I Write Stuff! Sometimes Coherently.

How to Guarantee Your Clients Will Have a Hard Time Actually Getting Results

If you train people for a living, read this. Don’t Guarantee Results It’s seems counterintuitive, maybe even borderline asinine, not to guarantee your clients results, right? I mean, what the hell are they hiring you for? HINT: It’s not to trade baseball cards or tickle fights. I had a new client start with me recently […]

5 Things Fitness Professionals Need to Consider When It Comes to Taxes

There was time in my blogging career where I’d be more apt to dedicate writing energy toward topics like “Top 5 Carrie Bradshaw Breakups” than anything related to business, let alone taxes. However, a major mishap I made back in 2007 when I transitioned to being self-employed made me change my tune quickly. Let’s just […]

Training Athletes vs. General Population Clients

A few years ago, while presenting at the NSCA Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, I mentioned to the crowd that I don’t work with a lot of athletes anymore. By choice. Training Athletes vs. General Population Clients Instead, I explained that currently 90-95% of my clientele are made up of general population clients. You know, “normal” people. […]

How to Write Effective Training Programs: Foul Shots and Whiteboards

I’ve had a rash of fitness professionals reaching out of late asking the same question in varying iterations… …a question, mind you, that I think every fitness professional ponders at some point: When the hell is someone going to green-light a sequel to Over the Top?[footnote]Come on Netflix, make it happen.[/footnote] Okay, in all seriousness: […]

Why College Athletes Should Not Include Olympic Lifting In Their Programs

It’s not lost on me that the title of this particular blog post may ruffle a few feathers out there. There are many coaches and facilities in the world who implement the OLY lifts with their athletes and find great success with this approach. Conversely, there are also many coaches and facilities in the world […]