
Upcoming Speaking Engagements: The Jet Lag Edition

I feel like a bag of dicks today.

Well, not that bad considering the 2o hour total flight time (in addition to a four hour layover in LAX) Lisa and I endured yesterday making our way back to Boston from Australia.

I don’t know, maybe I feel more like a bag of soggy potatoes? Either way, it’s not good, and I have zero room to complain given I’m not coaching today and Lisa had to go in because she has full day of clients lined up at her private practice.1

To that end, given my brain feels like mush at the moment and I’m still trying to get my bearings back from being across the other side of the world for the past two weeks, I wanted to take today as an opportunity to remind people of where I’ll be presenting next.

You know, because it’s all about me, me, me, ME!

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Strong Body-Strong Mind: Chicago (August 2019)

Full Disclosure: This will be the only date in 2019 that Dr. Lisa Lewis and I will be presenting this workshop.

Go HERE to register.

This workshop is designed for fitness professionals – personal trainers, strength & conditioning coaches, physical therapists, etc – to provide both physical & psychological tools to help build your brand, business, and rapport with clients.

Dr. Lewis and I cover a lot of material:

  • How to increase competency and motivation with your clients.
  • An overview of both upper and lower extremity assessment to create increased “buy in.”
  • How to set professional & personal boundaries with clients.
  • Troubleshooting common lifts such as squats & deadlifts to best fit the needs, ability level, and anatomy of clients.
  • And more…

The Early Bird rate for this workshop is set to expire this weekend (7/29) so if you want to save yourself $50 I’d encourage you to sign up ASAP.2

CEUs will be available.

For more information – including full itinerary and to register – you can go HERE.

Coaching Competency – Dublin, Ireland (September 2019)

Register HERE

So what happens when a room full of Irish(w0)men find out I’m not much of a drinker?…;o)

Whether you get paid to tell people to lift heavy things or you just like to lift heavy things yourself, in this 1-day workshop you’ll get the opportunity to listen to me talk about my how I approach assessment and gain a better understanding of how I “match” the exercises I prescribe to better fit the needs, ability level, and more importantly, the anatomy of each individual I work work.

In short, this workshop looks at the “umbrella theme” of my coaching philosophy.

For more information – including itinerary and how to register – go HERE.

Strategic Strength Workshop: London, UK (September 2019)

Register HERE

Luke Worthington and I have presented this workshop twice. Once in London last year and again this past June in Boston.

We’re bringing it back to London this Fall, my most favorite place in the world.

This two-day workshop is designed to arm fitness professionals with all the tools they’ll need to hone their assessment skills and to make their clients/athletes a bunch of bonafide, resilient, strength training Terminators.

Combined Luke and I have ~40 years of coaching experience (or one Dan John) and bring different perspectives and skill-sets to the table; Luke peels back the onion on PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) concepts and assessment, while I go into detail breaking down movement and how to better “match” the exercises we prescribe to our clients.

For more information – including itinerary and how to register – you can go HERE.


Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop: Chicago

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be heading to Chicago next month along with my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, to present our popular Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop.

—> Register Here (Early Bird Rate) <—

In this 1-day workshop we’ll unpack both physical and psychological techniques that will not only make you a better trainer/coach, but also provide you with some unique skills that will undoubtedly help you grow your business and separate you from the masses.

Rest assured our objective is not to promise you an additional $10K in your bank account in a week or tell you that the key to industry success is to post more pictures of yourself with barely any clothes while you stand next to a rainbow, a Tesla, or, I don’t know, a kale shake.

Moreover, you will also not hear the two of us make any reference to email funnels, SEO, or #hustleandgrind.

Nope, the only objective of this workshop is to provide actionable, real-word content that fitness professionals can use to build better relationships (and results) with their clients and athletes.

All coming from a strength coach with 17+ years of experience and an ACTUAL doctor (and not some self-proclaimed “mindset guru” on Instagram who read a chapter of a book once).

Too, even if you’re not a fitness professional this workshop will still be of benefit.

Some of the things we’ll cover:

– Upper & Lower Extremity Assessment
– Motivation
– Client Centered Coaching
– Troubleshooting Tricky Clients
– Troubleshooting Common Strength Training Exercises
– Can Tony’s Pecs Cut Diamonds?


Date: Sunday, August 18, 2019

Time: 10 am – 6 pm

Location: South Loop Strength & Conditioning.


$149.00 (Early Bird) until 7/18/19 ($199.00 thereafter). FREE <– If you happen to be Jason Bourne


**0.7 CEUs will be available via the NSCA.

—> Register Here (Early Bird Rate) <—



Two Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Wanted to update everyone one two speaking engagements I have coming up. If either of the two happen to be in your neck of the woods, you should totally come. I’m cool.

Copyright: ake1150 / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Advanced Performance Coaching Seminar – Palmer, MA

Date: Saturday, May 13th, 2017

Where: AP Academy, Palmer, MA


Pamela Proulx (Baystate Rehabilitation) – Dynamic Stretching

Austin Wasserman (AB Athletic Development) – The Negative Step in Sports

Nick Esposito (AB Athletic Development) – Training Today’s Youth Athlete

Tony Gentilcore (CORE) – Why It’s Still a Travesty Shakespeare in Love Won Best Picture Over Saving Private at the 1998 Academy Awards The Deadlift

Scott Leech (Merrimack College) – Programming Around Culture in Collegiate Athletics

Michelle Boland (Northeastern University) – Stress & Adaptation – The Central Role of the Brain

NOTE: I’m slated to speak right after lunch (you know, when pretty much everyone is in a state of insulin coma and has about ten minutes before they fall asleep) so the Vegas has the over/under of 11 f-bombs within the first 15 minutes of my talk.

2) Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Lisa and I had the pleasure to presenting this workshop twice last year in both Austin, TX and London. We’re excited to be coming to Toronto, which, coincidentally, will be Julian’s first plane ride.

It’s a quickie, only 75 or so minutes, so it shouldn’t be too bad. I hope.

In short I’ll take part of the day and speak to things like program design, assessment, and how you can pwn anyone who makes the argument that deadlifts will destroy everyone’s backs/spines.

Lisa, to her credit, offers the more unique aspect of the workshop and something I feel is an underserved topic in our industry: how to help foster mindset strategies with your clients and build more competency and autonomy.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/21/17

The baby’s asleep, the baby’s asleep!

Okay, I have anywhere from 30-whateverthefuck minutes to get this written. Lets go.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


Check This Stuff Out First

1) Strong Body-Strong Mind – Toronto

Lisa and I are happy to announce we’re bringing back our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

Last year we had the privilege of presenting together in Austin, TX and London, UK, and we’re elated to be heading to Toronto, Ontario to pick up where we left off.

In a nutshell I speak to a little assessment talk, program design, and breaking down technique on a few common lifts such as the squat, deadlift, get-up, and blindfolded chainsaw juggling, and Lisa speaks to more of the mindset side of the equation and how we can help build better rapport and “buy in” with our clients/athletes.

For more information and to sign up, please go HERE.

2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

3) MASS – Monthly Applications in Strength Sports

I was sent an advance copy of MASS last week and it’s stellar stuff.

It’s a monthly research review specifically curated for strength and physique athletes, coaches, and enthusiasts. Every issue of MASS is created by Greg Nuckols, Eric Helms, and Mike Zourdos.

I hate reading research. I can think of a number of things I’d rather do – wash my face with broken glass, go to a One Direction concert, talk about my feelings with my wife, so on and so forth. I’m not kidding, I hate it.

This is the perfect way for me to stay on top of the game without making my brain hurt: have other smart people I respect a ton break things down and interpret things for me….;o)

Greg, Eric, and Mike are giving away the first issue FREE. You know, to suck you in. But trust me: it’s worth it (I mean, it’s free). After the fact it will still be a very reasonably priced continuing education resource for all fitness professionals.

Check it out….HERE.

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

Hip Flexor Tightness: The Most Common Error in Stretching – Dave Tilley

My head hurt from shaking in agreement so much while reading this article. This is something I harp all…the…time with clients/athletes and even when I speak to fitness professionals on the topic.

You (likely) don’t have “tight” hip flexors. And, how you’re stretching them is only feeding the problem in the first place.

If Your Doctor Doesn’t Work Out, It’s Time For a New One – Lee Boyce

I wish this dreamboat was my doctor…..;o)

This is a message I can get behind.

The health/wellness industry is all about being more REACTIVE than PROACTIVE. I get it: much of a doctor’s education is in treating ailments with medicine and not with the iron, and that’s cool. But I’d be remiss not to point out we’d likely get people sustained results by educating and nudging them to workout rather than pop pills.

Thanks for writing this Lee.

Wheat Belly Deception: Understanding Wheat, Insulin, and Fat Loss – Adam Bornstein

It’s one of the most popular books on weight loss. But here’s why Wheat Belly is a stomach full of weight-loss deception.

Social Media Shenanigans



Always a good day at the office when a client hits a PR. Here’s Shukri hitting 355 lbs, and he makes it look easy. I started working with Shukri three months ago and we had to deconstruct his deadlift. His previous PR was 350 lbs, but in his own words it ” would make your eyes bleed.” He liked to pull conventional, but I switched him to modified Sumo as it allowed him to maintain a more upright torso and didn’t require as much upper back strength, a weak link we’ve been working on. With tweaks in hand, we had to revamp his approach starting at 225 lbs. Every week we focused on doing more work. Weird, linear periodization works…? This PR was a legit PR. Solid technique. The road to 400 is within reach.

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/7/17

Lisa and I (and Julian) are traveling back to Upstate NY this weekend to visit family and to both present at the SUNY Cortland Health & Wellness Conference. As you’re reading this we’re en route (and likely on our 11th pit-stop, give or take, to change a diaper or feed our little Gremlin).

Lets jump right to this week’s round-up.

Copyright: urfingus / 123RF Stock Photo


Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1) Strong Body-Strong Mind – Toronto

Lisa and I are happy to announce we’re bringing back our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

Last year we had the privilege of presenting together in Austin, TX and London, UK, and we’re elated to be heading to Toronto, Ontario to pick up where we left off.

In a nutshell I speak to a little assessment talk, program design, and breaking down technique on a few common lifts such as the squat, deadlift, get-up, and blindfolded chainsaw juggling, and Lisa speaks to more of the mindset side of the equation and how we can help build better rapport and “buy in” with our clients/athletes.

For more information and to sign up, please go HERE.

2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

Complete Sports Conditioning – Mike Boyle

Sha-ZAM this is a doozy. I was sent an advance copy of Mike Boyle’s latest resource and while I’ve only just begun watching it, what I have seen is really, really, really good.

I mean, come on…it’s Mike Boyle.

The man has been coaching for 35+ years and knows a thing or two about how to prepare athletes well. I appreciate Mike’s candidness and no BS, commonsense approach.

You can currently purchase the entire set at $100 off the regular price, but it the sale ends TONIGHT (4/7).

Check it out HERE and hurry!

How to Improve Ankle Mobility and Stability – Brad Cox

The Biggest Problem for Personal Trainers – Michael Keeler

The “problem” doesn’t = lack of program design skills or the ability to name all the muscular attachments to the scapulae in alphabetical order (and in Latin). Nope, it has everything to do with a skill that’s becoming rarer and rarer in the fitness industry.

Lack of people skills.

Social Media Shenanigans



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 6/3/16

Do you ever get caught in the trap of reminiscing? I’m not referring to the Pete Rock and CL Smooth 1992 hip-hop classic “They Reminisce Over You.”

Probably one of my top-10 all-time favorite hip-hop songs.

No, I mean “reminisce” in the sense of remembering where you were or what you were doing 24 hours ago, a day ago, a week ago, even a year or more ago.

Do you ever do that?

A week ago today, my wife and I were walking and biking through the streets of Copenhagen. We had an amazing day that day.

A year ago today, we were in the Bahamas celebrating our honeymoon. Facebook reminded me by reposting the following picture on my Wall via my Facebook Memories this morning.

And who knows: I’m sure if I were to dig a little deeper into my subconscious I could come up with some other examples.

Five years ago today my wife and I were preparing to move in with one another.

Five years ago tomorrow we were ready to strangle each other and second guessing that decision.

It’s surreal to think back at all the cool places I’ve been and experiences I’ve experienced. Part of reminiscing is to think back on things fondly. But too, understandably, reminiscing can be about perseverance, heart ache, tragedy, and death.

I don’t know what my point is. Honestly, I started typing and these thoughts were the first thing that entered my head; so I apologize for the discombobulated intro to today’s stuff to read.

Maybe the idea is to encourage people to reminisce over a positive thought or memory. In light of today’s political/religious/racial/financial/world climate – where everything is doom and gloom (and abhorrent rhetoric) – try to think of one positive thing (past/present) that puts a smile on your face.

If nothing else, go listen and bob your head to Pete Rock and CL Smooth’s jam.

REMINDER: Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Austin, TX

Speaking of my wife and I, we’ll both be in Austin, TX on Saturday June 18th for our inaugural Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop.

There are plenty of workshops, seminars, and conferences that speak to how to make the body strong, but not many that incorporate mindset and behavior change. This is something we both feel is an underserved “niche” within the fitness industry.

I can speak to turning people into deadlifting terminators.

Lisa – who has a doctorate in Sports Psychology and specializes in Exercise/Behavioral Psychology – can speak to what goes on in people’s noggins.

For more information you can go HERE. Or sign up via the link below:

Lightning & Thunder – Angie Brambley-Moyer, Tim Moyer, Jen Sinkler

If you read my post yesterday you learned that, despite being a strength & conditioning coach (and working with athletes on a daily basis), I feel I’m “rusty” when it comes to my overall athleticism.

And that I wanted to do something about it.

I’m currently doing the Lightning & Thunder program myself and am pumped to see what I can accomplish in 24 weeks.

It’s a program for athletes and non-athletes alike. I’ve referred to it as “elegantly simplistic,” which is what most people need.

The HALF-OFF sale ends TODAY (6/3)…and, as a reminder, those who purchase via my links will get a code for one FREE MONTH in my Group Training Membership on

Go HERE. I encourage you to join me. Together we can conquer the world.1

4 Easy-to-Fix Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight – Scott Baptie

I don’t get it: there are some fitness professionals (charlatans are more like) out there espousing the notion that the reason why some people aren’t losing weight is because they’re not eating enough calories.

Say what now?

That’s like me saying, “dude, the reason why you’re not getting laid is because you’re not attending enough Star Trek conventions.”

It doesn’t make any sense.

Foundational Coaching: The Birddog – Miguel Aragoncillo

It’s a simple looking exercise, with a plethora of benefits, but it’s often done very poorly. Cressey Sports Performance coach, Miguel Aragoncillo, chimes in on some common mistakes and how to troubleshoot the exercise.