CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Best Articles of 2018: Exercises You Should Be Doing

This is the last post of 2018.

2018 was splendid year, and I thank everyone for their continued support.

2019 is looking to be a busy year from a professional standpoint with several projects in the works in addition to my travel schedule.1 One of my main goals in 2019, however, is to get back on my writing (and reading) horse. I know the last two years have been a bit dearth (comparatively speaking) with the total number of posts and articles I’ve published. Who knew having a kid was so time consuming?

Nevertheless, my hope is that the upcoming year will be a fruitful one in terms of my writing prowess.

Stay tuned…..

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Best Articles of 2018: Exercises You Should Be Doing

Anchored KB Row

Transverse Landmine Snatch

Bench Assisted ValSlide RDL w/ Reach

Band Resisted KB Deadlift

T-Spine Rotation w/ Lift Off

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Best Articles of 2018: My Picks

Yesterday I highlighted the best articles from 2018 according to what resonated with YOU. They were the articles that received the most traffic according to Google analytics.

You can check them out HERE.

Today, however, it’s my turn.

It’s all about me, me, me, and ME.  These were the articles I felt were Pulitzer worthy and yet didn’t receive the love I had hoped for.1

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Best Articles of 2018: My Picks

The Forgotten Component of Progressing in the Weight Room

This was the most recently written of the bunch – last week, actually – but one I believe sends a powerful message.

The Words We Use Matter

Stop telling clients they’re broken. Instead set them up for unrelenting success.

5 Things You Can Do Today to Retain Clients

Suggestions may or may not include an after hours fight club.

The Underrated Value of Mediocrity 

The best piece of gym advice is to show up, do the work, repeat. Average or mediocre workouts are what makes or breaks progress.

My Take on the Keto Craze

I rarely venture into the world of nutrition, but I was compelled to write this article after an interaction with an GNC employee.

Keto = not magic.

Lessons In Lifting From a Dad: Year One

I take what I said above back.

After re-reading the article, THIS is my favorite one from this past year.

How The Matrix Can Make You a Better Coach

There is no spoon.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Best Articles of 2018: Reader’s Picks

2018 was yet another successful year in many aspects, and I can’t express enough how thankful I am for such a loyal readership.

Since it’s the end of the year I wanted to take the next few days to highlight some articles you may have missed (or maybe want to read again). Today’s list highlights those articles which received the most web traffic.1

Put another way: these are the articles YOU felt were the best.

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Best Articles of 2018: Reader’s Picks

What’s Better for Weight Loss: Cardio or Lifting Weights?

It’s a debate that won’t go away anytime soon, but I attempt to offer my train of thought in this article.

I.e, I win….;o)

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Renegade Push-Up

In a surprise (to me)…this iteration of my popular series, Exercises You Should Be Doing, made the list. I guess everyone likes cool push-up variations.

And car memes.


NOTE: the push-up pictured above IS NOT a representation of the proper execution of the Renegade Push-Up, or any push-up for that matter.

5 Quick Tips to Increase Strength

1. Pick

2. Up

3. Heavy

4. Things

5. Repeatedly

In all seriousness, I do go into detail on five quickie tips you can follow to help increase your strength. This article also contains what’s likely the most awkward video on the internet of 2018.2

Getting Strong(er) Is Corrective

This would probably be MY pick for favorite article I wrote this year.

Stack the Rings for Better Squat Performance

You didn’t think I’d mention a ring and NOT include a LoTR reference did you?

Pfffft, whatever.

But for real: if you want your squats to feel better, read this article.