CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/31/14

Happy Halloween everybody!

I, for one, can’t stand Halloween. Not a fan.

I’m always asked if I’m going to dress up or anything and I always respond with some form of eye roll. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

I “get” that some people love it, view it as a day to have fun and dress up like a Superhero or a slutty starfish (or whatever), not to mention it allows people reckless abandon to crush some Skittles and Starbursts!!

To me, though, Halloween is an introverts worst nightmare, and I’d rather avoid it all costs.

Except for when this happens.  Sorry, I can’t help it.  Y chromosome and all…..;o)

So have fun tonight people.  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. I’ll be in bed by 9 PM.

Not kidding.

Quick Heads-Up!

The early bird special for mine and Dean Somerset’s workshop in Los Angeles at the end of November ENDS THIS WEEKEND!!!!!

CrossFit 714 is hosting the event and it’s a beautiful facility with a TON of open space (so much room for activities!!!!).

It’s going to be an eventful two days with equal parts lecture and hands-on coaching. This isn’t some lamo workshop where all you do is sit there and listen to the two of us talk about assessment, fascial trains, and whether or not it’s better to squat with a high-bar position or low bar. That is part of the deal (and I may or may not include a slideshow of nothing but my cat), but we do make a concerted effort to make the weekend as participatory as possible.

There is a lot of DOING!! We talk about stuff and then we do it. As a group.

Okay, the way I worded that last sentence is kind of weird. Lets just roll with it, though. Nooooo awkwardness here.  No sir.

Did I mention pants are optional??

Nevertheless, after this weekend the price of the workshop increases by $100. Save yourself $100 by going HERE.

Now on to the list!

Can “Diet” Make You Fat? The Truth on Artificial Sweeteners – Joe Leech

Listen, you can find research to back or deny anything. I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find a research study validating the efficacy of sticking your finger in an electrical socket to increase testosterone by 717%.

I felt this was a fair assessment on artificial sweeteners.

Everything You Think Is Wrong With Your Deadlift Is Probably Right – Greg Nuckols

Like, whoa. This was one of the better articles I’ve read in a while on the deadlift and definitely made me view things in a different light.

I’m talking beer googles are off and everything!

How to Perform Band Assisted Pull-Ups (and An Advanced Variation) – Nia Shanks

I know some coaches and trainers like to poo-poo on band assisted pull-ups, but I like them. Here, Nia demonstrates how to perform them correctly as well as demonstrates a variation that I felt was pretty cool.

In fact I added it to my “why didn’t I ever think of that?” file.

It’s a large file.

CategoriesProgram Design Strength Training

Rethinking Percentage Based Training

I like to think of myself as an open-minded kind of guy:

– I used to hate Brussels sprouts, now I love em. Especially when they’re drowned in bacon fat.

– The other weekend, while dining out in DC, Dean (Somerset) and Ann (Wendel) ordered some sweetbreads for an appetizer. In my mind I was like, “Sweet! Sweetbreads! Are we talking cinnamon raisin here? Something with a cheesecake frosting?”

I’m not what you would call an adventurous omnivore.

They were “breaded” so I ate them. They weren’t sweet (weird), but tasted good.

When it comes to things like calamari, pate, fois gras, or putting anything other than caramel on ice-cream, I’d rather jump into a live volcano than eat that stuff. It wasn’t until a week later when Lisa and I were watching the season premier of Top Chef Boston that I learned what sweetbreads really are.


I’ll get over it.

– I went to a screening of Brokeback Mountainby myself, mind you – when it first came out in theaters. Two dudes making out in a tent? Whatevs.

– I once voted for a Democrat (even though I’m a registered Republican).

– And, I’m not skeered to rock a pink shirt when the occasion calls for it.

In the above scenario I believe it was because it was Wednesday.

This open-mindedness doesn’t just default to regular life stuff either. I’m pretty open when it comes to fitness-related things as well.  Sure, I have my biases and preferences on certain things – I think kipping pullups are dumb, I believe everyone should perform some sort of deadlifting 1-2x per week, I loathe how yoga is marketed towards women (if I hear one more “long and lean” muscles diatribe I’m gonna snap) – but for the most part I take a “middle-of-the-road” attitude on most things.

I can see the rationale or benefit on just about everything. What I can’t stand is when fitness peeps are so far to the left or right on any given topic that they become irrational.

We have people arguing over the merits of organic vs. conventional foods (GMO), and yet a vast majority of people aren’t even eating a serving of fruit or vegetables per day! Who cares if it’s organic or GMO? I hate to break it to you, but 95% of what we eat is GMO anyways, including those organic cherry tomatoes.

Photo Credit: val’sphotos

We like to argue over minutia and it’s human nature to be set in our ways I suppose. We like to believe we live in a black or white world (where you’re right and everyone else who disagrees is wrong), but so much of it is grey.

More to the point, whatever the debate may be or question being asked, in the entire world, but especially in the fitness world, everything can be answered with one simple (albeit complicated) phrase……

It Depends.

Is Paleo a good fit for you? It depends.

What about intermittent fasting? It depends.

CrossFit – yay or nay? It depends.

HIIT over steady state cardio? It depends.

A roast beef sandwich is smarter than Tracy Anderson? No debate. Abso-freakin-lutely.

But lets get serious for a second. What about percentage based training?

I used to dismiss this type of training, but as of late I’ve been having a bit of a change of heart and have been incorporating it more and more with my own programming, as well as that of my athletes and clients.

But, as with everything else, there’s a time and place for it and whether or not it’s a good fit for YOU will, wait for it……………..


What Is It?

Many programs will utilize percentages (based off of one’s 1RM) for loading schemes and provide detailed set and rep schemes for the lifter.

For example, a day may call for 4 sets of 6 reps with 75% of 1RM.

The Advantages

1. Such an approach takes a lot of guess work out of the equation and provides instantaneous direction to many trainees who otherwise would be confused as to how much weight they should be using.

All you have to do is figure out one’s 1RM for any particular lift, type out some numbers in a calculator, bleep, bloop, beep, beep, bloop, and PRESTO, you have a training session!

2. Olympic weightlifters use this approach religiously, and they’re ridiculous athletes. I hate them…..;o)

3. Percentage based training makes a lot of sense when working with larger groups or team based training. Some collegiate strength coaches I know are in charge of 3-4 teams which is a crap load of programming for one person.

This approach drastically reduces the workload, while still allowing for some tweaking and individualization.

4.  And, it works!

Some of the most successful training programs in the past few years, Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 and Brandon Lilly’s The Cube Method are two gleaning examples.

Not to mention, of course, the classics like Shieko, Smolov, and The Russian Squat Routine….those sadomasochist bastards!

The Disadvantages

1. Some coaches, myself included, can see the benefits percentage based training has for beginner and intermediate lifters. Like I mentioned above, it provides structure and takes out a lot of the guesswork.

That said, the knock against it is that it doesn’t take into account one’s preparedness for any given day. One day may call for 80% and you feel like you could deadlift a bulldozer. You get your reps in, but it was too easy.

Conversely, one day you walk into the gym feeling like you got run over by a bulldozer and your programs calls for 2×3 @ 90%. You miss reps and your entire session is a train wreck.

Expounding on this point a bit further, I’ll steal some insight from Bret Contreras:

Programming just isn’t that simple. My colleague Brad Schoenfeld and I recently collected data for an upcoming study we intend on publishing that examines the EMG activation in the leg muscles with heavier weight (75% of 1RM) versus light weight (30% of 1RM) to failure. While we weren’t particularly interested in the number of repetitions the subjects achieved during exercise performance, we were intrigued to find that with the 75% of 1RM loading, the ranges of repetitions achieved by the subjects varied dramatically from one lifter to the next. While most subjects performed between 10 and 15 repetitions, one subject performed a whopping 21 repetitions, and another subject performed just 7 repetitions (with 30% of 1RM, the range was 30 to 71).

What does this mean for percentage based training?

For some it will be on point. The load, sets, and reps mirror that of the person’s ability and they’ll see great progress.

For others it will be too much.

2. Another thing to consider is the argument that strength doesn’t happen in a linear fashion. As Eric Cressey notes:

I rarely use percentages. Think about it this way…

If you test your squat and it’s 500 at the beginning of a 16-week cycle, and then put 50 pounds on it over the course of that period, the percentages based on that 500 number aren’t very accurate by the time week 11, 12, 13, etc. roll around, are they?

In short, you’d have to re-test your 1RM every four weeks or so to update your program calculator which is a major pain in the ass (not to mention detrimental in that people spend waaaaaaay too much time testing their 1RM rather than actually building it. More on this below).

3.  Something else to consider is that some programs that utilize percentage based training are absolute eye wash and make no sense.

As Jesse Irizarry notes in THIS article, a large number of programs have rep counts assigned to percents that don’t factor cumulative stress on the body of doing multiple reps at that given percent.

Performing 5 reps of any movement at 80% of 1RM doesn’t sound too hardcore, right? Easy peasy.

The FIRST rep is the only one that represents 80% of 1RM. Every rep thereafter represents cumulative stress on the body and is greater than the demand of 80% 1RM.

And then we’re asking some trainees to perform 5,6, even 7 SETS at that percentage!?!?!

That’s going to smoke some people.

Rethinking Percentage Based Training

Here’s my thought process today as I tap away on my keyboard.

1. For beginners and a fair portion of intermediate trainees, I feel percentage based training can work, but it may not be a good fit right out of the gate. To be blunt, most just aren’t strong enough to even worry about it. Yes, it provides structure – and I can’t argue that. But if you’re a grown man and your 1RM squat is only 185 lbs, is it really going to make a huge difference if you train at 90% (which is 166 lbs???).

Yes, it’s relative – 90% is 90%, and heavy is heavy – but I think most people in this camp would be better served using an RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) scale or following something like THIS.

2. In addition to the point above, most beginners aren’t remotely ready to handle loads upwards of 85-90%+ of 1RM. That’s just silly talk.

3. Remember earlier when I said a lot of trainees spend too much time testing their 1RM rather than building it?

This is something fellow CSP coach, Greg Robins, has discussed as of late and I couldn’t agree more.

Percentage based training helps people build a wider foundation in order to build a higher peak.

Photo Credit: Circled Thrice

How you get strong is by moving what you could originally do for 3 reps and perform it for 5.

What was originally your 92.5% 3RM is now 87.5% (<– based off of Prilepin’s Chart).

You can only do this by accumulating volume and by putting in the work. It’s not just going to happen. And this is where using percentage based training has a TON of merit, and, not coincidentally, is why Wendler’s 5/3/1 is so effective!

If more upper level intermediate lifters (and advanced lifters) bought into this mantra, I’m sure they’d see some improvements in their numbers.

4. I think too, percentage based training, more so for advanced lifters, provides some semblance of forced autoregulation.

Speaking from personal experience I know I’d always get into trouble when I consistently forced myself to train my deadlift in the 90% and up range. At some point, by week 4 or 5, my back would be like, “hahahahahahaha, not gonna happen Tony.”

Utilizing more percentage based work forces me to tone it down a bit, place more of a premium on bar speed and technique, and allows me to accumulate more volume without my back flipping me the middle finger. And I’m cool with that.

Percentage based training isn’t the end-all-be-all approach, and it isn’t going to work for everyone.  But that’s my thought process as it stands today. What do you think?

CategoriesMotivational Strength Training

Lessons Learned Preparing For My First Powerlifting Meet – Part II

Today’s guest post comes from one of my good friends, Ryan Wood. Ryan wrote Part One of this series a few weeks go (which you can check out HERE) prior to his first powerlifting meet, which took place two weekends ago.

I thought he did a fantastic job with it, and it ended up getting a lot of positive feedback and was well received because a lot of people who read this blog have contemplated competing down the road.

In Part Two (below), Ryan discusses his first meet and some of the lessons he learned.


Back on October 11th, I competed in my first ever power lifting meet.  The meet was held in Everett, Massachusetts, right around the corner from Total Performance Sports.

On meet day, I arrived to the rec center around noon to listen to the rules. Jumping the gun on commands was the last thing I wanted to do in my first meet. I was pretty nervous when I got there, and even more so as the actual meet time approached. The morning session was set to finish a little bit early, so I began preparing and lightly warming up for the 2:30 start time.

Luckily my good friend and competitive power lifter himself, Adam Pine, was there to coach me throughout the day. I really can’t thank him enough for his expertise during my first meet.

Note from TG: you can check out Adam (and Jordan Syatt) in their new YouTube video series: The Angry Coaches.

Here they make a plea to fitness professionals to “quit telling your clients they’re broken.”

There’s a lot that goes into having a successful meet, and having someone there to guide me sure took off a ton of pressure. Keeping this in mind, here are some key lessons I learned from my first power lifting meet.

1) Have a Handler

Basically a handler is someone who guides you during meet day. They help with the logistics of the meet and also provide bench press hand-offs.

Note from TG Again (Shit, sorry to hijack your article Ryan!!!!): here’s a quick video I shot at BU Strength and Conditioning on how to properly hand off to someone. Yes, it matters.

Adam took care of getting my squat rack height set properly, sending in my attempts, telling me when to warm up and giving me cues to focus on.

I was very fortunate to have his guidance because without him I would have been a nervous wreck. Instead, he took care of the details which allowed me to focus on lifting and just enjoying my first meet.

Plus, it’s not like I’m going to argue with a guy who deadlifts 700 lbs….

2) Bring Plenty of Food/Water/Gatorade

This one is pretty self-explanatory but very important.

Power lifting meets are very long and tiring. I showed up for rules at noon and didn’t leave the rec center until 9pm.

Nine hours is a long time, but picking foods you know settle well in your stomach is key.

It’s not a good idea to crush some random exotic food if you don’t usually tolerate it well. Snacks like trail mix, beef jerky, protein bars and shakes, peanut butter sandwiches, water and Gatorade are some good examples to keep you fueled and ready to lift.

The worst thing is to be starving while you’re trying to get amped up for a PR deadlift attempt.

3) Know the Layout of the Meet and the Flights You Are In

Flights are basically what order you are lifting in.

The meet is organized based on weight lifted. Check the order as soon as it’s posted so you can begin to plan when to warm up so that you don’t finish warming up 30 minutes before your first attempt.

Again, I had Adam there to help me time my warmups so I was ready when my name was called.

Once I was finished benching, I still had about 2 hours until deadlifts even started. Since I was in the 2nd flight for deadlifts, I knew I could add another 15-20 minutes to the start time. Adam recommended that I just relax and get a little food in me as I had plenty of time to warmup once the first flight of deadlifts began.

 Photo Credit: Elitefts

Along the same lines as knowing the layout, it’s also important not to go nuts in warmups. Adam suggested I take jumps like I normally would in training when working up closer to my attempts.

Try to do your last warmup about 4-5 minutes before you’re set to lift on the platform.

4) Take PR Attempts Even If They Are Small PR’s

I opened my first meet with a 315 squat. This was easy, as it should have been.

Because it was my first meet, it was recommended to me to open light and show the judges that I could handle the weight

My next attempt was 350 which also felt really great.

My best squat coming into the meet was 365. During my training as the meet approached, I wanted to hit a 385 squat. But things change a little on meet day, and while the 350 felt light, I jumped too much and ended up missing 385 in the hole. Adam suggested I go 375, which would have been a 10lb pr. I decided I wanted to go for 385 but it didn’t pay off.

The lesson I learned from failing on my 3rd squat attempt is this. Take a PR when you have the chance.

For my first meet, I should have listened to Adam. It really didn’t matter whether I squatted 375 or 385 because either weight was a PR since it was my first meet.

Instead of listening to his advice, I told him 385 and ended up being frustrated after missing it. The point is to take a PR even if it’s a small PR.

Honestly 370 probably would have been more realistic but I got greedy and paid the price.

5) Build Weaknesses

The only lift I failed on was my 385lb 3rd attempt on squats.

As you’ll see in the video, I didn’t stay controlled enough on the descent, which caused me to lose tightness in the hole. Once I started up out of the hole, I leaned forward just slightly and was out of position to stand up with the weight. I will specifically need to work on staying more upright, as well as building strength through my erectors, and overall back strength.

I will continue to work on taking it down with more confidence, and staying tighter throughout the entire lift.

Here’s the video of my 385 lb, attempt:

At the end of the day I ended up going 8/9, posting a 1020 total with a 350 squat, 210 bench, and 460 deadlift. I tested my strengths and was able to see my weaknesses as well.

I want to thank everyone that helped me along the way as well as my buddies who were there on meet day to cheer me on! Big thanks to Adam Pine for helping me have a successful first meet!

Here are videos of my successful lifts:

350 Squat

210 Bench – apologies for the grainy video

460 Deadlift -5lb PR

Some Other Great Resources on the Topic

All About Powerlifting – Tim Henriques (this book literally covers everything about powerlifting).

2×4 Strength Program – Bret Contreras (this program is basic and boring. But basic and boring is what works!).

Learn to Squat Seminar – Jordan Syatt (<— he holds world records. You should listen to him).

Building the Big 3 – Greg Robins (fantastic powerlifting program co-written by Eric Cressey)

About the Author

Ryan Wood is a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise. He interned at Cressey Performance in Hudson, Massachusetts, coaching athletes, professional baseball players, and general population clients for the last several years. He now works as a personal trainer in the Boston area.

He is passionate about about all things lifting and wants to help his clients reach their ultimate goals. He recently began powerlifting and will compete for the first time in October 2014.

You can check out his website HERE or become BFFs with him on Facebook HERE.

CategoriesMiscellaneous Miscellany

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday: 10/27/14

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done one of these, so lets jump right into it.

1. I wanted to first thank everyone who’s gone out of their way to reach out and to say such nice things about the new site.

Words cannot even express how much more I love the new site, and it makes me happy to know that others out there feel the same way.

There are still a handful of things that need to be addressed both functionally and aesthetically. Like the shirtless picture montage of myself set to the background music of the Karate Kid soundtrack (You’re the best! Around! Nothing’s ever gonna keep you down!). But all in all I feel the transition to the new site has been an easy one.

FYI: I’m referring to the original Karate Kid starring Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita. Not that Jaden Smith remake piece of garbage made a few years ago.

One thing I’ve implemented to the site that I feel many are unaware of is the Miscellany section. It’s an area where I can do more “off-topic” writing.

I know, I know…my writing as a whole lends itself to be more off-topic in nature. But I wanted there to be more of a sense of separation between my fitness writing and my nerdier other half that likes to write about progressive house music (check out my EPIC chill mix on Spotify), cheese, zombies, and my secret (but not really) obsession with movies.

As an example I went to see the new movie Whiplash this past weekend.

HERE’s my first attempt at writing a review.

I’ll be awesome if you checked it out and let me know what you think!

2. Speaking of other things I’ve written as of late, and for those who aren’t remotely interested in what I have to say about artsy-fartsy independent movies that don’t have any explosions, HERE’s recent article I wrote on on a simple fix you can use to make squatting more knee friendly.

HERE’s an article I helped contribute to on on some of the best combination strength moves.

And HERE’s one where I made a cameo that popped up on the Daily Burn’s site written by Jordan Shakeshaft on gym etiquette.

3. Lisa and I were walking home from the gym yesterday when we passed this bike outside of Trader Joe’s.

Coolest bike ever?

A photo posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

Like it’s even a question!?

4. Hey Los Angeles!!

Do I have your attention?

Dean Somerset and I are going to be in your neck of the woods the weekend of November 22nd for our 2-day Excellent High Five Workshop.

We’ll be hosted by CrossFit 714 located in Orange, CA and we’re expecting a baller event.

As if hanging with Dean and I isn’t enough, as it turns out we have a few fitness celebrities who are going to be stopping by as well.

Best selling author of Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha (and my former editor at Men’s Health and LiveStrong), Adam Bornstein, will be attendance. His co-author and good friend of mine, John Romaniello, may also stop by.

Master Strong First instructor and FMS instructor, Dr. Mark Cheng, will be stopping by to pwn all of us in kettlebell shenanigans.

In addition, and I think this is super cool, celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson actually signed up to attend.

Kinda cool to know that guys of his caliber and stature still make an effort to learn.

On top of that we still may have a few more appearances from other fitness big wigs to add. Nevertheless, it’s looking as if it’s going to be an amazing weekend.

For more information on the itinerary, cost, etc you can go HERE.

5. I never quite understand why some people will get super duper butt-hurt over something I write. On one hand I understand that, by my own accord and choice, I offer myself to open criticism by the public for anything I write. It comes with the territory, and I get that. I’m a big boy and I can handle it.

Sometimes I cry.

Okay, all the time.

I’m crying right now.

The point is, I wish some people would read an article – preferably all the way through – and learn how to disseminate the text as it applies to them.

Case in point: CrossFit.

I’m over the CrossFit bashing. I did it a few years back, like every other strength coach, but have more or less done a 180 in terms of my feelings towards it.

I have good friends who “do CrossFit,” and who also own or coach in their own boxes. I’ve also trained at a CrossFit gym. I don’t “do CrossFit,” but I do utilize their open gym hours.


I know, right?

Next think you know I’m going to admit to ordering a soy burger or becoming BFFs with Tracy Anderson.

That said, I still have my qualms with CrossFit. While it’s starting to get better, I still feel most (not all) do a piss-poor job at assessing (or ramping) their clientele to better match workouts to one’s injury history, or better yet ability level.

I also still adamantly abhor kipping pull-ups.

Relax. I understand that kipping pull-ups are a different beast compared to strict pull-ups…much like, as Christian Thibaudeau noted recently, a push press is different compared to a strict military press.

There’s “technique” involved to a kipping pull-up (weeeeeeeeeeeeeee), and more to the point, it’s part of the culture and is something that’s tested (in CrossFit. No where else).

Okay, fine.

But that doesn’t make it a good fit for most of the people who are doing them.

For me, if someone can’t do a STRICT pull-up they have no business attempting a kipping pull-up (even if it does allow them to do “more”).

Joint distraction forces on the shoulders and lumber spine notwithstanding – and there’s a SHIT-TON of it – it’s just common sense in my eyes.

If or when someone can do (several) strict pull-ups, maybe, MAYBE kipping pull-ups can enter the conversation. But if I were going to be honest with myself: I still think they’re, for lack of a better term, dumb not my first choice. And most people aren’t close to being appropriately prepared to handle them in the long-term.

This is something I’ve stated repeatedly – in both the article linked to above, as well as continue to do today……..

Strict pull-ups BEFORE kipping pull-ups.

Which is why I find it perplexing that I still get hate mail from CrossFit coaches (or participants) saying that I don’t know what I’m talking about and that I’m just a hater despite them AGREEING WITH ME! 

I don’t get it.

All they see if me dissing CrossFit, and they take it as a personal attack on them and their box.

Stop being so butt-hurt! If what I write doesn’t apply TO YOU or what you do with YOUR clients, then don’t get so offended.

I’m not saying you have to agree with me. And I certainly don’t want to insinuate that everything I write is the Golden Rule. It’s not. Except for anything I write about Matt Damon and how awesome he is. It’s pretty much fact. No debate.

*Puts fingers in ears*

La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. I can’t hear you.

All I ask is that you pause for a second and read what I’m saying.

It’s akin to when I write something like “dips aren’t a good fit for people with a history of shoulder issues,” and then someone inevitably shoots me an angry response “WTF Tony!!  I do dips all the time and my shoulders feel fine! You suck!  And your cat is ugly!”

I’m obviously not referring to YOU, and what I’m writing doesn’t apply. And my cat is a beautiful, beautiful princess!!!!

So, angry, fails to see my point CrossFit coach, here’s the deal: if you’re someone who advocates strict pull-ups before kipping pull-ups, congrats….we’re on the same page. No need to add me to your Billy Madison People to Kill list.

Obviously, I’m not referring to you. Deep breaths. Relax. It’ll be okay.

However, if you’re a coach who blindly has all of your clients kip, and many of them (not all) are dropping out like flies due to various injuries to their shoulders and backs, well then I have to ask….why?

For the elite of the elite – and for those best prepared – fine, kipping pull-ups okay.

But for everyone else, why?

CategoriesOff Topic

Movie Review: Whiplash

There’s a scene in Whiplash where the camera pans over Andrew’s shoulder (played by Miles Teller) as he’s lying on his bed tapping his fingers to an imagined tempo reverberating inside his head to a quote on his wall that says, “if you can’t do it right, you’ll end up joining a rock band.”

Or something to that effect. I don’t remember the quote verbatim.

It was a quick shot, and subtle, but the message (and joke) was clear: real drummers don’t join rock bands. And they certainly don’t go out of their way to listen to Bon Jovi. My apologies to New Jersey.

Real drummers do jazz.

And that’s the where the opening scene of Whiplash takes us. The screen is black and all you hear is the gradual beat of a drum as it slowly speeds up. We then see Andrew sitting alone in a room behind a drum set as the camera crawls in closer and closer to the inevitable speedy crescendo.

And all I could think to myself was, “holy shit, he’s actually doing that. Miles’ got skills!”

More on that point in a bit.

Andrew is day one into attending the prestigious and cutthroat music school he’s been accepted into (think: Juilliard in everything but name), when he looks up and sees one of the teachers, Terrance Fletcher, played by J.K. Simmons (otherwise known as “that guy in that movie,” or “Juno’s dad”) standing there listening and watching.

There’s an exchange of words, an awkward interaction, and you can tell Andrew is going to shit a drumstick he’s so terrified of his teacher. You just know that, eventually, bad things are going to happen.

And they do.

I’m not giving any of the plot away when I say Fletcher is a douche to the douchiest degree. He’s an old-school teacher who demands a lot from his students and isn’t scared to lash into them – both verbally and physically – in the blink of an eye. In one of the more memorable scenes, Fletcher lays into Andrew making him cry.

“Are you one of those single tear people? You are a worthless pancy-ass who is now weeping and slobbering all over my drumset like a nine year old girl!”

It was both funny and “fidget in my seat uncomfortable” at the same time.

To his credit, Simmons knocked this role out of the ballpark. I couldn’t help but compare his performance to that of Sgt. Hartman in Full Metal Jacket. I was half expecting a “Private Pyle” reference at some point.

Simmons has always been regarded as a renowned character actor, oftentimes playing idiosyncratic roles, and it was amazing to see him in more of a dramatic setting outside of the scope we’re used to seeing him in, sans HBO’s Oz.

And I have to say, my man looked YOKED up in this movie. Easily one of the most diesel looking music teachers in cinematic history. He could totally kick Mr. Holland’s ass. And take his lunch money for good measure.

If Simmons doesn’t receive a Best Supporting Actor nod at this year’s Oscars it will be a travesty.

A travesty I tell you.

And equally as impressive is Miles Teller. I remember first seeing Teller a few years ago in the Nicole Kidman/Aaron Eckart vehicle, Rabbit Hole, and holding his own against the two Hollywood heavyweights.

Up until now he’s been best known for his role in The Spectacular Now – the campy (albeit well reviewed) teenage love/coming of age story also starring Shailene Woodley. I don’t doubt that it’s a decent movie. I didn’t see it. Mainly because I have a penis.

Giving credit where it’s due, though, Teller does demonstrate impressive ability. Having “studied” drums since he was 15 in real life, it wasn’t a stretch for him to play the part of a percussionist protege.

He pulls it off flawlessly.

Unlike, say, Freddie Prinze Jr. back in the day in the movie Summer Catch. Remember that one? Didn’t think so. To refresh your memory, Prinze plays a college baseball player who throws 95 MPH, despite having the throwing mechanics of a one-armed shark.

Exactly. Sharks don’t even have arms!

It was that bad.

Anyways, apparently Teller went through some sort of drumming bootcamp, practicing four hours per day for 3-4 months to prepare for the role. It pays off.

I listened to an interview that writer/director, Damien Chazelle, did on EW radio and he revealed that there was little “movie magic” involved in masking Teller’s performance. 80-85% of what you see in the movie with regards to drumming is him.  Cool!

And speaking of Chazelle, he was able to make this movie because he first made a short film a while back – also titled Whiplash – which won a bunch of praise and awards. Because of it’s success, he was then able to get enough funding to make the main feature.

I suspect that this will also earn a lot of praise and awards.

CategoriesProgram Design Strength Training

5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger

Getting strong is easy. Focus on compound, multi-joint movements – preferably the squat, deadlift and bench press – and then try to move more weight in those lifts on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

Photo Credit: JD Hancock

Basically, lift heavy shit, a lot. Repeat. Forever.

So why do many people fail to make appreciable progress with their strength goals? In my latest article published on today I delve into five mistakes you can fix:

Continue Reading…..

CategoriesExercise Technique Program Design

New Warm-Up: Keiser Flow

Today’s guest post is brought to you by Boston University Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach, Jill Zeller.

I started training and making cameo appearances at BU two or so years ago when one my good friends, Dave Rak, was a GA there. He left (now a S&C coach at University of Washington), and the staff at BU were nice enough to let me continue to stop by. I’m sort of like that character Milton from the movie Office Space who just continues to show up to work despite technically no longer being an employee.

Without the stapler fetish of course.

Nonetheless, it’s a beautiful facility and the staff is fantastic.

As it happens, Jill and I were discussing “flow” warm-ups recently and she had a nice idea on how to incorporate a Keiser system into the mix. I asked her if she’d be interested in writing about it, and this is what she came up with.


PS: if you don’t have access to a Keiser system, no worries! You can just as easily use a standard pulley system.

In the last few years many coaches have been discussing developmental patterns that challenge people to breathe and crawl to increase their movement quality. The term Flow has been used by many strength coaches to describe a series of drills that effortlessly seem to blend together while constantly challenging the athlete to stabilize and mobilize.

Note from TG: Fun, random Tony fact (and my apologies to Jill for highjacking her article). When Lisa and I first started dating she had mentioned that one of her favorite books was Flow, written by renowned psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. 

In it he describes the “optimal experience,” and that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is the state of consciousness called…….flow.

During this state, Dr. Csikrerweufushjahkswqoiojfsyi describes people as typically experiencing deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life.

Examples include people who enjoy cooking, gardening, tinkering with their car, or for the more geeky of us, engaging in a full blown Magic the Gathering marathon. Whatever the case may be, we’re in it…with laser like focus.

The day after our first date, I bought the book as a way to prove to Lisa “see? I was listening!! I like you so much that I bought your favorite book from Dr. Whateverhisnameis. We should totally make out!”

Um, yeah, that book is still sitting on my bookshelf unopened. Someday I’ll crack it open and give it a go.

This FLOW warm-up follows the ground up approach incorporating an upper body push, pull, core and lower body squat and hinge pattern.

The Ground-Up Approach

Starts with some form of diaphragmatic breathing because this is the number one pillar you need to master before any other movement. Once you can exhale longer than you inhale, push your rib cage down towards your hips and engage your pelvic floor, you can begin.

Photo Credit: Supremedalekdunn

The first movement is a dead bug, which we all know Tony is obsessed with. It’s actually kind of creepy.

This is a supine core exercise. We start supine because if you cannot master your lumbo pelvic position supine you have no business moving into quadruped, half kneel or any other positions against gravity that offer a lesser base of support. Do 10 reps each side.

Note from TG: this ground-up approach highlights the SFMA’s 4×4 Matrix and serves as an excellent framework for customizing corrective exercise as well as programming considerations in general.

For example a 1-1 would be a supine glute bridge with a band wrapped around the knees (for proprioceptive feedback). A 4-4 would be something like a traditional squat or deadlift.

While rules are always meant to be broken, when you’re dealing with clients or athletes who exhibit stability/motor control dysfunction, the 4×4 Matrix acts as a foundation for addressing things through progressive postures, loads, and reflex activation.

NOTE: full video demonstration ALL the moves below.

From supine we have a smooth transition into the next core drill….Side Plank Row.

This is anti-lateral flexion exercise compounded with a one-arm horizontal pull. This is stability, mobility and strength in one exercise. The whole kinetic chain is working as you stabilize your core and row with your top hand using your rotator cuff muscles and rhomboids. Repeat 10 each side.

We progress into the quadruped position for Bird Dogs.

Bird dogs are a level harder than a dead bug because they challenge the base of support through your anti-rotary muscles and lumbar stabilizers. Repeat 10 on each side with a one second pause at end range without any lumbar movement. (Ladies: Make sure you’re far enough from the keiser that your pony tail doesn’t get caught in it..Just saying).

In the tall kneel position we transition to doing a One-Arm T with a Press. The tall kneeling position challenges our lumbo-pelvic position. The T forces us to have proper scapula stability and abduction. After abduction we add another horizontal press for an extra anti-rotary component.

Do 10 each side.

From a tall kneeling position we narrow the base of support to come into a ½ kneel position or an in-line position. To reiterate, it’s important to be cognizant of where our diaphragm and pelvis are in this position. Are we locked in?

Here we perform an anti-rotational press, the Pallof Press. Do 10/side.

We are finally approaching a standing position.

Hold the keiser handle at belly button height and have the athlete squat. By holding the keiser distal from your body you’re slightly pulling your thoracic position into flexion so you have to use your core stabilizers to maintain proper spinal alignment through a squat pattern.

Do 10 Core Engaged Keiser Squats.

The last exercise is a Single Leg Deadlift to Row. This teaches the hip hinge in a unilateral fashion. It’s a great regression when teaching an SLDL because the tension on the keiser allows you so sit back into the hip on the ground while extend and slightly internally rotate the hip moving through the sagittal plane. At the top we row to exaggerate hip extension upper body pulling.

The objective of this warm up is to go through many movement progressions within one seamless action. I.e., flow.

Athletes can appreciate the difficulty of each movement tier but still see the final outcome. (A standing position).

Lets See the Whole Thing in Action!

Repeat this twice and you have completed numerous core exercises, two upper body pulls, two upper body presses, one unilateral, one bilateral, a squat pattern, and a one leg hip hinge pattern in about 5-10 minutes.

You’ll definitely break a sweat and be more prepared for your subsequent training session. Plus, it serves as a nice change of pace and breaks up the monotony of most warm-ups. Give it a try today and let me know what you think in the comments section!

About the Author

Jill Zeller is an Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach at Boston University as well as one of the Head Strength and Conditioning coaches at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning.

She loves to deadlift. And give high-fives.

You can check out Jill’s Facebook page HERE, and follow her on Twitter HERE.

CategoriesExercise Technique Exercises You Should Be Doing

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Core Activated Deadbug w/ KB

I know for some reading, the idea of reading another post on deadbugs is about as exciting as watching paint dry, or worse, listening to Taylor Swift’s new album. I can commiserate to a degree.

I can hear the cries now:

“I mean really, deadbugs? Come on Tony, I thought you liked to lift heavy things and stuff?! Deadbugs are for pencil necked personal trainers who like to pretend they’re physical therapists and masturbate to their NASM workbook.”

Photo Credit: Studio 950

First off: ^^^^^ Those aren’t the deadbugs I’m talking about. Not to mention, for all I know these bugs are still alive. Cool pic though.

Second: That’s just mean. I’d never say anything like that quote above, or make that sort of correlation or accusation! Maybe 83% of the time. But outside of that, never.

Third (and most importantly): there’s a reason why I continue to sing their praises.

Deadbugs (and in the same ballpark, Birddogs) Work! Like, A lot

Just ask the group of coaches Dean and I took through the gauntlet this past weekend. I think 100% of them had a new found appreciation for how challenging the two can be. When done correctly.

I’m not going to reinvent the wheel. I already wrote an extensive post on deadbugs HERE that you can check out. Namely, I go into a bit more detail on their benefits and demonstrate where most people go awry in their execution.

I’ll give you a hint: back position and BREATHING!!!

And to toss another talking point into the fire: we can break breathing down into two separate categories. How I teach someone to breath as it relates to force development and performance (sympathetic activity) is 180 degrees the polar opposite compared to how I go about coaching someone to breath for stability, alignment, and relaxation (parasympathetic activity).

This is something I plan on delving a bit more into at a later time. There’s a ginormous onion to peel back with that discussion!

Stay tuned.

Photo Credit: postbear

Nevertheless, I wanted to share a new deadbug variation that I came across recently that I think you’ll all enjoy.

Core Activated Deadbug w/ KB

Who Did I Steal It From: Crossfit Coolidge Corner coach, Andrea Rodgers

What Does It Do: Assuming you’ve got your deadbug technique down like a boss (for the love of god, just read THIS), this variation serves as a nice progression to further engage the core, which in turn helps to encourage more posterior pelvic tilt, but also adds a nice scapular stability component into the mix as well.

Key Coaching Cues: It’s important to start from the fetal position as shown in the video to help get the KB into place. Using a lighter load won’t be that much of a deal breaker – I don’t care how you get the KB into place – but the heavier you go, the more likely you’ll put undue stress on the shoulder (especially anteriorly) if you DO NOT start on your side and roll to your back.

I know it seems borderline nit-picky, but it does make a huge difference.

The arm holding the KB should be locked and in a straight line (be cognizant not to hyperextend your elbow).  You don’t need to “pack” your shoulder per se, but rather just think about “setting” it in place (scapular posterior tilt). Knuckles should be flush to the ceiling to ensure a neutral wrist position.

From there you’ll perform your standard deadbug keeping the arm holding the KB in place and lowering the same sided leg and contralateral arm. As always, be sure to keep the lower back against the floor, inhale before you start (both your belly AND ribcage should move), and then exhale your air as you lower your limbs.

Once fully extended – your lower back should still be flush against the floor – the heel of the lowered leg should “hover” an inch or so off the floor, and you’ll hold that position for a 2-5s count.

Return back to the starting position, inhaling as you do so, and repeat for a total of 5-8 repetitions. Perform the same process on the opposite side.

Give it a try today and let me know what you think!


PT Prophet Podcast and Pallof Presses

I’m back home in Boston after spending the weekend in Sterling, VA (just outside of DC) where Dean Somerset and I had the honor of presenting our two-day Excellent High-Five Workshop at Underground Athlete to a group of 30 coaches and trainers – a few of which traveled all the way from Alabama and Massachusetts.

Giving credit where it’s due, I wanted to thank Underground Athlete owner Justin Case, his soon-to-be wife Cristal (they’re getting married in April, which led to a bit of wedding talk since Lisa and I set our date for late May), and the rest of UA coaching staff for being such gracious and welcoming hosts.

Photo Credit:

I know I can speak for Dean in saying that we had an incredibly engaged group this past weekend, and a large reason for that was due to Justin and his staff helping to set the tone and for having such insatiable appetites to learn.

It was two-days chock full of assessments, taking people through the ropes (and learning that things like crawls, deadbugs, and birddogs are, in fact, challenging when done right), squats, deadlifts, talking about fascial lines, and me mistakingly using the word “intercourse” for “discourse” at one point, which made for some good laughs.

Plus, it didn’t hurt that they facility itself was/is beautiful (pretty much an athlete’s or serious weightlifter’s wet dream)  and that there was enough beef jerky on hand to feed a small army.

One of the highlights for me – albeit a seemingly random one – was watching Justin and his staff spend a legit half hour yesterday after the workshop trying to one-up one another other with various athletic feats. Vertical jumps, broad jumps, 1-legged broad jumps, back flips, and a host of other shenanigans. Hell I’m surprised they didn’t attempt to run through a pane of glass to see 1) who could do it and 2) who could do it while being set on fire. And juggling swords.

It was just really cool to see the camaraderie and enthusiasm amongst the coaching staff.

Also, it was great to catch up with a few friends.

Steve and Kelsey Reed, two excellent VA/DC based coaches at SAPT Strength, and who some of you may recall got engaged on this very blog, attended this past weekend’s workshop. 

I also had the chance to finally meet DC-based physical therapist and Girls Gone Strong contributor, Ann Wendel (and her fabulous shoes!).

She, her husband, Dean and I met up for some good eats.


Shout out to Mokomandy located in Sterling for their delicious food (particularly their pot roast sliders.  UNBELIEVABLE!!!!). I highly recommend checking it out if you live in that area.


As is the case every time I travel, the day after I pretty much want to curl up on the couch with a vat of tea and watch Walking Dead episodes.  There’s that and the umpteen million programs I need to write (give or take), in addition to some writing projects I need to get a head start on.

Note to my editors: please be patient…..;o)

Instead of writing a full blog post today, I wanted to share with you a few things that popped up on the internet that I was involved with.

1. PT Prophet Podcast

I had the opportunity to hop on a call with Hayden Wilson, the host of the PT Prophet Podcast, a few weeks ago and had a blast!

The podcast is geared towards personal trainers and fitness professionals who want to learn more about online training, internet marketing, and how to build your own brand/business.

We covered a lot of material, but the gist of it was to cover Cressey Sports Performance (and what I feel separates it from the masses as far as private training facilities are concerned), training athletes, my mentors, how I developed my writing style, and a plethora of other stuff.

Like I mentioned above, I had blast doing it and if you’re sitting there at work bored out of your mind, pop on some headphones and give it a listen HERE.

2. The Ultimate Pallof Press Guide 

Anyone who’s read my site for any length of time knows how much I like Pallof Presses. I’d go so far to say that myself and Eric Cressey are the two guys who helped popularize the movement and introduce it to the masses back in the day.

In this article which I wrote for I discuss not only where the name “Pallof Press” comes from, but why I feel it’s one of the best core exercise out there in addition to offering several ways to vary things up.

I’d also like to take this moment to put forth a motion that Jen Jewell – the lovely female model for the article – from this day forward, must demonstrate every exercise I discuss on this website. No excuses.

Can we make it a law or something? Seriously, gun control can wait. Priorities people!


Welcome to the New!

Why heeeeeeeello there! Sorry I’ve been out of the loop this week as far as writing prowess is concerned, but as you may or may not know, I’ve been up to a few things.

For starters, as I type these very words I’m en route to Washington, DC for mine and Dean Somerset’s Excellent High Five Workshop hosted by Underground Athlete in Sterling, VA.

We’re expecting a group of 25-30 coaches and trainers this weekend who will have a front row seat to whatever it is Dean and I feel like talking about for two days.

Assessment, corrective exercise – what it is (coaching correct movement) and what it is not (99.7% of the stuff involving a BOSU ball) – program design, coaching up some popular exercises (deadlift, squat, swings, get-ups), breaking down the latest season of Top Chef, it’s all fair game.

We always look forward to these events and we’re both just as excited to learn from all the various coaches who are going to be in attendance as they are to learn from us.

Second, and most obvious of all, HOLY SHIT look at the new digs!!!!!!

I gave a few minor hints that some aesthetic changes would be happening to the site sooner or later, and well, here you go.

1. Giving credit where it’s due: hats off to the people over at Copter Labs for doing yet another amazing job with everything. I worked with them four years ago when I wanted to step up my game with this website, and when it came time to up the ante again and take things to G6 status, it was an easy choice to elicit their expertise.

And it’s on that note I wanted to take a few moments today to provide some “house warming” introductions.

Gone is the ginormous picture cemented on the home page of me in the prototypical I’m-a-badass-strength-coach-with-my-arms-folded-in-front-of-me-look-at-my-biceps-LOOK-AT-THEM!!!! stance.


No one really wants to look at my ugly mug, especially me. Instead, I opted for more subtle and candid pictures of me coaching, as well as a few of me being me.

2. Contrary to the previous site, there’s now a homepage where people can peruse the services I have to offer, products I produce (and like), as well as sign up for my newsletter.

Subtle Hint —> You should sign up for my newsletter!! <— Subtle Hint

You can do so right on the Home Page.

3. When you sign up for the newsletter, you’ll immediately receive my Pick Things Up PDF, a 20-page ebook containing musings and miscellany on deadlifts.

In addition, in the days after you sign up, you’ll also be privy to a 10-minute video I filmed on deadlifting technique, as well as an offer to purchase Month #1 of my Pick Things Up deadlift specialization program on

And in case you’re wondering: I’m not an asshat.  I won’t spam you relentlessly, and I promise that my newsletter will (mostly) be used to update you on me (cause it’s all about me), provide additional unique content, and to appraise you to how many many days on Star Wars Episode VII comes out.

4. Just like the previous site, there’s an extensive Resources page that highlights all the websites, books, DVDs, and other resources I heart.

5. Different from the original site is a separate area where I’m going to write more “Off-Topic” content – appropriately titled “Miscellany.” I know I tend to go off on non-fitness tangents on the regular blog, but in this new area I’ll do that and then some.

Sometimes I get tired of writing about fitness and would rather talk about movies, restaurants Lisa and I visit, travel, old school 90210 episodes, or I don’t know, my cat.

Either way, this area will serve as a sort of experiment on my end and will be something I hope you will enjoy as well. Check it out HERE.

And that’s it. I’d love to hear any feedback you’d have to offer. Like the new look? Hate it? Wish I would just shut down the site, sell all my personal belongings, travel the world aimlessly, fight bad-doers, and meditate like David Carradine in Kung-Fu?

Well maybe I will!!!!  You never listen to me anyways, it’s like I don’t even exist!!! You’re ruining my life!!!

***Slams door***

Update (10 minutes later): Remember a few minutes ago when I yelled at you, and slammed the door in your face back? I was just hangry. I ate some eggs and now I feel better. You know I love you, right? Hugs?

But seriously, I’d love to hear what you think of the new site.