I know this seems very uncharacteristic of me and something I normally don’t write about, but I recently collaborated with my good friend Andrew Coates and wrote an extensive article on hornets deadlifts.
I don’t know the exact number, but it’s around my 37th article on T-Nation on the topic…;o)
Andrew and I spent a lot of time on this article attempting to peel back the layers and to focus on the cues, tips, and programming suggestions that really matter for most lifters in order gain the most benefit from the exercise and to stay safe.
I’m biased, but I think this article turned out great.
I’m excited to announce that I will be part of the Raise the Bar Conference. An event focused on the missing links in our industry: Communication, collaboration, connection, behavioral psychology, business & marketing skills, and much more.
It’s an honor to be invited back to speak at Kabuki Strength’s Education week this year. Last year’s event was a MASSIVE (in both knowledge bombs and brawn) event and this year I am expecting more of the same.
You’ll get access to 54 lectures from some of the best minds in the health/wellness industry. The early bird rate is currently in effect so don’t miss out on taking advantage of that.
“Oh, wow, check out the Serratus on that person over there…hubba, hubba, hubba, CHAWOOOOGA.”
– said no one, ever.
Alas, the Serratus muscle IS an important muscle, especially for shoulder health and it deserves your attention. Here are some excellent choices from Meghan.
There’s only one more week left to register for my Virtual Coaching Competency Workshop.
I figured chances would be high many attendees would be fighting off the urge to commit seppuku staring at their computer screen for seven straight hours so made the executive decision to spread things out over three consecutive weekends:
3 Hours on 3/7
2 Hours on 3/14
2 Hours on 3/21
The course has been approved for CEUs via the NSCA and all attendees will receive a recording in case Eastern Standard Time doesn’t bode well for your schedule.
You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever you want to pay.
During the first quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.
In all I filmed 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.
Whether you want to spend $1 or $99 (FYI: the latter enters you to win a 5×7 shirtless pic of me), the workouts are ready and available to start.
Let me start by saying there’s a TON of nuance here and I truly believe there’s no clear cut “winner” to this controversial topic.
If I’m going to be honest: There’s parts of each side of the argument I agree with.
Regardless of what side of the political debate you’re on I think it’s important to be exposed to varying facts (even if you don’t agree with them) and opinions.
And that’s why I am sharing this article here.
This is a fascinating read by Malcom and I encourage everyone to take the time to check it out.
I was perusing Instagram a few months ago when I came across my friend’s, Andrew Coates, feed. He had just posted a video of himself performing an impressive set of Supported Bulgarian Split Squats.
Or, Hatfield Squats for the meatheads in the house.
It was something like 365 lb for 5 repetitions.
As I said, at first I was like “huh.”
Then I was like, “damn, that’s strong.”
And then I was like, “pffft, whatever, I want in on this parade.”
At that point I was roughly 5-6 weeks post Achilles repair surgery and was training pretty aggressively in the gym. That said I was still looking for ways to expand or improve upon my Trainable Menu.
I.e., Focusing on stuff I could train rather than stuff I couldn’t.
A day or two later I posted a video of myself performing a set of close to 300 lb for 6-8 reps on my NON-affected leg. I tagged Andrew who then tagged a few other colleagues who were also inspired by his escapades; one of whom was Luka Hocevar, owner of Vigor Ground Fitness in Renton, WA.
Some good ol’ fashioned friendly competition ensued.
Each week we continued to post our progress and I enjoyed it, which was weird because, despite what coaches on the internet like to pretend, I fucking hate performing single leg work.
1. Nazi’s
2. Kipping pull-ups
3. People who wax poetic about keto.
44. Single leg work.
45. Talking about feelings.
Anyway, as it happens, myself, Andrew, and Luka teamed up to write an article for T-Nation.com that just went live today. In it we break down anything and everything as it relates to the Supported Bulgarian Split Squat and why you should consider adding it to YOUR training arsenal.
ANSWER: Equal parts I picked the right parents, never missing a universal bench day (every Monday) through the 90’s, and lastly…watching and rewinding incessantly the “Arnie gets tooled up” montage from the movie Commando.
Pecs by proxy.
2️⃣ “Tony, why don’t you start your own podcast?”
ANSWER: Because I’d rather jump into a shark’s mouth.
The only way I’d fathom starting my own podcast is if I could spend half of it talking about how to make people stronger than Mack trucks and the other half discussing geeky movie shenanigans like my favorite movie tracking shots (Copacabana nightclub scene from Goodfellas or the car attack/chase scene from Children of Men), or why it is J-Lo’s derriere hasn’t been given it’s own movie trilogy.
Come on Hollywood!
The truth, however, is that I don’t feel I’d be able to drum up enough interesting content to warrant a podcast. I’m a rather dull person.
As it happens, though, I’m invited onto 1-2 podcasts per month anyway…so I kinda already do have a podcast.
First up is the Total Fitheads Podcast hosted by Ali Spagnola and MaxNoSleeves (<– I honestly couldn’t find Max’s last name…haha).
(But, let’s be real: NoSleeves is baller and I can think of nothing cooler than putting some sort of moniker next to one’s name. Hmmm, I’m thinking TonyGiveMeAllTheCreatine might work. Yes, no, maybe so?).
Ali and Max are two meatheads who just like to invite cool & interesting people onto their show to talk shop. I had a blast recording this episode and really appreciated their spontaneity and spunk.
Next up I was able to catch up with my friend Andrew Coates on his brand spankin new podcast. It’s so shiny and glorious and delicious (which doesn’t make any sense).
Andrew has very easy-going interview style and honestly believe he and I could have kept talking for another hour. But unless your name is Joe Rogen (or Space Ghost) no one listens to 2+ hour podcasts…;o)
But seriously, for those that celebrate it I hope you’re able to find some joy eating some burgers, setting off some fireworks, or, I don’t know, watching Flight of the Navigator (<– I don’t think 4th of July movies exists, but if there are this should be in the Top 3).2
2. I Started PT Today
For those interested (and following along with #achillesgate2020) I was cleared by my surgeon to start PT and I met up with my man-crush friend/colleague, Dan Pope, of Champion Performance & Physical Therapy located in Waltham, MA.
Dan’s been my “go to” guy for numerous years with several niggles I’ve had here and there – strained adductor, neck kinks, a broken heart, you know, stuff – and I could think of no one better to help me get back on track.
Day 1 was exciting – we worked on swaying side to side, a few step throughs, and me learning to put weight back on my Achilles (while in a boot).
Who knows, next week we’ll live life dangerously and I’ll walk without crutches (and be able to do long division).
I keed, I keed.
I was thrilled to test the waters today and I can’t wait to see what Dan has in store for me in the coming weeks.
3. Oh, hey, have you checked out my newCORE @ Homeplatform yet?
It’s designed so that I can deliver workouts you can perform at home – pants optional – using minimal equipment.
You have two options:
1. Subscribe for FREE and receive one workout per week.
2. Subscribe for $29.00 and receive three workouts per week (in addition to special bonus content).
My hope is that it helps take the thinking out of things and keeps people more accountable to workout more consistently despite not having access to their normal gym.
– Writing thank you notes to your clients.
– Leaving your bad day at home.
– Point out a client’s “wins” before pointing out what they did wrong on an exercise.
The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox is currently on SALE ($100 off the regular price) now through this Sunday. Myself as well as an all-star list of other fitness professionals delve into common topics that will make you a better trainer and help you to grow your fitness business.
But complaining and whining isn’t going to pay the bills. COVID has flipped the health/fitness industry on it’s head and if you’re not adapting you’re not going to survive.
Switching (or adding) online coaching to your repertoire is a smart move. Andrew provides some much needed levity and insight in this fantastic article.
Here’s my latest podcast appearance. And, not for nothing, it includes the SICKEST promotional graphic in the history of ever.
Andrew Coates and Dean Guedo have built The Fitness Devil Podcast into one of the most downloaded health/fitness podcasts on iTunes.
They’re two dudes who lift heavy things and are well-read, but they also have an uncanny ability to “talk shop” and have unconventional conversations with their guests, which I appreciate very much.
Building a business and brand? Check
Tips on how to leverage your fitness writing? Check
Discussion on how badass my wife is? Check
You can listen below…
Go HERE to download and listen to the episode on other formats.
There’s an Early Bird rate for both of these events, so keep that in mind before you decide to hold off. Dean and I are really excited for this and hope to see you there!
Dear high school athlete:
Please, please, please, please, PLEASE:
1. Stop using the excuse “you don’t have time in the morning to eat breakfast.” Get up 10 minutes earlier and get it done.
2. Start your off-season training IMMEDIATELY, not two weeks before the season starts.