
Appearance On the Legendary Life Podcast

I was invited onto the Legendary Life Podcast hosted by Ted Ryce recently.

It was an awesome experience and Ted is one of the greats when it comes to interviewing and producing a highly entertaining podcast.

But I can’t help but ask: Me? Legendary?

I can understand if I hit the winning home run in Game 7 of the World Series, or, I don’t know, somehow beat Jason Bourne in a fist-fight.

That’s legendary.

Then again, I did clean my cat’s litter box this morning and washed the dishes. Soooooooo, I’m pretty much Batman.

  • Kidding aside, I had a lot of fun recording this episode.  In this episode you’ll learn:
  • Why most people plateau in the gym 3
  • Ways to get faster results from your workouts
  • How to avoid the #1 mistake most guys make in the gym
  • High reps, low reps?
  • Which rep scheme is best?
  • The “train hard=>get hurt=>go to physical therapy” cycle
  • Why you should set a performance-based goal
  • Why effective workouts don’t have to be complicated
  • Most common mistakes personal trainers often make
  • Quality vs Quantity: Movement matters
  • Why strength is the foundation of your fitness
  • Why modern life sets you up for injury
  • How to deal with shoulder pain
  • How to workout with an injury
  • Why the skill of coaching is underrated

—> Listen to Legendary Life <—


Interview on FitPro Radio Show

I had the pleasure of being invited onto the FitPro Radio Show hosted by Matt Pack and Ted Ryce a while back. A little over a year ago, actually….so it’s a little old.

These are two guys who, outside of being super passionate about fitness, want nothing more than to help make the industry better. I had a blast doing this interview and was able to cover a ton of topics.

I’d encourage any new or upcoming trainers to take the time to listen as I discuss many of the thing I did to help build my own brand as well as that of Cressey Sports Performance. And even if you’re not a rookie, I’d encourage you to listen anyways because my voice is dead sexy.

And I believe the interview is Star Wars reference free. Go figure!


– How Tony got his start in the fitness industry
– Why corporate fitness taught
– How Tony connected with Eric Cressey and opened a gym
– How Cressey Sports Performance gym got it’s start with high school athletes
– How Tony and Eric found their niche in training baseball players
– The right way to market strength and conditioning to athletes
– How to give individualized programming in group training
– Why Cressey Sports Performance started doing “bootcamps”
– How marketing locally skyrocketed Cressey Sports Performance
– Local exposure is more important than national exposure for building your local business
– What role info products and online marketing play in Tony’s success
– Why having multiples streams of income is important for financial success
– Some training mistakes that Tony made when he first started working out
– Tony’s #1 success tip for new personal trainers
– 2 BIG mistakes that personal trainers make
– Why learning from other coaches is key to being your best
– 2 books every trainer should read

—-> FitPro Radio Show Interview <—–