Gentle reminder fellas: Valentine’s Day is tomorrow.

But I’m sure I didn’t have to say anything because as every guy reading who has a girlfriend, fiancee, wife, or is within a tw0-mile radius of anyone who’s a raging case of estrogen is fully aware…..50 Shades of Grey opens in theaters this weekend.

It’s pretty much going to be THE Valentine’s weekend movie of all time, and will serve as every female’s payback for being dragged to movies like Taken (1 through 3), The Fast & Furious (1 through 117), and any movie starring Jason Statham.

No lie, here’s the conversation Lisa and I had yesterday.

Lisa: Guess what comes out this weekend?

Me: Sooo, you and Jess (one of Lisa’s BFFs) are going to go see 50 this weekend, huh?

Lisa: Yep.

Me: Oh, good. Have fun. I’ll go down to Coolidge Corner and…….

Lisa: And you’re coming with us.

Me: No I’m not.

Lisa: Yes, yes you are.

Me: Uh, no I’m not!

Lisa (don’t eff with me, look of death stare): do you know how many movies I’ve sat though with you? You’re going!

Me: [Pretty much my reaction below]

Have fun fellas. I’ll be right there with you. Washing my eyes out with broken glass.

Here’s this week’s list of stuff to read.

Complete Speed Training – Lee Taft

Today’s your last chance to take advantage of the sale price of Complete Speed Training by renowned speed coach, Lee Taft.

After midnight tonight (Friday, 2/13) the price jumps (<— or should I say, bound? Lame agility joke)… quite a bit.

Coach Taft is someone who has a lot of respect in the industry and he doesn’t release a ton of new material too often. When he does, though, it’s stellar.

This is easily one of the best resources I’ve come across that discusses everything from warm-ups to progressions with linear and lateral speed drills, strength training, and everything in between that will help you and your athletes dominate on the field.

Stop Doing Box Jumps Like a Jackass – Eric Bach

There’s a right way to do box jumps, and the jackass way. This article highlights the former.

Lessons From Chad Wesley Smith – Prashanti Ganesh

I had the chance to head to CrossFit Southie (located in South Boston) last weekend for a one-day powerlifting workshop put on by Juggernaut Training Systems co-founder, Chad Wesley Smith.

The man is a beast. Not only because he owns the 8th highest (raw) meet total in history, but because he’s also a very knowledgable coach who takes a more pragmatic approach than you would think.

This was an excellent write-up on some of the things he covered during the day.