Note from TG:  I try my best not to come across as someone who overhypes stuff to my readers on a daily basis. 

I mean, it’s not really THAT big of a deal that The Wolverine opens this weekend.  You’d think based off how excited I am that I’d be walking around all week with toy Wolverine claws on or something.  That’s just silly talk.  Nope, not me.  That’s just absurd.

The Wolverine!!  Arrrrrggghhhh%@*!*!*^$*@!!

Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system. I like to think that when I do go out of my way to promote something on this site that it’s something I know works and that I KNOW will help a lot of people.

It just so happens that today marks a unique instance where two things deserve your attention.

You know the pivotal scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark when that evil Nazi Gestapo agent’s, Arnold Ernst Toht, face was melted off his, um, face?

Well I just had a similar experience from all the knowledge bombs that were thrown my direction after watching a sneak peak of Mike Robertson’s Mobility, Flexibility and Stability Training presentation.

A (40+ minute) presentation, mind you, he’s offering for FREE in anticipation of the release of his brand spankin new product, Bulletproof Athlete, next week.

Yeah, yeah I get it: mobility schmamility.  We need another mobility presentation about as much as we need another Tracy Anderson workout DVD.

Fist pump for that one, right?

But this is Mike freakin Robertson we’re talking about here. The guy trains his fair share of professional athletes and world record holders in powerlifting. Not to mention the numerous physique athletes and average Joes and Janes who trust him to keep them healthy, kicking-ass, and taking names.

There aren’t many coaches out there I trust more than Mike, and you can rest assured that whenever you have the opportunity to listen to him, you’re going to learn at least one thing.  Or in my case, 20.

In this presentation you’ll learn:

  • The three BEST methods for improving mobility from head to toe.
  • A definition of what mobility really is (as well as what it isn’t!)
  • Why mobility and stability are critical components of smart training, and why you need both to dominate in the gym or on the field.
  • How improving mobility can help you get rid of aches and pains in your knees, back and shoulders.
  • And most importantly how mobility training can help take your performance to the next level – whether that’s running fast, jumping high, or lifting heavy things for fun, Mike can help you out.

Again, this video is totally FREE, but only for the next couple of days.

Check it out HERE.

Something else I think many of you may find valuable and will want to check out is’s Supplement Goals Reference Guide.

As a strength coach, and as someone who works with numerous high-school, collegiate, and professional athletes myself, on an almost daily basis I get asked “dude, is it customary to coach with your shirt off?” “dude, what supplements should I be taking?”

I’m not one to bag on supplements, as there’s a mountain of evidence to back their use.  But more often than not I fall into the camp which views supplements as progress enhancers, not progress starters.

Put another way:  if you’re current training and/or nutritional approach isn’t garnering the results you wanted, whether it’s to pack on mass, finally get rid of that ‘muffin top,’ or squat a rhinoceros (just go with it), taking a pill or adding a powder to your drink typically isn’t going to amass to much other than an empty wallet.

Nevertheless I do feel (s0me) supplements have their place, and serve a purpose. I believe things like fish oil, vitamin D, and protein powder, to name a few, should be utilized if for nothing else than their health benefits alone.

Where things get murky is when walk into your local GNC or open the latest MuscleRag and are inundated with supplements left and right that will claim to give you a six pack in three weeks, increase your testosterone levels by 217%, and make you shit rainbows (if that’s your bag).

The main monkey wrench is finding a reputable resource which doesn’t have an ulterior motive other than to give you evidence based research; something which will either confirm or dispute said claims.

Well here it is:


Supplement Goals Reference Guide


Some of you may recall a guest post that’s very own, Sol Orwell, wrote earlier this year titled Supplements That Suck, Supplements That Work, and Supplements That Are UnderratedPart One, and Part Two, which you can think of as the Spark Notes version of the reference guide.

And that really isn’t giving it its due diligence.  We’re talking about a 700+ page manual that’s taken over two years to put together, encompassing over 20,000 individual studies, for only $29!

Needless to say, these guys know what works and what doesn’t.

Anytime you need to find out what a particular supplement does (creatine, for example) or are interested in a particular health goal (lowering blood glucose levels) this guide should be your go to source.  And you can feel confident that you won’t be misguided with smoke and mirrors or disingenuous intentions.

It’s just solid, evidence based information all around.