Lots of things to get to, so lets jump right into it.

1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston
I’m really excited to announce the Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop, coming to Boston (finally!) later this summer.
The idea is simple: there’s a corner in the industry that’s underserved….mental skills.
There are a lot of people out there who write about “mindset” and describe themselves as mindset coaches (whatever the heck that means) who, by and large, have zero academic background in that department.
Lisa, SPOILER ALERT: she’s my wife, went to school for this shit.
I went to school to help turn people into badasses.
Lisa can speak to building competency and discussing how to build the skills to develop rapport with clients. I can speak to getting people bigger, stronger, and faster.
Strong Body-Strong Mind = see you there?
To purchase you can go HERE.
2. Hardcore Kettlebell Programming at CORE
I’m pleased to announce that StrongFirst certified instructor, Justice Williams, will now be running kettlebell specific classes out of CORE starting next month.
You know, kettlebells, those cannonball looking thingamajiggies.
If you’re a beginner you’ll need to first attend the Fundamentals class on Sunday, July 16th where Justice will go over all the foundational moves like the deadlift, Goblet squat, swings, and Get-up.
If you’re already a KB enthusiast you can jump right into the program which will run for three months (meeting 3x per week) at CORE.
This will be an excellent opportunity get accountable, get fit, and learn kettlebell-specific movements all under the tutelage of an amazing coach. Check the flyer above for contact information.
3. Lift and Learn Workshop – CORE
If you’re a beginner, another great opportunity will be the Lift & Learn Workshop hosted by strength and conditioning coach, Jarrod Dyke.
Lifting weights can be intimidating:
- Where do I start?
- How do I warm-up?
- How much weight should I use?
- How often should I train?
- Crap, did I leave the stove on?
Jarrod will spend an afternoon answering these questions (and more) in this FREE workshop on Sunday, July 23rd. For more information go HERE.
4. Cameos I Made In Other Publications
I Did a 30-Day Push-Up Challenge and Here’s What Happened – Women’s Health
I was asked by one of Women’s Health editors to write her a 30-day push-up challenge to see what would happen.
This article explains what happened.
HINT: She didn’t beat up Wonder Woman in a fist fight, but close.
Tip: Get Better at Squatting With This Drill – T-Nation
Suck at squatting? Or, rather, have a hard time controlling your squat?
Try this drill.
Which Grip Should You Use For Deadlifting? – Men’s Health
It’s a question I get a lot – and this article highlights what I often tell people.
Stuff to Read
Practical Program Design – Me
I’ll have the pleasure of speaking at this year’s Elite Training & Performance Summit in September in Chicago, IL.
I’ll be speaking on Practical Program Design.
The Summit’s organizer, Ryan Ketchum, and I caught up yesterday and chatted a little on what I’ll be speaking about.
It’s a quick listen, about 15-20 minutes, but I discuss some things I feel are often neglected when it comes to program design. Things not many fitness professionals hit on; and it has nothing to do with the x’s and o’s of program design.
You can check it out HERE.
BONUS: if you listen all the way through there’s a special code at the end you can use to get an even further discount on the Summit. A BIG discount.
However, it only lasts through the rest of June.
4 Easy Steps to Improve Thoracic Rotation – Mike Sirani
I like Step #1 = you have to earn the right to rotate by first “owning” sagittal and frontal plane movement.
Great stuff from Mike in this one.
Fit Pros: Advice to My 20 Year Old Self – Conor O’Shea, et al
I normally roll my eyes at articles like this, “what advice would you give your 20-year old self starting out in the fitness industry?”
But this was good. And lots of really smart and successful people chimed in.
You should listen to them.
Social Media Shenanigans
Instead of saying “x” exercise is bad and causes “y,” why not 1) learn how to coach it well? and 2) drink a warm glass of shut the hell up?
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) June 16, 2017