CategoriesCorrective Exercise Program Design

Let’s Not Make Things More Complicated Than They Have to Be: The Hip Hinge

Some things, no doubt, are complicated:

  • Long division
  • The Kreb’s cycle
  • Nuclear fission
  • Brexit
  • Figuring out the plot of West World
  • Vaginas

There’s a bevy of examples in the universe.[footnote]Alas, yet another thing that’s complicated. Nay, maybe the most complicated thing.[/footnote]

I’m sure collectively we can think of several hundred (if not thousands) of them.

The hip hinge isn’t one of them.

Or, at least it shouldn’t be.

Copyright: blanarum / 123RF Stock Photo

Trust Me, You Can Do It

The most cogent place to start is to (briefly) explain what a hip hinge is. And to that end I often like to steal a train of thought from renowned strength coach and writer, Dan John:

“The Hip Hinge = Maximal hip flexion with minimal knee flexion.”

Well, that was easy.

Now that we know what it is, why do we care?

In my neck of the woods – strength & conditioning – the hip hinge is the precursor (or base) for a lot of what we do to help make people stronger, faster, and more athletic.

Deadlifting = hip hinge.

Jumping = hip hinge.

But in everyday life, too, the hip hinge pops in to make a cameo appearance:

  • Bending over to pick up your child.
  • Picking up anything off the ground, really.
  • Sitting down.
  • Assuming an athletic position in your recreational basketball league. You know, the same league a bunch of your friends asked you to join because it was going to be fun, but then you went a head and missed those two foul shots to lose the championship game, and now everyone hates you. That league.

Photo Credit:

Whether you realize it or not, and whether or not it involves lifting heavy things (or your recycling bin), you likely hip hinge many, many, many times per day.

And you’re likely more than proficient at it.

Some (not all) fitness professionals like to make things more complicated than they have to be. When it comes to the hip hinge, really what we’re after is the ability to dissociate hip movement from lumbar movement.

We want to be able to move from the hips with little (if any) movement from the spine; especially when we’re under significant load.

Some fit pros will assess the hip hinge and if it seems wonky or awry they’ll automatically transform into “corrective exercise” mode where said individual will be put through a hefty 17-week program complete with dowel rods, bands, breathing drills, and maybe a Shaolin monk (in worst case scenarios) to set them straight and to fix things.

Now, I am not here to bemoan corrective exercise or to belittle those who take the time to coach up their clients with hip hinge drills.

I mean, I’ve written several blog posts on the topic HERE and HERE, so I’d be a major asshole if I did that.

But, what I would like today’s post to do is to provide a bit of context and to remind coaches that sometimes all people need is a slight nudge or reminder that “x” is what you want them to do.

Again, with a hip hinge, all I’m after is dissociation of hip movement from lumbar movement. If I can get an individual to create tension – or a “flexion moment” – in the anterior core so that they can’t move through their lower back, then my job is done.

This drill is about as simple as I can make it:

The Bear Hug Hip Hinge

CategoriesProduct Review

A Cool Way to Upgrade Your Landmine Variations: The Gut Wrench

Whoa – I was thiiiis close to titling this post “A Cool Way to HACK Your Landmine Variations,” and then I remembered I can’t stand people who use that word incessantly.


You see articles or blog posts use it all…the…time, as if to imply 1) they know something we don’t, some short-cut no one in the history of ever has ever thought of before and 2) that they’re some sort of uppity, bourgeoisie Dumbledore or something with a bevy of tricks up their sleeve:

  • 5 Tips to Hack Your Sleep Habits
  • Hack Your Way to Increased Muscle Mass
  • Use These Hacks to Hack Your Next Article on Writing About Hacks.

Anyway, I remembered I wasn’t an asshole and decided to go with “upgrade” instead.

You’re welcome.

Copyright: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo

Upgrade Your Landmine Variations: The Gut Wrench

I receive inquiries from companies and individuals all the time asking me to try their stuff out in the hopes that maybe I’ll like it and share it amongst my “tribe.”

Admittedly, most of the time, it’s just not a good fit for what I do and what I believe in. I had an individual reach out to me once asking me if I’d be interested in trying out their “Keto” supplements.

“They’re very effective,” she said, “and I’m sure the bulk of your audience will agree.”

In my head I was like, “I’d rather jump into a dumpster fire.”

I don’t know, maybe they were effective (at what, I have no idea); and maybe I’m a big, fat, meanie head for not giving something new a try, but all I did was politely say “no thanks” and move on with my life.

I’ve also had people reach out to see if I’d be interested in trying out “x” piece of equipment or maybe they want to send me some of their apparel that does all sorts of fancy things like keep track of your heart rate, exfoliates your skin, and filters your sweat so that it can be recycled to grow organic grass fed acai berries.

I’m always flattered and always try to be respectful when I know something’s not a proper fit for me or my brand.

It comes with the territory for being moderately e-famous.

NOTE TO AUDI: If you ever want to send me one of your new Q5’s to try out I won’t say no…:o)

That said, it’s not always a shit show. Every now and then I’m sent something cool, and something I think everyone else will think is cool too.


…The Gut Wrench

The people over at reached out to me several weeks ago asking if I’d be interested in their gadget, The Gut Wrench.

Full Disclosure: I receive zero kickback or affiliate income for recommending this product. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a future hug, though.

I know based off the picture above it doesn’t look like much, but once I saw it in action I knew I’d want one to have in my studio.

It makes having a dedicated Landmine (or Angled Bar) attachment obsolete. I can do a multitude of Landmine exercises anywhere in the gym I please: in the corner, in the middle of the gym floor, over here, over there, pants on, pants off, whatever.

When I got back from Australia last week The Gut Wrench was waiting for me and I immediately starting playing around with it.


And boy do I like it.

It’s small, sturdy, and I can use it for soooo many activities; a god-send for anyone who works out of a limited space such as myself.

In the video above I’m performing a Rotating Alternate Landmine Press (0ne of my favorites), and because the Gut Wrench is designed the way it’s designed the barbell doesn’t “slip” on the floor.

I.e., It stays in place.

Too, I’m still able to perform all the same lower body movements as well without any worry that the barbell will travel away from me.

If you’re a gym owner or someone who needs a little more versatility with your Landmine exercises I’d seriously give The Gut Wrench a consideration.

Seriously, Audi, call me.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/26/19

It’s official: I thought I felt like a bag of dicks yesterday, but I really feel like a bag of dicks today.

The jet lag was fairly manageable yesterday and Lisa and I were both like “huh, not too shabby.” Today, though, it’s kicked into high gear and next level shitty.

It’s so bad I don’t even feel like heading to the gym to do some arms.


Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1.Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Chicago, IL (w/ Dr. Lisa Lewis)

Go HERE to register.

This workshop is designed for fitness professionals – personal trainers, strength & conditioning coaches, physical therapists, etc – to provide both physical & psychological tools to help build your brand, business, and rapport with clients.

Dr. Lewis and I cover a lot of material:

  • How to increase competency and motivation with your clients.
  • An overview of both upper and lower extremity assessment to create increased “buy in.”
  • How to set professional & personal boundaries with clients.
  • Troubleshooting common lifts such as squats & deadlifts to best fit the needs, ability level, and anatomy of clients.
  • And more…

The Early Bird rate for this workshop is set to expire this weekend (7/29) so if you want to save yourself $50 I’d encourage you to sign up ASAP.

CEUs will be available.

For more information – including full itinerary and to register – you can go HERE.

2. Strategic Strength Workshop – London, UK

Register HERE

Luke Worthington and I have presented this workshop twice. Once in London last year and again this past June in Boston.

We’re bringing it back to London this Fall, my most favorite place in the world.

This two-day workshop is designed to arm fitness professionals with all the tools they’ll need to hone their assessment skills and to make their clients/athletes a bunch of bonafide, resilient, strength training Terminators.

Combined Luke and I have ~40 years of coaching experience (or one Dan John) and bring different perspectives and skill-sets to the table; Luke peels back the onion on PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) concepts and assessment, while I go into detail breaking down movement and how to better “match” the exercises we prescribe to our clients.

For more information – including itinerary and how to register – you can go HERE.





The Truth About TRT & Tips to Maximize Your Hormones – Ali Gilbert

Ali is smart.

Very smart.


Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World – David Epstein

I’ve seen 94,102 (+/- 32) people recommend this book so I figured it was high time I give it a go.

I’m two chapters in and LOVE it.

In a world where parents of seven year olds are inquiring about hiring strength & conditioning coaches it’s a much needed breath of fresh air.

Pump the motherfuckim brakes people.

Ketogenic Diets Suck for Speed and Power – Dr. Mike T. Nelson

I love when Mike gets snarky.



Upcoming Speaking Engagements: The Jet Lag Edition

I feel like a bag of dicks today.

Well, not that bad considering the 2o hour total flight time (in addition to a four hour layover in LAX) Lisa and I endured yesterday making our way back to Boston from Australia.

I don’t know, maybe I feel more like a bag of soggy potatoes? Either way, it’s not good, and I have zero room to complain given I’m not coaching today and Lisa had to go in because she has full day of clients lined up at her private practice.[footnote] I may have spent the bulk of my morning catching up on The Bachelorette. HAHAHAHA LUKE P. Sorry not sorry you walking douchehole. Which is to say: I totally caught up on The Bachelorette.[/footnote]

To that end, given my brain feels like mush at the moment and I’m still trying to get my bearings back from being across the other side of the world for the past two weeks, I wanted to take today as an opportunity to remind people of where I’ll be presenting next.

You know, because it’s all about me, me, me, ME!

Copyright: yarruta / 123RF Stock Photo

Strong Body-Strong Mind: Chicago (August 2019)

Full Disclosure: This will be the only date in 2019 that Dr. Lisa Lewis and I will be presenting this workshop.

Go HERE to register.

This workshop is designed for fitness professionals – personal trainers, strength & conditioning coaches, physical therapists, etc – to provide both physical & psychological tools to help build your brand, business, and rapport with clients.

Dr. Lewis and I cover a lot of material:

  • How to increase competency and motivation with your clients.
  • An overview of both upper and lower extremity assessment to create increased “buy in.”
  • How to set professional & personal boundaries with clients.
  • Troubleshooting common lifts such as squats & deadlifts to best fit the needs, ability level, and anatomy of clients.
  • And more…

The Early Bird rate for this workshop is set to expire this weekend (7/29) so if you want to save yourself $50 I’d encourage you to sign up ASAP.[footnote]I’ll include a free tickle fight if you do. If that’s too weird maybe a 30+ second hug? Okay, a handshake.[/footnote]

CEUs will be available.

For more information – including full itinerary and to register – you can go HERE.

Coaching Competency – Dublin, Ireland (September 2019)

Register HERE

So what happens when a room full of Irish(w0)men find out I’m not much of a drinker?…;o)

Whether you get paid to tell people to lift heavy things or you just like to lift heavy things yourself, in this 1-day workshop you’ll get the opportunity to listen to me talk about my how I approach assessment and gain a better understanding of how I “match” the exercises I prescribe to better fit the needs, ability level, and more importantly, the anatomy of each individual I work work.

In short, this workshop looks at the “umbrella theme” of my coaching philosophy.

For more information – including itinerary and how to register – go HERE.

Strategic Strength Workshop: London, UK (September 2019)

Register HERE

Luke Worthington and I have presented this workshop twice. Once in London last year and again this past June in Boston.

We’re bringing it back to London this Fall, my most favorite place in the world.

This two-day workshop is designed to arm fitness professionals with all the tools they’ll need to hone their assessment skills and to make their clients/athletes a bunch of bonafide, resilient, strength training Terminators.

Combined Luke and I have ~40 years of coaching experience (or one Dan John) and bring different perspectives and skill-sets to the table; Luke peels back the onion on PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) concepts and assessment, while I go into detail breaking down movement and how to better “match” the exercises we prescribe to our clients.

For more information – including itinerary and how to register – you can go HERE.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/19/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Chicago, IL (w/ Dr. Lisa Lewis)

This will be the only time Dr. Lisa Lewis and I will be presenting this workshop together in 2019. In previous years we’ve presented it in Boston, London, Toronto, Bonn (Germany),  and Austin, TX.

This 1-day workshop is targeted towards fitness professionals and digs a little deeper into what really “bogs” them down and stresses them out….

…their clients!

We’ll be covering a multitude of both psychological and physical techniques to better serve your clients and YOU.

FYI: There’s only ONE more week to take advantage of the Early Bird rate.

Go HERE for more details and to register.





How to Get Yourself to Workout When You’re Depressed – Aleisha Fetters

No witty introduction here.

This is a very serious topic that affects many, many, many people…,maybe even you.

Some fantastic insights and strategies provided by Aleisha in this article.

Diagnostic Doomspeak – Kieryn Marcellus


Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to a Tribe Called Quest – Hanif Abdurraqib

My wife picked this up for me as she was perusing books to read while we’re away on vacation.

She saw the title (and the topic) and knew I’d love it.

And I do. A lot.

Anyone who grew up in the early to mid-90s and listened to hip-hop in that era will appreciate Hanif’s seamless ability to intertwine the nostalgia of groups like Tribe, Wu-Tang Clan, Dre, and N.W.A (and everything they stood for and what they did to elevate hip-hop and culture) with events in his own life and what it was like to grow up as a young black man in America.

Beautiful, witty, humorous, and oftentimes heart-wrenching writing.


Latest Podcast Appearance: The Todd Nief Show

Lisa and I had an amazing 1-day excursion into the Barossa Valley yesterday where we visited seven (yes, SEVEN) different wineries.

Needless to say Lisa was feeling, well, pretty damn good.

As I type these words we’re in the Adelaide airport awaiting our flight to Melbourne where we’ll meet up again with Dean Somerset so he and I can teach our (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.

After that Lisa and I have two full days to explore Melbourne. 

Any suggestions?

In lieu of my travel plans I obviously haven’t placed any emphasis on writing any new content; vacation Tony doesn’t mess around. Nevertheless, I do have some content for you today: my latest podcast appearance on The Todd Nief Show.


Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

Hip-Hop, Psychology of Being a Coach, and Shoulder Shenanigans

NOTE: Lisa and I will be at Todd’s gym,  South Loop Strength & Conditioning in Chicago, IL on August, 18th to teach our Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop.

There’s only a little more than a week left to take advantage of the early bird rate (and CEUs will be available).

Details below.

—> CLICK ME (that tickles) <—

Okay, onto the show!

Todd Nief is the founder of South Loop Strength & Conditioning in Chicago and he and I had the opportunity to sit down and chat a few weeks ago about everything from common mistakes people make when trying to increase shoulder ROM and how to create “buy in” with potential clients to why the word “dysfunction” should be the LAST word you use as a coach and some of the psychological pitfalls many people fall prey to when it comes to training.

You can listen below here:

Or, if you prefer, you can download on iTunes HERE (you snob).

Thanks for listening.

Categoriescoaching Motivational

The Lost Art of Adult Play

I’m currently in the Barossa Valley with my wife.

There’s not a chance in hell I’m writing a blog post this week. Thankfully regular contributor, Shane McLean, was a champion and took it upon himself to pinch write for me.

Thanks Shane!

Copyright: szefei / 123RF Stock Photo

The Lost Art of (Adult) Play

When you were a kid, (I assume) you were a blur of movement.

One moment you’re tugging on your dads leg and the next moment you’re chasing the dog (or cat, sorry Tony) throughout the house, tearing shit up while your father is trying to figure out how you moved so quick.

Like the flash baby.


There was no stopping you.

Then age, responsibilities, jobs, kids, bills and a mortgage took care of all that. With more adult time there comes less play time because you have to grow up sometime, correct?

Well some of us do and some of us don’t.

I’ll leave it to you to determine where you are on the kid scale.

However, now to keep up your lean machine look, you hit the gym and do squats, presses, pulls and curls so you can keep up with the younger generation, to feel less like an old fart and more like a superhero, crushing everything in your path.

However, trying to recapture your childhood through exercise is fine but acting like a one (or Flash Gordon) is okay frowned upon.

So please keep your tantrums under control.

You cannot have desserts before your main meal.

Whoops, I’m projecting. Let me get back on track.

During your early childhood, you discovered what you were capable of and what you get away with through playing.

But What is Play?

Play is an activity done for its own sake, with no real goal in mind and play is characterized by flexibility (making up stuff as you go along), and the positive effect it often has on the person playing (smiling, laughing, and having fun.) (1)

The exact role of play in learning is often debated and opinion tends to exaggerate the evidence for the essential role of play.

However, other evidence suggests the important benefits of play and its contribution to learning. (2)

What Has This Got to Do With You?

 How does play benefit you now, the adult trying to shed fat and crush PR’S in the gym?

Firstly, it gives you a welcome break from the barbell. When you get wrapped up with the weight on the bar and have the blinkers on, other things like moving in different directions and a little thing called cardiovascular exercise gets neglected.

When ‘playing’ you may discover your weaker points that are holding you back.

Secondly, it may help you through a plateau and improve your co-ordination.

When you were a child, you engaged in locomotor (exercise) play, which involves physical activity to support the training of your muscles for strength, endurance, and skill.

Think of the local school or park playground and all the fun you had on the swings and monkey bars.

Back then, play was the neural and muscular basis of your physical co-ordination and physical growth. And going back to ‘play’ may help you break through your sticking points and make exercise more enjoyable. (3)

And when things are enjoyable, you’re more likely to do them.

Who’s up for crushing their goals with a smile on their face?

If you answered yes, start inserting these ‘play’ drills into your routine (or separately on off days) because the gym is the one place where nobody cares if you act like a child.

Because they’re all too busy taking Instagram selfies.

1. Reaction Ball Drills


And who doesn’t like playing with balls?

The beauty of the reaction ball is movement without thinking. See the ball, go get the ball. And before you know it you’ve performed squats, hinges and dozens of lunges without realizing it.

Furthermore, training hand-eye co-ordination never goes astray.

And with so much of your program planned, it’s great to add a little chaos and uncertainty to it.

2. Agility Ladder Drills


Some coaches’ poo-poo on the agility ladder while other coaches over emphasize it with athletes trying to get them faster.

However, there is plenty of middle ground and they’re another tool in the toolbox.

But for the regular joe, who’s looking for a little variety, a fun way to get the heart rate up and to raise a sweat while improving their co-ordination, these drills are perfect.

The agility ladder will help you learn a wide array of different movement patterns without you even realizing it because you’ll be having too much fun.

3. Friendly Competition

Exercising with a partner is shown to increase exercise adherence. Use these fun drills will a friend and you’ll be sweating and smiling in no time.

4. Stability Ball Wrestle

You and your partner will be too busy trying to knock each other off-balance, and not realizing that you’re working on your ankle stability/mobility, balance and core stability.

Set Up – Put one foot on top the ball making sure your knee is bent 90 degrees. Your partner puts the opposite foot on the ball, directly across from you

Rules – Both people are trying to knock the other one-off balance by rolling the ball aggressively with their feet.

This exercise can be done either as warm-up, for 30 seconds or so on each foot or you can turn this into a full-blown friendly competition. Every time some loses his/her balance it results in a point for the opponent. First to 5 or 10 points wins.

5. The Boxer

This exercise with work on your power, muscular endurance and hand-to-eye co-ordination. You’ll be too busy hitting your partner’s hands to realize any of this.

Set Up – Use a resistance band with handles looped round a solid anchor point. Bring hands to shoulder level and keep the resistance band tight.  Your partner puts hands up, open palms facing forward and away from the face.

Rules- Hit the open palm (with a clinched fist), one hand at a time. Your partner can change his/her hand position up, down or left and right to increase the challenge.

Do this for time (30 seconds) and record the amount of hits, and then your partner can try to beat it. Winner takes all, baby.

Wrapping Up

Exercise doesn’t always have to be a grind. Taking a slight break to think and play like a child is reinvigorating and a welcome break from the barbell.

And because you’re an adult now, you can have dessert before dinner.

Knock yourself out.

About the Author

Shane “Balance Guy” McLean, is an A.C.E Certified Personal Trainer working deep in the heart of Louisiana with the gators.


  1. Learning Through Play PETER K SMITH, BA, PhD ANTHONY PELLEGRINI, PhD Goldsmiths, University of London, UNITED KINGDOM University of Minnesota, USA
  2. Smith PK. Children’s play and its role in early development: A re-evaluation of the ‘Play Ethos’. In: Pellegrini AD, ed. Psychological Bases for Early education. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; 1988: 207-226.
  3. Byers JA, Walker C. Refining the motor training hypothesis for the evolution of play. American Naturalist 1995;146(1):25-40
CategoriesExercise Technique muscle growth

Blood Flow Restriction: The Holy Grail of Gimmicks?

As this post goes live Lisa and I are en route to Australia. I’d like to sit here and say I’m doing something productive with 20 hours on a plane like reading a book, catching up on some writing, or, I don’t know, looking lovingly into my wife’s eyes.

But in reality I’m probably watching John Wick or something.

Anyway, I didn’t forget about everyone and I do have a bunch of great content prepared  for while I’m away. Today’s pinch writer is Baltimore, MD based trainer, Tim Hendren.

Let’s get jacked.

Copyright: piotrkt / 123RF Stock Photo

Blood Flow Restriction Training: The Holy Grail of Gimmicks?

The fitness world is usually full of shit.

What seems like every 30 seconds, a new product pops up in gyms or online that’s hailed as the next cutting-edge tool to take your training to the next level. From the thigh master to waist trainers to oxygen deprivation masks, bullshit peddlers have been taking advantage of the insecurities of fitness enthusiasts for decades.

Tell someone that it takes ten years of consistency with training and nutrition to achieve their desired results and you will struggle in the fitness space. Tell someone to strap a belt around their waist and magically lose 10 lbs. for three easy payments of 12.99 and you’re a millionaire.

Unfortunately, that’s where we’re at.


I’m skeptical at this point when I see something gimmicky.

My stance is guilty before proven innocent for almost everything that doesn’t involve getting stronger using basic core lifts and eating the right amounts of the right foods for your goals.

When I saw blood flow restriction (BFR) for the first time, my brain immediately filed it in the category of useless shake weight’esque type nonsense.

Then I gave it a shot after I saw some trusted coaches (John Meadows, Ben Pakulski, and others) advocating it.

Ok, maybe there’s something to this.

I gave it a shot and the massive pump it provided my arms was undeniable.

Keeping blood trapped in the targeted muscle and reaching failure with an absurdly light weight had to have some legit benefits.

It was time to dig deeper.

What is BFR?

BFR refers to a training strategy that employs the use of cuffs, wraps, bands, or a BFR device placed strategically on the extremities to occlude venous blood flow away from the muscle while maintaining arterial flow into the muscle during an exercise.

In other words, blood goes into the muscle when it’s contracting and gets stuck there while you’re wrapped up.

When done properly and to failure, BFR is quite painful. Want to see someone humbled? Take the baddest dude at the gym, put him through a BFR exercise and watch him writhe in pain and hit failure with 20-35% of his 1 rep max.

To put that in perspective, that’s failing with a 60 lbs. squat when you max 315.

The duration of the exercise and total time with wraps on is under 4 minutes, light speed in terms of reaching muscular failure using a weight you typically warm up with.

What Does the Research Say?

This is all fine and dandy but who cares about the pump (I’m that guy with his hand raised) if it’s not producing any lasting results? When you take a closer look though, it turns out BFR isn’t just a tool for a bro to get a massive arm swell before he puts on his smedium t-shirt and hits the club.

In a recent meta-analysis of almost 50 studies (Lixandrão 2018) comparing traditional heavy load training and training using low loads with BFR, it was a wash with regards to muscle hypertrophy.

Think about that.

Almost 50 studies and the differences between traditional heavy training and light lifting with BFR were statistically insignificant when looking at muscle growth.

I guess this isn’t in the shake weight category after all.


It must be stated that in the same meta-analysis, it was determined that differences in strength were in favor of the heavy load groups by a wide margin.

Training for specificity still reigns supreme, especially regarding maximal strength.

In another study (Takarada Y 2000), patients fresh from ACL surgery were observed.

One group was given traditionally loaded exercises for the quadriceps and another group were given low load exercises combined with BFR. The group using BFR showed markedly less atrophy in the quadriceps when compared with the traditional group and certainly what is typically seen in patients after an ACL repair.

Another win for BFR as a prehab/rehab tool!

Practical Uses

When programming BFR into your training sessions, it’s important to keep in mind that its efficacy is limited to the biceps, triceps, quads, hamstrings, and calves due to the location of the occlusion sites. Sorry folks, it doesn’t matter where you put those wraps, you aren’t occluding your glutes or pecs.

Another limitation is its reluctancy to produce strength gains.

Based on the available research, while BFR hasn’t shown to increase maximal strength anywhere close to traditional lifting, it could be an effective way to maintain strength when dealing with an injury or joint issue that inhibits the trainee from lifting with heavy weight.

Other Scenarios Where BFR is Useful

1. Golfer’s or Tennis Elbow

The dreaded medial or lateral epicondylitis has provided quite a roadblock for arm gains.

There is nothing quite like attempting an overhead triceps extension with an inflamed elbow and the searing pain that follows. One of the more effective strategies I’ve found personally and with clients is taking the weight down, applying the cuffs, and pumping away pain free.

Typically, under these conditions, if the weight is light enough, you can get away with performing the exercise.

Add in the pillow-like effect of blood pooling around the joint due to BFR, and you’ve created an anabolic environment for the muscle minus the pain and risk for more inflammation.

2. Knee Issues

Whether it’s arthritis or simply cranky knees from heavy compound lifts, BFR can be a great way to hammer the quads and hamstrings without placing more stress on the knees. The same concept from #1, your inflamed knees will appreciate the low loads and allow the targeted muscles to reach failure without pain in a full range of motion.

3. Added Frequency

When working with heavier weights in a strength phase, it may be helpful to limit the load of isolation work for arms and legs. Training with BFR can provide an intense stimulus to the targeted muscles without anywhere close to the amount of muscle damage or joint stress from high loads. Furthermore, if you are using low loads and BFR, you can do the isolation lifts more frequently without sacrificing performance in the heavy lifts.

4. In-Home or On-the-Road

If you are training at home or in a hotel gym working with weights that resemble “My First Weight Set” by Fisher-Price, BFR can be a great way to jack up the intensity and train closer to failure regardless of load.

We’ve all been burned by bullshit online hotel gym pictures. You book the room thinking it’s an acceptable gym then show up to lift and they don’t have any dumbbells over 25 lbs. Infuriating.

Pack your wraps or cuffs just in case.

5. Prehab or Rehab

As stated earlier, the resulting atrophy from an injury or operation can be mitigated with low loads and BFR.

6. During a Deload

Taking a week off to recover from an intense training block? Sprinkle in BFR to provide the muscles a stimulus that won’t require much recovery or tax the central nervous system.

7. When You Need a Sick Pump Without Sacrificing Recovery from Programmed Training

Don’t act like you haven’t done this.

You’re about to head to the pool or beach and need to catch a quick arm swell.

You have exactly 2 ½ minutes to bang out 12,000 reps of curls and close grip push-ups to get the arms poppin’.

Wrap up, use BFR, and ensure that swell lasts well into the outing. You’d hate to lose that pump if someone starts snapping poolside pics for the gram’.


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Finally a pool day!! Happy summer.

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Note From TG: No BFR was done prior to the snapping of this pic…;o)

Get the pump you need without digging into your recovery from programmed training.

How to Wrap Up Safely and Effectively

Upper body: Place the wraps, cuffs, or BFR device directly under the deltoid tuberosity located at the attachment of the deltoid and humerus. Wrap your arms with a perceived tightness of 7/10 as this will provide enough pressure to occlude the cephalic vein but ensure you are still allowing arterial flow.

Check for a distal radial pulse after you are wrapped to make sure you didn’t go too tight. Do not perform the exercise if you can’t find your pulse.

Lower Body: Place the wraps, cuffs, or BFR device as far up your thigh as you can. Wrap your thigh with the same 7/10 tightness as upper body. Make sure the wrap, cuff, or device is lying flat and not wrinkled or bunched up. The goal here is to occlude the deep vein and femoral vein.

Make sure you have a posterior tibial pulse before you perform the exercise.

For a more detailed description, head to Dr. Mario Novo’s guide to everything BFR.


The best exercises to use with BFR are isolation movements such as leg extensions, leg curls, bicep curls, and triceps extensions. Play around and find your favorite variations.

The most heavily utilized and researched rep/set scheme of 30-15-15-15 is considered the gold standard by practitioners.

Set 1: 30 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3: 15 reps

Set 4: 15 reps

Take :30 rest between each set. Unwrap after set 4. Breathe.

Perform BFR up to 2-3x per week per muscle group for best results.

About the Author

Tim is an exercise science graduate and CSCS who has been training in Baltimore MD since 2004. While his specialty is body composition, he has extensive experience working with clients from young athletes to cardiac rehabilitation patients. Tim has been published in a variety of fitness publications and writes for his blog when he isn’t helping clients get stronger, leaner, and generally more awesome in person.

Earlier this year, Tim published his first book “Ignition Protocol”, available on Amazon.

Being a former fat boy, Tim developed a deep seeded passion for training and nutrition in his teenage years after a major body transformation. This passion is what drives him to seek the best results for his clients and readers. Tim combines a knowledge base earned from years of practice in the field, research, and time spent under the bar with practical advice to help his clients accomplish their goals.

You can find Tim on Instagram HERE or his blog HERE.

Categoriesbusiness fitness business

Should You Follow Your Passion into Starting a Fitness Business?

Note From TG: I am passionate about a lot of things:

  • 90’s hip-hop
  • My wife’s butt
  • Tickle fights…to name a few.

I have yet, however, to follow my “passion” in any of those things and attempt to make a career out of them.

There’s a facade in today’s society where we put on our rose colored glasses and think that, so long as we follow our “passion” and pursue something we love doing, that that will be the panacea of a happy life and fulfilling career.

I am not going to rain on everyone’s parade…but it’s not quite that simple.

Today’s guest post by founder, Joel Ohman, hits the nail on the head.

I wish I could make out with it I like it so much.[footnote]Early 9o’s Cindy Crawford, present day Cindy Crawford, this blog post, all the same.[/footnote]

Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo

Should You “Follow Your Passion” into Starting a Fitness Business?

It seems that many times, maybe even most of the time, the calculus for entering the fitness industry involves a variant of this internal discussion:

“Well, I like working out, and I like wearing shorts to work, and, at least I’ll never have an excuse to not work out, right? A career in the fitness industry seems great for me!”

And then, quickly thereafter,

“You know, I can’t stand having my boss tell me what to do, and I hate having to share my hourly rate with the gym, so I’ll just go out on my own. I’ll start my own fitness business!”

Tony has long argued that new entrants to the fitness industry should put in their time, working for at least a year, as a personal trainer in a commercial gym setting, but is passion enough to propel you into starting your own fitness business?

At, we encounter trainers, gym owners, and fitness professionals of all stripes. Some of the trainers we work with train professional athletes, Olympians—including a trainer who is himself an Olympian—those with large social media followings, those who are just starting out, and all across the map, but the common denominator to success is that one must be willing to put in the work.

Passion, energy, and excitement are great things, but let’s be honest, there comes a time in any career or business venture where you just have to do the hard things necessary for success, passion plays little to no part in it.

Author Cal Newport in his (excellent) book “So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love” labels this common misconception the Passion Trap.

The Passion Trap

Newport describes the Passion Trap:

“The more emphasis you place on finding work you love, the more unhappy you become when you don’t love every minute of the work you have.”

This seems counterintuitive and certainly runs against the modern advice given to job-seekers to “follow their passion” in a career or business they love. Yet, if this is the case, why do only 20% of workers claim to feel very passionate about their jobs

Rather, Newport argues that we are focusing on exactly the wrong thing.

Similarly to the paradoxical way that focusing on becoming more happy tends not to make us happier, but just more conscious that we are not, in fact, happy, but if we instead focus on something outside of ourselves—helping others or focusing on an important external mission, for example—then happiness is more likely to “just find us” so too, focusing on something besides what we are passionate about in our work will tend to have the same effect.

So what should we concentrate on?

What are some of the things we should focus on to determine whether starting a fitness business or launching a career in the fitness industry is a good fit for us?

Newport outlines a number of things that are important, from autonomy, authenticity, and mission, but the single biggest factor is skill.

Skills Trump Passion

Developing skills by working hard over an extended period of time, by deliberately practicing and improving in a particular area of expertise, trumps any short-term nebulous claims of passion when it comes to finding long-lasting job and career satisfaction.

In other words, when you work hard at something for a long time and become a true expert, viewing your work from the vantage point of a craftsman and true master, then satisfaction naturally follows.

But if you spend all your time chasing after the ephemeral passion bubbles floating by you on the wind then your satisfaction will be temporary and disappointing.

Kevin Mullins echoes Tony’s earlier advice about working in a commercial gym setting with his article, “You Are Never Too Good to Work in a Commercial Gym Setting” because true masters, those with a craftsman’s approach to their work, realize that one must trust the law of the process, and you can’t skip steps on the journey to mastery. Mastery, expertise, a craftsman’s mindset, all of those elements have a much great contribution to lifelong satisfaction in the fitness industry.

Does this mean that you should never start out on your own and build your own fitness business?

Absolutely not!

As a 5x serial entrepreneur I couldn’t imagine doing anything different, so if you are wired the same way—and being wired a particular way is not better or worse than anyone else—then by all means, strike out on your own and start that fitness business!

But don’t skip steps.

Put in the hard work of getting certified, picking up some personal training experience, get some business savvy, learn about marketing, and learn from case studies of other successful personal trainers and fitness business owners.

To be clear, a career in the fitness industry can be a great thing.

But to really succeed and to experience long-lasting satisfaction you must commit to the lifelong deliberate practice of building the skills and craftsmanship necessary to become a true expert.

And, yes, you can wear shorts to work.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT: If you want custom-branded iOS and Android apps for your fitness business, then check out’s fitness business management software to scale your business in-person and online using assessments, clients/class scheduling, gym check-ins, billing, workout software, and more then mention this article to get an extra month free.

About the Author

Joel Ohman is a serial entrepreneur, author, and angel investor. He is the founder and CEO of and a number of tech startups. He lives in Tampa, FL with his wife Angela and their three kids.

His writing companion is Caesar, a slightly overweight Bull Mastiff who loves to eat the tops off of strawberries. He lifts weights six days a week and does Krav Maga twice a week to try to ignore the fact he’s still just a washed up ex-college basketball player.

You can connect with Joel at


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/5/19

I realize I have been very delinquent in keeping up with any semblance of consistent writing of late and I apologize.

I’m within the throes of getting ready for my Australia trip next week making sure client programs are updated and that I complete a few lingering projects before I leave.

Namely, preparing myself in the event a spider the size of a Volkswagon decides to cross paths with me while I am down there.

Nevertheless, onto this week’s stuff to read.

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Chicago, IL (w/ Dr. Lisa Lewis)

This will be the only time Dr. Lisa Lewis and I will be presenting this workshop together in 2019. In previous years we’ve presented it in Boston, London, Toronto, Bonn (Germany),  and Austin, TX.

This 1-day workshop is targeted towards fitness professionals and digs a little deeper into what really “bogs” them down and stresses them out….

…their clients!

Click THIS link for more details on topics covered as well as date/cost/location.

2. Physical Preparation Podcast w/ Mike Robertson

I spent 60 minutes catching up with my good friend (and fellow 90’s hip-hop fan), Mike Robertson, last week on his popular podcast.

In this episode we discuss gym ownership, the different between training gen pop clients and athletes, and WU-TANG!





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Squat Tip #2: Face Forward (For the Love of God) . I think the end of the video gets my point across…😉

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Why You’re Not Making Progress – Melanie Redd

HINT: It’s not that lack of detox teas.

Let’s Stop Cliche-ing Failure and Be Human – Julia Eyre

Failure is what allows us grow.

Learning to fail (well) is a good thing.

Love this message from Julia.

Fat Shaming is in Bad Taste. Lets Not Move to Fit Shaming – Lee Boyce

“I’m all for no judgement, but if someone’s being kicked out of a gym for looking too intimidating, how different is that really from telling a large woman doing a conditioning workout in a sports bra and shorts that she should cover up?”

I appreciate Lee’s willingness to discuss hard, abstract topics that have no clear “right” answer.