I’m very fortunate that number of quality coaches reach out and offer to submit articles for this site. Granted they have to promise to name their first born after me AND send me a bowl of yellow only M&Ms, but that’s a small price to pay for internet fame.
Thanks to everyone who pinch-wrote for me in 2018 and gave my fingers a brief reprieve.
I’m looking forward to seeing what’s sent my way in 2019….

Best Articles of 2018: Guest Posts
My Top Shoulder Training Tips – Dr. Nicholas Licameli
This was a two-part article that Nicholas wrote back in January and it’s excellent.
Part I – HERE
Part II – HERE
5 Exercises to Help You Perform More Pull-Ups Without Doing Pull-Ups – Meghan Callaway
There aren’t many coaches I trust more to discuss anything pull-up related than Meghan.
8 Plank Variations That Don’t Suck – Michael Anderson
FYI: The plank pictured above sucks.
Tuning Tension: Getting the Most From Your Muscle – Noah Harrison
I listened to Noah speak in person on this topic and was transfixed by what he had to say. A conversation we had after the fact led to him writing this post for my site.
Ladies: Here’s Why You’re Not Getting Stronger – Lana Sova
LOVED this line from Lana: Less cardio and more Cardi B….;o)