It’s been a hectic past few weeks of travel and speaking. Two weeks ago I was in Chicago, last weekend Lisa and I were in Toronto presenting our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop, and this weekend I’m heading to Saratoga Springs, NY to present my Coaching Competency workshop.
Annnnnd, the next few weekends after that I’m pumped because I get to sit down, relax, take a seat, and be a student myself.
John Rusin and Christian Thibaudeau will be in Boston (10/7-8) presenting their Advanced Performance Coaching & Programming Strategies workshop. Then, on the weekend of 10/15 I’ll head out to Springfield, MA for the Clinical Athlete Workshop with Dr. Quinn Henoch of Juggernaut Systems who will be presenting alongside Matthew Ibrahim and Zak Gabor.
Maybe I’ll see some of you there?

1) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Boston
The Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint is finally coming to Boston. Not “fake” Boston, either, on the outskirts of the North or South shore, and we end up calling it a Boston workshop.
No, this sumbitch is going to be IN Boston, at AMP Fitness located near Government Center in the heart of the city.
This shindig goes down the weekend of November 11th and will likely be mine and Dean Somerset’s last hoorah presenting this particular workshop.
The early bird rate is currently in effect. Hope to see you there.
And by “there” I mean HERE.
Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work
3 Common Power Training Mistakes and How To Fix Them – Dr. Andy Galpin
I really enjoyed this article by Andy – short, sweet, and to the point. What I also appreciated was that it didn’t make my head hurt with big words and super scientific explanations and mumbo-jumbo.
Not that approach isn’t important (sometimes), but, you know, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
All Gain, No Pain: The Over-40 Man’s Comeback Guide to Rebuild Your Body After Pain, Injury, or Physical Therapy – Bill Hartman
All I have to say is “holy fucking shitballs – Bill Hartman wrote a book.”
Shoulder Pain and Dyskinesia: Correcting Medial Border Prominence During Pushups – Dan Pope
“Scapular winging” can be a bastardized term tossed around by PT’s and personal trainers alike. It is a “thing,” but it’s not as prominent of a “thing” as people think.
I.e., true scapular winging is an actual medial diagnosis (long thoracic nerve, which innervates the Serratus anterior isn’t doing it’s job).
HOWEVER: when scapular winging is a thing (due to muscle weakness, pain, and/or faulty movement), this article explains how you should approach it.
Social Media Shenanigans
20 year old me: “dude, I worked out for 2 hours today, it was amazing.”
40 year old me: “dude, 2 hour workouts? Don’t be cray-cray.”
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) September 25, 2017