This will officially be my last blog post as a single man.
I’m only posting this pic because the second we started talking wedding plans and was all like, “Babe, you know what would be really cool, if we…..” Lisa immediately stomped any plans for Star Wars anything. So I post this as a way to say, “what could have been.” It’s all good, though. I’ll figure out some way to reference LoTR. “One ring…….”
The funny thing is: I’ve had several people in the last few weeks say something along the lines of “oh, well, enjoy your singledom while it lasts. Your life is over!” when I tell them I’m getting married. I understand it’s all said in jest, and I play along, but I still find it a strange thing to say to someone when they’re about to embark on one of their most important (and happiest) days of their life.
If anything: I could argue my life is only just getting started!
In any case it’s going to be an amazing next few days, and I’m so grateful and appreciative for all the friends and family who have made it down here to Florida to watch Lisa and I get married.
Speaking of which, I have a handful of industry peeps attending the wedding and I figured it would be fitting to highlight some of my favorite articles of theirs (past or current) as the theme for this week’s Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work.
NOTE: As some of you may or may not know, I’m getting married this weekend. As such, I’m going to be a little hit and miss as far as how often I update the blog for the next week or so. I’m going to be too busy eating my fair share of carrot cake and *ahem* partaking in extracurricular activities…;O)
Today is a RE-POST of an article I published last year on the site. It’s without question one of the more popular posts ever published on For anyone who missed it the first time around (or is new to the site), enjoy!
Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Seattle based blogger and writer, Sophia Herbst. I first crossed paths with Sophia- via the interwebz – a few months ago when I read her outstanding article on the Huffington Post 1200 Calories.
I included it as part of my Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work series and low and behold, Sophia reached out to thank me for sharing and to say that the feelings were mutual: she was a big fan of my work as well.
We pretty much became internet BFFs at that point.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago and she reached out again to see if I’d be interested in contributing to an article she was writing on CrossFit. We exchanged several emails – along with some inappropriate (to share) commentary – and I asked if she’d be down with writing a piece for my site. She was more than happy to oblige.
She’s an amazing writer. I don’t use that compliment lightly. And while I’m not a woman, as a man, it was almost impossible for me not to nod my head in agreement with everything she had to say below.
Also, just a heads up: there is some not-so-PG-13 language involved. Deal with it.
An Open Letter to Everyone Who Has Told Women “Don’t Get Too Muscular.”
I have been strength training for about two years now. Before that, I was a starvation-dieter.
I began dieting around the age of 13 or 14. My freshman year of high school I discovered I no longer fit into size zero jeans andbam!Diet time. By the time I hit 21, the years of self-imposed malnutrition had left me at 100lbs, able to easily wrap my thumb & middle finger around my upper arm (“bicep” doesn’t seem like the appropriate word) and unable to open jars, heavy doors, or windows by myself.
Why am I telling you this?
During my seven years of starvation-dieting, I wasnever oncetold, “don’t get too thin”.
In contrast, during my two years of strength training I have been told, “don’t get too muscular” countless times.
The first time it happened to me, I had excitedly been telling someone about my new squat PR. Weighing in at a (finally) healthy 125, I had just squatted 100lbs. I was in the middle of explaining “my goal is a bodyweight back squat-” when I was interrupted with a “well, don’t get too muscular now”.
Being new to strength training, thiscrushedme.
For an awful few days it took my focus away from becoming stronger, and back to measuring myself by the gauge of “is my body pleasing for others to look at?”
After I got over it, my dismay turned into anger – no – absolutefuryat this society in which42% of girls 5-8 years old want to be thinner, and 10 million women are battling eating disorders(source), yet we hear the words “don’t get too muscular” far more often than “don’t get too thin.”
Now, while this unsolicited “advice” is generally never welcome nor appreciated, it brings up two issues: The encouragement of female weakness, and the lack of respect for female body autonomy.
One: Culturally-Encouraged Female Weakness
Let me tell you right now, women who strength train knowhow hard it is to build muscle.
If you tell a woman who strength trains “don’t get too muscular” then congratulations! You have just ousted yourself as a totally ignorant fool who doesn’t even lift.
The problem is that women whodon’tstrength traindon’tknow how hard it is to build muscle, and so this phrase, “don’t get too muscular” will seriously deter them from ever picking up heavy things in the first place.
This is a big problem. Naomi Wolf explains it better than I ever could:
“A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty, but an obsession about female obedience.Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.”
When women strength train, it is an act of borderline social disobedience. “Don’t get too muscular” is the phrase of choice used by people who are threatened by strong women to put them “back in their place”.
And it’s working.
We have three generations & counting of women who have been brainwashed intovoluntarilyphysically debilitating themselves.
Three generations of women who have been more focused on losing weight than running for government. Three generations of women have would rather be thin than intelligent. Three generations of women that would rather let the men-folk open jars for them, rather than develop the strength to open jars for themselves.
Now, I amnot advocating that people start going around, accosting teenage girls with desperate pleas of “don’t get too thin! Put some meat on dem bones!” But to be completely honest, I probably would have benefited very much if Ihadreceived the message “don’t get too thin” at some point in my adolescence.
So. If you are going to sayanythingto a woman about her body (which you shouldn’t be doing in the first place, as I am about to explain), “don’t get too thin” is 1000% preferable over the completely moronic “don’t get too muscular”.
Two: Lack of Respect for Female Body Autonomy
Why do people think it’s appropriate to tell women what they can & can’t do with their bodies in the first place? What makes someone think it’s perfectly acceptable to tell a woman “don’t get too muscular”?
This is an issue that’s been going on since the dawn of time, with female body autonomy being disrespected from reproductive rights, to personal space in public places, to -yes – appearance, weight, & fitness.
Most tellingly, no woman – no matter what kind of body she has – is immune from invasive suggestions on how she should be caring for her body. Women who strength train are warned against getting too “bulky”, “muscular”, or (my absolute favorite) “manly”.
Women who are on the larger side by far endure the most unwanted commentary. From people remarking on what’s in their shopping carts, to what they should order at a restaurant, to what type of exercise they should be doing, to what they should be wearing whilst exercising… it never stops. Even thin women can’t escape the self-appointed body police, who unhelpfully pester them to eat more because “men like women with curves”.
If you are a man, and the idea of a random passerby raising knowing eyebrows at your gut whilst commenting on your ice-cream cone sounds invasive and preposterous – that’s because itisinvasive and preposterous. You are just lucky enough to not experience it every day.
Sometimes multiple times a day.
Men, for the most part, do not have to entertain this type of “well-intentioned” advice, because people actually respect male body autonomy. This is something that women would like to enjoy as well.
The people who tell women what they should do with their bodies are, frankly, so arrogant they believe their “benevolent suggestions” are actually doing the woman a favor.
Y’know, helpingus be more attractive to potential mates.
This completely disregards the fact that women do not exist to be aesthetically pleasing for others, and we (this may surprise some) often do things for ourselves.
Which brings me full circle to my anecdote in the beginning, about the first time someone interrupted my squat-excitement to not-so-helpfully remind me to avoid bulky she-man status.
Women who strength train are doing it for themselves, not for you. Women who lift weights have already eschewed social norms by touching iron in the first place, and I guarantee they give negative fucks about your opinions on their bodies.
So next time you are tempted to “help” a woman by telling her not to deadlift things becauseyoudon’t like muscular women, remember that nobody cares about your stupid boner.Especiallynot the lady deadlifting 200lbs in the gym tank that says “GET SWOLE”.
But even more importantly than not telling this to women who already have the ability to overhead press your girlfriend, don’t say it to women who aren’t strength training yet(like your girlfriend). Because chances are, with every “don’t get too muscular” a girl hears, weight gets added to the already-heavily weighted scales that tip women away from becoming strong, healthy, and powerful, and towards a life of cardio, carrot sticks, and misery.
And no woman deserves that.
*** Be sure to check out Sophia’s bio below and to find out how to read more of her stuff!!!
Note from TG
At this point, if you’re a woman reading this who has little experience with strength training (or if you’re a friend, family member, or significant other of someone who’s expressed interest) you may be wondering to yourself, “well, where do I start? I don’t know my ass from my acetabulum, let alone how to perform a squat or deadlift correctly! And, how often should I workout? How much weight should I lift? Is it okay to train two days in a row? OMG DID I LEAVE THE STOVE ON THIS MORNING!!?!?!?!?!”
Deep breaths! Relax.
Lucky for you I have a lot of smart, genuine, and highly respected friends in the fitness industry (male and female) who have gone out of their way to provide some fantastic resources for women.
This is one of the most comprehensive “female-targeted” products out there. Not only do you get a “how to” guide to strength training, but a full-blown nutritional manual written by Dr. Cassandra Forsythe. No 1200 kcal diets here!
A bit more “sciency,” but still a fantastic resource for any woman looking to get stronger and building herideal body.
About the Author
Sophia Herbst is a Seattle-based freelance writer, blogger, and proud feminist. When she’s not writing for Cody, a health & fitness startup, she’s changing the conversation about social & cultural issues through her blog.
Before I get into the meat and potatoes of today’s post (it’s going to be a quick one because I’m t-minus ONE day before I leave Boston and fly down to Florida to get married. Of course, I have yet to pack. And I have every intention of spending my last day in Boston as a single man living life dangerously: writing in a coffee shop), I wanted to fill everyone in on some speaking dates.
Dean Somerset and I have started penciling in dates for this year’s version of “Dean and Tony Talk About Stuff.”
We’ve already confirmed the following dates:
– Edmonton, Alberta (< – that’s in Canada) at SVPT Fitness & Athletics on August 22nd and 23rd.
– St. Louis, MO at Blue Ocean Fitness the weekend of September 26th-27th.
– Chicago, IL at Rebell Strength and Conditioning the weekend of October 17th-18th.
And we’re in the process of confirming dates and locations in both Austin, TX (Nov) and the LA/Anaheim area (Dec), respectively.
We’re pretty much giving every boy band a run for their money in terms our travel schedule this Fall. Except with no tour bus, 5-star accommodations, media hype, or groupies.
Nonetheless, we’re really excited and looking forward to unveiling our new Complete Hip & Shoulder Workshop to the masses.
For more information regarding itinerary and sign-ups go HERE.
Note: you’ll need to scroll down and click on each respective location to sign-up.
Turning Pro
When I was in NYC a few weekends ago a friend of mine recommended I pick up Steven Pressfield’s book, Turning Pro.
Having previously read The War of Art, and loving every freakin page of it (and recommending it to numerous friends and colleagues), it’s not as if I needed heavy convincing to give Turning Pro a go.
The book is all about what it takes to “turn pro,” what it means, and how to get out of your own way and create your life’s work.
Pressfield describes what he calls “shadow careers,” or careers which many people default towards either due to an overwhelming sense of fear of stepping outside their comfort zone or because they lack the courage (most often, work ethic) to pursue their true passion.
We all know someone (or have heard the stories) of Jack from accounting who, rather than take risks, spent his entire adult life in a cubicle hating life and playing solitaire rather than filling out his TPS reports.
He got really good at solitaire. And before he knew it, he was 55, with a passionless job (and often a passionless life).
This isn’t to say there aren’t accountants or desk jockeys out there who don’t thoroughly enjoy what they do and view that as their life calling. But, it’s a gleaming example of a far too common reality: People parlaying into a “shadow career” when they’d rather be a writer, dentist, entrepreneur, fashion designer, mechanic, or, I don’t know, someone who trains bomb-sniffing dolphins.
Pressfield himself relayed stories of being a truck driver and cab driver before he “turned pro.” He had written countless novels and screenplays – all of which admittedly sucked (his words, not mine) – before he “turned pro.”The book, in not so many words, is all about putting on your big boy (or girl) pants, growing up, and understanding that it’s going to take a lot of hard, arduous, work and effort (and innumerable failures) to create your life’s work.
It’s all about fighting the urge to stay an amateur, and the obstacles we have to overcome to curtail or better yet, conquer, that massive hump.
It’s resisting the urge to settle.
The book is rife with quotable quotes. I’d argue Pressfield rivals Dan John in that department. But I wanted to share one quote which struck a chord with me, because I feel it has a lot of overlap with what I see is a common practice in the fitness industry.
The Amateur is Easily Distracted
“The amateur has a long list of fears. Near the top are two:
Solitude and silence.
The amateur fears solitude and silence because she needs to avoid, at all costs, the voice inside her head that would point her toward her calling and her destiny. So she seeks distraction.
The amateur prizes shallowness and shuns depth. The culture of Twitter and Facebook is paradise for the amateur.”
I can’t even begin to tell you how many stars and asterisks I scribbled onto that page.
Lesson to be Learned (Listen Up)
If the health and fitness industry is truly your calling……..
……….You’re not (really) as important as you think you are.
Just because you wrote an article with a lot of “Likes” and you’ve accumulated a lot of “friends” on social media, doesn’t mean you’ve made it.
Likewise, just because you write about health and fitness and have a voice and audience (which IS an accomplishment, I’m not denying that), it doesn’t mean you’re a pro.
Bragging about Twitter followers and placing far too much precedence on “marketing” yourself on Facebook, most specifically when you’re new to the industry, is pointless.
All you’re doing is hiding and not really doing anything.
Likewise, and maybe this is my own biased, old-school opinion, unless you’re actually coaching people – like, in real life – don’t write an article titled “How to Get More Clients” or “X Mistakes Someone Makes Doing X Exercise.”
How would you even know?
The difference between a “pro” and an “amateur” in this context – in the fitness world at least, – is that a pro actually get results.
I think it was a year or two ago when the term “thigh gap” was all the rage.
It seemed I couldn’t log onto any of my social media accounts or peruse the internet without being bombarded by the phrase. The premise was pretty dumb.
Women (not all of them mind you) were transfixed by the notion that a “healthy” or ideal body was dictated by the “gap” between her thighs. If you didn’t have it, you weren’t one of the cool kids. And you were an evil person with no friends.
Countless articles were written and many mind-numbingly, soul-crushing stories were shared on various media outlets describing, in detail, how to achieve this (what I’d like to call) unattainable (pointless?) look.
It set back female fitness 15 years. If not more.
Basically, if Susan B. Anthony were still alive today she would have Sparta kicked CNN, Fox News, The Today Show, YouTube, Tracy Anderson, and every editor of every fitness magazine or website who took this trend seriously.
And now it’s the guys turn.
Introducing “Dad Bod.”
I don’t know how it started or who started it….but it’s equally as annoying as thigh gap.
In short: apparently it’s now “in” to be average; or maybe a better term is “just there.” I guess women prefer non (overly) muscular dudes now.
If I had to guess, though, it’s not that women prefer non-muscular dudes…they just prefer a guy who’s entire life doesn’t revolve around his training schedule, posting selfie picks from the gym locker room, and/or shitting a gluten free Paleo brick if he eats a brownie on the weekend.
Lets be honest: at the end of the day, what does all of this even mean? Some women prefer bald heads. Some women prefer hairy chests. Some women prefer dudes with abs, others not so much. I’m willing to bet there’s even some women out there who go bat-shit crazy for dudes with a third nipple.
None of it really matters in the end. People like what they like.
But who wants to venture a guess that the “Dad Bod” trend was started by some random guy who’s not remotely muscular; or maybe just really frustrated that he’s spent the past five years in the gym with little to show for his efforts?
It’s like me saying “hey, ladies, don’t mind that guy driving the Porsche. It’s allllllll about the Hyundai Elantra.”
In all seriousness, it’s all good in my book. I don’t care what society tells me is ideal, and I certainly don’t care what people find attractive or what makes them feel like the best version of themselves possible.
If a guy doesn’t want abs or pecs that can cut diamonds, who am I to judge?
Interestingly, it’s kind of eff’ed up that at one end of the spectrum (women) we’re told that the ideal body-type is this more or less unattainable thing that’s highly dictated by genetics and one’s own unique anatomy and anthropometry (and that maybe 1-2% of the population could achieve anyways); and at the other end (men) we’re told “eh, that’s good enough. You’re already there dude.”
Gotta love double-standards.
Putting things into perspective: you’re on a site who’s theme is “because heavy things won’t lift themselves,” so it’s safe to assume you’re someone who’s interested in muscle, looking good neked, and not being average.
My good buddy, Bryan Krahn, wrote an excellent post not too long ago on how to help guys with “Dad-Bod.” You can check it out HERE.
To reiterate my mindset towards the trend (and to steal a line from Bryan):
“For those who don’t know, a “Dad Bod” describes a guy whose body isn’t fat or thin, but somewhere in-between. Physically he’s just like, you know, whatever.
You might assume that I would rail against this movement, say that it’s lame or weak or unmanly.
On the contrary. I think it’s fine. Provided it’s how you want to be.”
There’s really nothing revolutionary with regards to the best approach to fixing “Dad Bod” if that’s something you’re interested in. Dial in your nutrition, don’t eat like an a-hole, train for both strength and hypertrophy, train hard and with intent, and be consistent.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
You’ll look like The Rock in no time flat. Or 15-20 years.
I find it’s the whole consistency factor that acts as the monkey-wrench for most trainees. We’re far too impatient and want results now, dammit!
If one’s consistent and puts in the work…almost always good things are bound to happen.
However, lets say you’re there.
You have abs, you have that vein running down the front of your bicep that many guys covet, and you have a posterior chain that would make any person weak in the knees.
But you’re still having a hard time taking things to the next level. You just can’t seem to shed those last 5-10 lbs of fat.
It’s here where things get a little more complicated. It’s at this point where paying attention to the more intricate, finer details – things like macronutrient breakdown, meal timing, hormones (leptin, ghrelin, growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen, cortisol), and varying training parameters enter the picture.
And here’s your answer, and something that will scissor kick “Dad Bod” in the face.
The OMEGA Body Blueprint
My good friend and ambassador to all things sexification and fat loss, John Romaniello, launched his latest project – The OMEGA Body Blueprint– last week. It’s the perfect answer to anyone looking to take their physique to the next echelon of “Dad Bod” pwnage.
Everything you need from both the training AND nutritional side of things is covered. And like I said: if there’s anyone I’d trust with body composition advice, it’s Roman.
The last day of the sale is TODAY,1 May 25th, so act quick before it ends.
While I’d like to sit here and say the whole event entails Vegas, Victoria Secret models, vodka, and F-16 fighter jets (in no particular order)….lets just say there’ll be no jets.
Or Vegas.
Or models.
Vodka? Probably.
Either way, fingers crossed the night won’t turn into some replay from the movie The Hangover where I get stuck on the rooftop of the “Pru” in downtown Boston while the rest of the guys wake up the following morning in a haze of confusion trying to piece together the previous night’s shenanigans.
Part of the plot of The Hangover included Mike Tyson (and his pet tiger). Ironically, Saturday night starts with the bunch of us heading to Agganis Arena to watch good friend and CSP athlete, Danny O’Connor, fight.
I don’t think Danny has a pet tiger.
Anyways, it’s going to be an awesome night. I can’t wait.
If there’s anyone I’d label a “fat loss guru” it’s my good friend (and fellow nerd), “Roman.” TheOMEGA Body Blueprint is the direct descendent of his breakout hit from a few years ago, Final Phase Fat Loss.
Full Disclosure: I haven’t done this program personally. But I know John, I know his programming style, and I know he always puts out quality information and content.
I’ve been able to peruse the program, and it’s top-notch.
This is an advanced fat loss program, however. The idea here is that it’s harder to lose those last 5-15 lbs than it is the first 20, 30, or even 50 lbs.
This program is designed to target those “trouble areas,” the stubborn fat (for lack of a better term), and it does so by explaining the relationship of certain hormones in the body – leptin, ghrelin, testosterone, estrogen, to name a few – and how each can be manipulated (via specific training & nutrition protocols, heavy emphasis on the latter) for improved body composition.
If you’re looking to lock yourself in and really take your fat-loss efforts to the next level, John is your man.
The OMEGA Body Blueprint has been on sale all week, and the sale ENDS THIS SATURDAY (May 23rd). Don’t miss out. Check it out HERE.
There’s a reason why caffeine is the world’s #1 stimulant. Well, the world’s #1 legal stimulant anyways…..;o)
Does it work? Yep.
Does it have benefits? Absolutely.
But, there are limitations, and this nice summary helps explains some of them. Be sure to check out the links for even more astoundingly thorough information and research!
Better yet: sign up for’s Supplement-Goals Reference, hands down the best, most researched, UN-BIASED supplement resource in existence.
I heart paused deadlifts. I’ve written about them myself HERE. I feel they provide a tremendous amount of benefits and serve as a perfect accessory movement when needed.
Adam can deadlift 700+ lbs, you should listen to him.
You could say we know shoulders at Cressey Sports Performance.
Because we work with a ton of overhead athletes (and a lot of meatheads who have the uncanny ability to extend “bench day” to 4x per week), we’ve taken it upon ourselves to learn everything there is to know about the shoulder. Give or take.
Everything from assessment and corrective exercise strategies to program design and effective ways to soften the blow when you tell someone with limited shoulder flexion that performing barbell snatches probably isn’t a good fit for them (“Dude, you can’t lift your arms above your head!”)…it’s all in a days work at CSP.
Take the picture above for example.
To the untrained eye that looks like a normal, beefy back.2 Those “x’s” you see aren’t some weird, hipster, tribal tattoo whateverthef***. Nor do they reflect some kind of pentagon fetish.
They’re actually marks used to highlight “landmarks” of the scapulae. The outer x’s mark both the superior and inferior border of the medial border of the scapulae.
A few things to note:
1. Scissor hand didn’t chop off this person’s head.
2. The right shoulder is lower (which plays into some of the “predictive” patterns you’ll find under the Postural Restoration Institute philosophy).
3. On BOTH sides you’ll note the inferior border is INSIDE the superior border, speaking to more of a downwardly rotated scapulae.
4. You’ll also note more of a “depressed” presentation of the entire shoulder girdle/complex (notice the sloped shoulders?). An easy way to ascertain this information is to compare where the AC joint lies in relation to the SC (sternoclavicular) joint.
In a “normal” presentation, the AC joint is (typically) 1-1.5 inches above the SC joint. In this example it’s even (see pic below).
[Note: I put “normal” in quotations because even if someone presents as “normal,” that doesn’t mean they’re in the clear or that they’re not symptomatic with pain. The person above had no pain. But it’s clear, statically, that they present with less than ideal alignment. What a loser!]
Don’t worry: that loser is me.
Anyways, the example above was just to prove a point:
1. I can spell scapulae correctly.
2. Shoulder assessment sometimes takes a keener eye for detail.
3. It served as a nice segue to today’s Exercises You Should Be Doing.
When working with overhead athletes (and pretty much everyone for that matter) there’s a group of criteria we’re generally (not always) trying to address:
Lack of scapular upward rotation (and subsequently poor eccentric control of downward rotation), poor external rotation strength, lat dominance, poor shoulder flexion, classic Upper Cross Syndrome (shortened muscles anteriorly, lengthened/weak muscles posteriorly), poor tissue quality, alignment issues, and gluten intolerance…because, why not?
Gluten is blamed for everything else nowadays.
The two exercises below are two that I “stole” from physical therapist Sue Falsone, and are ones that provide a lot of bang-for-our-corrective-training-buck with regards to improving shoulder function, performance, and health.
Wall Windshield Wipers
What Does It Do: Helps strengthen/activate posterior cuff, helps with driving more scapular posterior tilt, strengthens glenohumeral external rotation, and provides a nice stretch to the anterior musculature (pecs, namely) which are often short/stiff.
Key Coaching Cues: It’s important to OWN RIB POSITION <– something I discuss HERE). What you don’t want to happen is to drive through lumbar hyperextension and allow the ribcage to flair out too a large degree. This creates a poor zone of apposition, which then starts a cascade effect where we start talking about the Posterior Mediastinum and how over-extension will “inhibit” our nervous system and affect diaphragmatic function.
It’s a deep, dark, rabbit hole that I don’t want to get into here. Just don’t do it…mmmm kay?
Chin stays tucked. Wrist must stay neutral throughout. Pretend like you’re making the number “11” with your arms.
Also, be sure to protract away from the wall which will help activate the serratus anterior.
You want to drive movement through the elbows. If you drive through the wrists they won’t stay neutral, and you fail at life.
There won’t be a ton of ROM here, so don’t judge this exercise by how much distance you achieve. The bread and butter of this exercise (to me at least) is protracting away from the wall, attaining the posterior tilt of the scapulae, and then CONTROLLING the return back.
Band Wall Walks
What Does It Do: I consider this a progression from the Windshield Wiper, albeit in this context we’re trying to drive more scapular upward rotation and learning to control, eccentrically, downward rotation.
Key Coaching Cues: Much the same as above. Watch for lumber hyperextension and owning rib position. Start with your arms emulating the number “11,” protract away from the wall, provide a bit of external rotation to the band, and then “walk” your arms up gradually.
Don’t go too high!
I like to tell people to stop when their elbows reach eye-level. From there work your way back to the starting position by CONTROLLING the movement; don’t just allow your arms to fall back down into position.
With both exercises I’m more inclined to do these as part of an extended warm-up, as their own corrective approach, or as a “filler” in between sets of squats or deadlifts.
Windshield Wipers: sets of 8-10 reps
Wall Walks: sets of 3-5 “walks” (up and down).
Give them a try today and let me know what you think.
Where: Champion Physical Therapy and Performance located in Waltham, MA
Why: Because I said so!
In all seriousness, there aren’t many events geared towards fitness professionals which 1) purposely stay small in order to keep things more personable and 2) include both a lecture and hand-on component as part of its itinerary.
This is an event where you’ll not only have the opportunity to learn from some of the top coaches (and minds) in the field of Star Wars trivia, giving hugs, personal training, strength & conditioning, physical therapy, business, and marketing…but you’ll also have chance to use this as an opportunity to network and build your own “inner circle.”
Who’s Presenting: Well there’s myself. I’ll be discussing program design. More specifically I’ll discuss some “big rock” themes I feel many fitness professionals overlook. For better or worse, far too many coaches and trainers are more interested in writing “entertaining” programs rather than programs that are effective.
I’ll also be coaching people up on deadlifts. So there’s that.
And there may or may not be an impromptu dance-off. Come prepared.
Artemis Scantalides will covering a topic titled “Debunk the “Bulking” Myth and Help Your Clients Build Self-Efficacy For Success.”
Mike Reinold’s (who’s facility is hosting the event) topic is “Integrating Corrective Exercises With Performance Enhancement.
And then there’s Ryan Ketchum who’s topic is titled “Accelerated Fat Loss Strategies.”
Cost: What I like about ETW is that they go out of their way to make these events very affordable. For the price of what it would cost to go to a really nice steak dinner for two ($149, early bird special), you can gain over six hours of information and knowledge that will help grow your business and client base.
I had the pleasure of attending the Boston Sports Medicine Performance Group (BSMPG) annual conference this past weekend at Northeastern University.
First off: props to Art Horne for pulling off – yet again – another spectacular job organizing and hosting the event. You, sir, deserve this:
Second off: this is easily one of the more “high-level” events of the year on the fitness calendar, and I can’t speak highly enough to the caliber and quality of not only the speakers, but the attendees as well.
Ever have that feeling you’re the dumbest person in the room? Well that was me this past Friday with guys like Bill Hartman, Charlie Weingroff, Pat Davidson, Eric Oetter, Dr. James Anderson, and the pencil sharpener located at the front of the room all under one roof.
If you’ve never heard of the event, now you have…and I’d highly encourage you to try to make the trip to Boston next Spring.
If you have heard of the event, and you’ve never made the trip, to you I say……..
Get it done next year.
You won’t be disappointed.
Okay, so, lets talk about stress.
Well, for starters it’s something that affects allof us in some form or another. And secondly, one of the keynote speakers this past weekend was the one and only Dr. Robert Sapolsky, author of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers.
He’s one of the world’s foremost experts on stress (he wrote a book about it, duh.), and someone who’s done more research on the topic than pretty much everyone, ever.
And he has an epic beard.
Which means we should listen to him.
The good doc spoke for around 90 minutes, but it felt like it was ten. It was all fascinating.
He discussed stress and how we as humans (more specifically those of us who have been around for the last 100 or so years) have changed how we react to (both physiologically and psychologically) and cope with stress.
You see, we don’t worry so much about infectious diseases in the “modern world” today. Diseases like dysentery, leprosy, and to a much smaller degree, influenza (flu)3 used to be much more of a problem back in the day.
Omitting the looney tune anti-vaxxers in the crowd, we’ve also made diseases such as polio, measles, and smallpox all but a passing memory.
Today, however, while they still exist and certainly shouldn’t be taken lightly, it’s not infectious diseases that are the leading cause(s) of death. Rather, as Dr. Sapolsky noted, it’s diseases which take their time to slowly deteriorate our bodies over the course of decades.
Heart disease, diabetes, marriage, etc…..
“Why is it when we feel someone doesn’t love us, or we feel sad or angry, we reach for the M&Ms?
If we could figure this out, we’d cure half the cases of diabetes.”
– Dr. Sapolsky
Lets begin by defining what stress is and what a stressor is.
Stress: adaptation your body mobilizes to re-establish homeostasis in the system. I’m paraphrasing here but, “hormones are released and [stuff] happens.”
Stressors: anything in the outside world that affects homeostatic balance.
For a zebra this can be being chased by a lion. For humans this can refer to tax season or your S.O. wanting to sit down and “talk about feelings.”
To expound a bit further Dr. Sapolsky states:
“For a cognitively complex species (like humans and other primates), stressor is also the ANTICIPATION that a a real physical challenge is about to happen. If there really is not the threat of a physical stressor coming, then you are setting yourself up for increased risk of stress-related disease.
Is stress always bad? No – if a stressor isn’t too extreme, is only transient, and occurs in what overall feels like a benevolent environment, it’s great, we love it – that’s what play and stimulation are.”
To simplify things into Dr. Sapolsky’s “umbrella theme”:
As humans we can turn on the same stress response as a zebra getting chased by a lion, but we tend to do so from a purely psychological standpoint, and we have a hard time shutting it off.
Increase your blood pressure for 30 seconds to avoid being eaten by a lion = save your life. (And, dude, you just outran a lion. That’s baller.)
Increase your blood pressure for an extended amount of time (for whatever reason) = heart disease.
In other words: we’re being chased by the stress of a 30-year mortgage or rush hour traffic or being forced to watch Downton Abbey. It’s all the same.
And it’s killing us. Literally.
Some Other Factoids on the Stress Response
1. We often see a suppression of digestion with elevated stress levels. Short term example = dry mouth before public speaking. Also, “fat loss” isn’t quite as much of a priority when a black bear is starring you down and licking its chops.
All non-vital systems are shut down.
Interesting to note, and something that’s often misinterpreted is that stress does NOT create ulcers.
Bacteria – specifically Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) – are the main culprit. But it’s our inability for our stomach to repair itself (due to stress) which is the key.
2. Chronic stress leads to myopathy (muscle loss), lethargy, and inefficient use of energy.
Interesting Fact: having a Type A Personality (characterized by impatience, hostility, low self-esteem, among others) places someone at a higher risk of developing heart disease than smoking.
Dr. Sapolsky referred to a concept he titled TOXIC HOSTILITY which I thought was spot on and a brilliant way of explaining things.
Here in Boston I see it every day. A gleaming example was yesterday while Lisa and I were walking across the parking lot from our car to the entrance of Whole Foods.
Out of nowhere this guy started blaring on his car horn because someone had the audacity to back out of their spot and hold him up for maybe five seconds.
I mean, really?
Apparently he was that important and in that much of a rush that he had to do something about it. Which was be an asshole.
I remember when I was in London last Fall I noticed virtually no one honked their horn.
Sure it happened, on occasion…but when I brought it up to some of the attendees at the workshop I was doing they noted honking the horn was kind of frowned upon over there.
Londoners just didn’t let trivial shit affect them.
This is in stark contrast to people I know or clients I’ve had who would straight up want to punch a baby seal in the face if they didn’t perform one rep correctly during their set of squats.
Long story short: is it any wonder we have some people who drop dead of a heart attack at 45?
3. We all know exercise is “good” stress, right?
But an insane amount of exercise doesn’t lead to an insane amount of benefits.
4. Long-term, chronic stress can lead to a decrease in libido as well as act as a precursor to erectile dysfunction.
How can we tell if it’s an “organic” issue or a psychological issue?
Easy. Attach this thingamajig/sensor to the penis which, once someone hits REM sleep, will send a signal via GPS to a satellite (<- may or may not be true) and let you know if you get an erection.
In all seriousness, this is true. Once he hits REM sleep the male will elicit an erection. BOM CHICKA BOM BOM.
If he’s able to do so we know it’s NOT an organic issue, but a psychological one.
5. Stress DOES NOT lead to an increase in cancer.
Dr. Sapolsky noted that there are any number of quacks (< – his words, not mine) making a fortune on their stress reducing (“cancer reducing”) treatments.
He gives everyone permission to scissor-kick anyone in the groin if they claim stress causes cancer.
Stress Management & Coping With Stress
So how can we manage stress?
Each individual is going to find (or at least should try to find) his or her’s most ideal way of coping with stress.
Dr. Sapolsky referenced a famous study done with rats where one rat was giving a shock every so often. Not surprisingly said rat developed an ulcer.
Another rat was given the same shock, but this time there was a second rat placed inside the cage. The rat given the shock could go and take out its frustration on the second rat. There was a MUCH reduced incidence of developing an ulcer.
A third rat was given the same shock, but was given a piece of wood to gnaw on (given a hobby).
A fourth rat was given the same shock, but was given a lever to press which would greatly reduce the frequency of said shock (given a sense of control).
A fifth rat was given the same shock, but had several other “rat friends” around to groom it and to act as a social support.
In all scenarios the rate of developing an ulcer was VASTLY reduced.
The rats were given an outlet of some sort, or social support. All of which led to less psychological stress.
Relaying this information to homo sapiens, stress management does work….but there are several caveats.
1. You can’t reserve it for the weekend only. You have to make a concerted effort to implement whatever strategies you pick on a daily timeline.
2. You have to choose something you actually enjoy doing.
Meditation, lifting weights, yoga, running, gardening, reading scripture to orphaned kittens, ALL work as a mode of stress management.
But if it’s an activity you don’t gain any pleasure from, it won’t work.
3. NEVER listen to anyone who states they have scientific research to back their claims or that their brand of stress management is scientifically proven to be better.
It’s BS, and makes Dr. Sapolsky very angry. Not Hulk angry, but close.
If you’re reading this site, you’re probably a member of the former camp.
You love them.
But even if you love squats, I think it’s safe to assume that we all secretly love to hate them.
Squats aren’t easy.
They take a lot of practice, patience, and attention to detail to perform correctly. And even when all of that is taken into consideration – and you’ve anointed yourself the Ambassador of Squatting Badassery – there are still days when you step into a squat rack and it feels like riding a bike for the first time.
The sucktitude is always right around the corner.
I’ve written my fair share of articles on squat technique.
HERE’s one discussing the set-up which, more often that not, is going to be the determining factor on the success of a set.
99.94% of the time, anytime you see a technique flaw or breakdown during a set it can be attributed to a lackluster set-up.
Pigging back on the set-up conversation, HERE’s one where I discuss Active Foot vs. Passive Foot and how getting & maintaining TENSION is a huge factor in squatting success.
Annnnnd, running with the whole “setting up” theme (are you catching onto the gist that the set-up is kind of a big deal yet?) here’s a video where I discuss how cueing more of posterior pelvic tilt can help with squatting (and deadlifting) performance.
And that’s just glossing over the tip of the iceberg. Entire books and weekend seminars have been dedicated to the squat. The technique differences between all the different variations (back squat vs. front squat vs. powerlifting squat vs. ATG squats vs. high-bar squat vs. low-bar squats…..ALL vs. Godzilla), programming considerations, periodization schemes, corrective strategies….you name it, there are any number of resources out there that covers all of it.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Bret Contreras has written a 10,000 word blog post on hand position during the squat alone.
If anyone can do it, he can……;o)
There is one “thing,” however, I feel is often overlooked with regards to helping people get better at squatting and feeling more comfortable while doing it.
And yes, I realize that using the word “comfortable” in the same sentence as “squatting” is a bit of an oxymoron. Kind of like “deafening silence” or “random order” or “non-douchey Justin Bieber.”
Work with me for a second.
What’s that one “thing”?
Paused Squats
As in, actually pausing at the bottom of your squat. Not fake pausing. But actually STOPPING at the bottom.
[And maintaining good spinal position]
In Brospeak: pausing in the hole.
It’s by no means an Earth shattering suggestion, and I highly doubt it’s going to win me any “Strength Coach of the Year” Awards…but it is something I find not many people (coaches and trainers included) utilize enough.
Let me ask you this.
1. Where do most people “fail” or dump the weight when squatting?
2. What portion of the squat are most people weakest and feel less comfortable?
The bottom.
Here’s a quick video I shot yesterday of one of our female clients, Emma, who’s training for her 3rd powerlifting meet, performing her paused squats:
A Few Things To Note:
1. Most cogent to the conversation, you’ll note she comes to a complete stop. Kind of a crucial component for paused squats.
2. Generally speaking, a 1-3s pause is the goal. If we want to be super meanie-heads, we can up that to 5s holds.
3. Most important: she MAINTAINS TENSION in the bottom. Far too often I see people just kind of “hang out” in the bottom position and don’t actively use their musculature to do the work. Instead they use their passive restraints – ligaments, tendons, etc – and aren’t really doing much work to begin with.
Not coincidentally these are often the same people who complain of back pain.
It’s important to learn to stay tight throughout the entire set, even in the bottom.
4. Emma was only doing 2-3 reps per set in this case, with a relatively short pause (1-2s) so her breath didn’t play too much of a role here.
However, it’s not uncommon to have people perform paused reps for a longer duration and work on owning the position while maintaining their breath.
This is something Greg Nuckols has discussed in the past:
5. It’s also important to note that paused squats don’t always have to be performed in the lowest position. I’ve played around with having people pause at a certain point on their descent AND/OR on the ascent (out of the hole).
Practicing pauses in the hole is where I feel most people, most of the time should focus their time.
All of this to say: paused squats are an awesome way to not only help people get better at squatting (learning to get and maintain tension, increasing time under tension, even working on breathing) but also to feel more comfortable in the positions where they feel most vulnerable.
Don’t dismiss them.
Yes, you’ll need to use lower loads (I rarely ever go above 80-85% of 1RM with them, and most often stay in the 60-75% range for 3-6 sets of 4-6 reps)….but it’s the notion that paused squats will help you address a weakness in your technique that makes them so valuable in the first place.
More specifically I’m in Providence, it’s nighttime, it’s kinda-sorta late (for me anyways,(9PM4 ), and I’m hanging out in the lobby area of the hotel I’m staying in writing this post to go live tomorrow.
If you’re reading this now: hello.
Why am I in Providence you ask?
Well, I was invited to come speak at the NEHRSA (New England Health Racquet Sportsclub Association) Annual Spring Conference. I’m speaking about the shoulder tomorrow morning (er, I mean today), and how it does “stuff.”
I’ll discuss assessment, both static and dynamic, and discuss some of the key things we look for when we work with an overhead athlete at Cressey Sports Performance. I’ll then breakdown some common “big rock” things we typically need to address: lack of shoulder flexion, lack of elbow extension, propensity for joint laxity, difficulty with scapular upward rotation, and a host of other things.
I’ll showcase some corrective strategies we use, and then offer some insight on the strength training side of the fence.
And then I’ll perform an interpretive dance, ALA Napoleon Dynamite:
Don’t think I won’t do it!
And now I give you this week’s list of stuff to read…..
I felt this was an excellent perspective given by Mike. When working with beginner (and even many intermediate) lifters, and those not remotely interested in deadlifting a bulldozer, advanced periodization programs and techniques probably aren’t as necessary as we’ve been lead to believe.
There aren’t many people I trust more on the topic of fat loss than my boy John Romaniello. The man practices what he preaches, and he’s a walking, living, adonis….24/7/365.
I hate him.
He’s releasing a series of FREE videos this week as a precursor to the release of his latest project, OMEGA Body Blueprint.
This is video #2, and it breaks down five of the biggest rules to follow if you’re interested in maximum fat loss.
Full Disclosure: it’s nothing groundbreaking, but all of them are things pretty much everyone overlooks.
Like, all the time.
All you have to do is provide your email (don’t worry, you won’t be spammed to death), and you’ll get instant access to the video and PDF.
Subtitle: Millions have read the books. Millions more will see the movie. And everything you think you know about it – and women – is wrong.
I receive Entertainment Weekly in the mail every week. I remember reading this article in the magazine back in February, right as 50 Shades of Grey was hitting theaters on Valentines Day.
I remember really enjoying it. The article that is, not the movie.
Yes, I saw the movie. Considering all the depressing art-house films and kung-fu movies I’ve made Lisa watch in the six years we’ve been together, I owed her one.
It wasn’t as vomit in my mouth’ish as I thought it was going to be (great soundtrack, Dakota Johnson was good, the dude playing the billionaire Red Room guy, not so much), but it wasn’t anything I’d encourage someone to pay to go see.
Anyways, I came across the article online and thought I’d share it here because, why not?