You hear this cue a lot with regards to deadlift technique and performance.
I could say something as equally abstract like, I don’t know, “banana honkeydorey train whistles” or “please pass the parmesan, Chad” and seemingly get the same message across.
Which is to say…
…what the heck does “get slack out of the bar” even mean?
In short, it refers to getting better leverage and “connectivity” before you initiate the pull.
Many lifters yank the bar off the ground, which in turn makes me cringe because I’m always afraid someone’s going to rip their bicep tendon off the bone. Moreover, the yanking action elicits a loud “clank” noise (barbell hitting inside of plates).
Getting the slack out of the bar means using the barbell as a counterbalance to 1) gain leverage, and 2) get everything connected – inner cylinder of the plates “connecting” with the barbell – BEFORE you initiate the lift.
I like to tell my clients/athletes to get two clicks: bend the bar (get the slack out), then pull.1
I remember a few years back when I was still coaching at Cressey Sports Performance another trainer who was there observing for the day walked up to make casual conversation and to ask a question he wanted my opinion on.
Him: “Hey Tony.”
Me: “Hey, what’s up?
Him:“Oh, not much. Say, I noticed pretty much everyone here only deadlifts using the trap bar.”
Me:“Indeed. We don’t feel the majority of people need to use the straight bar or anything. It’s a risk-reward scenario where we feel the risk isn’t worth any inherent (ego) reward.”
Him:“Huh, but don’t you feel you’re feeding dysfunction or that they’re cheating by using the trap bar only?”
And by that what I mean is that it took every ounce of willpower for my eyeballs not to roll out of their sockets.
Let me address each point separately.
“Do I feel I’m feeding dysfunction?”
Due to improved mechanics with regards to the center of mass (you’re inside the barbell) and axis of rotation (hips closer), the trap-bar deadlift is a safer, more user-friendly variation.
A deadlift is a deadlift is a deadlift.
So long as someone hinges at their hips, maintains a neutral spine, and then proceeds to lift something off the ground from a DEAD stop, I don’t care if it’s a barbell, a trap bar, or a Volkswagon.
My job as a coach is to do the best I can to “match” an exercise to the injury history, ability level, and goal(s) of the individual I’m working with.
Almost always the trap-bar is going to be the best option in terms of not only performance, but safety as well.
“Do you feel they’re cheating?”
Unless you’re a competitive powerlifter or weightlifter, you don’t HAVE to use a straight bar. It’s not cheating.
I often tell people that what “connects” you to the barbell during the deadlift isn’t your hands.
Rather, it’s your lats.
Having the ability to engage them and firing on all cylinders during the set-up and execution has profound ramifications on deadlift technique and performance.
The thing is: For some trainees, asking him or her to “turn on your lats” is akin to understanding Klingon or, I don’t know, being able to perform long division.
In the most rudimentary sense the deadlift can best be described as an action where one bends over at the waist, wraps his or her’s hands around a barbell, and then “pulls” said barbell off the ground until they’re standing fully upright with their knees and hips locked.
Of course, there are a few important nuances with regards to back position to consider.
For brevity’s sake you can think of the setup as shoulders above the chest, and chest above the hips.
Not This
Ya Heard
Anyway, you want to think about putting force into ground and pushing away, rather than just pulling the bar off the floor.
In my experience whenever I see someone’s back rounding or I see their hips come up a bit too early I find they’re not placing any emphasis on the PUSH (and using their quads to help with leg drive).
Another option is to think about “pushing the ground away from you.” This subtle reframing has made a profound difference with many of the lifters I’ve worked with.
When it comes to the setup, however, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.
In this instance we’re all special snowflakes with varying limb lengths, torso lengths, and hip orientation… all of which will affect what will feel best and allow us to lift the most amount of weight.
That said, there are two tenets to the deadlift setup that applies to every lifter:
1. Use the Wedge.
Popularized by Dr. Stuart McGill, it’s a foolproof way to set yourself up for success and protect your back. Basically, when you bend over to grab the barbell, you want to use it as a counterbalance to “pull” your chest up and get the hips down, “wedging” yourself between the bar and the floor.
2. Now think, “Armpits over the bar, with maximal hamstring tension.”
In this one I discuss how to figure out your best stance for deadlifting success as well as some of my go to cues to help clean up deadlifting technique.
It even includes a 20-30 minute video of me taking Dani Shugart through the process.
Filling my wife’s love tank by making the bed every morning.
Few things give me as much jubilation as deadlifts, though. I like performing them, I like coaching them, I like dreaming about them, and I like writing about them.
I did a series on Instagram not too long ago called “30 Days of Deadlifts.”
Each day, for 30 days, but not necessarily in a row, I provided a quick 60 second programming note, technique consideration, and/or general piece of advice on the deadlift.
It was a big hit.
So much in fact that asked to repurpose the whole enchilada to use on their site; albeit I’d expound on things a bit more in exchange for them tidying up my prose.
Maybe I should do a 30-day series on Instagram and cover something cool?
30 Favorite Pictures of My Cat?
30 Days of Omelets?
No, no, no…30 Days of Jason Bourne Fight Scene Reenactments?5
As you can tell, I didn’t go with any of those choices. But if you want me to let me know.
I went with deadlifts.
And I took 30 – admittedly not in a row – days to cover everything from technique tips and troubleshooting ideas to program design and different deadlift variations I like.
It was a huge hit and people seemed to get a lot out of it. And it just so happens T-Nation reached out and asked if they could publish the series on their site.
Days 1-10 were posted today and they include all the videos I filmed in addition to some added (written) commentary.
The better title of this post should be: “10 Steps To Ensure You Won’t Destroy the Back Of Your Pants (With Your Spine) When You Deadlift.”
The deadlift, as with any compound movement, requires precision and attention to detail in order to 1) Perform it well 2) Not get hurt and 3) To have any shot at lifting appreciable weight. There are many moving parts to the lift, however, to speak candidly, of the “Big 3,” the case could be made it’s the least technical.6
This is not to insinuate it’s altogether easy or simple. Simple in concept? Yes. I mean, picking a barbell up off the ground and locking it out isn’t rocket science. Simple in execution? Well, that’s where things get a bit more complicated.
Below are some overarching (<—Ha, pun intended) “themes” with regards to setup and execution of the deadlift I feel are important across the board.
The internet likes to argue. It’ll argue whether or not the dress was gold or blue (remember that stupid debacle from a few years ago?), DC vs. Marvel, high-bar vs. low bar squats, and/or who’s the most bad-ass He-Man character not named He-Man.
Cyclone anyone?
More cogent to the topic at hand, people will also argue on the internet that anyone who SUMO deadlifts is cheating.
The prevailing, uppity, train of thought is that, because one is closer to the ground when performing a SUMO deadlift (compared to a conventional stance) it’s easier and thus it’s cheating…and somehow less relevant of a lift.
To which I say: bull to the shit.
Unless your name is Professor Dumbledore and can somehow make someone’s femur change length when they switch from a conventional stance to SUMO stance…the whole “it’s less ROM, it’s easier” argument is a moot one.
The moment arm (femur) doesn’t miraculously change from conventional to SUMO stance.
It’s just…..different.
What you lose in the sagittal plane during conventional, you gain in frontal plane when performing SUMO style deadlifts.
Generally speaking (due to the moment arms and levers at play):
Conventional Pulls: easier/faster off the ground, harder at lockout.
SUMO Pulls: harder/slower off the ground, all out sexification at lockout.
Stephanie Cohen hit a 525 lbs deadlift at a bodyweight of 123 lbs recently. It was done SUMO.
True to form, (some of) the internet projectile vomited all over itself calling her out, saying it didn’t count, and that it’s not real powerlifting (I guess because she was using straps?).
1. Hahahahaha. I have to assume most commenters calling her out couldn’t sniff her warm-up weight.
2. Um, the lift didn’t take place at a powerlifting meet. So thanks for making the stupidest argument you could possibly make.
[For the record: most powerlifters I know are some of the most respectful, courteous, and supportive people I know. They would never turn their nose to such an impressive lift.]
Step one to successful deadlift technique is to figure out what style feels best FOR YOU.
What feels better? What feels more powerful and stable? Which one places you in the best position possible?
Some people will do well with conventional style, while others may prefer SUMO. Both are fine.
Relax internet.
2) Get Your Air, Set Your Ribcage
Gone are the days of cuing people to excessively arch their backs. Gross, repetitive extension can have just as many negative ramifications on spine health as gross, repetitive flexion.
Ideally we want to shoot for more of a canister (or pillar) position where the pelvis and ribcage are “stacked” on top of one another. Most specifically, the pelvic floor and diaphragm are stacked on top of each other.
I like to cue people to get a big gulp of air and aim for 3D expansion (breathing into their stomach, sides, and back) before bending over to grab the bar.
Admittedly it takes a bit of practice but makes a profound difference in how the lift feels.
3) Chest Up, Show Me Your Logo
This is a cue I stole from Eric Cressey and a staple at Cressey Sports Performance. Generally speaking I like to see the following on the deadlift setup:
Shoulders above chest
Chest above hips
Hips above knees.
This isn’t the case for everyone, mind you, but a good rule of thumb to follow. This will ensure most people stay in a “neutral” position and offset the bulk of shear forces on the spine.
I’ll often stand in front of an individual and just say “show me your logo the entire time” as he or she descends down to the bar.
The end result should look like the picture above.
If not, this happens:
4) Armpits Over Barbell, Max Hamstring Tension
Regardless of style of pull, the goal with one’s set up should be armpits over the bar with maximal hamstring tension.
This will help ensure 1) hips are as close to the bar as possible (without making it too squatting. In that case the hips are actually further away….laterally) and 2) people will be less likely to pull via the lower back.
5) Turn Lats On
The lats are a big player with regards to deadlift technique. You want to make sure they’re “set” to help with upper back stiffness during the lift itself.
The best cue I’ve used to help with this is to tell someone to “squeeze the oranges in your armpits.”
Works like charm.
6) Pull Slack Out of the Bar or Bend the Bar
7) Push Away
The deadlift is just as much of a PUSHING exercise as it is pulling. You want to generate force into the ground and drive AWAY, thrusting your hips forward as you stand up.
People who solely focus on pulling the weight up – via their back – are often the ones that complain about it low back pain the most.
8) Finish at Top or Stand Tall
A common mistake I see some trainees make is either not getting their hip through at the top (AKA: the sexy stripper butt) or going too far.
“Hump the bar” at the top. Finish. Stand tall. All are cues I’ve used that work and get people to finish with their glutes.
9) Don’t Let Go
On the descent, don’t let go.
Stay engaged.
It’s here where I’ll often see people round their shoulders or lose their upper back position. And it makes me sad.
Keep your abdominals engaged (and keep squeezing that orange), even on the way down.
NOTE: Disregard for max effort pulls….;o)
10) Reset or Peel the Shoulders
There’s a time and place for tap-n-go deadlifts, but I have to admit I rarely use them. Instead I’ll tell people to “reset” between each rep – albeit it’s brief – to gulp their air, “peel their shoulders back,” and to make sure they’re in a good position for the next rep.
The video below is of me demonstrating this with a dumbbell, but you should still get the gist:
These Aren’t Set in Stone
None of what I said above is concrete.7 There will always be some slight deviations based off someone’s anatomy, ability level, and goal(s).
However, I have found that for most people, most of the time, they all work really well to get people’s technique in check.
Technically, push (if you recall from a prior installment of this series).
Latissimus dorsi: With insertion & origin points at the humerus (upper arm bone) as well as the spinous processes of the vertebrae in the middle and lower back it’s the largest muscle in the upper body. It’s also the muscle that’s targeted when you use the lat pulldown machine…;o)
If you’re reading this footnote and didn’t read the entire post above…I’m not mad, just disappointed.
I can’t take credit for that miraculous pun. I stole it from a commenter on Twitter yesterday.
With shadow puppets.
In simplest terms, the deadlift can be described as follows (courtesy of strength coach, Mark Rippetoe): “Bar is on the ground. One bends over to pull the bar, with straight arms, off the floor and up the legs until the knees, hips, and shoulders are locked out.