CategoriesExercises You Should Be Doing

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 8/5/16

I know, I know…I posted one of these earlier this week. I’m the jerk.

In fairness I normally post my “Stuff to Read” series on Fridays, but since I was taken off track the prior week and didn’t post one I made up for it on Monday. Besides, as this goes live my wife and I are en route to London to present our 2-day Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

32319360 - thames and london city

Copyright: sborisov / 123RF Stock Photo

We’re excited of course. Not only because we’re visiting London for the first time as a couple (I visited back in 2014 and Lisa studied abroad back in her college days), but also because it’s our first “go” with presenting our 2-day workshop (we did a 1-day workshop in Austin, TX back in June).

We’re expecting 30 or so fitness professionals from across the UK to come in and listen to myself speak to assessment, program design, coaching the “big 3,” and why Jason Bourne could kick James Bond’s ass and Lisa will bring more of a mindset/behavior change/creating autonomy & competency with clients vibe.

Keep your eyes and social media ears peeled, because I’m hoping to announce some Boston dates soon. Or, if you’re someone who’s interested in hosting Lisa and I…shoot me a message. We’re pretty cool to hang out with.

Strong Body-Strong Mind FACEBOOK

Why Having a Strong Pelvic Floor Isn’t Enough – Ann Wendel

A whole lotta “YES” to his article written by Ann Wendel of Girls Gone Strong. Incontinence is not something women should just “deal with” or “shrug off.”

Likewise, the adage of solely prescribing Kegel exercise to fix pelvic floor dysfunction is a thing of the past. The “fix,” in fact, is much more integrated…incorporating positional breathing drills, dedicated mobility work (in the right areas), and even progressive overload strength training.

Give this a read. It’s important stuff!

Strength Beyond Strength – Jaclyn Moran

A wonderful article written by Jaclyn Moran of War Horse Barbell Club (Philly in the house!) that will resonate with many women.

Stop comparing yourself to others. You do YOU.

This is 40 – Bret Contreras

Hubba, hubba, hubba.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 6/17/16

As this post goes live I’m in route to Austin, TX with my wife Lisa to take part in our inaugural Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop.

We’re excited because we both feel this is an underserved “niche” within the fitness community. The stuff I’ll be speaking about is nothing new – program design, breaking down squat and deadlift technique, why Darth Maul is the best Sith Lord ever, you know the important stuff.

While I feel I offer a unique perspective on all of those things and feel I have expertise, they’re all topics that are covered by many other coaches.

However, it’s the stuff the two of us will be speaking about in tandem – The Art of Coaching & Behavior Change, how to increase motivation and autonomy with your clients, how to assess your client’s willingness to change – that’ll be the real treat to the attendees attending.

Well there’s that, and the 0.01% chance they all witness a marriage crumbling before their eyes. This is mine and Lisa’s first attempt at working with one another.

Either the weekend ends as a glorious success, complete with high-fives and a ticker-tape parade, or we’ll be hiring divorce lawyers and fighting over custody of the cat.

And who gets the VitaMix.[footnote]I’d totally get it. 100%. No doubt in my mind. Oh, hey babe….what’s with the knife? Babe? BABE? Noooooooooooo.[/footnote]

The 6 Biggest Lies About Eating Meat – Mike Sheridan

I always appreciate articles like this.

Coincidentally, best read while eating a steak….;o)

How to Reduce Your Risk of Injury – Ann Wendel

Girls Gone Strong resident physical therapist, Ann Wendel, chimes in with some sage advice on what “functional training” really means.

Optimizing Movement – Eric Cressey & Mike Reinold

With their 4th installment in the Functional Stability Training series, Eric and Mike break down “movement,” from the assessment process to the gym floor.

The sale price ($30 off) only lasts until the end of this weekend, so act quickly while you can to take advantage.

How to Test Overhead Mobility – Me

In my latest article for Men’s Health I break down one of the easiest ways to “screen” for overhead mobility, and what you can do to improve it.

Epic beard not included.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 5/13/14

Before I get into this week’s list of stuff to read, I wanted to reach out to all of my esteemed, intelligent, and radically good looking readers to ask them for a little feedback.

I plan on giving this website a “face-lift” in the near future with the help of my friends from Copter Labs, who built this site from scratch way back in 2010.

I have a few things that jump out at me:

1.  Make the site more compatible for those who log on through their iPad or iPhone.

2.  Upgrade some of the aesthetics like the font (I want to make the font larger), getting rid of some of the superfluous stuff on the home page like the link to Flickr and my YouTube page, as well changing the standard “bald-strength-coach-tough-guy-who-crosses-his-arms” picture that’s plastered on the front.

For all I know that scares more people away than welcomes them.

3.  And then there are some backend things like updating the NewsLetter software and including more links to LOLCats….;o)

I’m wondering, though:  is there anything YOU’D like to see change?  Anything I’m missing or need to improve on (Note:  calling me out on grammar mistakes doesn’t count!).

I’d really appreciate some feedback in the comments section below.

10 Health Myths That Just Won’t Die, Debunked by Science – Various People Smarter Than Myself.

Does fat make you fat?

What about carbohydrates?

Just because something is “gluten-free” means it’s healthier, right?  Ahem, soda is gluten free.

I enjoyed this article, because for starters it includes one of my man-crushes, Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, but also because it debunks MANY of the most common myths out there (like the ones mentioned above).

 Ladies, What’s YOUR Goal? – Emily Socolinsky

For those who read this site regularly, Emily shouldn’t be a stranger.  I link to a lot of her work because I respect the hell out of her, and think she’s a powerful advocate for women and strength training.

This was a wonderful commentary on the batshit-craziness of some women and how they can be snarky, judgmental, a-holes, and otherwise act like they’re in Junior High School all over again.

My Butt is Doing What?  Squats and Butt Wink – Ann Wendel

Very succinct and to-the-point article by Ann on something which is common in the weight-training community:  the butt wink!

Many people glide towards the idea that the hamstrings are the biggest culprit….which they are not!

Ann breaks down a handful of the most common reasons and how to address them

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/28/14

Before we jump into this week’s list of stuff to read while you’re pretending to work (don’t worry:  I won’t judge.  It’s Friday, after all!), I wanted to let people know that Cressey Performance recently made available a new t-shirt geared towards all the people out there who don’t have a Y chromosome.

<—– I think it’s pretty baller if I do say so myself.

I’d totally wear it.

The t-shirts themselves are made out of 65% polyester, 34% cotton, and 1% dragon tears.

They’re wicked comfortable and will add at least 20 lbs to your deadlift the first time you wear it to the gym.  It’s science.

The only downside is that they run a little small, so you may want to consider ordering one size up. Each shirt is $19.99 plus shipping/handling.  Go HERE to order (link takes you to Eric’s website).

Ask Ann:  How Should I Treat My Sore and Tight Hip Flexor? – Ann Wendel

Some people feel I have a personal vendetta against stretching given I poo-poo on it every so often, and that’s partially true.

I do find there’s a lot of benefit to stretching – particularly when it comes to resetting or establishing better length/tension relationships amongst force couples.

I just feel that many people approach stretching as the end-all-be-all answer, not to mention most do it wrong.

In the case of “tight hip flexors,” more often than not the true culprit isn’t even a hip flexor issue in the first place!  What’s more, for those who proceed to continually stretch their hip flexors like it’s going out of style, as counterintuitive as it sounds, it could be causing more harm than good.

In this excellent blog post, physical therapist Ann Wendel sets the record straight, and hits on a point that I’ve talked about religiously in the past.

Being An Athlete Means More Than Winning Games – Diana Cutaia

This was a “passion piece,” written by a good friend of mine for a local newspaper here in the Boston area.

I felt there were several great messages, but the one that struck me was the notion that training HAS to be revolved around some result.  While this can help, I don’t feel it’s something that’s mandatory.  As Diana notes, what’s wrong with just having fun?

The Vulgar Truth Diet – Chris L. Hitchko

I was sent this book a few months back when the author reached out to me and asked if I’d be willing to check it out.

Admittedly, it took me a while to get to it (the pile of books I have in my office can be considered an occupational hazard), but I finally had a chance to peruse it while I was away on vacation.

What this book is:  a quote-unquote “diet” book.

What this book isn’t: a quote-unquote “diet” book.

Yes this is a diet book, but this isn’t your feel good, warm-and-fuzzy, lets talk about rainbows, kitty kisses, and how carbohydrates are your worst enemy diet book.

This book, while providing a TON of information and insight, doesn’t hold any punches when it comes to telling people what’s up.

The title says it all: There’s vulgarity, it tells you to stop making excuses, and it’s awesome.

As someone who tends to put his own personality in his writing, I could really appreciate how Chris was able to get his message across, yet not “coddle” people.

I understand that there are a million and one different diet books out there to choose from, but this one was a nice change of pace.