CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 3/23/18

Oh, hello.

It’s Friday.

You know the drill.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Coaching Competency: DC – Early Bird Rate Ending

The Early Bird rate for my Coaching Competency workshop in the DC area ends THIS weekend (3/25).

For $99 you get to hang out with me for seven hours and talk about assessment, program design, deadlifts, and LOLCat memes. Price increases to $129 after this weekend.

Go HERE for full details.

2. Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coaching Certification

Registration for this highly competitive certification opens on April 4th. However, I’ve got some good, nay, fucking amazing news.

I’ve negotiated some awesome perks for you:

  • Early access to enroll on April 3rd (24 hrs before they open to the public), increasing your chances of getting in.

  • A huge discount (up to 33% off the regular price).

This is without question one of the best certifications any fitness professional can possess, offering incredible value and helps to separate you from the masses.

Go HERE for more info.

3. Even More Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Coming Soon

Dean Somerset and I are currently in the throes of drumming up new content for our staple workshop series.

We’ve presented this workshop all over the world – London, Vancouver, Oslo, Prague, Boston, LA – and even turned it into a popular digital product HERE so everyone can enjoy it.

We’ve already nailed down dates in Slovenia, Houston, and LA this fall (2018) and are also in talks to bring it to Detroit, Philadelphia, Australia, and Singapore in 2019.

If you’re someone who’d like to host this event/participate in a tickle fight please reach out to either Dean or myself.

4. Cobra Kai – This Looks Fucking Awesome


I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I watched The Karate Kid when I was, well, a kid.[footnote]And as an adult, lets be honest.[/footnote]

I am PUMPED for this. I am 65% aroused.

Shout out to my boy, Chad Landers, who helped prep star (and 1980’s Movie Douchebag 1st Team All-Star) William Zabka, for this role.


Set Point Theory: Does Your Body Defend Against Fat Loss? – Brad Dieter

Brad’s one of the rare nutrition peeps I listen to.[footnote]It’s a short list: John Berardi, Georgie Fear, Alan Aragon, Layne Norton, to name a few.[/footnote]

He doesn’t seem to have an “agenda” other than to go out his way to use science to back up his rationale for everything.

I dig that.

I think you’ll dig this article.

Can Food Have Negative Calories? – = dick puncher of nutritional fallacies and pipe dreams.

My Favorite 3-Part Turkish Get-Up 1 Minute Video Tutorial – Artemis Scantalides

Artemis is responsible for MY get-up and how I coach it to my athletes/clients. She’s the shit. You need to listen to her.

Social Media Shenanigans



Here’s a fantastic push-up variation I got from @smittydiesel that’s super challenging: Renegade Push-up. One of the advantages of push-ups and why I like them so much is their versatility and how seamlessly they can be progressed and regressed. Here I take away a base of support (an arm) and try to hold a 3-point position without allowing my torso or hips to rotate. This is a killer core challenge, and to be honest I’m gonna throw myself under the bus a little bit and say I should have tried to hold the elbow tap a liiiiitle bit longer. I kinda rush things in an effort to get to a more stable position. This is an exercise where slowing things down is paramount its effectiveness. Any sort of mild elevation will work here: and aerobics stepper, setting up the bar in a Smith Machine to the lowest setting, or anything similar. Also, totally cool to alternate which hand comes up; feel free to experiment.

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 9/30/16

I have a few editors who are, to their credit, patiently waiting for me to submit some articles. It’s 7:30 AM as I type this and I already cracked open a Spike. Time to get to work.

But first this week’s list to stuff to read….

Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo


As a quick reminder: Dean Somerset and I will be in Minneapolis, MN the weekend of October 15th to host our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint. This will be our last one of these for the foreseeable future. Well, or until Backstreet Boys do another reunion tour.

You can get more details HERE.

As (another) quick reminder: Wil Fleming’s Certified Weightlifting Performance Coach is now available, but only through next week. If you’re like me and find that the OLY lifts are a coaching gap, this is a perfect resource to help narrow it. It’s really, really well done and it does a superb job at making something so complex, simple. It’s a testament to Wil’s phenomenal coaching style.

Check it out HERE.

Why Dieting Sucks – Brad Dieter

I’ve only just “discovered” Dr. Dieter’s work, but I believe I am borderline stalking him now. I’ve been creeping on his website, I now follow him on Twitter, and, surprise Doc, that’s me peering through your window…..;o)

This was an awesome “rant” he wrote I had to share. Like this gem:

“Most people would be far better off spending more time being well fed, and using that food to maximize training that improves their strength, power, balance, endurance, and conditioning and then using short, smart, dieting cycles to focus on fat loss. In fact, the more often you spend in a “normally fed” state the more effective short, intense, periods of dieting or cutting are. “Dieting” should be used in more of a controlled, pointed, manner to elicit a specific effect over a shorter time window.”

Personal Trainers: What The Hell Are You Doing? – Charles Staley

95-99% of personal training clients = Overweight. Under-muscled. Injury-prone. Metabolic disease risk. Low energy, low self-esteem.

What most of them need = more muscle.

“Muscle is what sets a cascade of positive adaptations into motion — faster metabolism, ability to eat more without consequence, more strength, improved endurance, better balance, increased bone density, less predisposition towards obesity and heart disease. Better energy, better sleep, higher sense of self-worth.”

What most of them get = not that.

Nice one coach!

Kettlebell Swings: You’re Doing Them Wrong – Kelli & Abby Keyes

Tons of practical info from Kelli and Abby on this one, and one of the best articles on the swing I’ve read in a while breaking down many common mistakes.

Social Media Highlights

I see many of my colleagues doing this and figured I’d jump in on the action. You know, cause I’m important.



1-arm DB row. At the top, how to perform it in way that makes my eyes bleed. Too much humeral extension (elbow going way past midline of body) is not necessary. More ROM, in this instance, does not equate to better. In fact, it can lead to anterior humeral glide syndrome and a pissed off bicep tendon and shoulder. The bottom video: how I like to coach this exercise. I definitely prefer to cue people to think “shoulder blade moves around the ribcage.” I.e., I don’t like trainees to keep their scapulae retracted the entire time (this can lead to a whole host of other issues, namely excessive downward rotation). It’s meant to move. Another cue I like: “bring elbow to hip.” The DB row is more of an arc motion than straight up and down. Also a pause at the top is never a bad idea. 90’s hip hop also helps.

A video posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on