I firmly believe static stretching is often over-prescribed; an easy default recommendation for some fitness professionals too lazy to dig a little deeper.
“Tight” hamstrings? Go stretch those bad boys.
“Tight” hip flexors? Better go stretch!
Bad hair day? Yup, you need to stretch.
SPOILER ALERT: 👇👇 this is not the correct way to stretch your hip flexors.

The “Real” vs. “BS” Hip Flexor Stretch
I don’t feel static stretching is a complete waste of time mind you.
Sometimes (<– key word, sometimes) it plays a crucial role in helping people get out of pain and addressing varying muscular imbalances or postural issues.
SIDE NOTE: Most people don’t realize that what we deem as “stretching” isn’t really doing what we think it’s doing. In order for a muscle to really gain length you need to increase the number of sarcomeres in a series. This takes a…………..metric………..fuck………ton…………of……………………………………………….time.
I could be out-dated in my research vernacular, but I believe it takes upwards of 20-60+ minutes of holding a continuous stretch to actually increase it’s length to any degree.
What most of use are doing when we drop down to the floor to stretch something for 30-seconds is increasing our tolerance to the stretch.
And even if static stretching is deemed necessary, none of this takes into account the most important – albeit most overlooked – detail.
Performing it correctly.
Take the hip flexors for example. Everyone loves stretching their hip flexors.
Thing is: You’ll rarely see someone do it right. Instead, despite endless efforts – sometimes to the tune of weeks, months, and years of “stretching” – nothing ever changes.
Many people will still point to the same area that feels “tight.”
I’m by no means the first person to point this out: guys like Mike Reinold, Mike Robertson, Dr. Evan Osar, and Cobra Commander have been pointing this out for years.
SIDE NOTE #2: I’m actually more inclined to toss in some dedicated hip flexor STRENGTHENING exercises in lieu of stretching (but that’s for another time).
So lets take a look at how to properly stretch the hip flexors, shall we?