CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/19/21

Copyright: conneldesign / 123RF Stock Photo


1. COACHED: Raise the Bar Conference – Early Bird Rate Ends This Week.

I’m excited to announce that I will be part of the Raise the Bar Conference. An event focused on the missing links in our industry: Communication, collaboration, connection, behavioral psychology, business & marketing skills, and much more.

When: February 4th-6th, 2022
Where: BioFit Performance, Oviedo, FL (Orlando area)

And more importantly who? Who will be presenting at this event?

I gotta say: This is undoubtedly one of the most stacked line-ups I have ever seen; even more than the 1990 Oakland Athletics.

Spots will fill up fast, act quickly – HERE.





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Trust the Science – Doug Kechijian

We heard this phrase all through the height of the pandemic; yet there’s a twinge of Inigo Montoya’ness whenever you hear some people shout it through the rooftops.

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

As always Doug pontificates deeper and at a level most people are unable to get to.

Habit Stacking and Building the Healthier Life You Want (One Step at a Time) – Sarah Moorman

I’ve been following Sarah’s work for awhile now and she’s impressive. Not only is she stronger than She-Ra and Wonder Woman combined, but her approach to training is accessible and actionable, and that take talent to pull off.

Anyhow, this is a short-n-sweet post by here that I know most people can get on board with.

Imposter Syndrome and the Fitness Industry – Dean Somerset

Dean wrote this absurdly relevant post four years ago (I know because he just shared it as a memory on his Facebook page) and it’s still valid today.

It will always be valid.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 9/15/17

Sorry I was absent from writing some content this week. It’s a busy two-week window on my end with travel to Chicago this weekend (for the Elite Training & Performance Summit) and next weekend to Toronto to visit friends.

I’ve got a few blog ideas percolating in my brain at the moment, so I should have some fresh content to melt your faces next week. I hope.

Lets get to this week’s list.

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1) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Boston

The Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint is finally coming to Boston. Not “fake” Boston, either, on the outskirts of the North or South shore, and we end up calling it a Boston workshop.

No, this sumbitch is going to be IN Boston, at AMP Fitness located near Government Center in the heart of the city.

This shindig goes down the weekend of November 11th and the early bird rate is currently in effect. Hope to see you there. And by “there” I mean HERE.

2) The One Thing Young Athletes Are Lacking

I wrote this article for STACK a few years ago and they recently re-purposed it on their site. I still stand by everything I say.

Am I allowed to give myself a slow clap?

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work

“Science” and The Barbell Hip Thrust – Doug Kechijian

All I have to say is that it was a breath of fresh air to read an article on the hip thrust that didn’t devolve into a shit-show of platitudes, N=1 summaries, and ad hominem attacks.

Understanding The Shoulder Pain Epidemic in CrossFit Athletes Parts I & II – Dave Tilley

Now if it were me writing this article series all I’d say is:

“Yeah, stop doing kipping pull-ups. Seriously, stop. No. NO! Stop it. Stop.”

But I didn’t write it. Besides Dave goes into much more detail, and it’s excellent.

Peak Perform University – Curated by Joe Dowdell

This weekend is your last chance to get in on the initial launch of Peak Perform University.

It’s a continuing education resource geared towards fitness professionals curated personally by Joe Dowdell, who owned and operated one of the most successful gyms in NYC history, PEAK Performance.

In it you’ll have access to material produced by some of the biggest names in the industry: Pat Davidson, Bill Hartman, Dean Somerset, Perry Nickelston, Joel Jamieson, and yours truly.

You can think of it as an abyss of content: there’s already a hefty database to choose from, and there will be additional, CEU accredited material added month by month.

If you’re a fitness professional looking for an easy and convenient – no travel! – way to expose yourself to some of the top coaches in the industry this is a splendid way to do so.

The best part: you can choose however many courses you’d like to view, there’s no requirement to the number you have to purchase, and you can take however much time you want to view them.

Social Media Shenanigans



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 8/1/16

Okay, lets cut right to the chase: how badass was Jason Bourne?

Pete Dupuis and I took our wives to go see it on Friday night (you know, cause what says romance more than bare knuckle fist fights and explosions?), and I felt it was a worthy addition to the franchise.

It. Was. Awesome.

I can’t quite put my finger on it, yet1, but Jason Bourne didn’t have the same feel or pizzaz as both Supremacy and Ultimatum (the other two editions which conjoined Matt Damon with director Paul Greengrass). Maybe it was the lack of character development (I felt Alicia Vikander’s character, Heather Lane, was underutilized) or the close-ups of Tommy Lee Jones’ face (ahhhhhh), but this was probably the weakest of the Damon/Greengrass Bourne movies.

Which is to say: even though it was the weakest, it was still better than all of the recent Bond movies (save for Casino Royale). Besides, who am I kidding: no one goes to see a Bourne movie for esoteric things like character development and cinematography. Stop being so hoity-toity Gentilcore!

Go see Jason Bourne, people. Grade: B+

Oh, and in case you missed it last week:

Announcing a Super Special, Yet-to-be-Named 6-Week Beginner Course at CORE

I’ll be unveiling a new 6-week “beginner” course at my gym, CORE, in the very near future.

Do you live in the Boston area?

Are you looking for a little direction, accountability, and sense of community in your training?

The Initial Deets

1. The course will be six weeks, meeting 2-3x per week in a group setting (~2-4 per class), where the objective is to learn and hammer the basics, enhance movement quality, instill a sense of accountability and intent with training, and set the framework to make you more autonomous.

2. There will also be a nutrition and mindset component. Throughout the six weeks participants will have the option to sit in on presentations and have questions answered from a Registered Dietician as well as an Exercise/Behavior Change Psychologist (Spoiler Alert: the psychologist is my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis).

3. It will serve as a wonderful opportunity to surround yourself with like-minded people and become a part of a community who’s sole purpose is to help increase your general level of badassery.

4. Only 8-12 spots will be made available to start. And I’m not saying this to suggest a false sense of urgency or as a way to lure people in. I’m not kidding, only 8-12 spots will be made available.

5. Attendance subject to spontaneous rap battles.

I’d love to find out if there’s any interest in this sort of program from people in the area. If so, please contact me via the “Contact” tab at the top of the website and I’d be happy to provide more details.

Now on to this week’s list of stuff to read….

What Really Causes Buttwink? – Daniel Mee

This was a very thorough “review” of the butt wink phenomenon via the staff over at

Short Answer: it’s not tight hamstrings.

No, really, it’s not.

What Can a Book About Sprinting Teach Us About Rehabilitation – Doug Kechijian

There’s a trend in rehab (and strength & conditioning) where professionals are reading more and more books that are abstract in nature and have very little (immediate) applicability to their day-to-day responsibilities in dealing with clients, patients, and athletes.

As Doug points out in this article, we tend to gloss over the practical stuff and fail to understand that nothing is new.

The Definitive Guide to Increasing Testosterone Naturally – Stef Muller

10283099 - testosterone chemical structure formula written on blackboard with chalk.

Copyright: maridav / 123RF Stock Photo

Admittedly I’ve only perused the chapter titles and skimmed a few pages here and there, but this looks to be a very thorough and very user-friendly resource on the topic of Testosterone…what it is and how to increase it via diet, training, and lifestyle factors naturally.

If you’re at all interested in body composition, health, and sex…..give this bad boy a whirl.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 7/8/16

In case you weren’t keeping track, there’s only three more weekends until Jason Bourne comes out.

I can’t begin to explain how excited I am for this movie. It’s gotten to the point where every time I walk into a room I can’t help but yell out, “My god, it’s Jason Bourne.”

It’s like a tick.

My wife’s eyes are tired from rolling them so much.

Like many fans I’ve also primed myself by re-watching the entire trilogy again, for the 17th time.1

In addition, I’ve been telling people they should read the books, you know, if they’re real fans.

Outside of the first few chapters of Identity, the books are completely different from the movies so you don’t have to worry about any spoilers. Other than Bourne dies.

LOL – just kidding.2

I’m so freakin pumped for this movie!!!!

[Rolls up a magazine. Heads outside to fight a complete a stranger].

Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop Coming to London

My wife and I will be in London the weekend of August 6-7th for a 2-day Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

This will be a great experience for any fitness professional looking to learn more on behavior change, mindset, building autonomy & competence with their clients, as well as program design, assessment, and learning how to coach common exercises such as the deadlift and squat.

Only 12 spots have been made available for attendees outside of The Third Space on a first-come-first-serve basis, so act quickly!

NOTE: I will make exception(s) for any Game of Thrones actors who want to attend.

Contact Luke Worthington (info in flier above) for more details.

Onto this week’s list of stuff to read…..

Usain Bolt, The Movement Police, and Keyboard Sprinting Experts – Doug Kechijian

I applaud Doug for how articulate he was in writing this.

Context is everything.

I wish people would just mind their own business, STFU, and keep their “never trained an elite athlete in their life” commentary to themselves.

The Mind-Boggling Bullshit of Health and Fitness – Nia Shanks

You know we’ve failed as an industry when the people we “serve” ask insane questions like “is it okay if I eat an apple?”

Why Just “Eating Healthy” Won’t Help You Lose Fat – Jorden Pagel

This is a slightly older post from Jorden (April 2016) that I just had the opportunity to read. But man was it worth the wait.