CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 9/27/21

Copyright: conneldesign / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Inside the Coach’s Mind Workshop – Boston (w/ Dr. Lisa Lewis)

I’ve long stated that the largest “gap” in knowledge for most fit pros isn’t the area of program design or the “x’s” and “o’s” of how to improve scapular upward rotation.

It’s the soft skills of coaching.

I.e., what’s going on in your head.

In more sage words…

…what’s really lacking in most fit pros’ repertoires is how to leverage your own way of thinking, feeling, and behaving in order to maximize your effectiveness as a coach, your rapport & working relationships with clients, and your own resilience and mental health.

This November my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, will be hosting Part 2 of her Psych Skills for Fit Pros course: Inside the Coach’s Mind.

Volume One covered motivation & behavior change.

Volume Two will go deep(er) into the coach’s psychology.

This live event will be held at Ethos Fitness & Performance in Boston’s beautiful South End district and it is NOT necessary to have gone through volume 1’s material in order to follow along. While everything is “connected” when discussing psychology, this will be new, stand-alone content covered.

For more information  – go HERE.

2. COACHED: Raise the Bar Conference – Early Bird Rate Ends This Week.

I’m excited to announce that I will be part of the Raise the Bar Conference. An event focused on the missing links in our industry: Communication, collaboration, connection, behavioral psychology, business & marketing skills, and much more.

When: February 4th-6th, 2022
Where: BioFit Performance, Oviedo, FL (Orlando area)

And more importantly who? Who will be presenting at this event?

I gotta say: This is undoubtedly one of the most stacked line-ups I have ever seen; even more than the 1990 Oakland Athletics.

The SUPER early bird rate lasts through the end of September so act quickly – HERE.





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Debunking Myths on Strength Training For Female Athletes – Erica Suter

As always, Erica comes in hot (but in a way that makes a lot of sense and is hard to argue with). The excuses most young female athlete make (but really, it’s mostly the parents) as to why they shouldn’t strength train are just that…


And lame ones at that.

Dr. Amy Bender on the Science of Sleep – Mike Robertson (podcast)

I’m obsessed with sleep.

It’s the one thing I feel most everyone needs to address before they utter the words “ice baths” or “organic acai berry extract” when it comes to recovery (and overall health in general).

Improving sleep hygiene is undoubtedly the “x-factor” for most people, and this podcast sheds a ton of light on it.

Are Greens Powders Healthy? – Abby Langer

Full disclosure: I personally use Athletic Greens on an almost daily basis, and have so since 2010. That being said, I DO NOT push them onto my clients or athletes.

I also eat a metric fuck ton of broccoli, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, and other “real” greens.

There’s no doubt some brands out there more nefarious with their marketing that others; some claiming improved body pH levels, detox properties, or, I don’t know, X-ray vision.

This was a good, fair read via Abby.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/7/21

Copyright: conneldesign / 123RF Stock Photo


It seems summer decided to show up a bit early in my neck of the woods. Today is day #2 of a four-day spread of ungodly hot weather by New England standards. Yesterday hit 90 degrees and there’s talk of  two to three 95-100 degree days looming.

My wife, a Floridian, is ecstatic.


I’d rather have a tickle fight with a grizzly bear.

Nevertheless, on a personal note (and with the warm weather officially here), we booked our first family vacation since before the pandemic for later this month.

We’re heading, of all places, to Florida at the end of the month….hahahaha.

I mean, FML.

I can’t wait.

Also, speaking of travel, I’m now starting to book some workshops.


1. I’m Coming to England (Manchester & London: Fall 2021)

👉 Manchester Info & Registration HERE (Early Bird Rate) 👈

I have confirmed that I’ll be coming to England this September to do not one, but TWO separate workshops.

  • I’ll be doing my 1-day Coaching Competency Workshop at Gudlift Gym in Manchester on Sunday, 9/12 – click HERE for itinerary and to register.
  • The following weekend (9/18) I will be in London alongside Luke Worthington to put on our 2-day Strategic Strength Workshop (host location is still being figured out)

It feels extraordinary to finally be putting events INTO my calendar rather than taking them off.

I hope to see you there!

SIDE NOTE: I’ve tossed Charleston, SC out there for this Fall, and it’s looking like I’ll be making a cameo in Orlando this winter.

I’m also open to other options as well – Milwaukee, Memphis, Mordor, whatever.

If you’re interested in possibly hosting me for a day or two (or know of a gym who’d be a good fit), please reach out and let’s chat.





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How to Stay Alive in the Fitness Industry For 2 Decades – Brandon Mancine

The picture of Aladdin and the Genie will make perfect sense once you read this quick read from Brandon.

He makes a brilliant analogy and one I never recognize despite watching this movie several times.

The Menstrual Cycle & Performance: Resources List (2021) – Julia Eyre

Looking for up-to-date resources on how the menstrual cycle affects training & performance (and how to program accordingly)?

Julia has you covered.

Where Does Fat Go When We Lose Weight? – Abby Langer

Hint: It’s not what that person on the internet who, not coincidentally has a product to sell, says.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 1/22/21

Copyright: neirfy / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Virtual Coaching Competency Workshop – March

Since I won’t be traveling anytime soon to present, I decided why not bring one of my workshops to YOU? I will be putting on my popular Coaching Competency Workshop this March over the span of three weekends.

I figured chances would be high many attendees would be fighting off the urge to commit seppuku staring at their computer screen for seven straight hours so made the executive decision to spread things out

  • 3 Hours on 3/7
  • 2 Hours on 3/14
  • 2 Hours on 3/21

All attendees will receive a recording (and CEUs)1.

You can register at the EARLY BIRD rate now through 2/15. For more info go HERE.

2.  Kabuki Education Week is Coming

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be one of 55+ industry leaders taking part in Kabuki Education Week that’ll be taking place February 1-7, 2021.

Kabuki Education Week – Hosted by Kabuki Strength – is a unique opportunity to attend 40+ live hour-long lectures (with Q&A) presented by the most respected and well established educators, coaches, clinicians, and athletes in the strength & fitness industry. This event brings together a wealth of knowledge across multiple domains; all condensed into week-long virtual format that allows you to attend as many courses as you choose with the added opportunity to purchase recordings.

You can register for my presentation (and save 50% through the end of the year) – The Hip: From Assessment to Badass – HERE.

Alternatively you can register for the ENTIRE event at the Early Bird rate – HERE.

This will undoubtedly be an event you won’t want to miss as the line-up, speaking as a fan boy myself, is one of the most impressive I have ever seen.

3. CORE @ Home

You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever you want to pay.

During the first quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.

In all I filmed 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Now that many parts of the US (and world) have started to implement a second wave of shut-downs, this resource is timely.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $99 (FYI: the latter enters you to win a 5×7 shirtless pic of me), the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





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Should You Be Taking Vitamin D? What You Need to Know – Abby Langer

Short answer: Yes.

However, don’t be a douche and suggest it has anything to do with reduced to risk of COVID-19 (my words, not Abby’s).

The Most Optimal Rest Period for Strength & Muscle Growth – Trish DaCosta

“How long should I rest between sets?”

It’s a common question and one Trish does an excellent job answering in this article.

Does Prehabilitation Really Matter? – Julie Hubbard

Surgery is never fun and should usually be used as a last resort. That said, for some it’s inevitable and the conversation of “prehab” work (and its efficacy) often comes up.

Is it a thing?

Does it work?

Can it improve post surgical recovery?

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/29/19


Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – 2019 Locations & Dates

Philadelphia, PA: April 27-28th (<– EARLY BIRD rate ends THIS WEEKEND).

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: May 25-26th

Sydney, Australia: July 13-14th

Melbourne, Australia: July 20-21st (<— JUST ADDED. Includes bonus “Psyche Skills for Fitness Pros” pre-workshop with Dr. Lisa Lewis).

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to really add value with your assessment process.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Find out more details HERE.

2. Strategic Strength Workshop – Boston, MA

Luke and I did this workshop last summer in London and figured it’s only fair to bring it State side.

Combined we have 30+ years of coaching experience (I.e., one Mike Boyle or Dan John) and this workshop will be two days where we uncover every nook and cranny as it relates to how we assess our clients/athletes and how we best prepare them for the rigors of every day life/sport.

This will be a unique opportunity for people to learn from myself, but especially Luke, who, along with traveling over from the UK, is one of the best and brightest coaches I know.

For more information and to register you can go HERE.





What’s the Real Story Behind the Egg Study?  – Abby Langer

Maybe I liked this article because I eat roughly 20-30 eggs per week and it validates what I’ve suspected  all along…..

….people need to chill the fuck out when it comes to eggs.

What Strength Coaches Should Know About Physical Education – Jeremy Frisch

Not to be confused with Long-Term Athletic Development (LTAD), physical education is often lobbed into the same category as strength & conditioning.

It’s not.

“The purpose of scholastic PE is to help transform a child  into an adult,  not provide a starting point to becoming an athlete.”

Also, slow clap to Jeremy for highlighting the importance of DODGEBALL in the PE curriculum!

6 Exercises Trainers Hate That Aren’t Bad – Nick Tumminello

Nick ALWAYS makes me think twice about stuff.

This article is no different.1