Hey, hey, hey! So, like about 73% of the entire fitness industry population I’m in Kansas City for the weekend for The Fitness Summit.
You know it’s a legit event when said event begins with the word “THE.”
I’ll speaking alongside the likes of Bret Contreras, Alan Aragon, Brad Schoenfeld, David Dellanave, Jen Sinkler, Cassandra Forsythe, Mike T. Nelson, Roland and Gayla Denzel, Bryan Krahn, Spenser Nadolsky, and I think Professor Dumbledore may be making a cameo appearance too.
And this is in conjunction with the people in attendance: Nick Tumminello, Dean Somerset, Chad Landers, Jon-Erik Kawamoto, Mark Fisher, James Fell, Lou Schuler, and a handful of other well known coaches, trainers, and writers. It’s like we’re celebrating Fitness Christmas!
AND least we forget the attendees themselves…people from all over the world have made the trek to KC to hang-out, learn, eat dead animal flesh, and challenge Bret to random glute-offs. True story!
So what I’m trying to say is…go see The Amazing Spiderman 2 this weekend.
Eric NAILED this one, and it’s something I’ve written on in the past as well. It saddens me that we as a society have placed more credence on our kid’s ability to answer meaningless standardized test questions than allowing them to be kids, and grow, and mature, and otherwise develop as human beings.
Physical education is more or less extinct in most curriculums now. And, even worse, is the fact that recess is no longer a part of their school day.
When I was in school we got 45 minutes every day to go outside and run, play kickball, play catch, and chase girls with bugs. Hell, I still do that…..;o)
In any case it’s no surprise that rates of childhood obesity have risen by astronomical standard, and that “test” scores are down…….WE NEED TO ALLOW OUR KIDS TO FREAKIN MOVE!!!!
This is a conundrum and concept I deal with on an almost daily basis when coaching, and Steve helps shed some light on when it’s appropriate to lift slow and fast.
It’s one of my biggest pet peeves in life – other than anything that comes out of Tracy Anderson’s mouth – personal trainers who fail to COACH THEIR CLIENTS!!!
This was an excellent post by Will and I highly encourage all personal trainers to read it.
Also, TWO Things (Actually, Three)
1. I love you.
2. This weekend (Sunday, 5/4 at midnight) will be your last chance to purchase The Modern Women’t Guide to Strength Training at the introductory price.

For those who missed it, I posted an excellent article by Molly Galbraith HERE which discusses common mistakes (many) women make with their own training as well as goes into more detail on the product itself.
Suffice it to say it’s a product FOR women written BY women…..and I 100% endorse it.
3. Also, my good buddy John Romaniello (Roman for short) “released” his flagship fat-loss product, The SuperHero Workout 2.0 earlier this week.
I say “released” because it’s actually a re-release of his original product, albeit here he’s added a boatload of additional content, workouts, penis jokes, and overall badassery.
The entire Cressey Performance staff did this program a few years ago when it was originally released and we all loved it!
If you ever wondered how the likes of Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Henry Cavill (Superman), or Chris Hemsworth (Thor) got in such great shape for their roles….well, this manual is pretty much the holy grail on how they did it.