CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 1/31/20

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(Things I’ve appeared in, places I’m going, you know, important stuff)

1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

It’s official: This marks the sixth year in a row Dean Somerset and I are presenting together. We’re so excited to be coming to Athens to kickstart 2020.

2. Coaching Competency Workshop – London, UK: Sunday, March 8, 2020

3. Strategic Strength Workshop – Detroit, MI: April 5, 2020

This will be my first ever workshop in the region!

I’m expecting ticker tape parades.

4. Strategic Strength Workshop – Washington, DC: May 17, 2020





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DEADstart Rows. . I have a crush on them. . ✅ I like the “stretch” in the bottom position, when the arm is straightened out, because it allows the shoulder blade (or scapula for any nerds reading) to move AROUND the rib cage. . This is a game changer for overall shoulder health. . ✅ The path should be more of an arc rather than a straight up and down movement. I like to use the cue “bring your elbow to the hip or back pocket.” . ✅ Notice, too, how my client, @lollercoaster24 , STOPS her elbow at the hip and doesn’t go further? . Going past that point doesn’t make the exercise better or more effective, and in fact ensures the shoulder doesn’t “dump forward” into scapular anterior tilt. . ✅ I’m indifferent when it comes to knees on or off the bench, but if I had to choose I’d choose off as it keeps the hips in better alignment and provides an added core stability component (just be sure not to over arch the lower back). . ✅ SIDE NOTE: For an added core component have your clients/athletes perform while on the balls of their feet. Tip courtesy of @melanieredd1 . . Those with a keen eye will notice my client is letting go of the handle at the bottom of each rep. . I’d like to sit here and say there’s a legitimate reason and rationale for it. . Like it helps increase muscle activation by 87% or that it influences the procreation habits of butterflies. 🦋 . Alas, my bad. I just wasn’t paying good enough attention while filming. . I prefer a firm grip throughout. . Nonetheless, awesome exercise and SICK song in the background.

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“How Often Should I Do This?” How to Answer the Homework Question – Dean Somerset

We’re not talking algebra here.

Nope, this article refers to the “homework” (or drills and exercises) we trainers and coaches give our clients to do at home that help address stuff they need to work on more whether it be motor control. stability, bad breath, etc.

5 Unfriendly Low Back Exercises That Are Actually Good For Your Spine – Lana Sova

Relax: No crunches were harmed in the writing of this article.

Conditioning for Beginners – Mike Perry

You need “to earn your conditioning exercise.” Meaning, conditioning doesn’t have to revolve around near death experiences.

For beginners the main goal is for conditioning exercise to be safe, effective, but still allows them to work hard.

Read this article.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/18/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo

BUT FIRST…I’m Like, Really, REALLY Important

1. Coaching Competency Workshop – New York, NY: Sunday, November 3, 2019

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

This will be the first leg of mine and Dean Somerset’s European extravaganza in early 2020. The second leg will take place in…

3. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Maidenhead, U.K: March 7th & 8th, 2020

There’s an Early Bird rate for both of these events, so keep that in mind before you decide to hold off. Dean and I are really excited for this and hope to see you there!





How Trips to Trader Joes Got Me Fat and In Debt –  Lana Sova

Slow clap, Lana.

Slow clap.

The 7 People Who Never Get Results – Calvin Huynh

I appreciate a good “rant” style article, and this one was good.

3 Reasons Why Biceps Curls Are Good For the Shoulders – Shane McLean

Next thing Shane is going to tell is that cookies are calorie free.

But seriously, bicep curls, when performed correctly, can be a handy shoulder saver.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/4/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo

This place was a bit dearth with content this past week, but for good reason.

I signed a lease for a new, larger space for my gym here in Boston.

70% of me is excited while the other 30% is doing the best I can not to destroy the back of my pants. Nonetheless, coming in early 2020: The CORE Collective.

WTF am I doing!?!


1. Coaching Competency Workshop – New York, NY: Sunday, November 3, 2019

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

This will be the first leg of mine and Dean Somerset’s European extravaganza in early 2020. The second leg will take place in…

3. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Maidenhead, U.K: March 7th & 8th, 2020

There’s an Early Bird rate for both of these events, so keep that in mind before you decide to hold off. Dean and I are really excited for this and hope to see you there!





The Salt Shaker Theory: 3 Principles of Effective Management – Mark Fisher

This is an older article from Mark (and one I read off of The Strength House’s newsletter), but man it needs to be read by ANYONE who manages people or owns a business.

Top 15 Face Pull Variations for Shoulder Health & Performance – Dr. John Rusin

Face Pulls = highly UNDER-rated exercise.

You (probably) need to be doing more of them.

Here’s THE article that explains the who, what, why and how.

Your Cheat Code in Dropping Unwanted Fat With Just 20 Minutes a Day – Lana Sova


But for real….a little exercise, daily, works wonders. There’s little need for marathon sessions in the gym, everyone’s busy and doesn’t have time, but Lana showcases some “quickie” workouts to set the tone.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/2/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1.Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Chicago, IL (w/ Dr. Lisa Lewis)

This is happening Sunday, August 18, 2019

Go HERE to register.

This workshop is designed for fitness professionals – personal trainers, strength & conditioning coaches, physical therapists, etc – to provide both physical & psychological tools to help build your brand, business, and rapport with clients.

Dr. Lewis and I cover a lot of material:

  • How to increase competency and motivation with your clients.
  • An overview of both upper and lower extremity assessment to create increased “buy in.”
  • How to set professional & personal boundaries with clients.
  • Troubleshooting common lifts such as squats & deadlifts to best fit the needs, ability level, and anatomy of clients.
  • And more…

CEUs will be available.

For more information – including full itinerary and to register – you can go HERE.

2. Coaching Competency – Dublin, Ireland

This is happening Sunday, September 8, 2019 (Early Bird rate in effect)

Register HERE

So what happens when a room full of Irish(w0)men find out I’m not much of a drinker?…;o)

Whether you get paid to tell people to lift heavy things or you just like to lift heavy things yourself, in this 1-day workshop you’ll get the opportunity to listen to me talk about my how I approach assessment and gain a better understanding of how I “match” the exercises I prescribe to better fit the needs, ability level, and more importantly, the anatomy of each individual I work work.

In short, this workshop looks at the “umbrella theme” of my coaching philosophy.

For more information – including itinerary and how to register – go HERE.

3. Strategic Strength Workshop – London, England

This is happening the weekend of September 14-15th, 2019 (Early Bird rate in effect).

Register HERE

Luke Worthington and I have presented this workshop twice. Once in London last year and again this past June in Boston.

We’re bringing it back to London this Fall, my most favorite place in the world.

This two-day workshop is designed to arm fitness professionals with all the tools they’ll need to hone their assessment skills and to make their clients/athletes a bunch of bonafide, resilient, strength training Terminators.

Combined Luke and I have ~40 years of coaching experience (or one Dan John) and bring different perspectives and skill-sets to the table; Luke peels back the onion on PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) concepts and assessment, while I go into detail breaking down movement and how to better “match” the exercises we prescribe to our clients.

For more information – including itinerary and how to register – you can go HERE.





What to Do in the Gym When You Are New – Lana Sova

If you’re new to the gym (or know someone who’s thinking about going) this is a must read.

Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift Tips – August 1, 2019 – Tony Bonvechio

Bo knows baseball.

Tony B knows the “big 3.”

Oh, also: be sure to check out the Optimizing the Big 3 seminar hosted by both Tony B and Greg Robins in Worcester, MA later this month.

I’ll be there learning myself…;o)

Info HERE.

What Is the Best Strength Training Exercise for Triathletes? – Menachem Brodie

Short answer: strength training in general – not just one particular exercise – is the best…;o)

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/5/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – 2019 Locations & Dates

Philadelphia, PA: April 27-28th

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: May 25-26th

Sydney, Australia: July 13-14th

Melbourne, Australia: July 19-21st (<— JUST ADDED. Includes bonus “Psyche Skills for Fitness Pros” pre-workshop with Dr. Lisa Lewis).

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to really add value with your assessment process.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Find out more details HERE.

2. Strategic Strength Workshop – Boston, MA

Luke and I did this workshop last summer in London and figured it’s only fair to bring it State side.

Combined we have 30+ years of coaching experience (I.e., one Mike Boyle or Dan John) and this workshop will be two days where we uncover every nook and cranny as it relates to how we assess our clients/athletes and how we best prepare them for the rigors of every day life/sport.

This will be a unique opportunity for people to learn from myself, but especially Luke, who is one of the best and brightest coaches I know.

For more information and to register you can go HERE.





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30 Days of Shoulders. . Day 11: Is the Bench Press Hurting Your Shoulders, or Is What You’re Doing Hurting Your Shoulders (Check Your Setup Edition)? . For shoulder health reasons you want the shoulder blades to be able to move: Retract, protract, upwardly rotate, downwardly rotate, all of it. . To lift heavy things, however, we need to pin those bad boys down. . Whenever I start working with someone and they mention how bench pressing always bothers their shoulder, rather than bog them down with a litany of corrective exercises they’re not going to do I’ll instead audit their technique; in particular their initial setup. . I want the shoulder blades to be TOGETHER and DOWN. . This is crucial to help “save” your shoulders during the bench press. . Also, wearing cool ass t-shirts help too.

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The Simplest Way to Stop Your Knees From Caving In When You Squat – Lana Sova

Don’t let your knees cave in.

Spread the floor.


All our cues we use ad nauseam to help prevent our client’s knees from buckling when performing squats. There’s actually a simpler way. It takes a degree of up-front coaching, but it’s time well spent.

Lana lets you in on the “secret” in this article.

Why “Kids Are Just Lazy Nowadays” Isn’t An Excuse – Erica Suter

Cue slow clap………


Protect Your Back With These 4 Strength Coach Secrets – Lee Boyce

Low back pain sucks donkey balls.

It’s not a death sentence.

You do have to be proactive.

Solid tips from Lee in this article.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 2/22/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – 2019 Locations & Dates

Philadelphia, PA: April 27-28th (<– EARLY BIRD rate ending soon).

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: May 25-26th

Sydney, Australia: July 13-14th

Singapore, Republic of Singapore: July 20-21st

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Find out more details HERE.

NOTE: For the Singapore event you’ll need to use THIS link.

2. Coaching Competency Workshop – Raleigh, NC

I’ll be making my first appearance – ever (<— how’s that possible?) – in the wonderful state of North Carolina this coming March to put on my popular Coaching Competency Workshop.

This is a great opportunity for other fitness professionals to gain better insight into my assessment and program design process.

And cat memes.

Can’t forget the cat memes.

Full details (date, location, itinerary, how to register) can be found HERE.





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One factor that always seems to prevent many people from getting healthy is the “Boom or Bust” mentality, which is a theme I learned from @fitnesspainfree recently. . Put simply, this is where someone overloads their “system,” surpasses their pain threshold (by a lot), does this over and over and over again, and never seems to make any progress in terms of improving. . This whole approach keeps the alarm system sensitive as well as pain levels up. They train hard on Monday, are in pain, feel a little better, train hard again on Wednesday, are in pain, and the cycle repeats itself like an episode of Russian Doll. . This, of course, is absurd. Blowing through pain in the gym every chance you get does not earn you a badge of honor. . The key, though, is to TINKER with your pain threshold, make out with it a little bit. . You don’t want to fall into the trap of UNDERLOADING someone and doing too little to challenge them. . With the shoulder for example, exercises like the bench press and kipping pull-ups may be too extreme. They may be the end goal, but at this time they exceed the pain threshold and take far too long to recover from. . However, exercises like push-ups, rows, and landmine presses elicit a smidge of pain (no higher than a 3 out of a scale of 10) and are challenging enough to elicit a training effect. . The person stays under a “3” immediately after their session AND the following day. . THAT’S the sweet spot. . The goal is to increase/improve their pain threshold over time. . Training, when matched with someone’s current ability level, and when it’s not excessive, can be corrective.

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The Top 19 Nutrition  Myths of 2019 – Michael Hull (for

This was/is a spectacular article.

I might have to print it out and keep a copy on hand at all times whenever I need to debunk some cra cra nonsense.

How to Tell Your Clients  to Cut the Crap – Lana Sova

A bit of tough love with as smidge of Jedi mind trick fuckery = excellent article from Lana.

Foam Rolling Gone Wrong – Jonathan Watters

This is NOT an anti-foam rolling article.


It’s more anti-using spiked lacrosse balls and live grenades to release your piriformis.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Best Articles of 2018: Guest Posts

I’m very fortunate that number of quality coaches reach out and offer to submit articles for this site. Granted they have to promise to name their first born after me AND send me a bowl of yellow only M&Ms, but that’s a small price to pay for internet fame.

Thanks to everyone who pinch-wrote for me in 2018 and gave my fingers a brief reprieve.

I’m looking forward to seeing what’s sent my way in 2019….

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Best Articles of 2018: Guest Posts

My Top Shoulder Training Tips – Dr. Nicholas Licameli

This was a two-part article that Nicholas wrote back in January and it’s excellent.

Part I – HERE

Part II – HERE

5 Exercises to Help You Perform More Pull-Ups Without Doing Pull-Ups – Meghan Callaway

There aren’t many coaches I trust more to discuss anything pull-up related than Meghan.

8 Plank Variations That Don’t Suck – Michael Anderson

FYI: The plank pictured above sucks.

Tuning Tension: Getting the Most From Your Muscle – Noah Harrison

I listened to Noah speak in person on this topic and was transfixed by what he had to say. A conversation we had after the fact led to him writing this post for my site.

Ladies: Here’s Why You’re Not Getting Stronger – Lana Sova

LOVED this line from Lana: Less cardio and more Cardi B….;o)

CategoriesExercise Technique Program Design

Deadbugs Are Gucci. However, Pump the Brakes a Little and Try These Regressions First

First off: Yeah, that’s right I just put the slang version of “Gucci” into the title of a blog post about deadbugs.

Second: I promise I won’t ever do that again

Third: I’ve been swamped with travel the past few weeks (and the subsequent catching up on emails, programs, projects, and life shit-show) and I apologize for my lack of writing prowess. Thankfully I’ve had a handful of regular contributors to the site help to pick up the slack in my absence.

Thanks to Boston based coach, Lana Sova, for today’s contribution.

Fourth: Maybe I should have used “lit?” No? Okay, I’ll GFM.

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5 Deadbug Regressions You Need To Try

When it comes to core training, people often fight over which exercises are the best, but that’s kind of like arguing whether Cardi B or Nicki Minaj is a better rapper.

In my opinion (which no one really asked for, but Imma say it anyways because #internet) there is space for both, much like there is a time and a place for different core strengthening exercises.

When people ask me which is the best core strengthener, I give the most boring answer — it depends.

There are many things I take into consideration when I include core strengthening exercises in a client’s program.

Things like goals, training levels, level of lumbo-pelvic control, and mind-body awareness all matter.

Much like the aging process, things are never the same with core training — what could be the best core exercises for a client today will not be the same a year or two from now because they’ve gotten stronger and advanced their skills.

Which leads me to today’s article.

For some reason, when it comes to core training, we go from zero to a hundred in no time. And by “we,” I mean personal trainers. I get it, often we’re tempted to impress clients and show them what we’ve got under our sleeves.


And, often, our clients swear by the fact that they are so advanced they can hold a plank for ten minutes while multitasking and doing 20 other things.

Cue *major eye roll*.

While it’s a good thing to keep your clients happy and help them fall in love with training and working out, there is also a thing called common sense, not to mention the art of giving a client not only what she wants, but also what she needs.

Enter Deadbugs

The deadbug exercise is my all time favorite core strengthening exercise.

When done correctly, it’s one of those exercises that looks easy, but isn’t when you do it yourself.

Progressions to this exercise are diverse and can be lots of fun. And while progressions are great and we do need them to help a client succeed, we also need not forget about regressions.

Deadbugs are one of the exercises where attention to the details matter. It’s easy to spot bad form on a deadbug when you see a client arch her back from the get go. But it’s much more challenging to notice incorrect form when things are not so obvious.

For example, ideally we want a client show us that she can maintain a canister position while performing a deadbug. What’s a canister position? If you live under a rock and never heard Tony speak about this concept, here’s a video for you.


But often, clients will cheat.

Like when I see clients bring their knees closer to their chest to help them with a posterior pelvic tilt.

Or maybe the second they begin to extend their leg out, they lose any core tension; to help them reach the floor, they’ll shift into an anterior pelvic tilt.

It’s our job as coaches to help a client succeed with this exercise without cheating, because the key to their success is doing exercises with correct form.

Happy client AND successful client = Happy coach.

Here are FIVE of my favorite deadbug regressions.

1) Deadbug ISO Hold with a Dowel


Deadbugs are a core stability exercise. This is where I often introduce the concept of an open or closed canister in relationship to the hips and rib cage.

Pssst: (Watch the video earlier in the post.)

Before we start moving the legs and arms and begin to resist any movement in the hip region, it would be a good idea to learn to own the closed canister.

The reason I love this exercise is it helps the client learn how to keep tension in the whole body while also feeling the abdominals working. Adding a dowel to the equation, with the client holding it above her chest while keeping her legs up in a tabletop position, helps her to learn what it means to activate her lats, which can translate to more advanced exercises like bench pressing or deadlifting later on.

I often use the cue ‘’Try to bend the dowel with your pinkies.” Go ahead and give it a try. This should fire up your lats like crazy.

2) Core-Engaged Deadbug ISO Hold with Band


Much like the previous exercise, this variation teaches the client to keep the closed canister position while keeping the tension in the entire body. However, she’ll hold a resistance band above her chest, which acts as a multiplier in creating the tension in the upper body.

3) Core-Engaged Deadbug March


This is an exercises I stole from Florida-based coach William Richards in one of his guest post for Tony on this site.

Note From TG: You can check that post out HERE.

This is the exercises where, once your client learns how to control the canister position and knows how to create tension in the whole body, she can start moving her legs and making the exercise so much more advanced.

4) Deadbug w/ KB Overhead Hold


This exercise can teach your client how to maintain the canister position with her hands above her head. I like to use this exercise to build up the context for future exercises such as overhead presses.

5) Deadbug with a Pallof Press


This is probably more advanced than the previous exercises; nonetheless it’s still a great regression before you dive head first into all the glorious deadbug variations and completely destroy your client’s core.

It’s great to show your clients advanced movements and spice things up here and there. But before you do so, make sure your client is competent with the exercises and can perform them well. This will help your client show up at the gym more willingly and ultimately reach her goals.

About the Author

Lana Sova is a powerlifter and an in-person and online strength coach in Boston, MA. She helps women to change the way they look by making them strong.
Check out her website at Shameless Strength Academy.
CategoriesFemale Training Strength Training

Ladies: Here’s Why You’re Not Getting Stronger

Today’s a travel day for me.

I’m heading back to Boston after spending the weekend in Houston, TX with Dean Somerset teaching our (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.

Pinch writing for me today is Lana Sova, personal trainer and competitive power lifter[footnote] And the world’s #1 ranked cat sitter[/footnote] based out of Boston, MA.


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Ladies: Here’s Why You’re Not Getting Strong(er)

After almost five years in the fitness industry working almost exclusively with women, I can tell you that although all of us are the same gender, we are all built differently.


Shocker! I know.

Throughout this time I’ve had hundreds of women deadlifting, squatting, benching, and overhead pressing big numbers. But more importantly, they got slimmer and stronger, and kept these results long term.

But their thing might not be your thing — what worked for them may not be 100% working for you. However, ladies who successfully deadlifted, squatted, and in some cases benched their body weights had these three things in common.

To help you stop wasting your time and start succeeding in strength training, here are three things you must do if you want to get strong AF.

#1. Once Again, Eat More Protein

If you look at bodybuilders, whose job is to get as big — muscularly — as they possibly can, they eat, drink, and breathe protein.

Your goal might not be to become the next Ms. Olympia, but if you want to get stronger so you can pick up your kid off the floor, carry groceries in one trip, install a window A/C all by yourself, or, IDK, tow out your car when it’s jammed between two others somewhere in downtown Boston, your muscles need protein.


And I’m sure you’ve heard about it, you’ve known about it, but it’s not the knowledge about needing the protein where women go wrong.

It’s their choice of protein source.

For some reason, things like chia seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds became a staple of “feminine” food. Go to any health-related hippie cafe and you’ll find all of the above (often) included in one smoothie.

Well, I’ll tell you what. Save your money, and go buy yourself a nice piece of steak (or tofu for my vegan friends).

While I don’t dismiss the health properties of seeds, nuts, and the like — there are plenty — when it comes to protein, the amounts are so small that you need a truck load to get the amount of protein needed to trigger muscle synthesis. Which means you’ll eat a ton of fat, which then will have an impact on your physique and THAT’s what’s going to make you look bulky. Not the muscle itself.

So, what do you eat then to hit your protein target, and what’s that target anyway?

For active fitness enthusiasts, the number ranges from 1.8g/kg to 2.2g/kg

But, when you have a life, counting every ounce of protein is time consuming. Instead, try this nutrition habit I teach my clients:

Protein hits the plate first. No matter where you are — home, Mom’s house, restaurant, a buffet — a lean source of protein lands on your plate first, and then you add whatever else your heart desires.

If you’re not sure what’s a lean protein, here are a few examples for you: chicken breast (to which Tony G is allergic — fun fact[footnote]Hi, Tony here. Other things I’m allergic to: 1. Kipping pull-ups. 2. American swings. 3. Sassy guest writers for this blog who bring up my chicken alergy[/footnote]) turkey breasts, 93/7 ground beef (or any piece a meat that has less than eight to ten grams of fat), plain Greek yogurt, tvorog, and cottage cheese.

If you eat these with every meal, I can guarantee you will improve your gym performance and very likely get slimmer.


P.S. I hope that’s not a ™ and I won’t get sued.[footnote]P.P.S. Although I admire Cardi-B and the fact that she remains true to herself, her recent IG video with a promo for a slim tea really lowered the amount of respect I have for her. Now that’s out of the way, let’s get to business.[/footnote]

Steady state cardio has its benefits and should be included in your monthly workouts. Cardio is good for your heart, and if you’d like that thing to work for longer than the average lifespan, you need to do cardio.

Where many women go wrong is the amount of cardio.

Seriously— if we were to use all the cardio machines in every gym in America to power the entire country we’d never have a problem with energy.

If you’re coming to strength training as the last resort to finally tone out and maintain the results, you may still have the mentality that you should do as much cardio as you possibly can, a belief that’s hard do deviate from.

I mean look at any Instagram Fitness Guru and she will without a doubt tell you that you absolutely have to hop on a cardio machine and eat tons of celery to get toned and strong.

But please don’t be fooled — all she’s trying to do is build an army of bunnies. You are not one of them.

And yes, if you are looking to lose weight, cardio will help you burn some calories off. However, if you’d like to get stronger and slimmer, and keep the results, your approach to cardio needs to be a little bit different.

There are two types of cardio training I see women perform often: steady state and High intensity interval training with lots of jump. Both types are usually done for hours with just one goal — burn as many calories as possible.

But when you switch to strength training, cardio training serves a different purpose — to help you to recover from your strength training sessions. The perfect type of cardio training for this is steady state.

Therefore, anything between 20 and 30 minutes of light, steady-state cardio is more than enough for said purpose. And a good rule of thumb is to have at least 24 hours between your strength and cardio sessions.

If you must include HIIT workouts in your program simply because you love it, you can. But be aware that these type of workouts generally do more muscle damage, taking your body longer to recover. So you might have to wait longer than even 24 hours between strength training sessions and HIIT sessions.

#3. Stop Going From One Extreme to Another

So you’ve decided to give strength training a try. You’ve read it’s good for you and it’s something that can help you tone out and get a bit stronger.

And you put on your “I’m a big girl” pants and you step into the strength training area.

You see tons of huge dumbbells, and decide to choose the smallest one — 5 pounds.

With it, you perform about a hundred repetitions of lunges, squats, and tricep extensions and call it a day.

While this is admirable and I’d be the first one to high five you, the thing is, if you’re a normal human being who picks up and carries her kids around, or carries a heavy backpack, or ever, even once in her lifetime, got ready for a party and had to carry a few cases of wine, I can guarantee that all of those things weighed more than five pounds.


If you want your muscles to get strong, you need to give them an appropriate stimulus. One of the most common ways to do so is via resistance — free weights, or a resistance band, or even your body weight.

And often five to ten pounds isn’t enough to reach and trigger that stimulus. It’s simply not challenging enough.

On the other side of things, there are those women who’d like to go all out each and every workout — testing their strength every single day of every single week.

While at the beginning they might see huge jumps in their strength because #beginnersgains, soon they stop seeing increases in their lifts, or even become demotivated.


Because they haven’t managed their fatigue levels properly. If you workout at 100% capacity all the time, you accumulate fatigue quickly, which then will interfere with your body’s ability to build muscle and get stronger. It’s like if you had to work 24-hour shifts seven days a week. You’d probably be dead by now.

So how heavy should you go?

For my online clients, I like to use a rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, where anything below 6 is a warm up — pretty light.

But then:

6 = you could do 4-5 more repetitions with this weight

7 = you could do  3-4 more

8 = you could do 2-3 more

9 = you could do 1-2 more

10 = you can do just that one

When you just start with strength training, you need to play with the weights a bit. But a general rule of thumb is to work with weights between 7 to 9 RPE if you’d like to get stronger.

Here’s an example.

A1. Front Squats 4×6 @ RPE 7

A2. Dead Bugs 4×6/side

B1. BB Bent-Over Rows 3×10 @ RPE 8

B2. DB Incline Bench Presses 3×10 @ RPE 8

B3. Cable Face Pulls 3×10 @ RPE 8

C1. Reverse Lunges 4×8 @ RPE 8

C2. Farmer’s Carry 4x 20 yards @ RPE 7-8

As you can see, just going and doing strength training isn’t enough.

In order to get stronger and better at strength training you need to supplement your program with important lifestyle habits — like eating protein, going for a walk instead of dying on the stairmaster, and adjusting your efforts to make your workout truly challenging.

The women I’ve worked with who followed these rules always make the strength goals they set for themselves.

About the Author

Lana Sova is a coach at Shameless Strength Academy and a personal trainer in Boston, MA  She empowers women to build and own their strength via powerlifting and strength training.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/15/18

Last week was the first week in many weeks I hadn’t posted a Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work.

I hope you weren’t too sad.

Not first time watching Titantic sad, but, you know, maybe my cousin didn’t wish me a Happy Birthday on Facebook sad.[footnote]Not the end of the world, but still kind of a dick move.[/footnote].

Anyway, be sad no more. Lets get to this week’s list.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. 2-Day London Workshop

I’ll be in London in three weeks for this 2-day assessment, program design, PRI, deadlift till our faces melt off bonanza.

My buddy Luke Worthington (London’s handsomest man alive) and I are really excited for this workshop. We’re going to do a deep dive into the systems we both use to help our client/athletes get better.

What’s more, this event will be held at the brand spanking new Third Space location in the heart of London.

All details HERE.

2. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston, MA

We had such a great response when Lisa and I hosted a SBSM Workshop in Boston last year that we decided to do it again this summer.

I’ll be speaking to assessment, coaching up common strength exercises (squats, deadlifts), and how to better “match” your programs to your client’s abilities and goals.

Lisa will be discussing how to better manage client expectations, motivation, and how to adopt better mindset strategies for success.

The umbrella theme of this workshop is to enhance the SOFT skills of coaching, how to garner a connection, and build rapport with your athletes/clients.

  • Spots are limited
  • Early Bird rates apply for both students ($99) and professionals ($129)
  • CEUs will be available (NSCA)

For more details (including itinerary and registration) go HERE.

3. Even More Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint– Dates/Locations Announced

Dean Somerset and I are currently in the throes of drumming up new content for our staple workshop series.

We’ve presented this workshop all over the world – London, Vancouver, Oslo, Prague, Boston, LA, Hoth – and even turned it into a popular digital product HERE so everyone can enjoy it.

We’ve already nailed down dates in Slovenia, Houston, and LA this fall (2018) and are also in talks to bring it to Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Australia, and Singapore in 2019.

If you’re someone who’d like to host this event/participate in a tickle fight please reach out to either Dean or myself.

Go HERE to register in the announced cities.

4. Recent Podcast Appearances

Easy Wins Podcast w/ Mitch Harb – HERE.

Primal Academy Podcast w/ Steve Cuthbert – HERE


3 Exercises to Improve Your Sumo Deadlift Without Deadlifting – Lana Sova

You don’t always have to deadlift to improve your deadlift. Lana shares some insights and exercises she likes to help with performance on the sumo deadlift – especially for women.

How Hip Anatomy Affects Squat Mechanics – Dr. Aaron Horschig

This is a bit of an older article from 2017, but it’s still sharable as fuck.

I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again 18,943 more times:

“Not everyone is going to squat with the same stance or depth. Stop pigeonholing clients into ONE way.”

Read this article.

Dan Sanzo on Mindset, Coaching, and Becoming a Mentor – Mike Robertson

Dan’s a coach I feel more people need be more aware of.

I’ve known him for several years, first meeting him when he was an assistant strength coach at Boston University, and now as the head S&C coach at Northeastern University here in Boston.

He’s one of the most forward thinking coaches I know.

He recently made a cameo on Mike Robertson’s podcast and, well, you should listen to it.

Social Media Shenanigans



New client started last week and noted that some of her previous trainers pointed out her “scapular winging” and that she’s never been able to fix it. I took a picture of it (top pic). Fast forward roughly 1 minute and 13 seconds later I took the bottom pic. Better. I’m Gandalf. Unless you have a defunct long thoracic nerve (likely not) TRUE scapular winging isn’t really a “thing.” What is a thing is people not engaging their Serratus enough and/or not appreciating tension and working on motor control. Adding LOAD can be a game changer here. Wall Presses, push-ups, and anything that nudges the scapulae to adhere to the ribcage is going to be money. Stop telling people they’re broken and start getting them to train. Read more in the article linked in my bio.

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