CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/23/21

Copyright: conneldesign / 123RF Stock Photo


1. COACHED: Raise the Bar Conference – Early Bird Rate Ends This Week.

I’m excited to announce that I will be part of the Raise the Bar Conference. An event focused on the missing links in our industry: Communication, collaboration, connection, behavioral psychology, business & marketing skills, and much more.

When: February 4th-6th, 2022
Where: BioFit Performance, Oviedo, FL (Orlando area)

And more importantly who? Who will be presenting at this event?

I gotta say: This is undoubtedly one of the most stacked line-ups I have ever seen; even more than the 1990 Oakland Athletics.

Spots will fill up fast, act quickly – HERE.





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You Might Not Have a Motivation Issue – Bryan Krahn

People use it as an excuse all the time as for why they’re not staying compliant with a training/nutrition program…

“I’m just not motivated right now.”

Bryan calls BS (but in a very understanding, empathetic way.

Jesus, he’s such a great writer.

Coordination: The Neglected Part of Fitness – Shane McLean

It’s true: How many times have you come across someone who, upon being asked what they’d really love to improve on, they came right out and said, “you know what, I could use some more coordination. That’s what I’m missing in my life. Who needs pecs?”

In all seriousness, Shane does a great job breaking down what coordination is and WHY you need more of it in your training repertoire.

How to Really Fix Tight Hip Flexors – Tim DiFrancesco



Just kidding.

Tossing your face into a brick wall is likely a better use of your time. Tim showcases what’s really happening…

…the reason your hip flexors feel tight is because they’re short AND weak. Stretching them only feeds the issue. Do these drills instead.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/23/21

Copyright: conneldesign / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Digital Strategic Strength Mentorship 

Luke Worthington and I developed our 6-week digital mentorship last Fall because 1) we felt between the two of us, we had a lot of expertise and insights regarding assessment, program design, coaching, brand building, and business that we could offer to other fitness professionals to help build & grow THEIR businesses, and 2) because there’s a fucking pandemic going on that’s prevented us from doing these sorts of things in person.

(Hopefully soon, though)

Nevertheless, we had a great experience the first go round with a stellar group of fitness pros and we’re excited to open it up again this Spring.

It all begins on April 26th.

Click HERE for more details.

2. Appearance on the Golf Under Par Podcast

Full Disclosure: I have never played a full-round of golf in my life. So you can guess my surprise when I was invited onto Dr. McCullough’s podcast recently. Thankfully, he was more interested in hearing my thoughts on how to train rotational athletes than he was my thoughts on when to choose a 3-wood over a 4-wood.

ANSWER: 3-woods on Thursdays only.

In this episode I discuss why it’s okay to lean into asymmetries, some of my “entry points” to dealing with low back pain, and why there’s no such thing as a “golf specific” program.

Listen via iTunes HERE, Google HERE, and Spotify HERE.

3. CORE @ Home

You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever you want to pay.

In all I filmed 36 workouts during quarantine last year using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $99 (FYI: the latter enters you to win a 5×7 shirtless pic of me), the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





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5 Reasons Every Personal Trainers Needs a Fitness Coach (You Too!) – Joe Dowdell

One of the best investments I have made in myself over the course of the past several years is hiring my own coach to write my training programs.

As I have said repeatedly:

“Coaches need coaches too.”

1. It helps me get out of my own head. The last person I want to write a program for is myself.

2. It forces me to work on my weaknesses and to have an un-biased approach to my training. I mean, I can’t deadlift and perform bicep curls 5x per week, right?

3. And maybe most important of all: It’s a form of continuing education for myself. I love learning new exercises and different ways & approaches to programming.

Cardio and the Bigger Picture – Bryan Krahn

We’ve been programmed to think that cardio is an essential component of a well-rounded fat loss plan, Cardio has myriad of benefits of course…

…but fat loss?


Bryan breaks down a more “efficient” way to add cardio into the mix if getting shredded is your goal.

Coaches: You Are the Weird One (Me Too!) – Chris Kershaw

Us coaches tend to forget that we’re the minority.

We actually like exercising, straining, DOMS, rear foot elevated split squats.

Okay, maybe not split squats.

It’s important to remember that for many, liking exercise isn’t normal, and it behooves us as fitness professionals to meet our clients where THEY are…

…by encouraging more positivity and inclusiveness.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/19/21

Copyright: conneldesign / 123RF Stock Photo


1. 10 Year Anniversary Sale on is the world’s leading un-biased nutrition and supplement resource.  It’s a website I have used often in the past decade to better educate myself.

They’re currently putting their two best products on sale at a significant discount to make their 10-year anniversary.

Examine Membership

  • Keeps you on top of the latest research – 150+ new studies are summarized as every month and deep-dives on the most important studies. Plus, a big-picture view via our Study Database.
  • Saves you time, money, and headaches – Examine analyzes nutrition research full-time and nothing else, so from screening to curating to summarizing to reviewing to copyediting, it’s all taken care of you.
  • An easy source of content – for health pros, many use our study summaries to create new content for email, social media, and more.

Supplement Guides

  • Removes any confusion – explicitly tells you what to take, when to take, how much to take, and the best combinations.
  • Doesn’t make blanket recommendations – breaks down supplements into four tiers, depending on how strong the effect is and the level of evidence.
  • Never outdated information – updated once a year (free lifetime updates).

The sale only last through this Sunday (3/21) so act fast!

2. Digital Strategic Strength Mentorship 

Luke Worthington and I developed our 6-week digital mentorship last Fall because 1) we felt between the two of us we had a lot of expertise and insights regarding assessment, program design, coaching, brand building, and business we could offer to other fitness professionals and 2) because there’s a fucking pandemic going on that’s prevented us from doing these sorts of things in person.

Nevertheless, we had a great experience (and group of fit pros take part) the first go round and we’re excited to open it up this Spring.

It all begins on April 26th.

Click HERE for more details.

3. CORE @ Home

You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever you want to pay.

In all I filmed 36 workouts during quarantine last year using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $99 (FYI: the latter enters you to win a 5×7 shirtless pic of me), the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





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Better Home Gym Workouts – Bryan Krahn

Like Bryan, I had to switch gears last year and switch my programming mojo to accommodate more at-home workouts for my clients and athletes.

“How do I write a program for someone who only has access to a smattering of DBs, a rusty barbell, a roll of duct tape, and a rubber ducky?”

In this brief blog post Bryan shares some of his “lessons learned” in how to write effective at-home workouts.

Bridging the Gap Between Effort and Struggle – Trish DaCosta

We’re programmed to find strength in struggle. Keep our heads down, no complaining, do the work, and ask for zero help.

There’s a degree of respect and fist-bumping that comes with that mentality.

However, it shouldn’t be that way. Instead, we should be emphasizing the synergy of effort; which, as Trish notes, implies a level of ease though the path is not easy.

Excellent reframe in this quick read.

Strength Symmetry Evaluation – Nick Tumminello

Nick begins this course separating the difference between an assessment and an evaluation.

Assessment (Process Oriented) = What best fits the individual; not comparing them to anyone

  • What’s the best squat stance, how wide, what exercises should we eliminate?

Evaluation (Product Oriented) = A bit more objective. Where does someone compare to a standard or relative to averages? What do you need to hit them? What do they need more of, less of?

  • What’s your relative strength level (compared to averages).

Nick’s SSE program is what’s missing in the industry. How do you know if what you’re doing with any one client is working? What’s your mid-course directions?

I just started taking myself through this course and I am learning a ton. If you’re a personal trainer/coach I’d highly recommend checking it out HERE.

(NOTE: Not an affiliate link).

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 7/17/20

Copyright: neirfy / 123RF Stock Photo


1. #Achillesgate2020 Update

I’m just past the seven-week mark in my rehab and I have to say…

…I’m crushing it.

I feel like if my Achilles had to fight Megatron it could give him a run for this money. I’ve been working with Dan Pope from Champion Physical Therapy & Performance in Waltham, MA and he’s been having me work on my gait the past few weeks attempting to put more weight into the forefoot of the affected side.

I’m still in the boot, but we did manage to take a wedge out last week.

And I think we’re gonna begin to experiment with some BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) shenanigans this week to help stave off any further atrophy of the calf muscle.


2. Oh, hey, have you checked out my new CORE @ Home platform yet?

It’s designed so that I can deliver workouts you can perform at home – pants optional – using minimal equipment.

You have two options:

1. Subscribe for FREE and receive one workout per week.

2. Subscribe for $29.00 and receive three workouts per week (in addition to special bonus content).

My hope is that it helps take the thinking out of things and keeps people more accountable to workout more consistently despite not having access to their normal gym.

For more information go HERE.





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30 Days of Spine Hygiene. . (Or shall I say “Spinegiene”?) . 👉 Day 2: Perform the Perfect Birddog. . The birddog exercise is a splendid drill for spine health and performance. Yet, it’s in the Top 3 of exercises that make my corneas want to jump out of their sockets when I observe many people perform it. . The idea is to brace the core so as to own neutral spine & to LIMIT movement through the lumbar area. . Yet, watch most people perform it and it rivals an epileptic seizure. . The hand shouldn’t elevate higher than shoulder height. Likewise, the foot shouldn’t elevate higher than the hips. The lower back should be LOCKED down. . Adding a @valslide is an easy way to keep people honest. More ROM does not make this exercise more effective. Performing it well does. . If you swipe I also included a few variations you can add to progress the exercise as well. . 1️⃣ Birddog w/ Lateral Band Distraction (courtesy of @meghancallaway ). . 2️⃣ Birddog Row (popularized by @dr.joelseedman_ahp ) . #30daysofspinehygiene #birddogexercise

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The New Hybrid Workout Plan – Bryan Krahn

COVID-19 has changed everything.

LOVED this perspective from Bryan on what the “new normal” will likely be for most people as they begin to contemplate heading back to their big box gyms.

Lies Your Pilates Teacher Told Ya – Trish DaCosta

I’ve always appreciates Trish’s perspective on things and how she’s able to keep a level head on often controversial topics. I also appreciate she actually lifts weights…;o)

The Exercise That Was Condemned By Everybody – TC Luoma

HA – raises hand.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/14/19

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint Workshop – 2019 Locations & Dates

Sydney, Australia: July 13-14th at Clean Shred.

Melbourne, Australia: July 19-21st and Melbourne Strength & Conditioning. (<—  Includes bonus “Psych Skills for Fitness Pros” pre-workshop with Dr. Lisa Lewis).

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to really add value with your assessment process.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Find out more details HERE.

2. Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Chicago, IL

This will be the only time Dr. Lisa Lewis and I will be presenting this workshop together in 2019. In previous years we’ve presented it in Boston, London, Toronto, Bonn (Germany),  and Austin, TX.

This 1-day workshop is targeted towards fitness professionals and digs a little deeper into what really “bogs” them down and stresses them out….

…their clients!

Click THIS link for more details on topics covered as well as date/cost/location.





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The original story of this quote below… Posted @withrepost • @testosteronenation coach Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) dropped that T-shirt worthy line into one of his articles so we asked him how he came up with it. Here’s what he said: . “I try to be an understanding, empathetic coach with my clients and athletes. I write programs catered to THEIR goals and THEIR injury history, and I try my best to “match” the exercises I prescribe to THEIR ability level. That said, sometimes I need to play the cantankerous, tough love strength coach card. I started with a new client a few months ago and noticed a trend within the first couple of sessions: He had a knack for saying “this is hard” on every…single…exercise. . Deadlifts: “This is hard.” . Squats: “This is hard.” . Lateral Raises: “This is hard.” . At first I played it off as no big deal and something that comes with the territory. After subsequent sessions, however, I didn’t have enough eye rolls to give and I broke: . ‘Dude, lifting weights isn’t supposed to tickle.’ . It just flew out of my mouth. It wasn’t mean and it wasn’t disrespectful. It was just something that needed to be said. It was perfect.” — @tonygentilcore . #tnation #bodybuilding #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #lifting #workout #gym #fitfam #liftingweights #fitness #muscle

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Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (Self Study) – Dr. Sarah Duvall

This is one of the best courses I have ever taken and has provided me an abyss of information (and confidence) when it comes to working with women.

It’s made me a better coach.

If you’re a fitness professional I can almost guarantee you you’ll agree with my sentiment.

Sarah has placed the course on SALE this weekend (Friday, 6-14 – Monday 6/17) at $150 OFF the regular price.

1. Go HERE.

2. At checkout use the code PARTY150 to claim your discount.

3. No diggidy, no doubt.

4 Lat Building Exercises You’ve Never Tried – Sivan Fagan

Trust me, I doubt you’ve tried any of these before.

Sorta Deep Thoughts on Training, Diet and Character – Bryan Krahn

Are you like me and don’t have enough eye rolls to give whenever someone waxes poetic on something like the Paleo diet and how the reason why they do it is because cavemen were ripped?


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/12/18

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Ljubljana, Slovenia AND Los Angeles, CA

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

But now.


….It’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

A bunch of wordsmiths we are.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Ljubljana, Slovenia – October 20-21st. (<— NEXT week).

Los Angeles, CA – November 17-18th. (<— EARLY BIRD rate still in affect)

All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in 2019 in Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Minas Tirith) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.

To register and for moe details go HERE.

 2. Coaching Competency Workshop – NYC

I’ll be back in the city that never sleeps this Fall to put on my popular Coaching Competency workshop.

Albeit this will be condensed version (five hours instead of seven); a fitness amuse bouche if you will.

EARLY BIRD RATE ends next week.

Full details (itinerary, location, and cost) can be found HERE.





An Open Letter to Women: Why You Should Get Strong – Nia Shanks

“For too many, working out has become a means of punishment for eating “bad” foods or from gaining weight over the years or not fitting into their favorite clothes anymore. And they deserve better. They deserve more.

And that is why …”

The 15 Strength Training Principles – Nick Tumminello

“It depends” isn’t always the appropriate answer.

50 Things I’ve Learned This Year – Bryan Krahn

Not only is Bryan ripped and hot, but he’s also one helluva of a writer.

I hate him.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/10/18

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo

 1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston, MA (<– THIS WEEKEND)

Last chance.

Dr. Lisa Lewis and I will be holding another Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, August 12th.

1. We offer both a Professional and Student rate.

2. CEUs will be available via the NSCA.

3. Predator Handshakes are free.

For more details (including itinerary and registration) go HERE.

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Houston, TX

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

But now.


….It’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

A bunch of wordsmiths we are.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Los Angeles, Detroit, Philadelphia, Minas Tirith) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.

To register and for moe details go HERE.

3. RISE Fitness Business Conference – San Jose, CA

I’ve had to decline speaking at this event in the past due to prior engagements (and because of Kumite), but I’m headed to San Jose this year baby.

The line-up is spectacular and I’m honored to be included amongst such esteemed company – Pat Rigsby, Mark Fisher, Molly Galbraith, Kellie Hart, Craig Ballantyne, and Scott Rawcliffe, to name a few.

I’ll be speaking about shoulder assessment.

I’ll also be booking a photographer soon because my current headshot is god awful.

If you’re a fitness professional looking to take his or her’s career to the next level this is an event you won’t want to miss.

Full details and registration are HERE.




Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

Fitness: The Healthiest Industry, Creating the Unhealthiest Minds – Lee Boyce

Lee has written many things that are well-written, poignant, and thought provoking. I always appreciate his willingness to write & say things many of us are sheepish to point out ourselves.

This is superb.

The Lost Are of Conditioning For Strength, Performance, & Recovery – Dr. John Rusin & Jason Brown

Really good article on the importance of AEROBIC training, and how to program it intelligently to enhance & compliment weight training.

Why You Should Be Flexible With Your Programming – Bryan Krahn

Bryan = Dreamboat

We always discuss the importance of flexible DIETING, but not too often do we take the same concept and apply it towards our training.

Fantastic message from Bryan in this one.


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 5/19/17

I like ice-cream.

And lets get to this week’s stuff.

Copyright: donatas1205 / 123RF Stock Photo


Check This Stuff Out First

1) Strong Body-Strong Mind – Toronto

Last year Lisa and I had the privilege of presenting together in Austin, TX and London, UK, and we’re elated to be heading to Toronto next month to pick up where we left off.

It’s an event Lisa and I feel is needed and pinpoints a drastically underserved component in the fitness industry.

In a nutshell I spend part of the day breaking down assessment, program design, and technique on a few common lifts such as the squat, deadlift, get-up, and BOSU ball lunges (<— kidding).

Lisa speaks to more of the mindset and psychological side of the equation. She discusses strategies on how to better build rapport and “buy in,” in addition to encouraging more competency and autonomy with our clients/athletes.

All of which is a wonderful way to organically build your business and brand. And, you know, make more money….;o)

This, I feel, is what separates this workshop from others.

Lisa’s not some warm & fuzzy personal trainer who likes to talk about feelings and pretends to know what (s)he’s talking about.

She’s a real-live doctor and went to school for this shit. Plus, she lifts heavy things.

For more information and to sign up, please go HERE.

UPDATE: I believe CEUs have been added to the event. Woo-hoo!

2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

3. Latest Men’s Health Cameo.

I helped contribute to THIS article over on discussing the importance of recovery days: what they are and why they’re so important.

Stuff to Read

Your Warm-Up Doesn’t Have to Suck – Jaclyn Moran

Well, it doesn’t.

Why Fitness Goals Shouldn’t Be About Aesthetics – Brogan Driscoll

The Huffington Post (UK) interviewed my good friend, Luke Worthington, who’s not only the best looking man I know (I hate him), but also Head of Trainer Education for Third Space and a coach I respect a ton.

As always, he provides a ton of great advice.

The Case for Hypertrophy – Bryan Krahn

Bryan is such a good writer it makes me sick to my stomach.1

Social Media Shenanigans



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/13/14

Really quick before I get into the meat and potatoes of this week’s list.

1.  I love you.

2.  I didn’t even realize it was Friday the 13th until someone pointed it out to me today.  Also, apparently, I think someone told me there’s a full moon tonight.  If so, have fun with that. Good luck!

3.  If you missed it, strength coach, writer, and stronger than 99% of the population, Tim Henriques, wrote a fantastic guest post earlier this week titled 5 Life Lessons From Powerlifting.

I’m reminding people because his new book, All About Powerlifting, is quickly becoming one of my “go to” books to recommend to people regardless of training experience or whether or not they’re interested in powerlifting.  Don’t let the title fool. Yes, it’s about powerlifting….but Tim goes into great detail on each of the “big 3” and I feel it serves as an excellent primer for those looking to learn the lifts and improve their technique.

4. Only 553 days left until Star Wars Episode VII comes out.  In case anyone’s keeping track. 5 hours, 47 minutes, and 33 seconds.

32, 31, 30……..

Death By Cardio & The Fortress of Solitude – Bryan Krahn

There was an article written last week on a very popular fitness site basically telling people that cardio kills people.  I didn’t much care for it and felt it did more to bring the industry back rather than improve it.

There was a lot of research studies sited in the article itself, which, for better or worse, automatically gives people the impression that it must be accurate.

Just remember:  there was once a time where physicians advocated we smoke to improve our health!

Anyways, I really appreciated Bryan’s retort and I think you will too.

My Secret Sauce to Healthy Weight: Meal Preparation – Trish DaCosta

I had the pleasure of meeting Trish in person earlier this week and felt she was a lovely human being, and someone whom I shared many common beliefs with.

Like the idea of meal prep and how that plays a key role in weight management.

Every Sunday Lisa and I will get our groceries for the week and we’ll get home and have most of the food prep done (chicken breasts grilled, starches cooked, and beef sauteed) before noon.  And be “we’ll have it done,” what I really mean is Lisa will have it done.

Love you babe!

Yes, meal prep sucks.  Yes, no one likes doing it.  But you need to learn to suck it up and do it anyways. That, and TAKE OUT THE RECYCLING!!!!!!!!!!  HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO ASK!?!??!

Low Cholesterol: The Risks, Dangers, and Reality – Michael McEvoy

I had my first appointment with a doctor in well over a decade last summer. As I recall it was a fairly painless experience, and I only hyperventilated into a brown paper bag twice at the sight of a needle.

As part of the deal, I had some blood work done to test things like my vitamin D levels, testosterone levels, as well as cholesterol and adamantium (<—– please tell you get the reference).

A week or so after the fact I received the results and noticed that my TOTAL cholesterol levels were somewhat low (take that egg haters!!!!), and I was more or less patting myself on the back.

As it happened, a fellow Facebook friend of mine, a doctor himself, noted that, while there was nothing to be too (too) concerned about, low cholesterol levels can be just as much a sign of something wrong as high cholesterol readings.

He noted:

“If your total cholesterol is really in the 120s, you (may) have a couple of things going on….the first could be fat malabsorption due to decreased bile production or flow, the second is significant adrenal stress that leads to all of your cholesterol getting shunted to pregnenolone to control inflammation. Infections(sub-clinical) will lead to chronic inflammation that depletes cholesterol as well.” 

To which I responded:

Am I going to die?

Anyways, this was the article he sent my way which I felt was interesting and something that some of you may find interesting as well.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 5/22/14

You know what?  I didn’t do a ton of reading this past week for two reasons.

1. Instead of my normal morning reading I opted to watch Functional Stability Training for the Upper Body, which really meant I watched my shirtless cameo on a repeated loop.  Just kidding.


2. Lisa was away all last weekend up until last night visiting her mom in Florida, which meant I was a bachelor for five days.  Five glorious days of not making the bed, not putting the toilet seat down, or not making any food for myself.  Don’t worry, I didn’t starve or anything.

I understand that correlation doesn’t necessarily translate to causation, but I also know that the frequency of me hitting up Whole Foods for meals while Lisa is away goes up around 783%.

So, basically, it’s science.

I also took that time to CRUSH some movies.  I went to the theater a total of four times in five days…no big deal.

I watched Godzilla (holy s***balls, GODZILLA!!!), Neighbors (hilarious), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (might be my favorite Avengers film yet), and a smaller, independent film called Chef, written by, directed by, and starring Jon Favreau (the guy who wrote and starred in Swingers, and directed the first two Iron Man films).

For any foodies out there reading:  you’ll LOVE this movie.  And even if you’re not a foodie, I’d still recommend it.

So, um, yeah….I didn’t do much reading since the last edition of this series.  But that doesn’t mean I didn’t do any!

Here’s some stuff to check out.  Enjoy!

Breathing Techniques for a Smaller Waist and Tummy – Zach Moore

I know this comes across as a bit ironic given I wrote a post earlier this week on how I feel some trainers and coaches are taking the whole breathing thing a bit too far.

But this is a classic case where “if the shoe fits…..”

Look at the before and after pics above and tell me that it didn’t work!

Nice job, Zach!

Lifting for Two? – Meghan Holohan

FINALLY!!!  I mainstream media source touting the BENEFITS of lifting weights and why it can be BENEFICIAL for pregnant women.

I’ve long championed the notion that pregnant women can still train – and train fairly intensely – during their pregnancy, given they already have experience and understand that it’s important to listen to their body.  There’s little evidence to suggest that women who are already active and continue to stay active during pregnancy pose any more harm to the fetus.

This was great to see a more high-traffic, mainstream site touting the same message.

 A Muscular Career Marriage – Bryan Krahn

I’m a big fan of Bryan’s stuff, and probably more a fan of his writing style.

This was a fantastic “perspective” piece of writing that I feel every fitness professional should read.