a bad goal. They’re just both vague as shit. It’s like me saying something to the effect of “I want food” when asked what I am in the mood for for dinner.

When someone suggests a vague goal like the ones above I’ll usually try to dig a bit deeper:

  • “Why do you want to lose weight/get stronger?”

  • “What’s prevented you from achieving those goals in the past?”

  • “How will attaining those goals make you feel once you hit them?”

Peeling back the onion with follow-up questions reveals quite a bit. The person soon understands they need to switch gears and latch onto something more concrete.

Which serves as a nice segue to…

Try to Encourage More Performance Based Goals

I’ve been a champion of this approach for a number of years now.

Setting performance-based goals is a game changer.

For example, with many of my female clients, instead of allowing them to default to the “I want to lose weight” trope, I’ll encourage them to pick a performance-based goal to train towards instead:

  • Perform their first strict, unassisted chin-up
  • Deadlift their bodyweight for five reps
  • Perform ten, strict pushups from the floor.
  • Beat Wonder Woman in a fist-fight.

Trap Bar Deadlift.

Setting a performance-based goal makes things so much clearer from a programming standpoint. First off, it makes getting rid of the superfluous foo-foo bullshit easier. Secondly, and most important, is that it gives people purpose in their training.

There’s a WHY behind the madness.

Each exercise, exercise order, load, set/rep, and rest period is curated for the sole purpose of hitting that goal.

To steal a famous quote from strength coach, Dan John:

“The goal is to keep the goal, the goal.”

Either your training program is bringing you one step closer to hitting your goal, or…it’s not.

What I find, more often than not, is when I can get a client to marry him or herself to training for a performance-based goal, the work and effort involved often results in them hitting that aesthetic goal anyways.

It’s a win-win.

The dose of empowerment is priceless.

Set Up Process Goals

This is so simple it’s absurd.

Basically, process goals are smaller, more bite-sized, DAILY, goals people should try to hit that will compliment their ability to hit “big rock” training goals.

I mean, how “strong” is someone going to get if they’re routinely only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night? What are the chances someone is going to “lose weight” if their idea of a veggie is a piece of lettuce on top of their double bacon cheeseburger?

bacon cheeseburger on toasted pretzel bun served with fries and beer

Setting up 2-3 process goals – getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, shooting for 3-4 servings of vegetables per day, eating out less – for people to strive for every day is a great way to not only keep them on task, but provide an unparalleled sense of accomplishment as well.

As they check off hitting each goal per day, they gain more and more confidence and sense of “holy shit, I can do this.”

Build Autonomy, Competency, and Relatedness

These are just fancy-schmancy ways of saying people want to have a sense of freedom/choice in their training, they want to feel like they can do shit, and they want to be part of a community.10

Autonomy: People don’t like to be told what to do. When someone is told what to do or not to do, the human response is something called reactance.

They revolt. Go against the grain. Tell you to go fuck yourself.

Basically, they do whatever it is you told them not to do anyway.

Admittedly, when someone is paying you to be their coach, there’s a degree of “do what I tell you to do” that comes with territory.

However, I’d encourage any coach or trainer to build a level of CHOICE into their programming.

  • Maybe your client gets to choose what variation of deadlift they perform that day.
  • Maybe you let them choose if they want to use dumbbells or kettlebells for certain movements.
  • Maybe you give them a 5-10 minute window at the end of their session to do some additional glute training.

That sense of freedom/autonomy will undoubtedly build a greater degree of compliance.

Competency: This is easy. People don’t like to fail. I’d argue failing is good and part of the growing process, but that’s besides the point.

People want to feel like they can DO stuff. For example, if someone has little experience strength training, what’s the likelihood they’re going to feel great about barbell back squatting on Day #1.

Now, I’m not saying a good coach can’t teach someone how to back squat in a matter of minutes.

It’s very doable.

However, what I am saying is don’t be a dickhead. It can be intimidating for some people to place a barbell on their back, and you’re not doing them any favors by force-feeding it.

Doing squats with barbell

I feel the squat is a valuable pattern everyone should become competent with. That doesn’t mean everyone has to start with a barbell on their back.

Goblet squats are a splendid starting point for many people. Once they’re comfortable with that, we can progress accordingly.

Relatedness: Keeping this one brief, going out of your way to build a culture where people are surrounded by like-minded individuals and they can be themselves is paramount.

Don’t Be Scared to Dish Out Some Tough Love

Bringing this whole discussion full-circle: Remember that new client I mentioned above, the one who told me her previous trainer guaranteed her results?

She asked me an obvious question:

“When do you think I will see results?”

My response:

“If you kinda-sorta train, you’ll get kinda-sorta results.”

This was a (maybe not so subtle) hint that it’s up to HER.

You get out of training what you put into it.

As someone’s coach I’ll be there to support them and help augment their training experience. However, it’s also important to relay the message that part of the onus on them, too.

They have to take ownership and responsibility.

Categoriescoaching personal training

Training Athletes vs. General Population Clients

A few years ago, while presenting at the NSCA Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, I mentioned to the crowd that I don’t work with a lot of athletes anymore.

By choice.

Copyright: yuran-78 / 123RF Stock Photo

Training Athletes vs. General Population Clients

Instead, I explained that currently 90-95% of my clientele are made up of general population clients.

You know, “normal” people.

What’s more, I noted that I actually preferred training them over professional athletes.

There was a cacophony of crickets chirping and cold, blank stares. You would have thought I had just told the crowd I had given up everything just so that I could go walk the land and practice kung-fu.


During the subsequent Q&A later that day I had a handful of people approach to ask if I was okay and whether or not I needed medical attention for saying something so blasphemous me to further elaborate my comment from earlier:

“So, uh, you said you stopped training athletes to work with general population clients.

Like, why?”

Here’s What I Said

Before I peel back that onion, I think it’s important to address the elephant in the room.

I think the overlying credo in the fitness industry is that once you get to the point where you’re working with (professional) athletes or celebrities you’ve somehow “made it.”

You’re elite.

You can now write your memoir.11

Woman hold notebook. Book notes for the Story of my life. Personal memoirs notes concept.

Quick Aside: I also feel there’s a tendency for people within the industry to give more credence or credibility to certain certifications over others. For example if someone is a CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) they’re obviously smarter and more qualified than a lowly CPT (Certified Personal Trainer)….and they can probably walk on water.12

Certifications are great and all (and necessary to some degree), but I guess I fall into the camp that tries not to place too much weight on the letters next to someone’s name, and more so on their experience and overall track record.

I get it: Training Gary from accounting doesn’t attach itself to as much prestige and luster as, say, an NFL player or Zac Efron.

However, as my friend and colleague, Mike Connelly, eloquently stated back in the day:

We all train people. Whether or not they get paid to play a sport does not change their “peopleness” nor does it impact your status as an elite trainer. You either know what you’re doing or you don’t and there is plenty of both on either side.

Training professional athletes and actors has its benefits and setbacks, as does training general population clients.

I’ve been fortunate to work with people on both sides of the fence.

I can tell you that throughout my career I’ve been every bit as excited watching one of my female clients nail her first strict, bodyweight chin-up as when I was watching an athlete of mine make his Major League debut.

Fun Tony Factoid: I watched one of my former athletes make his Big League debut the night of my Bachelor party.

Anyways, far be it from me to tell you which is the better fit or more rewarding route to take.

All I can do is speak for myself.

Speaking of which, how about I finally STFU and get to the meat and potatoes of the post.

“Tony, why did you CHOOSE to not work with pro athletes?”

Here’s What I Actually Said

1. You’re not my Mom, you can’t tell me what to do.

2. The truth is I still do train athletes.  My previous coaching position was at an institution – Cressey Sports Performance – which is known for working with a metric boat load of professional athletes.

Especially overhead athletes.

So, in effect, me switching gears and not training (professional) athletes at the same abundance was very much a result of that.

I simply am not around them as much compared to the past.

Rest assured, though, if Mike Trout wanted to train at CORE I wouldn’t turn him away….;o)

3. When I decided to leave CSP and open up my own small studio in Boston I knew the demographic I’d be catering to the most would be normal, everyday, all-I-want-to-do-is-to-be-able-to-pick-my-kid-up-and-not-hate-life people.

Partly because of the location of my studio, and partly because that’s what I wanted to do.

Don’t get me wrong: I loved working with athletes – and I still do.

However, as far as absolute joys in my life are concerned, outside of a good tickle fight, a heaping bowl of ice-cream, or rough-housing with my 5-year old, I have always gotten more out of helping “regular peeps” nail their first 2x bodyweight squat or helping someone finally conquer his or her’s chronic low-back pain.

I wanted to get back to former and the joy it brought me.

So that’s what I did.

Bye Felicia.


Besides, I don’t feel there’s any less pedigree of coaching involved at accomplishing any of the things mentioned above compared to improving someone’s VO2 max or vertical jump from 31 to 32 inches.

In fact, this quote from Vince Gabriele sums things up nicely:

I get more satisfaction helping a level 3 become a level 7, than a level 8 becoming a level 9. The former is so much more rewarding.

4. Also, if I really wanted to be honest with any young fitness professionals reading:

  • There’s more general population clients out there in the world than there are professional athletes. It’s an inevitable mathematical likelihood that, despite how important you feel you are and that only the elite of the elite can (and should) be privy to your superior training methodologies, you may, never, work with professional athletes.
  • But if you do, training athletes can provide a level of prestige that can be leveraged to garner more business.13 That said, and I think a lot of gym owners will agree with this, it’s general population clients that pay the rent and often result in more consistent revenue.

Something to think about.

And That’s That

If anything I hope this little rant resonates with those who may struggle with the notion that they’re “less qualified” because they don’t work with athletes , models, actors, or clowns.

That’s a bunch of hogwash.

Maturity in a trainer/coach is revealed in ‘the process of progress’ rather than who’s connected to it.14