Posts Tagged with "nutrition"

Why You Can’t Out Train a Poor Diet: A Simple Explanation

Intro From TG: Anyone who’s read Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why will understand the significance and power behind the word “WHY.” Before you can get at the crux of the HOW of any situation or goal (I.e., how can Tony better remember to not leave dirty dishes in the sink every night?) you need… Read more

Does Vegan Nutrition Make You a Better Athlete?

Humans are very tribal, and especially so when it comes to their nutritional preferences: Paleo vs. Keto vs. Vegan vs. Jets vs. Sharks vs. Decepticons. It’s crazy out there. In lieu of the release of his new book, Athletic Nutrition 101, regular contributor, Travis Hansen, sent me this fantastic blog post the other day… Read more

Nutrient Timing Is Much Simpler Than You Think

There was a time in my life when what I ate (and when I ate it) ruled my clock. Now, granted, I wasn’t the guy bringing a cooler full of grilled chicken and asparagus to social gatherings, popping BCAA’s pills like candy, or injecting maltodextrin intravenously within 17 seconds of finishing my last set after… Read more

My Take On the Keto Craze

I know I may regret doing this, but here it goes. Lets talk about “Keto.” Or, the Ketogenic Diet. It is E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E of late and it seems you can’t have a ten minute conversation with anyone, or walk more than a city block, before it casually comes up. It goes something like this: “Hi.” “Hi.”… Read more

How to Approach Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

I’m over in Europe being all bourgeois and stuff at the moment. Thankfully I had a few people reach out asking if they could write some content for me while was away chasing foxes in England with the Queen. Today I’ve got a good one from Toronto based nutritionist, Marc Capistrano, discussing a few intricacies… Read more

5 Myths Killing Your Fat Loss Progress

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Boston-based strength coach and trainer, Ryan Wood. Ryan’s made a cameo appearance on this site in the past writing a two-part series on lessons he learned preparing for his first powerlifting meet. You can check those out HERE and HERE. Switching gears, today he’s discussing lessons learned and myths… Read more

Why Eating With Your Non-Dominant Hand Can Help With Weight Loss

Everyone has ran into a situation where they have had great intentions to eat healthy but somehow find themselves mindlessly reaching for a bag of chips or ice cream rather than the fruit or vegetables they had planned on eating. By the time they realize what they are doing half the bag or carton is… Read more

Diet vs. Habit Based Nutritional Coaching

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Missouri based personal trainer, Stevan Freeborn. I don’t provide nearly enough nutritional content on this site, so it’s nice whenever I have the chance to have someone with more experience on topic shed some light. Enjoy! Restriction, Restriction, Restriction. That’s the name of the game for most people when… Read more