
Do Your Push-Ups

Click the play button below and close your eyes.

” alt=”Terri Hatcher” />

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t figure out if I was listening to a human being or an elephant giving birth to a mack truck. Poor Terri Hatcher.

And speaking of things that make your ears bleed, just the other day I overheard some personal trainer explain to his client that “you don’t need to train the core- doing heavy squats and deadlifts is all you’ll need.” While I applaud the fact that he’s advocating squats and deadlifts (that’s refreshing actually), to say that those two movements alone are all a trainee needs to train his or her “core” is a gross understatement.

Matter of fact, as Alwyn Cosgrove pointed out a few weeks ago in a presentation he was giving on “21st Century Fitness Programming,” push-ups are actually superior to squats and/or deadlifts in activating the rectus abdominus and external obliques. This according to a McBride, et al, 2006 unpublished study.

Push-ups tend to get thrown under-the-bus and deemed too easy or too wimpy to include in any programming. I often find this comical since most trainees I come across can’t even perform ten push-ups, let alone perform them correctly.

Push-ups are a staple in most of the programs that I write. I like the fact that push-ups are a closed chain movement (hands do not move) and allow for a bit more wiggle room for the scapulae (shoulder blades) to move. Conversely, bench press variations are considered open chained (hands move) and “fix” the scapulae into one position, which isn’t a great scenario for those with a history of shoulder issues. Side note: it’s been said that roughly 90% of all shoulder pathologies can be attributed to some form of dysfunction in the scapulae. I’ll often replace all benching with more rowing variations, and a healthy dose of push-ups.

And as Alwyn mentioned in his presentation, push-ups are also a great way to train the core. One of my favorite variations are band resisted push-ups:


Nancy and the Boys

This is Nancy last Saturday performing her squats to a 12 inch box. What’s cool about this video is the fact that it was Nancy’s first time using the “big wheels,” (AKA: the 45 lb plates). She started training at Cressey Performance earlier this year and up until that time, had never lifted a weight in her life. Now she’s banging out 135 lbs on her squats like it’s her J.O.B. And yes, I realize that the squats are a liiiittle high. It was her first time using the wheels, so cut her a break.

This is a woman who while on vacation a few weeks ago e-mailed me to let me know that she still trained while she was there and that she would be making it back in time for her training session later on that week; she didn’t want to miss it. I like using Nancy as an example because it just goes to show what a little attitude along with a kick-ass training environment can do for someone.

I mean the first day Nancy walked into the facility she was all about kittens and rainbows. Now she’s kicking homeless men in the teeth when they ask her for spare change and cussing like a sailor around the high school kids. Just the other day I had to send a note home with little Danny because he went home crying after Nancy called him a candy ass for not adding more weight to the bar. Sorry Mrs. Fisher!


Nutrition 4-1-1

Want to know how many calories are in that McDonald’s Big Mac or Starbuck’s Caramel Macchiato before ordering? Next time you’re standing in line at your favorite chain restaurant, use your cell phone to text “diet1” with the name of the restaurant and menu item. Within seconds,’s “Nutrition on the Go” service will send you a reply listing the calories, total fat, carbohydrate, and protein in the requested food. Then you can decide if your midday snack is worth the calories before chowing down!

This is actually a cool idea and something I think may catch on in the near future. With many chain restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King reluctant to display nutritional information on their menu boards, it’s nice to see that consumers do have options. And this couldn’t come at a better time. A few weeks ago, the NY Daily News reported:

Think fast food joints will post calories on their menus next week? Fat chance.

The city Health Department Thursday delayed a plan that would require chains to post calorie counts on menu boards starting Monday.

The requirement was pushed back to April 15 to give courts time to decide whether the city law is legal. The New York State Restaurant Association has sued to block the plan.

Of course they sued to block the plan. They don’t want people to know what they’re really eating; although it’s not like it’s some secret that a Big Mac isn’t good for you. Shrugs.

Nevertheless, I think “Nutrition on the Go” is a pretty good idea. Although I have to say, my cell phone has a bit of a temper. Yesterday I tried to use it to get info on a meatball sub I wanted to order and it broke a beer bottle over its head and challenged me to a knife fight. It doesn’t like it when I cheat. Dude is crazy.


You’re at work right now sitting in front of your computer trying to look busy. You spent the morning checking out chicks on Facebook and afterwards you finally achieved level 6 rogue status on World Warcraft which means you can finally increase the damage of your next spell and use your Mystic Knight, who coincidentally, has an invisible cloak+1. I have no idea what that means, but I’m about 90% sure girls are totally going to want to hang out with you now. Fist pump!

So now it’s mid-afternoon and you’re supposed to be working on those TPS Reports. However you just received a Google alert from all the blogs that you subscribe to, and now it’s time to get caught up. Today’s blog is exciting because we officially launched the Cressey Performance website. Check it out:

I have to say that the site is pretty bad ass. Although, I’m kinda miffed. My bio was supposed to include the fact that I speak two languages; English and Ewok. Sorry ladies, I’m already taken.

Nonetheless, check out the site and spread the word.

Note: No, we won’t stoop so low as to include pictures of Jessica Alba in a bathing suit to increase site traffic. How unprofessional do you think we are? She’s pregnant and engaged for crying out loud. Jessica Biel is fair game though.


Saving Calories

I’m going to keep this simple. Never (read: ever) skip a meal to “save” calories. How many of you skip out on breakfast everyday thinking that by doing so, you’ll burn more body fat? Yeah I thought so. One of the worst things you can do is to go for prolonged periods of time without eating. Second on that list is listening to what celebrities have to say on anything related to fitness. Case in point: Mariah Carey.

Mariah Carey

When asked how she was able to slim down, she was quoted as saying, “water aerobics is actually three times more effective than other workouts.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Mariah Carey isn’t 70 years old, right? Water aerobics? Really? She also mentioned that she typically has her trainer move in with her so that she can’t sneak food.

Note to self: assassinate Mariah Carey’s current trainer. Send resume to

Getting back on track, a great rule I like to give my clients is that you should eat to prevent hunger, not because you’re hungry.

Strive for five to eight “feedings” per day (this is individual and depends on one’s goals) and never skip out on breakfast. Doing so will go a long ways in keeping blood glucose levels in check and providing some arbitrary improvements in overall metabolism. I say “arbitrary” because there is no evidence that suggests that if you skip meals, your metabolism will plummet faster than Eliot Spitzer’s career. Skipping out on one meal isn’t that big of a deal, I just wouldn’t make it a habit. The whole notion that it’s best to eat several meals per day has more to do with controlling blood-glucose levels (and thus appetite) than it has to do with overall metabolism. I could go into more detail on this, but frankly I have some business to take care of. *Grabs samurai sword and copy of “Emotions” cd to have a certain someone sign.


Curls for the Girls

I figured I would start this week off with a video that was sent to me by James who happens to be a friend of mine from Australia.

If you’re like me, you just felt a sudden urge to bash your head through your computer screen after watching that. I’d like to congratulate James. Just for sending me that video, you became the honorary member of my list of people whom have a date with my sling shot . I made extra special ammo for it just last night: anthrax pellets. That’s how I roll, mate!

Which is worse? The two nimrods in this video actually thinking this is badass and worthwhile (props for having Wu-Tang playing in the background) or having a case of explosive diarrhea? Hint: neither, it’s a trick question. HA! My vote goes towards the woman in the background walking away shaking her head. I mean seriously. If this guy wanted to really impress girls, the least he could do is take those gloves off. Or, I don’t know, balance a puppy on his head. Chicks love puppies. Unless it’s a Poodle. No one likes Poodles. I’m pretty sure growing a Hitler “stash” would get you more chicks than walking around with a poodle.


Nevertheless, from a cost/benefit standpoint, this exercise is a complete waste of time. While there will be many who will tout this exercise as a great way to train the core stabilizers……so what! It will also make you weaker than a wet paper towel; not to mention the safety factor. If you want bigger biceps, do more rows and pull-ups. If you want a stronger core, do more push-ups. All give you much more bang for your training buck, and all can be done on a stable surface where you won’t run the risk of people laughing at you.


Urban Legends (of Fitness)

According to Wikipedia (the best thing ever invented) an urban legend or an urban myth is a form of modern folklore consisting of stories thought to be factual by those circulating them. The term is often used to mean something akin to an “apocryphal story”. Like all folklore, urban legends are not necessarily false, but they are often distorted, exaggerated, or sensationalized over time.

A few prime examples include:

1. Boycotting the major gasoline corporations for a day (like Mobil) to bring down gas prices. (False)

2. Bill Gates sending out a chain letter saying he’ll pay you “x” amount to pass it along to your friends. (False)

3. Young man discovers pharmacist who sold him condoms was his date’s father. (True……and he totally didn’t appreciate the high five I gave him afterwards).

Needless to say, I thought it would be fun to discuss some urban legends in the fitness world. Lets start with this one; bench pressing with your back arched is bad.

Your lumbar spine (lower back) has a natural curve to it anyways, also called a lordotic curve. How is it that this “curve” is considered optimal while standing, but all of a sudden bad while laying down on a bench? You would think I told someone to go home and kill some kittens based upon some of the reactions I get from other trainers and trainees when I tell them that arching their back while benching is perfectly fine.

As Craig Rasmussen stated in his article, “Common Exercise Misconceptions,” many people are under the impression that keeping their back flat on the bench will keep their back “safer.” Firstly I, like Craig, will challenge anyone to prove to me that maintaining an arch while benching places any added stress on the lumbar spine in healthy individuals. Secondly, as Craig noted in his article, “I believe that many people simply confuse the (correct) advice of keeping your butt on the bench with the bogus advice of keeping the lumbar spine on the bench. You need to keep your spinal column locked and your shoulder blades retracted and depressed.” I couldn’t agree more with this assertion.

If you’re one of those people who brings his/her butt off the bench then all you’re doing is turning the movement into an unsupported decline bench press (ouch) while at the same taking away most of your stability, which will hamper how much weight you’ll be able to lift anyways. Not to mention it looks dumb.

Bonus Section: I was talking with an athlete yesterday as he was warming up and our conversation is what really spurned today’s blog post. I don’t know how we got on the topic, but he asked whether or not it was true that gum stays in your digestive track for seven years when you swallow it.


Although chewing gum is designed to be chewed and not swallowed, it isn’t harmful if swallowed. An old wives’ tale suggests that swallowed gum sits in your stomach for seven years before it can be digested. But this isn’t true. If you swallow gum, it’s true that your body can’t digest it. But the gum doesn’t sit in your stomach. It progresses relatively intact through your digestive system and is excreted in your stool.

Which leads to an obvious question. How long before I pass all those Legos I swallowed when I was five years old? Wait a minute (or ten), I’ll be right back. *grabs magazine* Holy cow you’re not going to believe this. I just poo’d an X-Wing Fighter!

I’m totally going to sell it on e-Bay. Along with my dignity.


Watching TV Makes You Thin! No, Really.

TLC has announced “I Can Make You Thin,” a new reality series that will follow British weight-loss guru Paul McKenna as he takes his health techniques stateside.

From Reality TV World (my go to source for the “real” news):

I Can Make You Thin will showcase McKenna’s “4 Golden Rules” — simple and accessible techniques that McKenna claims will show viewers “how to control the mind’s relationship with food” and shed pounds without leaving their couches.

“This is not a diet, ” explained McKenna. “It’s about changing your life using simple psychological techniques which transform people’s relationship with food forever. I am thrilled to bring this successful program to America for the first time.”

It’s obvious to me that Paul McKenna has achieved the status of Master Jedi Knight. How else to explain his advanced mind control skills? But why is he wasting his time with the woes of lazy people who think they can lose weight without putting forth any effort? If I were him, I’d use the force of the Dark Side to become President of the Universe. First on the “to do” list: make an Amendment which bans all movies starring Ashton Kutcher and Keanu Reeves (minus the first two Matrix movies) from ever being played again. Second on the list? Alicia Keys has to sing the phone book to me every night before I go to sleep.

Reality TV World also reported:

In addition, I Can Make You Thin will also include a live studio audience, field segments, scientific research, and at-home strategies. “Paul is a pioneer in the field of weight-loss, challenging and exercising the mind’s relationship with food,” said TLC programming executive Brant Pinvidic. “Finally, American viewers will learn why the TV might be the most important weight-loss tool ever.”

I’d like to see this “scientific research.” Something tells me it entails Unicorn tears and rainbows. Likewise, after programming executive Brant Pinvidic made that asinine comment about the tv being the most important weight-loss tool ever, TLC made a public announcement saying they’re in the process of developing a new show called “I Can Make You Want to Hit Brant Pinvidic With a 2×4.” Set your DVR’s!


Tip: Cool Use For Mason Jars

When people try to think of things in their life that annoy them the most, many will typically place paying taxes and spending time with their in-laws at the top of the list. For me, my list is fairly simple:

1. Dudes who wear their collars up. They’re just asking to be punched in the face. Repeatedly. Preferably with a brick. Bonus points if the brick happens to be on fire.

2. Cleaning out the blender everyday after making my protein shake. Call me lazy if you will, but it’s such a pain. Hence why I never do it.

Thankfully, I came across this cool little tip which uses your everyday mason jar as a pseudo blender/food processor. Depending on what type of blender you have, you’ll never have to worry about cleaning that cumbersome appliance ever again after making your daily protein shake.

This is actually great news for my girlfriend who’s great at all that “kitchen-y” type stuff. You know, like actually cleaning it and spending her time making me sandwiches (with a French maid’s outfit on). Oh, hey honey. I didn’t realize you were there. How long have you been listening? What’s with the taser gun? ZAAAAAP! She totally wears the pants in our relationship. And by “pants,” what I really mean is a school girl’s outfit. No, no…….not the pepper spray. Ahhhh.


Computer Guy and Softball

It’s readily apparent that slow pitch softball season is right around the corner based upon the fact that there’s been a steady increase in the number of middle aged men taking their whacks in the batting cages recently. Typically, these are men who spend the majority of their day in front of a computer at work checking out chicks on Myspace instead of actually working. Note to Stud4Life: me thinks you’re going to have to change your profile name to SleepingOnTheCouch4Life once your wife finds out about this. These are also the same men who haven’t seen much (if any) physical activity in the past eight months. Sorry fellas, but playing Guitar Hero with your kid doesn’t count.

Besides it’s totally not cool when you yell “suck it, I own you” after out scoring him/her playing “Welcome to the Jungle”. I mean how immature can you be? **Pulls own finger** Hey Ma! MA! Do you smell that? Oh, can you make sure my GI Joe bed sheets are washed today?

Suffice it to say, it’s no coincidence that the rate of groin pulls and hamstring injuries correlates with the beginning of softball season. In an ideal world these guys would be training year round in an attempt to stay in shape and to prevent these nagging injuries from happening in the first place. But since this is definitely not the case I can offer one piece of important advice. Include more dynamic warm-up drills before practices and games. In doing so you will better prepare the body for the more dynamic nature of the game; sprinting around the bases, diving catches, and of course making out with your choice of chicks after hitting the game winning home run. A few simple examples include:

Split Stance Dynamic Adductor Mobilization

Walking Spidermans