CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 2/5/21

Copyright: conneldesign / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Virtual Coaching Competency Workshop – Coming in March

Since I won’t be traveling anytime soon to present, I decided why not bring one of my workshops to YOU? I will be putting on my popular Coaching Competency Workshop this March over the span of three weekends.

I figured chances would be high many attendees would be fighting off the urge to commit seppuku staring at their computer screen for seven straight hours so made the executive decision to spread things out

  • 3 Hours on 3/7
  • 2 Hours on 3/14
  • 2 Hours on 3/21

The course has been approved for CEUs via the NSCA and all attendees will receive a recording in case Eastern Standard Time doesn’t bode well for your schedule. 

You can register at the EARLY BIRD rate now through 2/15. For more info go HERE.

2. CORE @ Home

You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever you want to pay.

During the first quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.

In all I filmed 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Now that many parts of the US (and world) have started to implement a second wave of shut-downs, this resource is timely.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $99 (FYI: the latter enters you to win a 5×7 shirtless pic of me), the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





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How to Handle Bad Workouts – Nia Shanks

Nia goes into more detail on this and I encourage you to read what she has to say. I’ll add my two cents by quoting the great Ted Lasso:

“Be a goldfish.”

Context: Goldfish have no short-term memory. If you have a bad workout, be a goldfish…;o)

Also: Watch Ted Lasso. Best show I’ve watched in a long time.

4 Years Ago, I Graduated From Business School and Didn’t “Use” My Degree. Why That Was the Best Decision of My Life – Gerry DeFilippo

Some people say to follow your passion.

Others say that’s bunk advice. I mean, if you’re passion is being a Broadway performer and you have two left feet, well then, things aren’t going to work out well.

The answer, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Set-Rep Schemes for the Under-Equipped – Geoff Girvitz

Many of you are still unable to hit up a proper gym and are stuck using a smattering of equipment at home. Here’s some cool ideas to turbo boost your training.

BONUS: Back in the Day Buffet (an old joint I wrote that you likely missed)

Stop “Should’ing All Over Yourself 

Can you spot me in the picture?….LOL



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/22/19

Copyright: perhapzzz / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

This will be the first leg of mine and Dean Somerset’s European extravaganza in early 2020. The second leg will take place in…

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Maidenhead, U.K: March 7th & 8th, 2020

There’s an Early Bird rate for both of these events, so keep that in mind before you decide to hold off. Dean and I are really excited for this and hope to see you there!





How to Deal With a Negative Personal Training Client – Dr. Lisa Lewis

100% of personal trainers/coaches can commiserate on this…

THAT client that just drives us bonkers with their negativity.

Before you resort to throwing your face into an ax read this article from my wife first.

8 Ways to Stand Out With Integrity in an Industry That Has Little – Jill Coleman

This was an excellent article by Jill.

Slow clap of the month award goes to her, hands down.

The 100-Day Reclaim – Nia Shanks

My friend Nia Shanks sent me a copy of her latest book, The 100 Day Reclaim. Let’s be honest: health/fitness can be a drag and a grind.

It’s not easy.

Oftentimes we want to give up.

This book will punch you in the lip undoubtedly provide some sage words to help keep you on task.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 11/30/18

It’s my 42nd Birthday today.


I’d like to sit here and say I have something cool planned today – like watching a Jason Bourne marathon, or, I don’t know, going to Sears – but, honestly, it’s just a normal Friday for me today.

Writing programs, writing this blog, training, and then maybe a celebratory pizza…;o)

Tomorrow, however, is the real show. My wife and I have a date at Del Frisco’s and then we’re going to go see Widows.


Nonetheless, lets get to this week’s stuff to read (and don’t be afraid to send me a Happy B-day note).

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint 1.0 on Sale

Dean Somerset and I have placed our flagship resource – Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint 1.0 – on sale all this week at 60% off the regular price.

As if learning anything and everything about shoulders and hips wasn’t enough, I’m going to donate $5 of every sale (from my links) to a local animal shelter here in Boston called Kitty Connection.

This was the shelter my wife and I adopted out cat, Dagny, from when we first moved in together and I like to donate to their cause each year.

The sale only last though this Sunday (12/2), so act quickly.

Help save a kitty (or dog) – HERE.





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Clearly, there’s one person in this picture series who wasn’t having it.

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Never Have “Bad Luck” Again – Nia Shanks

Regardless of the choices we face or the events that happen throughout the day, we have two lenses we can choose to view them from. In one hand is the lens that distorts events as being “bad luck” or “shit” or “unfortunate.” In the other hand is the lens that homes in on what has happened, what is — free from distortion or distraction — and gives us the power to glimpse and choose to see “beauty” or “good” or, at the very least, reality. Without any messy extrapolation.

^^^Applies to dieting and training.

Read more of what Nia has to say.

The Truth About Stand Up Desks – Dr. Michael Stare

Well, that was interesting.

Total Youth Soccer Fitness – Erica Suter

Kids aren’t professional athletes.

Erica is a stud coach and she’s developed a stellar program geared towards youth athletes that every coach, parent, and player needs to read.

It’s on sale for another two days (ending on 12/1) and you can save $30 off the regular price.

Check it out HERE.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/12/18

Copyright: wamsler / 123RF Stock Photo


1. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Ljubljana, Slovenia AND Los Angeles, CA

This workshop will piggyback on the material Dean Somerset and I covered in the original Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

But now.


….It’s the (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

A bunch of wordsmiths we are.

With this iteration, though, we’ll be going a bit deeper into the coaching and programming side of things:

  • How to program around common injuries.
  • How to “connect” the appropriate exercises to the client/athlete.
  • How to squat and deadlift like a boss.

Ljubljana, Slovenia – October 20-21st. (<— NEXT week).

Los Angeles, CA – November 17-18th. (<— EARLY BIRD rate still in affect)

All registrants to this course (as well as future dates in 2019 in Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Minas Tirith) will receive a free download of CSHB 1.0 so that you’re up-to-speed on the content Dean and I will be covering.

To register and for moe details go HERE.

 2. Coaching Competency Workshop – NYC

I’ll be back in the city that never sleeps this Fall to put on my popular Coaching Competency workshop.

Albeit this will be condensed version (five hours instead of seven); a fitness amuse bouche if you will.

EARLY BIRD RATE ends next week.

Full details (itinerary, location, and cost) can be found HERE.





An Open Letter to Women: Why You Should Get Strong – Nia Shanks

“For too many, working out has become a means of punishment for eating “bad” foods or from gaining weight over the years or not fitting into their favorite clothes anymore. And they deserve better. They deserve more.

And that is why …”

The 15 Strength Training Principles – Nick Tumminello

“It depends” isn’t always the appropriate answer.

50 Things I’ve Learned This Year – Bryan Krahn

Not only is Bryan ripped and hot, but he’s also one helluva of a writer.

I hate him.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 6/16/17

I know, I know: I’ve been slacking on the writing front the past few weeks. I do hope you’ve been enjoying the influx of informative guest posts of late. It’s important to me that this site remains a repository of good information and ass-kickery (and cute kitty pictures), even in my absence.

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of international travel and crime fighting.[footnote]Without any crime fighting.[/footnote] I promise I’ll be back on task starting Monday.

Lets get to this week’s list of stuff to check out.

Copyright: welcomia / 123RF Stock Photo



1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston

I’m really excited to announce the Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop, coming to Boston (finally!) later this summer.


The idea is simple: there’s a corner in the industry that’s underserved….mental skills.

There are a lot of people out there who write about “mindset” and describe themselves as mindset coaches (whatever the heck that means) who, by and large, have zero academic background in that department.

Lisa, SPOILER ALERT: she’s my wife, went to school for this shit.

I went to school to help turn people into badasses.

Lisa can speak to building competency and discussing how to build the skills to develop rapport with clients. I can speak to getting people bigger, stronger, and faster.

Strong Body-Strong Mind = see you there?

To purchase you can go HERE.

2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

3. Elite Fitness & Performance Summit – Chicago, IL


And speaking of being pumped, I am really – and I mean really – pumped for this event.

First off: Take a look at the roster of speakers (HERE).

Second: Holy shit, I am one of them.

Third: Cue trying not to destroy the back of my pants.

This is one of the premier events of the year for fitness professionals and entrepreneurs alike. And it’s taking place in an awesome city. What’s not to be excited about?[footnote]The only way I’d be more excited is if early 90’s Mariah Carey was performing.[/footnote]

The early bird special only lasts through June (and it’s an amazing price).

However, if you go HERE you’ll get an additional $100 OFF the early-price. BOM CHICKA BOM BOM.

Stuff to Read

6 Hip Mobility Drills Everyone Should Perform – Mike Reinold

The internet likes to dazzle us with advanced mobility drills that would make a Cirque du Soleil performer be like “what tha……?”

Loved this post by Mike outlining some of his favorite, simple, hip mobility drills that don’t require being a superhero.

Today’s Lifters Are Snowflakes – Charles Staley

The title alone should entice you enough to click and read.

As always, Charles nails it.

When to Work Harder, How to Work Smarter, and When to do Both – Nia Shanks

In light of a blog post a wrote last week with a similar vibe – Easy Training is Good Training – I felt this literary masterpiece by Nia was a nice compliment.

Social Media Shenanigans

**Admittedly, I was lame last week and wasn’t on social media much. I mean, I was in London for fuck’s sake.



Landmine Jump Squat. This is a variation I think I first saw @benbrunotraining talking about a few months ago. The “fixed” plane of the barbell makes it a bit more user friendly – especially for beginner & intermediate lifters – so as to jump and land on the same spot each time. An additional advantage is the rotary stability component of the drill. Because the barbell is on one side, the individual has to fight to stay upright more and engage the core musculature. All the same coaching cues apply here as with any other jump exercise: 1) End how you start. Notice how Dan (one of my collegiate baseball players) starts and ends with a degree of hip flexion; or “soft” knees. The idea is to ABSORB force (land quietly) and not with a thud. 2) he also sticks the landing and resets with each rep, which can then be progressed to more of a reactive exercise. I.e., limited ground contact time. Nice way to add a little jump/power development into your training.

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CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 7/8/16

In case you weren’t keeping track, there’s only three more weekends until Jason Bourne comes out.

I can’t begin to explain how excited I am for this movie. It’s gotten to the point where every time I walk into a room I can’t help but yell out, “My god, it’s Jason Bourne.”

It’s like a tick.

My wife’s eyes are tired from rolling them so much.

Like many fans I’ve also primed myself by re-watching the entire trilogy again, for the 17th time.[footnote]The 4th movie, The Bourne Legacy, you know the one with Jeremy Renner, while “okay,” doesn’t count.[/footnote]

In addition, I’ve been telling people they should read the books, you know, if they’re real fans.

Outside of the first few chapters of Identity, the books are completely different from the movies so you don’t have to worry about any spoilers. Other than Bourne dies.

LOL – just kidding.[footnote]Or am I?[/footnote]

I’m so freakin pumped for this movie!!!!

[Rolls up a magazine. Heads outside to fight a complete a stranger].

Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop Coming to London

My wife and I will be in London the weekend of August 6-7th for a 2-day Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

This will be a great experience for any fitness professional looking to learn more on behavior change, mindset, building autonomy & competence with their clients, as well as program design, assessment, and learning how to coach common exercises such as the deadlift and squat.

Only 12 spots have been made available for attendees outside of The Third Space on a first-come-first-serve basis, so act quickly!

NOTE: I will make exception(s) for any Game of Thrones actors who want to attend.

Contact Luke Worthington (info in flier above) for more details.

Onto this week’s list of stuff to read…..

Usain Bolt, The Movement Police, and Keyboard Sprinting Experts – Doug Kechijian

I applaud Doug for how articulate he was in writing this.

Context is everything.

I wish people would just mind their own business, STFU, and keep their “never trained an elite athlete in their life” commentary to themselves.

The Mind-Boggling Bullshit of Health and Fitness – Nia Shanks

You know we’ve failed as an industry when the people we “serve” ask insane questions like “is it okay if I eat an apple?”

Why Just “Eating Healthy” Won’t Help You Lose Fat – Jorden Pagel

This is a slightly older post from Jorden (April 2016) that I just had the opportunity to read. But man was it worth the wait.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/31/14

Happy Halloween everybody!

I, for one, can’t stand Halloween. Not a fan.

I’m always asked if I’m going to dress up or anything and I always respond with some form of eye roll. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

I “get” that some people love it, view it as a day to have fun and dress up like a Superhero or a slutty starfish (or whatever), not to mention it allows people reckless abandon to crush some Skittles and Starbursts!!

To me, though, Halloween is an introverts worst nightmare, and I’d rather avoid it all costs.

Except for when this happens.  Sorry, I can’t help it.  Y chromosome and all…..;o)

So have fun tonight people.  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. I’ll be in bed by 9 PM.

Not kidding.

Quick Heads-Up!

The early bird special for mine and Dean Somerset’s workshop in Los Angeles at the end of November ENDS THIS WEEKEND!!!!!

CrossFit 714 is hosting the event and it’s a beautiful facility with a TON of open space (so much room for activities!!!!).

It’s going to be an eventful two days with equal parts lecture and hands-on coaching. This isn’t some lamo workshop where all you do is sit there and listen to the two of us talk about assessment, fascial trains, and whether or not it’s better to squat with a high-bar position or low bar. That is part of the deal (and I may or may not include a slideshow of nothing but my cat), but we do make a concerted effort to make the weekend as participatory as possible.

There is a lot of DOING!! We talk about stuff and then we do it. As a group.

Okay, the way I worded that last sentence is kind of weird. Lets just roll with it, though. Nooooo awkwardness here.  No sir.

Did I mention pants are optional??

Nevertheless, after this weekend the price of the workshop increases by $100. Save yourself $100 by going HERE.

Now on to the list!

Can “Diet” Make You Fat? The Truth on Artificial Sweeteners – Joe Leech

Listen, you can find research to back or deny anything. I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find a research study validating the efficacy of sticking your finger in an electrical socket to increase testosterone by 717%.

I felt this was a fair assessment on artificial sweeteners.

Everything You Think Is Wrong With Your Deadlift Is Probably Right – Greg Nuckols

Like, whoa. This was one of the better articles I’ve read in a while on the deadlift and definitely made me view things in a different light.

I’m talking beer googles are off and everything!

How to Perform Band Assisted Pull-Ups (and An Advanced Variation) – Nia Shanks

I know some coaches and trainers like to poo-poo on band assisted pull-ups, but I like them. Here, Nia demonstrates how to perform them correctly as well as demonstrates a variation that I felt was pretty cool.

In fact I added it to my “why didn’t I ever think of that?” file.

It’s a large file.

CategoriesProgram Design Strength Training

The Train to Be Awesome Guide

Anyone who’s read my blog for any length time knows that I’m fairly passionate about a number of things.  In no particular order (except for the first one) they consist of:

1.  BACON!
2.  Tiesto.
3.  Zombies.
4.  Watching zombies get pwned.
5.  LIfting heavy things (and more germane to today’s conversation – advocating that women lift heavy things).

I’ve been everything but bashful when it comes to my thoughts and feelings towards the mainstream media and how it placates a negative, seemingly cancer-like stronghold on women and their attitudes towards body image and what’s considered an “ideal” body-type.

In case you missed them (or are new to the site), you can check out a few glowing examples:

The Myth of Female Specific Training

Should You Use Scale Weight as a Measure of Success?  Hint: No

Want to Really Earn Your Cake?  Ladies:  Turn Off Tracy Anderson

Why We Are the Even Weaker Sex

And I’m not that only who champions this same sentiment. There are a plethora of other people who have gone out of their way to debunk (female) training myths, chastise those who feel women don’t belong in a squat rack, and otherwise have rolled their eyes at an industry (society?) who feel women are these delicate rainbows who should resort to “Skinny Bitch” diets and consider a yoga mat heavy lifting.

My good friend, and ambassador to quote-on-quote female training, Nia Shanks, is another “item” I’d add to my list above. There are many reasons why I respect Nia as a friend and as a fitness professional. She’s without question one of the most passionate, non-judgmental, and “real” people I know.

I say “real” not in the context of “wow, she’s a human-being. I can interact with her, and share protein bar recipes and stuff. Awesome!”

No, when I say “real” I mean she’s someone who doesn’t BS people. She knows what works, talks the talk, but more importantly, walks it.

I’m in awe of her for what’s she’s accomplished in helping to empower women that lifting weights is not only okay, but something they should (and can) do.

And it’s not even that. Nia understands that being healthy (and happy) is much more than how much weight someone can lift. While that’s cool and all, Nia will be the first person to tell you that becoming the best version of yourself entails many components, from nutrition to the mind-body connection to Matt Damon movies.

Okay, I added that last one in. But needless to say Nia’s the shit.

Which is why I’m always more than willing to do my part in helping promote her products.  Her latest “project,” The Train to Be Awesome Guide, is no different.

In a world where most books encourage dieting, deprivation, gradually eating less, restriction, working out to total exhaustion, fixing “flaws”, and meeting someone else’s opinion of “ideal”, in her words Nia “wanted to share something that empowers women to eat delicious food, to focus on building themselves up (through physical AND mental strength training) and to realize that they are uniquely awesome.” 

Maybe even more heartfelt is the notion that Nia’s ultimate goal was to “create a guide and program that a mother would be proud to share with her daughter.”

I asked Nia if she’d be willing to jot down a few more

Who’s it for? The Train to Be Awesome Guide is for the woman who wants to become the strongest, most awesome version of herself with simple, no nonsense, strength training and nutrition that enhances her overall life, and doesn’t dominate it.

Basically, it’s for any woman who wants to reach her full potential in the gym and build a great body in a unique way.

What makes it unique? Many things, actually. The Train to Be Awesome Guide is all about building a great body, but without focusing on that goal. I know it’s confusing, but allow me to explain.

For example, the main focus of the accompanying strength training program is to get stronger and improve your performance. Each workout you’ll strive to do a little better than last time. It’s not about getting tired or achieving as much fatigue as possible –

It’s about getting stronger, building yourself up, and becoming even more awesome.

It’s also unique in the fact that you won’t track the typical markers as with most fitness regimens.

It may seem daunting, but you won’t step on a scale or even take measurements. Instead you’ll focus on POSITIVE, performance orienting markers that you’ll track throughout the program.

Specifically, you’ll track your squat (either barbell or goblet), number of push-ups and chin-ups (or inverted rows), and the number of swings you can perform in a set period of time. You’ll also track some subjective markers such as energy levels and how your favorite pair of jeans (or dress) fits.

When THOSE things improve, THEN you’ll also reap the body transforming results you want. But this way, they’re just a wonderful side effect from becoming stronger and more awesome.

There are also some simple, flexible, DIET-FREE, nutrition guidelines.

Finally, the Train to Be Awesome Guide includes a detailed, step-by-step success guide so you know exactly what you need to do to be successful.

What makes it awesome?  It’s awesome because it will show you exactly how to become even MORE awesome.

You’ll do this with the “Train to Be Awesome Philosophy” and the accompanying 16 Week Program that includes demonstration videos for every exercise that you can watch on your smart phone, tablet, or computer.

And, finally, because it’s super simple and practical. You’ll only have to work out 3-4 days per week. The information is simple to implement so you’ll not only achieve results, but you’ll maintain them long-term.

The Train to Be Awesome Guide is on sale NOW through this Friday, October 18th for only $29.  For what it costs to go see an IMAX movie for two on a Friday night, you can get 16-weeks of programming and nutrition guidance that will undoubtedly set you up for LONG-TERM success.

Sounds like a no-brainer in my book.

Are You Ready to Get More Awesomer?


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: Autoregulation, Busting Through Plateaus, and Probiotics

Unfortunately I have to keep this one pretty short today.  Lisa’s dad and step-mother flew into town yesterday from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and after taking them out to a nice dinner, we all walked back to our apartment where Amanda (Lisa’s step-mother), busted out her iPad so that we could all play Ellen DeGeneres’ game Heads Up.

For those unfamiliar (which was the case with me less than twelve hours ago), it’s simply a word guessing game where your friends try to get you to say the word on the screen by giving you hints. Only with Heads Up, you hold the phone or iPad above your head and it records video of your friend giving hints. You have sixty seconds to guess as many words as you can.

It’s basically Blind Man’s Bluff meets charades, but with video.

And let me just say it’s sooooooooooo addicting.  Lets just put in this way:  there may or may not exist video of me imitating Forrest Gump, a Canadian, and Elmo.

Not to brag or anything, but my Forrest Gump is pretty spot on.  And, surprisingly, my Elmo wasn’t too shabby either.  At one point I had Lisa crying in laughter.

So basically this was just a long-winded way of saying that we slept in this AM, and here’s some stuff you should check out:

How You Feel is NOT a Lie  – David Dellanave

Outside of having one of the most epic mustaches in human history (^^^), David is also the owner of Movement Minneapolis, as well as someone who’s long championed the sentiment of auto-regulation.

We’ve all been there. Some days we feel like rock stars heading into the gym. while on others we feel like we’ve gotten run over by a mack truck.

With respects to the latter, is it best to suck it up and train anyways?

Sometimes, yes.  Sometimes, no.  But according to David…….usually no.  But that doesn’t mean curling up on the couch and catching up on episodes of Teen Mom.

It may just mean nixing your planned workout and going with Plan B or C instead.

Coincidentally Plan C almost always entails some form of bicep curls.  Just sayin……

5 Strength Training Techniques For Busting Through Strength, Fat Loss, and Muscle Building Plateaus – Nia Shanks

I <3 Nia.

That is all.

The Scary Truth About Probiotics – TC Luoma

In this well written and well researched editorial piece, TC dives into some of the research behind the efficacy of probiotics. We’re literally just scraping the tip of the iceberg as far as understanding the role that bacteria play in our gut, but you’d be hard pressed to get that notion from all the hippie naturopaths out there claiming to know otherwise.

CategoriesFemale Training Miscellaneous Miscellany Nutrition Product Review

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: Lots of Catching Up to Do Edition

1. Another busy weekend in the books!  Yesterday I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at the New Hampshire Athletic Trainer’s Association annual symposium.

A few year’s back I remember attending a similar function with Eric at Northeastern University and walking in with jeans on and feeling completely out of place.  Apparently I missed the memo (and it’s an unspoken rule) that athletic trainers have a tendency of wearing nothing but tan khaki pants!  LOLz.

Not that I would ever consider speaking in a pair of jeans (unless I was speaking at Google), but I did make it a point of wearing tan khaki pants yesterday so that I wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Success!

And speaking of success, yesterday was awesome.  First on the docket was Dr. Eric. Berkson (Director, MGH Sports Performance Center, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School and team physician to the Boston Red Sox and New England Patriots), who talked at length about common shoulder and elbow injuries seen in pitchers. Many of his thoughts, not surprisingly, mirrored that of ours at Cressey Performance – especially with regards to placing more credence in symmetry of TOTAL range of motion between (IR + ER) between the dominant and non-throwing shoulder.

Expectantly, lack of IR, commonly referred to at GIRD (Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit), is predictive and not quite the “red flag” it was 2-3 years ago.

Additionally he stressed that many of the throwing injuries we see in young(er) baseball players is due to overuse, misuse, and not paying attention to pitch counts.

And then there was me, Tony Gentilcore (who has no affiliation with Harvard what-so-ever other than having a teeny-tiny man crush on one of their alumni, Matt Damon) who spoke more on the performance side of things.  I delved into how we go about managing our overhead athletes, discussed some of the assessment process, spoke to the intricacies of dealing with a population that, unlike everyone else, lives in extension for a good portion of the year, gave the Cliff Notes version to breathing patterns and how we implement them, and maybe had a tip or two on how to improve one’s spin on their curveball….;o)

All in all it was an awesome afternoon and it was truly an honor to be involved in it.

2.  Just a quick reminder that slots are still open for the Elite Training Workshop at Cressey Performance the weekend of April 20th.  The line-up is BALLER, with the likes of Eric Cressey, Mike Roberson, Mike Reinold, Dave Schmitz, myself, Greg Long, and Jared Woolever slated to speak.

For $99 you can’t beat the price.

Go HERE for more details.

3. Last week I wrote a little sumthin sunthin on Strong Curves, the new book by my good friends Bret Contreras and Kellie Davis that I feel is going to be a game changer in the realm of women and fitness.

I won’t continue to sing its praises here (you can read my review HERE), but I do want to give everyone a heads up on another fantastic product by another good friend of mine, Nia Shanks.

Nia has openly discussed her (past) battle with disordered eating routinely on her blog, and I can’t tell you how much I respect her for not only showing how human she is, but that she’s so willing to help others in the process.

I don’t think I have to tell everyone reading that it takes a lot of guts to open yourself up like that to the masses.

Myself, many of my colleagues, as well as Nia have noticed an unfortunate trend in the nutrition world where things have gotten so convoluted and complicated that people have no idea what the hell they should be eating!  This phenomena – thanks in no small part to the likes of the mainstream media and gossip magazines – seems to be hitting its tipping point in the female demographic.

To the point where I overhead a woman talking to her friend not too long ago in Panera explaining that she wasn’t sure if she should have an apple included with her lunch because of the carbs.  Mind you, she was crushing a massive sandwich.

Anyways, Nia felt it was high-time to put an end to the madness so she developed her own answer to the problem.

===> Sane and Simple Nutrition <===

Cue slow cap here.

It’s an ebook, it’s nothing fancy (it doesn’t have to be), but the information is SOLID.  I (along with Nia) don’t ever claim to have all the answers, but sometimes we just need to filter through the stupid and come back to common sense.  And that is exactly what I wholeheartedly encourage anyone interested to check it our for themselves.

This ain’t NASA.  Eat the apple!

4.  Speaking of nutriton, I’m really, really fascinated by the food industry.  More to the point, I’m almost at awe at the food industry’s Jedi-like “mind trick” powers at convincing people that certain foods are “healthy” when they’re clearly anything but.  ORGANIC Toaster Pastries anyone???

Lisa dragged me into a Target yesterday (don’t judge me!), and we happened to walk through the food section and I couldn’t help but drown in the bullshit.  I noticed that General Mills has a new variation of Cheerios out called Multi-Grain Cheerios w/ Peanut Butter!

The kicker is the advertising and how they gloat that the first ingredient is WHOLE GRAIN!!!!!  Like whoa! I should be doing cartwheels down the aisle and kissing every baby I see within a mile radius.

Upon further inspection, the “whole grain” they’re referring to is none other than whole grain corn, followed by sugar. Naturally.


While it’s technically not wrong of them to say the first ingredient is a “whole grain,” I think it’s fairly egregious of them to use that as a selling point of tactic.

Now if you excuse me I need to go throw my face on an ax.

NOTE:  for those interested in food industry shenanigans I’d highly recommend becoming a regular reader of Dr. Yoni Freedhoff’s blog Weighty Matters.

Awesome stuff.

5.  For those looking to kill roughly five minutes, HERE’s a radio interview I did while I was back in my hometown last week prior to speaking at my Alma Mater.

The guy doing the interview LOVED my “abs are made in the kitchen” comment.

6.  If you ever would have told me at some point in my life that I’d see my name in the likes of Forbes, I would have laughed. While I didn’t make the any list such as Most Powerful or Top Five People Most Likely to Be Issued a Restraining Order From Kate Beckinsale World’s Richest People, it was still pretty neat to see my name in print on their site.

Thanks for’s Chief Research Officer and Editor, David Tao, for asking me contribute on THIS article on Interval (or HIIT) training has changed the industry – for better or worse.

7.  In other cameo appearance news, I also helped contribute to another article titled 16 Exercises from the World’s Best Trainers collected by Jon-Erik Kawamoto on

And that’s that.