More appropriately this should be titled 2019 Best Exercises (I Stole From Other Coaches) You Should Be Doing.

Nevertheless, I shared a bevy of (new to me) exercises in 2019 that garnered some interest on social media. Here are the ones that received the most traction.

Be sure to click the links so you can not only watch see the exercises in action, but also learn the why’s, key coaching cues, and, more importantly, to see how jacked I am.

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2019 Best Exercises You Should Be Doing

Anti-Flexion Squat

I love squat and find a lot of valuing in them.

But they don’t ALWAYS have to be loaded heavy in order to reap the benefits.

Wall Press Single Leg RDL

This was the most shared exercises of 2019.

Angled Landmine Reverse Lunge

It never ceases to amaze me the versatility of the Landmine apparatus.

Hollow Position Hold Pull-Up

I didn’t just highlight LOWER body movements this past year…;o)

Here’s a lovely way to progress the pull-up from the floor.

Goblet Split Squat w/ COIL

I posted this one just last week and it received a great response.