
The Sweet Taste of Victory

As a scholarship athlete, Jon works a few hours per week at the facility doing odd jobs for us. Some of his duties include cleaning equipment, picking up weights, and building stuff like our “crash wall” for the sprint track. Each day that he comes to work, there’s a list of “things to do” for the day. One day last week, one of his tasks was to go to the local Subway and finally ask the girl behind the counter for her number. You see, Jon had been going to Subway everyday for two straight weeks just to see this girl in action. And for two straight weeks all we would hear is “she’s perfect. I’ve never seen a girl handle roast beef like that before. It’s amazing.”

Needless to say, we took matters into our own hands and told him to go down to Subway and ask for her number. We even gave him money to buy his sub. I secretly recorded the conversation as it went down:

Hot Subway Girl: “May I take your order?”

Jon: “Yeah, I’m really hungry today. I just spent all day rescuing kittens from trees and helping old ladies cross the street. I’ll take my usual. I’ll also have a side order of your phone number.”

Hot Subway Girl: “Extra pickles?”

Jon: “That’s how I roll.”

10 minutes later we took this picture:

In Jon’s right hand is hot Subway girl’s number. Not only do we build strong athletes at Cressey Performance, but we mold them into charming bastards as well.


Exercises I Hate (The Leg Press)

Lets be honest. People tend to gravitate towards the leg press because, well, it’s easy.

Warning: the video below is 32 seconds of your life that you will never get back and you may have a strong urge to pour battery acid over your eyes.

I don’t know which made me laugh more. The fact that the woman performing the leg press was wearing an ankle weight or that she was using a six inch ROM on each repetition. Either way, it’s downright absurd and just solidifies why I haven’t included the leg press in any of my client’s programming in over three years.

While the leg press does allow for certain individuals who “think” they’re strong to stroke their ego a bit, it also serves as a great tool for those training to become efficient at pushing a weight up an incline. Which as we all know, has a plethora of “real world” carry over to everyday life events. I used the word plethora, so you know I’m being totally serious here. See mom, I used my big boy words!

While many will state that the leg press is a safer alternative to squat variations, I will counter that argument by quoting Dr. Stuart McGill, who in his book “Low Back Disorders,” states: “the leg press sometimes causes the pelvis to rotate away from the back rest when the weight is lowered. The resultant lumbar flexion produces herniating conditions for the disc!” Translation: you’ll end up with an oowie.

Why anyone would want to go out of their way to reinforce a faulty motor pattern that will more than likely end up promoting disc herniations is beyond me. It makes about as much sense as Tom Selleck shaving off his mustache.

Personally I’m not a big fan of mustaches. However, recent research indicates that global warming can be attributed solely to the effects Tom Sellecks’s mustache has on women. I think I read that on Wikipedia. Either way, no man should ever give up that kind of power. Ever.

Long story short, from a cost-benefit perspective, I feel that leg presses just aren’t worth it. A trainee’s time would be much better spent learning how to squat properly. Not only will you have greater strength gains, improved bone health, and lean muscle gain….but squats will carry over very nicely in terms of everyday life events.


Post-Exercise Carbohydrates

Many people ask what I like to do in my spare time. While my days are typically jam packed helping baby seals find their mothers, teaching orphans how to read, and reciting poetry in Boston Common with my shirt off; I also like to set aside a few minutes each day to discuss some common myths in the fitness/nutrition world.

One such myth that still tends to be quite common is the notion that ingesting carbohydrates around training will inhibit fat loss. For those who are trying to lose some body fat this has implications. What should you do? Lets keep this short and sweet.

1. Both resistance and endurance exercise up-regulate muscular insulin sensitivity. Without getting too much into the boring science (GLUT-4 receptors permeate to the cell membrane so that they can bind to glucose), this is often the reasoning behind the saying “take advantage of that post-training window.”

In a nutshell, following training, skeletal muscle is primed to take up nutrients at an accelerated rate. You could think of your muscles as a sponge just waiting to absorb all those nutrients you take in after training. What’s important to note is that during this post-training window, most (if not all) nutrients taken in will be shuttled to muscle and not fat cells. As a matter of fact, following glycogen depleting endurance exercise, research has clearly shown that ingested carbohydrates go towards glycogen storage while the body still continues to rely on fatty acids for fuel.

Granted the above refers to endurance exercise, but the same can be applied to those who only participate in resistance training as well; just to a smaller degree.

2. One cool study showcased the above points exactly. In terms of De Novo Lipogensis (DNL), or the making of new fat cells, it was shown that DNL did not occur in subjects who ingested 500 grams of CHO after 90 minutes of moderate exercise. As a matter of fact, the body continued to burn fat in the post exercise period.

Folch, N. Metabolic response to a large starch meal after rest and exercise: comparison between men and women. Eur J Clin Nutr. (2003) 57(9): 1107-15.

The basic gist of all of this? When glycogen levels are depleted (as they are in INTENSE exercise…a key point to remember), incoming carbohydrates go towards glycogen storage while the body continues to utilize free fatty acids for fuel. Ingesting some carbohydrates post-training (thus raising insulin levels) does not interfere with this.


3D Stretching

If you’re like me, whenever someone mentions “3D” you automatically think of how awesome it would be if IMAX ever decided to release a full length feature devoted entirely to Kim Kardashian’s badonkadonk.

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, a badonkadonk is a noun used to describe buttocks of exceptional quality and bounce. Used in a sentence it would go something like this: Is that Kim Kardashian’s badonkadonk or a solar eclipse? Hahahaha. See what I just did there? I referred to her “booty” as something large enough to be mistaken for a solar eclipse. Get it? The sun is kinda big and well, so is her………shut up! It was funny dammit. Barack Obama has nuthin on me when it comes to word-play.

Now for those who don’t have the maturity level of a 14 year old, the notion of “3D Stretching” has grown in popularity in recent years. When most people think of “stretching” they generally think of static stretching, where one hoists their leg up onto a table and stretches his or her hamstrings for example. There are a few issues I have with this approach:

1. It’s archaic. That’s not to say there isn’t a time and place for static stretching, because there certainly is. However, exercise is dynamic (we move), so it only makes sense that we should warm-up by moving as well.

2. Using the above example, static stretching only stretches the hamstrings in one plane (saggital). As trainers and coaches, we don’t tell people to train in one plane, so why do we miss the boat and stretch people in only one plane?

This is where 3D stretching comes into the picture.

Saggital Plane

First and foremost let me just say that it’s incorrect to round your upper back when stretching the hamstrings. In doing so, you’re just stretching the lumbar spine and NOT the hamstrings. Big difference. That being said, while maintaining a neutral spine, simply lean forward with your chest till you hit your “sticking point.” Hold for a split second and return back to the starting position.

Frontal Plane

To stretch the hamstrings in the frontal plane, simply move your hips side-to-side (left to right).

Transverse Plane

And now for the transverse plane (rotation), you need to “open up” your hips. The key here is to rotate THROUGH THE HIPS and not the lumbar spine. Also be sure that your toes are pointing straight ahead on the plant leg (ie: the leg that’s in contact with e floor).

Include these 3D stretches as part of your dynamic warm-up, and I guarantee your hamstrings will feel ten times better.


Super Bowl Cheesecake

Wow, what a Super Bowl. *What an upset. I’m not going to lie, I totally had a slice (or five) of pizza.

I know, small potatoes compared to what most people ate that day. But unlike the majority of Americans, I didn’t use the Super Bowl as an excuse to go wild and gorge myself with an endless supply of chicken wings, beer, and ice-cream. I’ll be the first to admit that I think it’s absurd not to indulge in “taboo” foods from time-to-time. You have to live life for crying out loud. But I’ll also be the first to say that everyone can take precautions and learn to prepare foods that are not only delicious, but serve as healthier options as well.

Case in point: No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake from John Berardi’s Gourmet Nutrition (volume one). I’ve made this dish on several occasions and it never fails to impress. If you’re like me and think The Cheesecake Factory is totally over-rated, then this “high protein, low sugar” cheesecake is just for you.



1 cup graham cracker crumbs

1/4 cup ground flax seeds

1/4 cup raw oat bran

1 oz fat-free cream cheese, warmed in microwave

1/3 cup water


2 cups lowfat cottage cheese

1/2 package powdered Jell-O instant pudding, cheesecake flavor

3 oz. fat-free cream cheese

3 scoops vanilla or strawberry whey protein powder

2 cups sliced strawberries


Mix crust ingredients in a large bowl. Stir this mixture until it’s all the same consistency, and then press into a 9-inch pie pan coated with olive oil cooking spray, stretching the crust up the sides of the pan. Blend the remaining ingredients except the strawberries on high until smooth and creamy. Stir in the sliced strawberries, then pour the mixture into the crusted pan, and refrigerate for one hour.

*Speaking of upsets. While the Giants beating the Patriots will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest upsets of all time, it was nothing compared to the travesty that happened yesterday. released their Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2008. Katherine Heigl (of Grey’s Anatomy fame) beat out both Alessandra Ambrosio and Kate Beckinsale for the title as “most desirable woman.” If by “most desirable,” they mean “woman most likely to have hit every branch falling down the ugly tree,” then I would agree. Are they serious? I’d put Betty White ahead of Katherine Heigl on that list. Shoot. I’d even put Ellen Degeneres on the list, even though she would automatically be disqualified. Cause you know, she’s a dude. Oh snap!


What Tha….

” alt=”Hawaii Chair” />

If you’re like me, after watching that video you probably thought to yourself, “whoever invented this has got a date with my nunchucks.” Or at the very least you vomited in your mouth.

I’m getting to the point where nothing surprises me anymore. Soon we’ll probably have some nimrod trying to advocate canned dog food as part of a great fat loss diet. Wait a second. Alpo Liver-n-Bits is on sale this week. Score!


Reality Check

Part of my job as a strength coach and trainer is to save people time. That is, to help people achieve the results they’re looking for in the shortest amount of time possible. Conversely, part of my job as an honorary member of the “Secret Society of Jedi Knights” is to be awesome and make chicks want to hang out with me. Surprisingly, it’s not my fake light saber that drives them crazy, it’s my cloak. You know, cause it makes me look all mysterious. Not to mention it really brings out eyes.

In any case, last weekend at Mike Boyle’s 2nd Annual Strength and Conditioning Winter Seminar I listened to Mike himself talk about his ongoing struggles with training endurance athletes, and I couldn’t agree more with what he had to say. People who like to run either have a genetic predisposition to it, have a type-A personality, or they do it because it allows them to have a competitive outlet into adulthood; or it’s a combination of any of the three.

Unfortunately, as Mike noted, all the traits above are at first positives, but they can rapidly become a negative because what makes you train (you’re good at it, it’s easier, personality, etc) also makes you train hurt. In a nutshell, he went on to say that endurance training probably isn’t good for most people (GASP!). I totally heart Mike Boyle.

Tell me if this looks familiar: The Endurance Cycle (again, from Mike).

Train………………Injury………………..Rehab/Physical Therapy

Train………………Injury………………..Rehab/Physical Therapy

Train………………Injury………………..Rehab/Physical Therapy

I’m willing to bet that many of you reading this who are avid runners can relate to this never ending cycle. I’m also willing to bet that your physical therapist pays off his/her mortgage thanks to you.

So what can “we” as fitness professionals do? Well, as Boyle put it…..”you can’t change their personality but you may be able to change their training.” In other words: what can we do to keep these people “healthy?”

(Warning: this is the part where I start sounding like a broken record.)

1. Intervals: as counterintuitive as it may seem, interval training develops aerobic capacity better than aerobic training. The fastest way to increase VO2 max, the standard measure of aerobic fitness, is through interval training not long duration distances.

Journal of Physiology, “Short term sprint interval versus traditional endurance training: Similar initial adaptations in human skeletal muscle and exercise performance.” Sept 2006, Vol 575 Issue 3.

Study specifics– comparison of 20 minutes of interval training (30 sec sprint/ 4 minute rest) with 90-120 minutes in the “heart rate zone.”

Results– same improvement in oxygen utilization. One hour per week vs. 4.5-6 hours per week.

As I stated above, a large part of my job is to get people the results they’re looking for in the shortest amount of time possible. If someone is looking to improve their aerobic capacity, which do you think I’m going to choose? Not only will interval training get the job done infinitely faster, but I won’t have to deal with all the nagging injuries as well (less ground contacts compared to long distance training).

On an aside, I’ve never really heard anyone say, “you know I really wish I had a physique like a marathoner.” Something to ponder.

2. Resistance Training: As Eric Cressey has noted on several occasions, a University of Alabama meta-analysis of the endurance training **scientific literature revealed that ten weeks of resistance training in trained distance runners improves running economy by 8-10%. For the mathematicians in the crowd, that’s about 20-24 minutes off a four-hour marathon – and likely more if you’re not a well-trained endurance athlete in the first place. Not only will they get stronger and improve force production (improved times), but they’ll also stay a little healthier due to the fact that they’re not on the road or on the treadmill as much.

** Jung AP. The impact of resistance training on distance running performance. Sports Med. 2003;33(7):539-52.


A great “real world” example would be my girlfriend; lets call her, um, Kate Beckinsale.

Before we met, she was an avid runner. It took a lot of work, but I eventually convinced her that she didn’t have to be doing all of that endurance work in order to stay “fit.” Instead she started to lift weights more often and performed more interval based work. Fast forward a year. She went for a 3.5 run with one of her friends last week. I think her friend’s name was, let me see here, Jessica Alba. Yeah, that’s it.

“Kate” reported no issues what-so-ever in regards to feeling winded or tired afterwards. Matter of fact, she said she could have easily gone longer. This after having not put on her jogging shoes in over a year.

Note to Reader: to protect the anonymity of those mentioned above (my girlfriend and her friend she went jogging with), I used the names of celebrities that I would totally make out with. That is of course assuming my real girlfriend was actually into those sort of things, which she isn’t. Sigh


Reason I Think Yoga Mostly Sucks: # Infinity

Before I go on, please read the title of this blog post again. I think yoga MOSTLY sucks, it doesn’t completely suck. There’s a big difference. Matter of fact, the only things I would say suck 100% are illegal immigrants who complain when they don’t get free tuition, Keanu Reeves, and the fact that the Quaker Oats Company discontinued Mr. T cereal when I was twelve years old back in the 1980’s.

Lets just say I pity the fool who decided to take one of my favorite cereals off the shelf. Don’t think I forgot Quaker Oats. I’ll never forget!

Needless to say, I’m still dumbfounded when I overhear people claim that stretching their lower back (like some of the poses advocated in yoga) “feels good.” One of the best retorts to this statement comes from strength coach Mike Boyle: “picking a scab feels good too, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you.” What happens when you a pick scab? Eventually you’re going to develop scar tissue. The same can be said about the lumbar spine when you consistently take it into positions that it’s not accustomed to or designed to be in.

Despite what many of us in the fitness industry say on the contrary, some people still think that stretching their lower back is good or “healthy.” The fact of the matter is, the lumbar spine has approximately two degrees of rotary movement from L1-L4, and L5-S1 may have up to five degrees of rotary movement. All in all the total Range of Motion (ROM) for rotation of the lumbar spine is roughly 13 degrees. Far less than what the woman above is demonstrating.

Long story short, for those who have a history of low back pain…please stop stretching your back! Learn to stabilize the lumbar spine while promoting mobility in the hips and thoracic spine. Conversely don’t listen to any yoga instructor or physician who state all you need to do is stretch your back. They’re mis-informed and there is absolutely no research to back their claims up. However there is some research demonstrating an inverse relationship between the stupidity of “some” yoga instructors and the likelihood I’ll want to face claw them. True story.


JB Makes My Job Easier

When I first started out in this industry, one of the first authors that I gravitated towards was Dr. John Berardi (JB). As a “newbie” in the industry I understood the importance that nutrition played in the overall progress of the people I worked with. In a nutshell, JB’s writing style appealed to me and I found myself adopting many of his thoughts and principles concerning diet and nutrition and applying them towards my own clients. Six years later, I still consider JB the “go to” guy in regards to nutrition; whether you’re an athlete looking to enhance performance, a “weekend warrior” looking to shed those last few pounds of fat, or a stay-at-home mom who just wants to feel better.

JB makes my job easier because I KNOW that he will consistently put out quality material. As such, I have no qualms what-so-ever endorsing his products.

1. Precision Nutrition: is unquestionably the most comprehensive resource I have ever come across that deals with nutrition. More often than not, when someone approaches me with a question concerning their diet, I answer it, and then revert them to this product. Instead of offering quick fixes (like most diet books), Precision Nutrition offers a plethora of tools; various guides (diet plans, cookbooks, etc), the No-Nonsense Nutrition dvd, and an online library/community, just to name a few. All of which help to set people up for long-term success; an important distinction.

2. More recently, JB released the second edition to his popular cookbook “Gourmet Nutrition.” Geared towards the “fit food lover,” Gourmet Nutrition is for those who love to eat great food, but hate that after-dinner guilt. It’s hard enough for people to eat the right foods, let alone know how to cook them. This book is loaded with roughly 100 recipes that not only taste spectacular, but will also make you healthier. Take that Rachael Ray!

Matter of fact when I brought the book home last week, my girlfriend spent close to an hour just looking at the pictures and studying the recipes. That’s saying a lot since she’s what I would call a “cookbook snob.” Which makes me wonder: what other book could I bring home that has tons of pictures and instructions of things we’ve never tried before? Hmmmmmmm……

If you’re reading this babe, I’m just kidding. I would never sink so low as to bring this sort of smut home. Seriously though, where’s the local Borders?


Quick Updates

1. I had a new article published on Testosterone Magazine earlier this week. Check it out: The 2008 Alphabet of Manliness.

2. There have been some slight technical difficulties with the site recently. Mainly the fact that people have not been able to leave comments. I “think” the issue has been resolved, so feel free to post away. I’m always interested in what my readers have to say.

3. I’ll update the blog tomorrow, but in the meantime, can someone please explain to me why a movie like “Alvin and the Chipmunks” has made close to $200 million at the box office?

I’m starting to think I should make a movie of my own. I’ll call it “Drop Kicking Paris Hilton In the Face, Repeatedly.” Who wouldn’t pay to see that? I could market it as a romantic-comedy and make millions!