Posts Tagged with "Deadlift technique"

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 6/24/16

I’m mad at myself. Not for something stupid like forgetting to turn the stove off or forgetting to send in my quarterly taxes. No, I’m mad at myself for slacking in the movie-watching department. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love watching movies, and how much I pride myself on being a… Read more

Everyone NEEDS to Deadlift

Note from TG: If there was ever a blog title conceived specifically for this website, this is the one. Jason Bourne, an F-16 fighter jet, and a lumberjack punching a grizzly bear in the face while eating a bag of beef jerky could have steel cage match and it wouldn’t be as manly as this title…. Read more

13 Ways to Improve Your Deadlift, FAST!

You could say I like to write about deadlifts. Well that, and zombies. Or zombies fighting ninjas. Or how adorable my cat is, which has nothing to do with zombies. Oh, and speaking of cats……cats vs. zombies. But mostly I like to write about deadlifts. In my latest article that went up on T-Nation today,… Read more

Trainer Critique Live 2: The Deadlift

I had an amazing time in NYC this past weekend. I was invited back by the crew at Mark Fisher Fitness to participate in round #2 of their Motivation and Movement Lab. I, along with Mark Fisher, Michael Keeler, Harold Gibbons, Michael Littig, Steven Ledbetter, Pete Dupuis, and Artemis Scantalides spoke over the course of… Read more

The Deadlift: Beginner Basics

I came across this comment yesterday on Twitter from a friend of mine who’s an accomplished trainer and someone I respect a lot: How many articles can be written about the deadlift? And when writing, does the author ever say to self, “maybe I should wait on this one.” I can’t say I disagree with… Read more

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Hover Deadlift

Anyone who’s read this site for any length of time knows I have an affinity for several things: 1. Matt Damon 2. LOLCats 3. Beef Jerky 4. Star Wars. 5. Deadlifts With regards to strength and conditioning there’s probably no one topic I’ve written about more than the deadlift. And, as it happens, I’m currently… Read more

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Deadlifters – Part 2

In case you missed it, last week I shared a few thoughts on deadlifting. You can check out part one HERE. In it, rather than regurgitate the same ol’ obvious things most people who write about deadlifts regurgitate (don’t round your back!, good deadlifters don’t “jerk” the bar off the ground, 2+2 = 4, water… Read more

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Deadlifters – Part 1

When I was a junior in college one of my professors had us read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. Yeah, I didn’t read it. But who actually reads in college anyways? I was too busy playing baseball, lifting weights, watching Party of Five, and not hanging out with girls because,… Read more