CategoriesMiscellaneous Miscellany

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday Musings: January 2015

Welcome to the first Miscellaneous Miscellany Post of 2015! Fresh off an impressive Pats win last night no less!

So, what’s everyone’s prediction for the Super Bowl? I honestly have a hard time convincing myself to pick one team over the other. I tend to ride on the same fence as my favorite sports talk guy, Colin Cowherd, in that both teams have a star quarterback (Pats = Tom Brady, Seahawks = Russell Wilson), both have a solid offensive line (particularly left tackle), and both have an A+ head coach (Bellichick and Carroll, respectively).

It’s just really, really hard to pick one.

Okay you’re right. It’s not that hard: Pats 54-3.

1. So yesterday Lisa and I were walking around town doing a little of this and a little bit of that[footnote]Read: she was shopping and I was following her around carrying bags.[/footnote] when something unexpected happened.

Most of you will recall my trip to London last September, when I travelled across the pond for one of mine and Dean Somerset’s workshops. While the main reason for going was to spend two days at The Third Space in Soho speaking to 25-30 trainers and coaches, I also had ample time to play tourist and had the opportunity to walk around the city and take in the sights and sounds.

It was spectacular. I fell in love with London – everything from the people, the Underground[footnote]which, compared to the T here in Boston is like comparing a rocket ship to a tricycle[/footnote], the food, the culture, and just how chill everyone is over there was enchanting.

One of the subtler highlights of my trip over there was experiencing Caffe Nero.

A popular, family owned, European (Italian) coffee shop, Caffe Nero has something like 600+ locations throughout Europe; and they’re everywhere in London.

There was one directly across the street from the venue where Dean and I were presenting (as well as near where our hotel was located in Euston Square), and after having one of their chai tea lattes I was hooked.

The quality just seemed better compared to similar establishments[footnote]Hint: rhymes with cartrucks.[/footnote], and this doesn’t speak to the overall vibe and ambiance inside…..hard to describe, but “boner inducing” is about the best I can do.

Anyways, Lisa and I were walking around Downtown Crossing in Boston yesterday when low and behold we passed a freakin Caffe Nero!!!

Picture inside of Downtown Crossing location.

Little did I know that this location was the FIRST location in the entire US!! And the manager/owner mentioned to us that a handful more are slated to open around the city in 2015.

I had been bragging to Lisa about this place since my London trip, so I was excited to see what she thought.

She ordered her standard espresso and LOVED it. “This is coffee!” were her exact words.

I have to assume with several locations coming to Boston, that Caffe Nero has plans to open in other large cities in the near future. So keep your eyes peeled. You won’t be disappointed.

2. Updated Premium Workout Group!

For the past year or so I’ve been running a group called the Tony Gentilcore Premium Workout Group.

It’s an online training program hosted by where I write monthly “canned” (non-individualized) programming for anyone to follow for a bargain price. Yes, I’m a guy who feels that IN-PERSON coaching is the way to go. But given not everyone has access to quality coaching in the first place, this group is a nice alternative.

In 2014 I focused on providing a variety of training blocks: strength block, fat-loss block, and a hybrid hypertrophy block (which are all still available if you choose to do them), but with 2015 kicking into high-gear I decided to revamp my approach.

Not everyone wants to focus on strength or fat-loss or muscle growth, and I certainly can’t cater to everyone and make everyone happy.

Still I know how to write effective, efficient, quality programming that will help (most) people get stronger, move better, address nagging injuries, and make people of the opposite sex (or same sex!) want to hang out with you. Rather than write specific blocks of training, in 2015 I’m just keeping things simple.

Don’t confuse simple with not effective

Simple is what most people need BTW.

The first month of programming for 2015 went live yesterday, aptly titled Tony Gentilcore Premium Workout Group – January 2015.

If you find yourself in a training rut or in limbo as far as succumbing to analysis by paralysis when writing your own programs, this group may be a perfect fit.

Give it a look HERE.

3. For those people who are looking for something more dialed in, specifically to the tune of improving your squat, bench press, and deadlift, my good friend Jordan Syatt released his Raw Strength for Powerlifting manual today.

If you’re a competitive powerlifter or someone who’s toying with the idea of entering a meet down the road, this manual will undoubtedly help.

Jordan, on top of being one of the most genuine fitness professionals I have ever met, is one strong mofo….to the tune of a (close to) 4x bodyweight deadlift! So, in a word, he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to getting people strong.

Full Disclosure: I am not receiving any affiliate kick-backs by recommending this manual. I just think it’s a solid resource that can (and will) help a lot of people.

For more info go HERE.

4. In addition to the Caffe Nero experience, Lisa and I also went to the movies yesterday to check out American Sniper.


In lieu of “douchehole of the moment” Michael Moore’s commentary on the movie yesterday, where he basically referred to Chris Kyle as a “coward” (I don’t mind that he didn’t like the movie – to each his own – I just felt it was a bad take done in poor taste on Moore’s part to use the term coward), I couldn’t have disagreed more.

I’m not calling a Kyle a saint by any stretch (I know he had a few libel suits in the past held against him, and I also know some elements of his book have been called to question), but I find it hard to call any person who risks his 0r her’s own life to defend our country a coward. Furthermore, I’d have to assume it’s the last adjective the hundreds (if not thousands) of soldiers Kyle helped protect and save would use to describe his actions (regardless of how Hollywoodized the movie made them seem).

I loved this movie. I wouldn’t rank it right on par with The Hurt Locker or Zero Dark Thirty as far as best (recent) war movies made, but it’s not too far off.

American Sniper isn’t just a war movie. If anything it’s more about the psychological and after effects that war has on soldiers. To his credit – and my fiance would know more about this than myself since she’s a psychologist – Bradley Cooper (who portrays Kyle in the movie) did an amazing job showing how one almost has to “shut down” and remain closed off in order to perform their job – to the detriment of their relationships with loved ones.

Pacing, acting, cinematography, dialogue, directing, everything was superb.  I give it a solid B.

5. I made it a personal goal of mine to step up my continuing education game in 2015. I was able to attend a few workshops and seminars last year, but not as many as I would have liked.

I’ve already got a sick line-up slated for the early part of this year:

To start, Greg Robins is putting on his Optimizing the “Big 3” Seminar again this March at Cressey Sports Performance.

I attended last year (and helped out with coaching), and I plan on attending again this year. Greg is a FANTASTIC coach who has a lot of knowledge with regards to coaching and getting results. If you’re looking to spend an afternoon going into more depth on squats, bench pressing, and deadlifts….this will be well worth it.

For more info go HERE.

Second (and obviously not in chronological order) I’ll be heading to Burlington, MA the weekend of February 20th for both the FMS I and II certifications.

Brett Jones will be coaching/teaching that weekend and I can’t wait to watch him in action!

You can go HERE to check out other FMS venues/clinics.

And last, also in February, Chad Wesley Smith of Juggernaut Training, will be in Boston on Sunday the 8th to head his Powerlifting Clinic.

It’s a one-day seminar where he’ll discuss anything and everything related to technique on the big 3, programming, warm-ups, and even some insight on nutrition. Plus, he’s stronger than everyone else there so he’ll make all of us feel bad about ourselves….;o)

Go HERE for more info.

Like I said, I’ll be attending all three. Who’s coming with me!?!?!

And Not to Be Understated or Forgotten

We shouldn’t forget the great Martin Luther King Jr and everything he stood for. Probably even more so given the current commentary and state of affairs throughout the country.

Lets hope his leadership and message from back in the day permeates to today (and then some).

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/8/14

Before I get to this week’s list, I wanted to run something past all of you. Many of you know that I run a Premium Workout Group on And if you didn’t, now you know. And knowing is half the battle.

Goooooooo Joe!

Here’s the deets:  there are a lot of people out there going to gym with no plan or purpose in their training.  They just show up, walk around performing random exercises, and then post their workout on Facebook (it doesn’t count if you don’t post it on Facebook).

The idea behind the Premium Group is to offer people some semblance of focus in their training, or a plan if you will.

I write monthly “canned” programming, you follow it, and then your general level of awesomeness is increased by a factor of infinity. Don’t argue. It’s science.

The Premium Group is amazing and I love seeing the results that people are getting. However, I want to up the ante and I’m toying with the idea of using the platform to offer more “specialized” programming.

If I were to write, say, a 4-month program dedicated solely to improving your deadlift would anyone be interested? Yes, there will be a price involved…..but not only will you get 4-months of programming written by me, but you’ll also be able to set your schedule, get email reminders of your workout days, in addition to the ability to follow/track your workouts (and progress) on your iPhone, iPad or Droid using the app (which is FREE).

Does this sound like anything anyone would be interested in?


This Guy Changed the Way We See Lord of the Rings . Mind Blown – via

This article has nothing to do with fitness obviously, but I don’t care. Any LoTR fanboy/girl will inevitably cry afoul about the ‘eagle plot hole.’

What’s the eagle plot hole you ask?


Whoever wrote this article should 1) be given a Nobel Peace Prize and 2) wins the internet. Forever.

Gym #Selfie Challenge: Quit Posting and Show Us What Hard Work Really Looks Like – Bri Wilson

I don’t mind people taking selfies. Like the author, I DO mind the people who post nothing but staged shots of themselves a particular pose and what I have to assume is their 27th attempt at getting the lighting juuuuuust right.

5-Move Core Shredder – Tony Gentilcore

Not to be confused with the 5-point palm exploding heart move (via Kill Bill), this was a workout I had published in this month’s issue of Men’s Health Magazine (as well as the online version) that utilizes kettlebells and helps improve core strength, iron out imbalances, and improve athletic performance.


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/21/14

Alas, it’s our last day of vacation here in the Dominican Republic and words can’t express what an amazing experience it has been. While I could easily sit here and wax poetic about the beaches, the water, and the scenery in general (it would all be deserved), what really made this trip special was the people.

The people here are some of the kindest, friendliest, and most giving people I have ever met.  Coming from Boston where it’s rare if anyone makes eye contact with you – let alone says hello – you’d be hard pressed to walk more than ten feet without someone smiling and saying “hola! here.

Even more to their credit, everyone…..and I mean EVERYONE (as far as the locals are concerned) is “muy excelente.”

No one complains about mundane or trivial things like the WiFi being too slow; or that there’s only two choices of salad and not three; or that there’s, literally, only one highway, and that people drive like maniacs!

It’s been refreshing to see people appreciate the simple things in life.  To smile. To not take themselves (or things) too seriously.  In short: I love it here, and look forward to coming back soon.

On a somewhat related note, I petted a monkey yesterday.

Um, yeah, get your mind out of the gutter, people!  Literally, I petted a monkey.

Since it was our last full day yesterday, Lisa and I took an excursion to the Monkey Jungle to hang out with the monkeys. For those of you who follow me on Facebook you can see more of the cuteness over there.  For those that don’t, you’re stuck with the picture above….;o)

We have a few hours left to hit up the buffet and to soak up some more vitamin D.  I’m out, and will see you all once I’m back in Boston.

Okay, so lets get to the stuff you should be reading.

Premium Workout Group Update

Things are still chugging along with my Premium Workout Group over on  All the feedback I’ve received from all the participants has been great, and seemingly everyone is busting through a bunch of personal records and having a blast with their training.

As it happens, right before I left for vacation I sent in the latest program update (Month 3), and I already warned everyone that they should prepare themselves for a shit-load (just a shade under a shit-ton) of squatting.

All of this to lead into a killer fat-loss phase starting in May.

For those who have no idea what the heck I’m referring to, I’d suggest going HERE to be filled in on the deets.

Note #1: Even if you haven’t jumped in on the fun from the start, don’t worry…….you can join today, tomorrow, next week, or when the cows come home and you’ll have access to ALL the programs (as well as all the additional videos).  This is so that everyone can go at their own pace and not feel too overwhelmed.

Note #2: For those who have been keeping up with the blog this week – even in my absence – Jen Sinkler’s Lift Weights Faster product has been a ginormous hit.  Unfortunately, the price will go UP starting tonight (3/21) at MIDNIGHT.

So you only have a few more hours to take advantage of the sale price.  After that the price will nearly DOUBLE. Ouch!

If that wasn’t incentive enough, here’s another.  For everyone who purchases Lift Weights Faster and then sends me a copy of their receipt, I’ll send you a coupon for HALF-PRICE off the first month in my Premium Workout Group.

1.  Purchase Lift Weights Faster

2.  Send me a copy of your receipt with the email titled “Receipt for Lift Weights Faster” to

3.  I’ll send back a coupon code for HALF-PRICE off the first month of membership in my Premium Workout Group.

4.  You’ll earn 15 points for Gryffindor.  It’s a win-win.

The Up Side of Down: Why Failing Well is the Key to Success – Megan McArdle

Knowing I was going to be spending a fair amount of time reading while on vacation, I picked up this book right before I left and dove in.

I’m a nerd when it comes to behavioral economics.  I don’t know why. I just am.  It’s like trying to explain The Force and midi-chlorians. They just……exist.

Anyhoo:  as the title suggest, this book is all about failing.  Not only failing, but why failing is good. What’s more, how we fail plays as much of a part in our success as anything else.  Drawing parallels from 9/11, the housing crash of 2008, the movie Titanic (and WaterWorld), as well as her own anecdotal life experiences, Megan McArdle makes a very strong case for why we should all strive to fail. And fail well.

1,200 Calories – Sophia Herbst

I don’t think I need to defend my stance on the topic of women and fitness and how the mainstream media vomits all over itself extolling a bunch of nonsense and gibberish.

I hate it.  And thankfully, a lot more people are starting to wake-up and understand the massive double-standard between what’s regurgitated towards women compared to men.

Men are told to be strong, yoked, and Alpha!

Women are told to tone.  And to eat 1200 calories.  It’s BS.  And this is probably one of the best “rant” pieces I have ever read.

If I could (non-creepily) hug the author, I totally would.

CategoriesMiscellaneous Miscellany

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Premium Group Update, House of Cards, and Arm Care

1.  Month TWO of my Premium Workout Group over on was just went live this morning.

I’ve been placing an emphasis on strength training or what I like to call “getting into Beast Mode” with this first block of workouts, and all the feedback I’ve been receiving from all the participants has been awesome. It seems like everyone is enjoying the journey.

But we’ll see what they have to say after this month….;o)

Just as an FYI:  for those reading who may have never heard of this group before, you can read more about it – what it is, how it works, and how to join – HERE.

And, for those reading who may have balked at joining from the start, you should know that even if you joined TODAY or later down the road, you’ll still have access to ALL the routines (past and present).

So you’ll have the opportunity to start at your own pace and discretion.

And as I noted from the start, this Group is something that’s always going to be evolving.  As it happens, as of the tail end of last week, we introduced a DISCUSSION tab to the group page where members can leave comments, post updates, videos, and pictures of their pets (if they want) for others to chime in on.

It’s just another way to build the camaraderie of the group and for people to have more access to other people taking themselves through the same torture program.

2.  Raise your hand if you binged watched season two of House of Cards this weekend like no one’s business??

*Sheepishly raises hand*

Once Lisa and I sat down on Friday night to watch episode one (well, 14 to be exact if you count season 1) it was over.

And once that “thing” happened  – you know, that HOLY SHIT moment (spoiler at the bottom*) – at the tail end of the first episode, Lisa and I looked at one another and knew we were going to crush the entire season over the weekend.

We came close.

We got all the way up to the second to last episode last night before I puttered out.  We’ll watch the season finale tonight, though.

I can’t wait to see what happens.  Let me guess:  Frank turns into RoboCop and takes out Tusk?  No, no….that’s a bit too farfetched.

Okay, how about this: Legolas from Lord of the Rings makes a cameo appearance, seduces Claire, and he becomes President!

Yep, nailed it!

3.  I had one of my blog posts “syndicated” over on the website over the weekend which was a cool surprise.

Check out 3 Surprising Reasons You Aren’t Seeing Results in the Gym.

4.  One of the “go to” exercises we use at Cressey Performance with regards to arm care is the supine rhythmic stabilization.

In short, when we’re referring to how to go about training the rotator cuff in a more “functional” manner, we have to respect that the rotator cuff’s job isn’t to necessarily externally rotate and abduct the humerus like all the anatomy books will tell us.

In fact, it’s TRUE role is to keep the humeral head centered in the glenoid fossa.  The last thing we want for an overhead athlete – or anyone for that matter – is to have their humeral head clanging around like a jellybean in a jar.

As innocuous as the exercise may look – there is a fair amount of “progression” that needs to be considered.

First and foremost a general rule of thumb to follow is to start more PROXIMALLY to the body.  Meaning, when starting this exercise with someone it’s better to perform GENTLE pertubations closer to midline of the body – in this case the elbow – where they’ll have a bit more control.

From there, the way you’ll progress the drill is to move more distally – away from the midline – towards the wrist (as Eric demonstrates in the video above).

It seems borderline trivial, but it’s an important factor to consider when implementing this drill into someone’s arm care repertoire.


* = ZOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuckballs, he killed Zoe!!  I think both Lisa and I literally jumped off the couch when Frank pushed Zoe in front of that train.  This show is freakin amazing.  It’s like they’re not scared to go all Game of Thrones on us and kill off important characters in the blink of an eye and without warning.  I love it.