1. Digital Strategic Strength Mentorship
Luke Worthington and I developed our 6-week digital mentorship last Fall because 1) we felt between the two of us, we had a lot of expertise and insights regarding assessment, program design, coaching, brand building, and business that we could offer to other fitness professionals to help build & grow THEIR businesses, and 2) because there’s a fucking pandemic going on that’s prevented us from doing these sorts of things in person.
(Hopefully soon, though)
Nevertheless, we had a great experience the first go round with a stellar group of fitness pros and we’re excited to open it up again this Spring.
It all begins on April 26th.
Click HERE for more details.
2. Appearance on the Golf Under Par Podcast
Full Disclosure: I have never played a full-round of golf in my life. So you can guess my surprise when I was invited onto Dr. McCullough’s podcast recently. Thankfully, he was more interested in hearing my thoughts on how to train rotational athletes than he was my thoughts on when to choose a 3-wood over a 4-wood.
ANSWER: 3-woods on Thursdays only.
In this episode I discuss why it’s okay to lean into asymmetries, some of my “entry points” to dealing with low back pain, and why there’s no such thing as a “golf specific” program.
Listen via iTunes HERE, Google HERE, and Spotify HERE.
3. CORE @ Home
You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever you want to pay.
In all I filmed 36 workouts during quarantine last year using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.
Whether you want to spend $1 or $99 (FYI: the latter enters you to win a 5×7 shirtless pic of me), the workouts are ready and available to start.
For more information go HERE.
You know, it’s okay to NOT pick apart your clients’ lifts incessantly.
Don’t go out of your way to always nitpick and find something wrong. Sometimes, a good lift/set is a good lift/set.
Marinate in it.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) April 18, 2021
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5 Reasons Every Personal Trainers Needs a Fitness Coach (You Too!) – Joe Dowdell
One of the best investments I have made in myself over the course of the past several years is hiring my own coach to write my training programs.
As I have said repeatedly:
“Coaches need coaches too.”
1. It helps me get out of my own head. The last person I want to write a program for is myself.
2. It forces me to work on my weaknesses and to have an un-biased approach to my training. I mean, I can’t deadlift and perform bicep curls 5x per week, right?
3. And maybe most important of all: It’s a form of continuing education for myself. I love learning new exercises and different ways & approaches to programming.
Cardio and the Bigger Picture – Bryan Krahn
We’ve been programmed to think that cardio is an essential component of a well-rounded fat loss plan, Cardio has myriad of benefits of course…
…but fat loss?
Bryan breaks down a more “efficient” way to add cardio into the mix if getting shredded is your goal.
Coaches: You Are the Weird One (Me Too!) – Chris Kershaw
Us coaches tend to forget that we’re the minority.
We actually like exercising, straining, DOMS, rear foot elevated split squats.
Okay, maybe not split squats.
It’s important to remember that for many, liking exercise isn’t normal, and it behooves us as fitness professionals to meet our clients where THEY are…
…by encouraging more positivity and inclusiveness.